Your banned because that was funny and you made me :lol:.
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Your banned because that was funny and you made me :lol:.
Your banned for having a laughing simile :D
I'm banning you....... well do I need a reason?
you are banned for trying to take the easy way out and not actually come up with a reason for banning winter
You're banned because I said so.
Your banned for having that weird penis in your avatar!!
you are banned for trying to convert a potato into a male member.
You're banned for even putting the word "convert" and "male" in the same sentence together.
You're all banned because I say so ^^ (lolz)
You're banned because I got warned and it's admins fault :(
You are banned caused you deserved that warning. :p
You're banned for not having a dark and twisted sig anymore
You're banned because I say so, and as that being the case, I have no more to say. ^^
You're banned for breaking artical 34059834.123.12356777 of the TFF banning rule book, "thou shal not ban some one if the person that is being bands post count is 33.95 times the amount of the person that is going to ban the previous poster".
Your banned cos i have a very sore throat, cant eat, cant talk, it hurts soooo much :( :(
You're banned because my internet works again!
You're banned for banning about ur own problem.
You have been promoted to Site Administrator.
jk banned
BANNED... Chaos.
Simple! You are all banned cause i said so!
Oh yeah? Well you're banned because SEVEN!
You are banned for making a movie reference wether you realized it or not.
your banned cause i love me
Ur banned 4 luving urself o.O
Ur banned 4 tipinng lik dis
Ur banned for banning me about my typing!~
You're banned because I really don't care about typing styles
You're banned because your halloween sig is great.
You're banned without a reason.
Your banned for banning w/o any reason!!