you're banned for making me stare at your sig image every monkey-fighting time i monkey-fighting see it.
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you're banned for making me stare at your sig image every monkey-fighting time i monkey-fighting see it.
You are banned for reviving the illegal sport of monkey-fighting.
you are banned for always being the last poster in all the threads i go to
Banned for only having 51 posts :3
Your banned for yor signature being to awesome...
Banned for loving Kingdom Hearts (as do I) :D
Your banned for only having Kingdom Hearts 1 pictures on your sig
You're banned for having a cool avatar :D
You're banned for making me jerk my head every time I see your sig because I think that might be James Franco. Then I'm just disappointed.
your banned for banning the guy who banned me who said i had a cool avitar XD
You're banned for banning me cuz I banned the guy who banned you with a cool avatar comment (who was, I'm sure, just kissing up anyway, but it is a cool avatar)
Your banned for knowing who Paul Newman is coz' I don't!
I got banned from the Public Library the other day because I put a 'Women's Rights' book in the Fiction section.
*Am I doing this right?*
I'm just Joshin ya, I love you all.
We all have the right to be an idiot now and then, but you are just abusing the privilege.
You are banned!
You are banned for saying smart stuff :D
You are banned for revealing that I know who Paul Newman is. "Keep thinkin' Butch Cassidy, that's what you're good at."
You are banned for sneaking Snickers the horse into your house and then putting him into the freezer. (Yes the candy bar is named after a horse!)
You're banned for bringing back the ban thread.
You're banned for eating way too many chile con carnes
You're banned for associating Gandolf with farts.
A wizard never farts.
You're banned for defending the spiders.
You're banned for not eating enough linguini!
You're banned for having a meme in your sig.
You're banned for feeding chocobos giant bananas.
You're banned for misunderstanding my signature.
You're banned for playing Earthbound, while I still haven't tried it.
You're banned for not playing EarthBound before.
You are banned for believing EarthBound is your friend!
I ban me for saying "Glazed Ham!"
You're banned for being from Alabama.
You are banned for thinking that Nick Sabin is your twin brother!