you get a slightly larger speck
*inserts coin*
Printable View
you get a slightly larger speck
*inserts coin*
You get a pair of HUGE spectacles
*Inserts a wod of cash*
yuo get a note saying that I FINALLY posted my profile in the Demonia OOC. marhar.
*inserts coin*
you get a coin
*insert coin*
You get a chocolate coin
*inserts coin*
you get an old coin
*inserts new coin*
You get Cloud X Sephiroth yaoi; I get 40000th GC post, because it's SO important.
*inserts coin*
you get a dead dog
*inserts bloody knife*
you get a bloody cat
*inserts bloody sword*
You get a bloody corpse.
*inserts shoe*
AAAAHHH!!! what is it with people and dead things!! I swear......
you get seymour slippers
*insert coin*
you get clouds morocycle.
*inserts coin*
you get your coin back
*inserts coin*
You get an elf who's in a comba. He's wearing a santa hat...
*inserts magical coin*
you get a bag of magic beans
*inserts coin*
you get some Wendys fries
*inserts coin*
you get a starbucks
*inserts coin*
you get an exspresso machine
*inserts a buck*
You get... *Reagan Greens* !!
*inserts gil*
You get a bean an cheese Flavored Condom
*puts in coin*
You get... a Hairy old man who sells bean and cheese flavored condoms.
*inserts gil*
You Get a Mini-Jessica Simpson!!! YAY!!
*inserts Coin*
You get.. an over-sized Vin Diesel. Whoop-tee-doooooo
*inserts gil*
you get nothing the vending machines empty
*restokes vending machine and inserts coin*
You get... a One-Year pass to the Gold Saucer
*inserts gil*
you get a bag of chocobo-milk, lol
*inserts coin*
you get the golden saucer
*insert chocobo*
you get vodka an a green sparrow
*inserts coin*
You get... Red XIII's petrified father from the mountain top.
*inserts gil*
You get an over-sized battle ready buster sword folded a gagillion times!
*inserts coin*