You're banned for being such a critic [not rly but running out of ideas... yea, yea.. ban me for that if you like ppl :P]
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You're banned for being such a critic [not rly but running out of ideas... yea, yea.. ban me for that if you like ppl :P]
You're banned because if you didn't say that you were Anime_Lvr in your sig several times, I wouldn't have known who you were.;!
Your banned for not knowing who she was at first.
Your banned because your avatars flower dosen't match her gloves!
Your banned because the photobucket picture in your signature doesn't work
you're banned for noticing that the photobucket picture in her signature doesn't work
Your banned and I don't remember why.
You're banned for not remembering
You're banned because you post more than eight times per day! :eek:
You're banned because you dont understand that this is the only place that I can relate to people and I actually fit in...sort of...but you're still banned lol
Your banned because you stay here too much! (I do im a hipocrite)
* Oh and my picture does work, thank you very much :P *
YOUR BANNED FOR you don't let him stay here too much
Your banned for mixing up my words! And cuz I said! :P
Your banned for having your words mixed up
You're banned because it's fun to press on this red button.
You're banned for pressing buttons
You're banned because im not Austrailian
You're banned because Priscilla is Australian.
You're banned for always banning me lol
You're banned because you're always banned :lol:
You're banned because you just joined this month. It seems like you've been here longer.
:huh?: You're banned for not making any sense.... hes been here since last year
Your banned because....I just wanna ban someone and your it! *tagsXD*
You're banned because I haven't had the pleasure of doing so in ages.
Your banned coz you live in the same country as me.
You're banned for being pitiful..
You're banned for living in an Igloo
You're banned because I quite like the name Priscilla.
You're banned for liking her username :P