You're banned for drawing attention to my lack of emotions
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You're banned for drawing attention to my lack of emotions
your banned cos i'm sorry!
(this ones a givin)
your banned for feeling enough pity to be "sorry"
your banned for not!
You're banned for wot
your banned for trying to make wot work as a real word
your banned cos i thought i should post something!
you're banned for being random about your post
your banned for being here since 05 and not taking the time to make a proper sig
You're banned for dancing like a ninja in remedial, that's right I saw
you're banned for only posting 91 times
You're banned for not using a capital letter.
You're banned for being grammar sensitive
You're banned for not being grammar sensitive.
You're banned for possibly not not being not not grammar sensitive whether or not you actually are or aren't.
You've been banned for not doing anything about that fifth rib.
You're banned for too many religious references. ;D
You've been banned for references to that Christmas holiday...:):spyfap:
You're banned for making me think WTF on a more than regular basis.
You're banned, not addressing me fast enough.
You're banned for starting World War III. I've always been wondering why I kept getting headaches from the internet. :D
You're banned for opposing the concept of World War 3.
You're banned cause you smell like poop and absolutely bore me.
You've been banned because your signature picture frightens me.
You're banned for taking the meaning of happiness from us.
You've been banned for wanting to be happy.
You're banned for wanting the world to be filled with darkness. Evil. Whatever. ><
You've been banned for opposing the holy concept of evil.
you've been banned for thinking there is holy in evil.
You've been banned for thinking holiness has anything to do with things that aren't evil.