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Thread: The Ban Game

  1. #5131
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES The Ban Game Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    On your profile page>_>

    Re: The Ban Game

    Banned because I am the God of the banning game wahahahahahahaha and noone can ban me
    My Blitzball Kingdom:
    My Final Fantasy Family Ralz the First Brother I had he is stuck marrying Yuna xTidus The second Brother I had he really Adores Blitzball genomes blade My youngest Brother he Really enjoys his Older Brothers' company And my Mystic Brother Vivimastermage of Chaostroph may you never play cards with him. And my Awesome Brother Fate who is just great to be around all the time I would be lost if it weren't for him and My awesome Older Brother Meier Link the Party animal And my Soul-devouring, Soon-to-be-game making brother, Alther Primus Also introduing The Graceful Lord of Chaosthroph who adores big Swords and Über Spells." Elyon My Awesome Learning Sister Himi And my Auron Loving Sister Dodie16 I introduce you to My younger sister Ann another fan of FF 10 My Fluffy, Vanilla-colored Moogle, Meigumi And my younger Sister Terra Branford the pie loving Fullmetal alchemist FF6 Obsessed If you want in and you are a fan of Blitzball send me a VM and you are welcome to come
    My Duck Legion Members:
    Ethan Can U Say Freak Silver

  2. #5132
    Do the elements trust you? The Ban Game bahamuts heir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: The Ban Game

    Quote Originally Posted by ethan View Post
    Banned because I am the God of the banning game wahahahahahahaha and noone can ban me
    Even gods get banned and don't go god mode
    banned for going god mode
    You just don't get it at all! There isn't a thing I don't cherish

    cuz I'm bored
    lamest death threat: (final fantasy1)"I, Garland, shall knock you all down!"
    my ff family: pm me if you want to join I might think about it
    my imaginative older brother ethan
    My awesome, Final Fantasy IX loving twin, ViviMasterMage
    Short, Innocent-looking, English-obsessed Brother, Fate.
    Fluffy, Vanilla-colored Moogle, Meigumi/Bob
    my hyper and random sister, Firefly
    my Sephiroth obsessed and Okami playing cousin, Dodie16
    Soul-devouring, knuckleburning younger brother, Alther
    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature

  3. #5133
    I feel epic... The Ban Game Ralz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.

    Re: The Ban Game

    Banned because only I can become a god.

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
    Click THERE:
    TFF Family:
    Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus CecilGod1994 Flaming Ragnarok Shadow of Darkness Dark Angel Kilala Sato Arashi RagnaToad RamesesII IceColdPillow Kisaragi^^ Elyon Seraphim Shiru MILK Vince Kisuke Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima ethan

  4. #5134
    Tsuna Feesh The Ban Game Fate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.

    Re: The Ban Game

    Uh...huh...Dreams, anyway.

    Banned because the Move Tool wishes to remove you.

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  5. #5135
    I feel epic... The Ban Game Ralz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.

    Re: The Ban Game

    Not banned because that sig is amazing!

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
    Click THERE:
    TFF Family:
    Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus CecilGod1994 Flaming Ragnarok Shadow of Darkness Dark Angel Kilala Sato Arashi RagnaToad RamesesII IceColdPillow Kisaragi^^ Elyon Seraphim Shiru MILK Vince Kisuke Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima ethan

  6. #5136
    Do the elements trust you? The Ban Game bahamuts heir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: The Ban Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Fate View Post
    Uh...huh...Dreams, anyway.

    Banned because the Move Tool wishes to remove you.
    Thank you
    epic banner by the way
    ralz banned for banning alot of people
    Last edited by bahamuts heir; 03-02-2010 at 05:21 AM.
    You just don't get it at all! There isn't a thing I don't cherish

    cuz I'm bored
    lamest death threat: (final fantasy1)"I, Garland, shall knock you all down!"
    my ff family: pm me if you want to join I might think about it
    my imaginative older brother ethan
    My awesome, Final Fantasy IX loving twin, ViviMasterMage
    Short, Innocent-looking, English-obsessed Brother, Fate.
    Fluffy, Vanilla-colored Moogle, Meigumi/Bob
    my hyper and random sister, Firefly
    my Sephiroth obsessed and Okami playing cousin, Dodie16
    Soul-devouring, knuckleburning younger brother, Alther
    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature

  7. #5137
    I would explode to save your life~ The Ban Game SeaAlchemist's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Huggling Ion :D

    Re: The Ban Game

    Quote Originally Posted by ethan View Post
    Banned because I am the God of the banning game wahahahahahahaha and noone can ban me
    banned cuz not true you got banned >:3

  8. #5138
    Tsuna Feesh The Ban Game Fate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.

    Re: The Ban Game

    You're banned because Serenade wants you to be banned. =3

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  9. #5139
    I would explode to save your life~ The Ban Game SeaAlchemist's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Huggling Ion :D

    Re: The Ban Game

    banned cuz banning is fun

  10. #5140

    Re: The Ban Game

    Banned because you all remind me of glitterskin otaku furries...and I am your bane...I HATE FURRIES!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. #5141
    I would explode to save your life~ The Ban Game SeaAlchemist's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Huggling Ion :D

    Re: The Ban Game

    banned cuz i like furries

  12. #5142
    Tsuna Feesh The Ban Game Fate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.

