You're banned because Liverpool is not playing very well :D
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You're banned because Liverpool is not playing very well :D
You're banned for reminding me...
You're banned for having an entirely blue-oriented sig.
You're banned for're the first...
Your banned because your avatar is so cute~
You're banned because yours is so awesome.
You're banned for being a progidy
You're banned because I'm not. Much. XD
Then you're banned for lying XD
You're banned because you posted before me again! :shake: You're also banned because you really like Seifer.
You're banned because you're always late (which is almost the same reason why you're banning me)
You're banned because I don't like Seifer much..
You're banned because you are beating me to banning people also! :shake:
I dont know if you are posting in regard to my location lol if you are, You're banned for being late again :lol:
You're banned for not realizing that I was referring to your location.
You're banned for actually banning me without someone beating you to it.
You're banned because you remind me of SlAyEr. (you both randomly capitalize letters in your username.)
YoU're BecAUsE You DOn'T RanDOMlY CaPITalIze
You're banned because you do.
You're banned for contradicting me
Your banned for being anal with your words!
(And not anal as in butt!)
Originally Posted by Lady Rika
Anyway, You're banned because your halo is bleeding :O
Your banned for dissing on Lady Rika's halo!
You're banned for joining last year and only having 87 posts
You're banned for giving such a good reason to ban suikoden5 :lol:
Your banned for complimenting him on banning me(I couldn't help that I joined last year and have only 87 post, I left for a couple of months)!
Your banned for having hips on your avatar!!
You're banned for observance.
Your banned for having such a sad signature, believe it! *random*
You're banned for having a scray but cool pics! ^^