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Thread: The Final Fantasy Vending Machine

  1. #91
    You recieve all the FinalFantasy games.

    *puts coin in*
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    ~Much Love To My Family~

    My singing sister Xeim
    My cool brother Doughboy

    My crazy music-loving cousin jenova33

    My awesome black mage cousin BadWolfX
    My other cousins Summon Marluxia
    The Bleach Club ~Shinobi Masters~ Yaoi Otakus of TFF

  2. #92
    Morning Always Comes The Final Fantasy Vending Machine Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    (oh w00t!!)

    you recieve.......the BLACK MATERIA!!!!!! ( careful)

    *puts coin in*

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  3. #93
    The Final Fantasy Vending Machine Omega OwA's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Inside your closet.
    You recieved 100000 Gil, spend it wisely!

    *Puts coin in*

  4. #94
    Morning Always Comes The Final Fantasy Vending Machine Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    you recieve Neo Bahamut summon. (ill remember to stay on your good side....)

    *puts coin in*

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  5. #95
    Lady of the Flowers The Final Fantasy Vending Machine Anthiena's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    You recieve 100 X-Potions

    *pops in coin*
    I stopped seeking to be sought after. That wasn't being true to myself.
    I want to become someone who can exercise power. I want to become a prince. - Kunihiko Ikuhara "Ikuni"

  6. #96
    you recieve a special sphere which is secretly recording your life so people can laugh at you

    *inserts coin*
    My Family
    My Wife - ????
    My Mother - Princess_Berry
    My Father - ????
    My Son - Craze
    My Daughter - suikoden5
    My Seymour-Loving Sister - Al_Bhed _Psycho
    My FFX and FFX-2 Loving Sisteer - FFX_FFX-2Aholic
    My Fellow AMV Making Brother - BadwolfX
    My Awesome-ness Brother - Zeke Asakura
    My Cousin(s) - Fishie
    My Legendary Bandit Uncle: Gvuz
    wanna join my family and fill it up a little then PM me please

    Watch My AMVs Here

    <center><img src=><center>


    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Please Join My Growing Forum"></a>
    Current Awesome People on my forum who are also on TFF

  7. #97
    you receive a talking vivi doll

    *puts coin in*

  8. #98
    You get a 2 free tickets to the FinalFantasyPupet show.

    *put coin in*
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    ~Much Love To My Family~

    My singing sister Xeim
    My cool brother Doughboy

    My crazy music-loving cousin jenova33

    My awesome black mage cousin BadWolfX
    My other cousins Summon Marluxia
    The Bleach Club ~Shinobi Masters~ Yaoi Otakus of TFF

  9. #99
    The Final Fantasy Vending Machine Omega OwA's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Inside your closet.
    You received Aeri(th)s's clothes!

    *Puts coin inside machine*

  10. #100
    Aww yeah! The Final Fantasy Vending Machine Wolf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    A small town on the outskirts of Madtown, WI
    You recieve a moogle charm, no random battles for you!

    *drops coin on the ground, picks it up and puts it in the machine, doesn't recieve a prize so he hits the machine*

    and out comes....

    A special shout out to my amazing TFF Family:
    Little Moogle, Darkwolf, kung fu kitty, Shadowknight241, Anachronism, Fishie,
    H.U.N.K., lazyboy708, guado_gal Dark One, Martin, TheHasteChocobo

  11. #101
    A dented can of Cloud official brand artificially flavored soda.

    *puts coin in*
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    ~Much Love To My Family~

    My singing sister Xeim
    My cool brother Doughboy

    My crazy music-loving cousin jenova33

    My awesome black mage cousin BadWolfX
    My other cousins Summon Marluxia
    The Bleach Club ~Shinobi Masters~ Yaoi Otakus of TFF

  12. #102
    Morning Always Comes The Final Fantasy Vending Machine Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    recieves a studio copy of the "Omega Kawaii Cloud Song"

    *pops in a coin*

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  13. #103
    You get a wind-up moogle toy

    *puts coin in*
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    ~Much Love To My Family~

    My singing sister Xeim
    My cool brother Doughboy

    My crazy music-loving cousin jenova33

    My awesome black mage cousin BadWolfX
    My other cousins Summon Marluxia
    The Bleach Club ~Shinobi Masters~ Yaoi Otakus of TFF

  14. #104
    Morning Always Comes The Final Fantasy Vending Machine Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    You get a ticket to the Chocobo Races, and while there you meet Roxas AND Maehs Hughs. (srry if I spelled that wrong). Have fun.

    *pops in a coin*

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  15. #105
    Lady Succubus The Final Fantasy Vending Machine Victoria's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Inland Empire
    Blog Entries
    You get Tifa's clothes!

    *pops in a coin*

  16. #106
    you recieve special hair gel with a picture of seymour on the front (wow gravity defying hair gel)

    *puts coin in*
    My Family
    My Wife - ????
    My Mother - Princess_Berry
    My Father - ????
    My Son - Craze
    My Daughter - suikoden5
    My Seymour-Loving Sister - Al_Bhed _Psycho
    My FFX and FFX-2 Loving Sisteer - FFX_FFX-2Aholic
    My Fellow AMV Making Brother - BadwolfX
    My Awesome-ness Brother - Zeke Asakura
    My Cousin(s) - Fishie
    My Legendary Bandit Uncle: Gvuz
    wanna join my family and fill it up a little then PM me please

    Watch My AMVs Here

    <center><img src=><center>


    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Please Join My Growing Forum"></a>
    Current Awesome People on my forum who are also on TFF

  17. #107
    Gets a Giant buster blade with tifa's thong at the end

    *Inserts coin*

  18. #108
    Imperius Rex The Final Fantasy Vending Machine Storm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    South West England
    You recieve a stick-on scar bumper pack courtasy of Squall and Seifer!