    Re: The Ban Game

    You're banned because I still have to wait a week for XIII to come out. x3

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  13. #5143
    I would explode to save your life~ The Ban Game SeaAlchemist's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Huggling Ion :D

    Re: The Ban Game

    banned cuz i lack the right game system for FFXIII D:

  14. #5144
    Tsuna Feesh The Ban Game Fate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.

    Re: The Ban Game

    You're banned for not buying one, then.

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  15. #5145
    I would explode to save your life~ The Ban Game SeaAlchemist's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Huggling Ion :D

    Re: The Ban Game

    banned cuz i'm pretty much broke

  16. #5146
    Tsuna Feesh The Ban Game Fate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.

    Re: The Ban Game

    Banned because you should grow a money twee. =P

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  17. #5147
    Ellipsis The Ban Game Meigumi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location:

    Re: The Ban Game

    Banned because money trees don't exist. Unless if you're talking about a tree with money attached to it. xD
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

    TFF Family~:

    Ice-cream loving brother Fate
    The great benevolent dark lord Elyon Demidias
    Lovable doll ViviMasterMage
    Soul Stealing, Chaos-loving, Pom-pom eating older brother Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus
    The Awesome and Dashing Thief, ethan
    The Stealthy Swordsman of Poetic Power, genome's blade

  18. #5148
    I'm DYING to see you! The Ban Game ViviMasterMage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Manchester, UK

    Re: The Ban Game

    Banned because you said that money trees don't exist. I beg to differ.

    Not exactly a money making tree, but that is the name of it.

    My things:

    My TFF Family!:
    My very hyper moogle loving cousin Meigumi!
    My grammar obsessive twin AWESOME brother Fate!
    My powerful, dangerous, short tempered younger brother Alther!
    My badassly cool chaos-loving lord who adores big swords and uber spells, Elyon Demidias
    My awesomely cool big brother xXCloudXx
    "The Bestest Buddy" xTidus (Aka Casey)
    My Okami-playing, Sephiroth-fangirl American cousin Dodie16
    My brother and stealthy swordsman of poetic power genome's blade
    My brother from another mother Gilgameshed_Up

    My Fatey!:

    Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi
    ....... I was reaaally hoping you'd say something else, but whatever! HEY, EVERYONE! WE'RE HAVING A CONVERSATION! 8D
    Fate's beautiful haiku:
    Lost in reverie
    Memories drifting through me
    So calm like the sea

  19. #5149
    I feel epic... The Ban Game Ralz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.

    Re: The Ban Game

    Banned because I dreamt I grew a money tree last night!

    But before I could get it, I woke up...

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
    Click THERE:
    TFF Family:
    Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus CecilGod1994 Flaming Ragnarok Shadow of Darkness Dark Angel Kilala Sato Arashi RagnaToad RamesesII IceColdPillow Kisaragi^^ Elyon Seraphim Shiru MILK Vince Kisuke Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima ethan

  20. #5150
    Tsuna Feesh The Ban Game Fate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.

    Re: The Ban Game

    You're banned because your dreams hate you.

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  21. #5151
    Certified tech, come at me! The Ban Game SuperSabin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Blog Entries

    Re: The Ban Game

    you're banned for making illogical sense
    Currently Playing:

  22. #5152
    Do the elements trust you? The Ban Game bahamuts heir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: The Ban Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Terra Branford View Post
    banned cuz i lack the right game system for FFXIII D:
    Banned for being in the same situation as me
    You just don't get it at all! There isn't a thing I don't cherish

    cuz I'm bored
    lamest death threat: (final fantasy1)"I, Garland, shall knock you all down!"
    my ff family: pm me if you want to join I might think about it
    my imaginative older brother ethan
    My awesome, Final Fantasy IX loving twin, ViviMasterMage
    Short, Innocent-looking, English-obsessed Brother, Fate.
    Fluffy, Vanilla-colored Moogle, Meigumi/Bob
    my hyper and random sister, Firefly
    my Sephiroth obsessed and Okami playing cousin, Dodie16
    Soul-devouring, knuckleburning younger brother, Alther
    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature

  23. #5153
    Ellipsis The Ban Game Meigumi's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location:

    Re: The Ban Game

    Banned because you did not ban Sabin. >A<
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

    TFF Family~:

    Ice-cream loving brother Fate
    The great benevolent dark lord Elyon Demidias
    Lovable doll ViviMasterMage
    Soul Stealing, Chaos-loving, Pom-pom eating older brother Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus
    The Awesome and Dashing Thief, ethan
    The Stealthy Swordsman of Poetic Power, genome's blade

  24. #5154
    Do the elements trust you? The Ban Game bahamuts heir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: The Ban Game

