You receive Premium Heart
*puts coin in* kicks vending machine*
You receive Cancer (FF9)
*puts coin in*
You receive Malboro Tentacle
*head bang *puts coin in*![]()
Trust Me.
You receive Premium Heart
*puts coin in* kicks vending machine*
You get a subscription to a fan club called Study Group. You will now recieve Newsletters and mail to your cell phone and hear about the last act of LOVELESS.
*inserts last act of LOVELESS*
Chrono Cores:
You get LocoColt04.
**Inserts Pandora's Box**
Lara Croft walks by and kisses you on the cheek thanking you for placing Pandora's Box into the Vending Machine.
*inserts extendable staff from the spaceship, Andromeda*
Chrono Cores:
you gain a bottle cap saying "try again"
*inserts coin" hehehehehe insert
You hear a ball drop through the machine. It shows up at the bottom, and you recieve mastered Dualcast materia. There is magic marker written on it reading, "You are a moot point now."
*inserts Cactuar FFVIII trading card*
Chrono Cores:
You recieve cute plush cactuar figure.Lucky you!
*Inserts Zydrate Gun*
gets a graverobber doll
*inserts a Girugamesh album*
You recieve an Excalipoor.
*inserts youtube favorites list*
You recieve Youtube Hate List.
*Insert's Goomba*
My Reaction of People That Points The Obvious
This is my Daily Day in 2FortMy TFF Family:
You recieve an original copy of Yoshi's Island with a sticky note on it. It reads, "Now, go find a console to play on."
*inserts SNES*
Chrono Cores:
*Forgets how to insert coin after years of never posting in this thread*
*punches machine*
*Kicks machine*
*whips out PsP and plays Dissidia 'till someone else comes along*
While playing your PSP,a chocobo egg drops from the machine.You stare at it,take it,and walk away
*inserts coin*
My TFF Family:
* My Awesome Older Brother, Judge Magistrate :]
* Illusion :]
* Cait Sith :]
* My Sweet,Caring,Older Sister angelmarie190515 :]
* My FF Twin, nickness89 :]
* My Favorite Australian Cousin, NikkiLinkle :]
* My Long Lost Cousin, Hero without a Name :]
***98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.
You recieve an IOU for 1 gil signed by "The Vending Machine"
Payback due 2091
*Kicks machine again*
You received one wanzer (wait wha--)
*inserts one coin in*
You recieve eyebrows for your avatar.
*Kicks machine again*
Vending Machine falls over you and crushes you.
*Inserts Independence Law*
My Reaction of People That Points The Obvious
This is my Daily Day in 2FortMy TFF Family:
The Independance Day DVD comes out.
*inserts £1 coin* (yes the vending machines here are expensive)
You recieve 1 gil
*after months of recovering from injuries due to collapsing machine, I now take safety precautions and set up concrete blocks in front of the machine to prevent it from falling over again.*
*punches machine*
you receive a peculiar shaped shard of glass.
*stubbs toe on concrete blocks, and regrets wearing sandals, but tells himself they are good for his image as they make him look easygoing and fun* ... *bears with the pain in his toe*
*lights a cigarette and inserts a coin.*
I ran out of ideas, so you recieved a "thank" or whatever you call it.
*Steals a coin from a beggar and inserts it into machine*
You Receive :NOTHING!! Slot Machine empty D:
*Puts Coin in and shakes machine xDD*
Everyone Needs their box....
Text flashes across the screen, it states "Yo, you best stop messin' wit me bro!"
You'd best listen ser.
*recieve nothing*
*inserts model Hind-D*
"Error.." Reads across the vending machine. Suddenly out pops a green chocobo,who will follow you wherever you go.
*leans against wall,turns Ipod on,and inserts coin*
My TFF Family:
* My Awesome Older Brother, Judge Magistrate :]
* Illusion :]
* Cait Sith :]
* My Sweet,Caring,Older Sister angelmarie190515 :]
* My FF Twin, nickness89 :]
* My Favorite Australian Cousin, NikkiLinkle :]
* My Long Lost Cousin, Hero without a Name :]
***98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.
A small black hole appears from the machine and take your Ipod.
Inserts coin after an arguement with person infront of me.
None shall escape judgement, all shall fall by my blade.
My TFF family
Firefly-The Greatest Little Sister Ever
Ruin-My bro working in the military
Nickness89-My brother from another mother
angelmarie190515-My mentor and greatest older sister
A Hero without a Name- My brother in arms
Raven Zecht-Herald of what is to come
LadyWinchester-The mistress of light and dark
-98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.
You patiently wait,as the Vending Machine shakes and glows. Suddenly it stops and out pops a fake piece of gil..with a note saying," Use it well.."
*wipes tears away from the loss of my Ipod,and inserts coin*
My TFF Family:
* My Awesome Older Brother, Judge Magistrate :]
* Illusion :]
* Cait Sith :]
* My Sweet,Caring,Older Sister angelmarie190515 :]
* My FF Twin, nickness89 :]
* My Favorite Australian Cousin, NikkiLinkle :]
* My Long Lost Cousin, Hero without a Name :]
***98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.
You got one buster sword
*puts coin in*
"I may save the world, but you'll never know why"
My TFF Family
Judge Magister Brother in Arms: To give peace to the world and look cool doing it
Firefly: Baby cousin To spread joy to all who read the forums
The_Dream_Recluse: Witty brother with a sweet sword
Bailiax: My star stealing sister who lives in the beautiful deep sea.
Chocobo_Lover 17- Sister who is breeding my army of chocobos
Lion Heart: Gunblade hero under our hero clan
Out pops a tonberry costume. It beckons you to wear it
*sighs and inserts coin*
My TFF Family:
* My Awesome Older Brother, Judge Magistrate :]
* Illusion :]
* Cait Sith :]
* My Sweet,Caring,Older Sister angelmarie190515 :]
* My FF Twin, nickness89 :]
* My Favorite Australian Cousin, NikkiLinkle :]
* My Long Lost Cousin, Hero without a Name :]
***98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.
Out pops a new Ipod.
Inserts coin with a look of exaggeration.
None shall escape judgement, all shall fall by my blade.
My TFF family
Firefly-The Greatest Little Sister Ever
Ruin-My bro working in the military
Nickness89-My brother from another mother
angelmarie190515-My mentor and greatest older sister
A Hero without a Name- My brother in arms
Raven Zecht-Herald of what is to come
LadyWinchester-The mistress of light and dark
-98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.