:drool: Your banned for taking offense to such an accusation!
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:drool: Your banned for taking offense to such an accusation!
your banned cos murderers aren't cool - assassins are LOL!
Your banned for thinking the art of stealth killing is awesome when hitmen could've been a better depiction!
You're banned for making a good clean statement
Your banned for having question marks be your username!!!:shake:
You're banned cause I ain't gonna change my name to !!!!
Your banned for having TFF members be confused when they look at your profile!!!
Your banned because I said so.
You're banned cause I'm bored
Your banned cause I am also and we can't interact such pitiful emotions!!! :blowtop:
You're banned for posting after me
You're banned for being bored.
You're banned for being Nitrogen, and not Silicon based! (Wait, that was my fault...)
You're banned cause I don't know what that means!!
Your banned cause I didn't get to re-ban you and you posted before me! :shake:
You're banned for being carbon based!
You're banned because I don't get you o.O
You're banned because there's 5 members in this forum
Your banned for having keen, online awareness!
You're banned for using irony
Your banned for taking my sarcasm to such metaphoric lvs. .
You're banned cause that guy in your avatar looks ugly
Your banned for insulting Barret's pride and feelings, you meanie :shake:!
You're banned for sticking up for Barret. He has a machine gun on his arm, for crying out loud! He can sick up for himself, foo!
Your banned for acknowledging the fact that I already know about one of my fav FFVII characters!!! :shake:
Your banned cause your sig reminded me of Aerise dieing in FF7. DAMN YOU SEPIROTH!
You're banned `cause I said so!! xD
Your banned for getting my hopes up when I read "This is".
You're banned for having hopes, you hopeful hope harboring person you!
You're banned because you're absolutely handsome :D