    *pops in coin*
    PSN username: Raikujaku
    A meow-ed member of PRK9

  19. #109
    You win moogle-in-a-can!

    *smashes vending machine with sledgehammer*

    Back. For a while. Maybe.

    By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron

  20. #110
    Why you!

    *Gets new vending machine and Inserts coin*

  21. #111
    The Final Fantasy Vending Machine Stevie_boy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Merry Old England
    You get chocobo steak.

    Inserts coin.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

    <table border="0" align=center><tr><td valign="top"><b><a href=""><img src="" border=0 align=left hspace=12 alt="Which Final Fantasy 8 Character Are You?"></a></b></td><td width="100%"><p><font face="Arial" size="2"><b>You are Laguna!</b> Although you're way too shy with the<br>opposite sex, you've got a heart of pure gold. You're a good<br>leader and well liked by those who know you. Most of your<br>friends look to your good sense when they need advice.</font></p><p><a href=""><font face="Arial" size="2">Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here!</font></a></p></td></tr></table>

    My TFF Family:
    So far it's just-
    My crazy cousin who is the weirdest person on Earth (if she is in fact on Earth) --FFX_FFX-2Aholic
    My evil vampire brother --Bangaathief
    My crazy sports-addicted brother --Doughboy
    My crazy, chocolate obsessed sister --~Crazy Chocobo~
    My dark, mysterious sister --xox-NobodyNamine-xox
    My hyper niece who is obsessed with BLEACH --Xeim
    You wanna join my family? Go ahead and PM me!

  22. #112
    The Final Fantasy Vending Machine Emerald620's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    None of your buisiness... Russia
    you get an empty plastic capsule that you get out of quarter machines

    *puts coin in*
    Sometimes people have to much fun

  23. #113
    you get a McFlurry <<<<<from a vending machine WTF

    *inserts coin*
    My Family
    My Wife - ????
    My Mother - Princess_Berry
    My Father - ????
    My Son - Craze
    My Daughter - suikoden5
    My Seymour-Loving Sister - Al_Bhed _Psycho
    My FFX and FFX-2 Loving Sisteer - FFX_FFX-2Aholic
    My Fellow AMV Making Brother - BadwolfX
    My Awesome-ness Brother - Zeke Asakura
    My Cousin(s) - Fishie
    My Legendary Bandit Uncle: Gvuz
    wanna join my family and fill it up a little then PM me please

    Watch My AMVs Here

    <center><img src=><center>


    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Please Join My Growing Forum"></a>
    Current Awesome People on my forum who are also on TFF

  24. #114
    You get Tidus in a man thong

    *Puts coin in*

  25. #115
    The Final Fantasy Vending Machine Omega OwA's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Inside your closet.
    You recieved Squall's additude!

    *puts coin in*

  26. #116
    You recieve prostitute Selphie, you get 45 minutes for every quarter.

    *Puts dollar bill into vending machine*
    Omnislash = 15 hits, 15 X 9999 = 149985

    Lion Heart Including Renzokuken = 27 hits, 27 X 9999 = 269973

    Lion Heart WITHOUT Renzokuken = 17 hits, 17 X 9999 = 169983
    Lionheart is better then Omni-Slash. PERIOD.

  27. #117
    you recieve a pimp outfit so you can pimp prostitute selphie

    *inserts coin*
    My Family
    My Wife - ????
    My Mother - Princess_Berry
    My Father - ????
    My Son - Craze
    My Daughter - suikoden5
    My Seymour-Loving Sister - Al_Bhed _Psycho
    My FFX and FFX-2 Loving Sisteer - FFX_FFX-2Aholic
    My Fellow AMV Making Brother - BadwolfX
    My Awesome-ness Brother - Zeke Asakura
    My Cousin(s) - Fishie
    My Legendary Bandit Uncle: Gvuz
    wanna join my family and fill it up a little then PM me please

    Watch My AMVs Here

    <center><img src=><center>


    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Please Join My Growing Forum"></a>
    Current Awesome People on my forum who are also on TFF

  28. #118
    You get a 2 night stay for 2 at the "Inn"

    *puts coin in*
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    ~Much Love To My Family~

    My singing sister Xeim
    My cool brother Doughboy

    My crazy music-loving cousin jenova33

    My awesome black mage cousin BadWolfX
    My other cousins Summon Marluxia
    The Bleach Club ~Shinobi Masters~ Yaoi Otakus of TFF

  29. #119
    The Final Fantasy Vending Machine Omega OwA's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Inside your closet.
    You obtained 10 Elixirs!

    *Puts coin in*
    Last edited by Omega OwA; 09-27-2006 at 03:45 PM.

  30. #120
    You receive ten boobjobs from Tifa.

    *puts 1,000 dollars in*

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