im not weired
im crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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im not weired
im crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CrazyRandomWEIRED girl 8D
Haha I have a feeling these two could go on for a few pages on this thread ;)
but ur still rong!!!!!!im hyper crazy weired loony
no im
crazy ,hyper, out going ,crazy ,out of my mind,weired,lazzy,need to be in a rubber room!!!!!!:lol:
x_x; TheGirlWhoCanThinkOfCrazyStuffAndContinueWithoutSt opping
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!hay why im doing this is becuse im hyper!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Careful you two I don't want you guys racking up warnings on those profiles :)
k....then il stop
Crazhyperlooneyweirdtifafanlazyneedtobeinrubberroo m girl
Obsessed with a dead character :(
Im a dead person,seriuos,gothy,obsesed with death and really anoyyed by people who argue alot with me!
U like to make my sufer dont u?
No I personally love sitting in my chair hacking up blood after a surgery thats what I love, it makes me feel soo good after the hour of pain and crying I do from the pain.
this website is about to push all my bottons off.Im getting really tiked off for no reason. S**T! I just realized that m sweating and turning red...I have to calm down...
Theres no reason to get upset over a thread or forum. Life should be chill and relax, so live a little and enjoy it cause not everyone can do the same things you might be able to do
Wat?It kind of confuses me.Well the problem is that I might have this illness that make me get all mad and stuff.And im really sorry.
Dr. Worm, Interested in Things
ROFL love that song :woot:
The Scarlet Pimpernel
Dr. Rock-n-Roll
The Enchantress. Word.
Brandon Novak
fluffy the demon hunter!!
Weird arse well it says so in you sig so..
i shal call u preditor!
from avp!
the game(s) and movie(s)!!
i shall call you the correct spelling of predator