your banned cos ur sig is cute in a very sickly way, like eatin to many sugary things lol but i love it
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your banned cos ur sig is cute in a very sickly way, like eatin to many sugary things lol but i love it
Banned because i'm bored and the forum is a bit slow tonight.
You're banned cos iz back!
Banned BECAUSE you're back ;)
You're banned for not giving a welcome - not that it was expected, but you know lol...
You are banned because your sig is bigger then mine
You're banned cos you're sig is better than mine
You're banned for comparing ur sig to his o.O
your banne dbecaause your sig is sweet
You're banned cos you changed your name again!
You're banned for not changing ur name :P
You're banned cos there is nothing wrong with my name, and I like it the way it is! :P
you're banned cos your awesomeness knows no bounds, I'm sick of chasing it off my lawn
You're banned cos I have no idea what I'm doing on YOUR lawn! :lol:
You're banned because I have a Toblerone and you don't! Nyer nyer nyerrrrr!
Nooooo! :(
You're banned for having one! :( :P
You're banned for releasing the daemon Jaskyl king of the satanic potatoes
You're cos potatoes what now?
You're banned cos that made no sense
your banned becauise this name is only temporary need a new one
ANy Ideas
You're banned cos Jaffas was cool!
your banned cos i agree with you lol
You're banned for... oh darn it... erm... Having a cute sig, while mine is dark and... er... yeah, for having a cuter sig than mine! :P
your banned cos paine is scary lookin
You're banned cos Paine is cool!
You're banned because it looks like she has an S+M fetish.
your banned because FFXII RokKs My SoKkS
Shall i change it back to jaffas?
You're banned because you'll always be you, no matter what name you choose
You're banned for being the young wise geezer everyone goes to for advise!
Well you're banned for coming to me for help them