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Thread: Weekend Forum Explosion!

  1. #1

    Weekend Forum Explosion!

    Well that was fun. As you probably noticed, the forums blew up today. At first I thought it was me since I was working on the demo, but it is completely separated from this forum. I quickly ruled that out as I backed out all of the changes I was doing to that forum and this one was still screwed up. So it wasn't me. YAY!

    Apparently the SEO functionality that was added sometime ago decided to explode today and royally screw up everything from cookies to the layout. The fun part was trying to fix it with no access to the admin panel. I had to do it straight from the database. I'm going to keep an eye on it to see what happens.

    If you see anything funky, please tell me. I'm still tracking down what happened. I'm thinking it found the test forum and started mapping shit, because when I looked at image links and where it was looking for other stuff in the html pages, it was pointing there. I tried turning of SEO but it's still using the html pages. I guess there is something buried on the server doing some of it. /sigh

  2. #2
    Defender of Freedom Weekend Forum Explosion! Darnell's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Weekend Forum Explosion!

    I'm sure you'll figure it out. Atleast its back up and running Bravo Zulu!
    Unleash the MONSTER inside!

  3. #3

    Re: Weekend Forum Explosion!

    Well it wasn't SEO aparently. I found that out when I ran another test tonight and it blew up again. Basically, we were screwed the moment we made a copy of the database and loaded it as a test version. The first login to the test version hosed the cookie handling up for the main forums, forcing all the links, images, etc to point to the test version while the data was still coming from the real version. Talk about retarded. This is yet another fine example of why vB gets on my nerves. They both had separate cookie paths so it should have been no problem. The problem was though, the cookie paths were identical when I changed it to be separate... so it was already too late.

    This is all theoretical of course. I see no reason to test my theory further at this point. I know a clean install works and I got what I needed out of the that's the end of that I suppose. I guess the lesson learned here is, don't duplicate your vBulletin database and try running it on the same server. It will bite you in the ass.

    It was a bit ironic that the movie Titanic was on tonight. The whole situation was like that.

  4. #4

    Re: Weekend Forum Explosion!

    Titanic is on every Sunday.

  5. #5
    Magically Delicous Weekend Forum Explosion! Merlin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: Weekend Forum Explosion!

    I wouldn't know. I was playing tv channel roulette while looking at the forums and unfortunately, that's what it landed on.

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