your banned for contradicting yourself.
p.s. i cant link you seeing that pg 5 of the TFF handbook is solely confined to my head
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your banned for contradicting yourself.
p.s. i cant link you seeing that pg 5 of the TFF handbook is solely confined to my head
You're banned for pointing out contractions, rather pointlessly I might add. (I'm just messin' with you, Skipper!)
You're banned for... for... You're BANNED!!!
Your banned for banning people without the Fair, Understanding Consent of the King.
You're banned cos there ain't a King... :huh?:
yourbanned cause i have dentist
Your banned cos im scared of dentists
your banned for not realising that dentist are good people for their practice and their alliance to the cause as much pain as possible and empty your pocket dentist union.
You're banned cos my new dentist is cool... The old one took AGES to check my teeth out lol!
your banned cause i just don't see how dropping bombs ion little children will cause peace
You're banned cos there is no such thing as peace...
You are banned for collecting warnings! This is a bad habit girl! :lol:
your banned cause you have no warnings
your banned for not knowing that peace onely come's after death
You're banned because peace does come before death. It's called eating a large bowl of Salt and Vinegar chips.
Your banned cos salt and vinegar crips makes my eyes water lol
You're banned for not conforming to the will of salt and vinegar. *munch* YOWZA!
You're banned cos they taste good, but do hurt your eyes... and if you have a chipped lip, it really KILLS!!! LOL!!!
Your banned cuz I need some NOW :lick:!!!
You're banned for NEEDING crips lol!
You're banned because i doubt you have held a salt & vinigar crisp against your open eye
You're banned for doubting! How could you?!
You're banned because I'm sure we'd know something major like her being blind in one eye
You're banned because I'm not STUPID enough to do that lol... Don't know about you... :D:lol:
You're banned for being Unknown! Are you a terrorist?!
You're banned cos thats... not what little kids like you should be thinking LOL!!!
You're banned for underestimating the promiscuity of teens... (WHICH DISNEY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR.... jk, real long story)
You're banned for overestimating Raider
You're banned because you have the word Brotherhood in your sig, but nothing telling me on how to join. (and no jokes about how I can't join because I'm a girl...)