    Banned cuz I don't care that I didn't ban him I banned somebody else
    You just don't get it at all! There isn't a thing I don't cherish

    cuz I'm bored
    lamest death threat: (final fantasy1)"I, Garland, shall knock you all down!"
    my ff family: pm me if you want to join I might think about it
    my imaginative older brother ethan
    My awesome, Final Fantasy IX loving twin, ViviMasterMage
    Short, Innocent-looking, English-obsessed Brother, Fate.
    Fluffy, Vanilla-colored Moogle, Meigumi/Bob
    my hyper and random sister, Firefly
    my Sephiroth obsessed and Okami playing cousin, Dodie16
    Soul-devouring, knuckleburning younger brother, Alther
    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature

  25. #5155

    Re: The Ban Game

    Banned because you're a bunch of otakus who are absolutely ashamed of their race and decided to adopt another culture (i.e. Japan), which spawned Hentai. ****ed up but slightly understandable. The true abomonation was unleashed once furries entered the mix. The most vile and disgusting images ever conceived, and spawned the horrifiying Sonic hentai which scarred me as a young glitterskin slayer. It has since been my sworn duty to rid all planes of existence of their furry infestation. With each battle, my art of furry slaying only became more perfected. It was when I defeated the god of thunder who was an Otaku (much like all you ****ers) in hand to hand combat that I became an unstoppable force, what with firing electricity from my palms and summoning lightning from the skies. Furries literally had no chance once I obtained the staff blades of Hydrall, my ancestor. Uttering my very name caused all furries to trmble in fear. I slew the multi colored catgirls of the jungle, I cleaved through the wolf men of the forests, the minotaurs of the prairies felt lightning course through their horns, and I felled one of their titanic gods whit both blades through it's skull. I am the very reason that you all sleep well at night and don't wake up either dead, a furry, or a dead furry. My crusade will only be finished once I bathe my blades in the fur, and the hair of every furry everywhere......What were we talking about again?

  26. #5156
    SOLDIER 3rd Class The Ban Game Copperfire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: The Ban Game

    Banned for not having much of a sense of humour.

  27. #5157
    I would explode to save your life~ The Ban Game SeaAlchemist's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Huggling Ion :D

    Re: The Ban Game

    Quote Originally Posted by genome's blade View Post
    Banned for being in the same situation as me
    banned for understanding my pain

  28. #5158
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES The Ban Game Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    On your profile page>_>

    Re: The Ban Game

    Banned for being a FF6 obsessor
    My Blitzball Kingdom:
    My Final Fantasy Family Ralz the First Brother I had he is stuck marrying Yuna xTidus The second Brother I had he really Adores Blitzball genomes blade My youngest Brother he Really enjoys his Older Brothers' company And my Mystic Brother Vivimastermage of Chaostroph may you never play cards with him. And my Awesome Brother Fate who is just great to be around all the time I would be lost if it weren't for him and My awesome Older Brother Meier Link the Party animal And my Soul-devouring, Soon-to-be-game making brother, Alther Primus Also introduing The Graceful Lord of Chaosthroph who adores big Swords and Über Spells." Elyon My Awesome Learning Sister Himi And my Auron Loving Sister Dodie16 I introduce you to My younger sister Ann another fan of FF 10 My Fluffy, Vanilla-colored Moogle, Meigumi And my younger Sister Terra Branford the pie loving Fullmetal alchemist FF6 Obsessed If you want in and you are a fan of Blitzball send me a VM and you are welcome to come
    My Duck Legion Members:
    Ethan Can U Say Freak Silver

  29. #5159
    I would explode to save your life~ The Ban Game SeaAlchemist's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Huggling Ion :D

    Re: The Ban Game

    Quote Originally Posted by ethan View Post
    Banned for being a FF6 obsessor
    banned for that's a bad thing why?

  30. #5160
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES The Ban Game Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    On your profile page>_>

    Re: The Ban Game

    Banned because FF 10 was way better then FF6
    My Blitzball Kingdom:
    My Final Fantasy Family Ralz the First Brother I had he is stuck marrying Yuna xTidus The second Brother I had he really Adores Blitzball genomes blade My youngest Brother he Really enjoys his Older Brothers' company And my Mystic Brother Vivimastermage of Chaostroph may you never play cards with him. And my Awesome Brother Fate who is just great to be around all the time I would be lost if it weren't for him and My awesome Older Brother Meier Link the Party animal And my Soul-devouring, Soon-to-be-game making brother, Alther Primus Also introduing The Graceful Lord of Chaosthroph who adores big Swords and Über Spells." Elyon My Awesome Learning Sister Himi And my Auron Loving Sister Dodie16 I introduce you to My younger sister Ann another fan of FF 10 My Fluffy, Vanilla-colored Moogle, Meigumi And my younger Sister Terra Branford the pie loving Fullmetal alchemist FF6 Obsessed If you want in and you are a fan of Blitzball send me a VM and you are welcome to come
    My Duck Legion Members:
    Ethan Can U Say Freak Silver

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