So heres how it works.
1.We choose a topic.
2.We say a sentence
3.Sentence 3 must ryhme with 1 and sentence 4 must ryhme with 2.
Here is an example.
topic= shopping mall murder

Poster #1
"One night I needed cream"
Poster #2
"I then spotted a banner"
Poster #3
"I heard a man scream"
Poster #4
"he had got hit by a hammer"
Poster #5
"I walk through the isle"
Poster #6
"I tried to be silent"
Poster #7
"I was so scared it felt like a mile"
Poster #8
"Then the man became even more violent"

etc. not the best example, but at least you get an idea.

ps: dont know if its really irish in origin, I got this game from who's line is it anyway.

Im begining.


The topic is "making dinner for someone you hate"
"I've already set the table"