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Kyo en Grey -> Kyo Sohma
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Back to my original "Kyo"
Kyo en Grey -> Kyo Sohma
Taco >>>> Evil Bad Taco
See? I'm evil, too! I can so get my bad guy on!
Evil Bad Taco >>> Taco
I didn't really give that one much time to develop... but oh well.
~Crazy Chocobo~ > Snoopy
Because I love Snoopy! I don't know if this will be permanent, knowing me.. it probably won't! :D
Dyluck ---> CYRUS.
Dyluck the boy is out, and Cyrus the man is in. Cyrus, hero of Guardia, captain of the knights of the square table, owner of the hero's medal, mentor to Glenn (noobie), and the original wielder of the great Masamune!
Figured its time for a change and yeah.
Novacrash >>> Nova
Griffith > Leonarc > Seraith > and now...Behemoth
Cloud Strife X -> Uncle Ho - > Cloud Strife X
I was bored.
Forgot to tell everyone that I changed it back. cheesevixen---CheeseVixen---Rei Hino---Cheesevixen
FFX_FFX-2Aholic->>Lithium->>~Miss Murder~
What can I say? Miss Murder is one of the most f***ing awesome songs on this unusually chav infested planet. And its cooler too lmao.
Snoopy > Fluffy Chocobo
It's like my old username but a lot cuter. :lol: Snoopy got old for me very quickly. At least this name is similar to my other user name. ;)
*sigh* Again? Yes...
Kyo Sohma - Kyo-san
FFX_FFX-2Aholic>>Lithium>>~Miss Murder~>>Firefly
I changed it again. I dont think ~Miss Murder~ even lasted me two weeks. Meh. lol.
Wolfmiester --> The Wolf
Not much of a change but I changed it.
OmniTense )> Sinister
Not so much a surprise to me. My happy OmniTense phase just didn't last...
Aria Nox- Hyzenthlay.
Dont know how long for though, could change back.
....its Kinda Stupid To Change The User Name?
You have to go to the vbPlaza then click on username then click change username, It costs gold to do so withdraw some.
ok thx
Great Writer Fuji > Great Writer Urumi.
Will always have Great Writer in my name, so... that's how you can tell who I am. XD
Gorathus Dominus >>> Ave Satanas! >>> Gaius Satanas Caesar
On that note, HEIL DER ANTI -CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \m/
Wyatt Arkham >> Rasler
That bastard was never fleshed out in FFXII. He died in the first 3 minutes. He could've been the main character. What a waste...
Al Bhed Psycho >> Millenia >> Al Bhed Psycho >> Rumour.Delirium
Rumour is my alter-ego, and... I like the word delirium. ABP got a little old. Time for a change.
Tiger Lily >> Raine
Liked the name before FF VIII. Nice coincidence.
Hwahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahhaha I changed my name again
elly_ketz -> Kawaii Shoujo -> E L L Y
I planned to use elly only since there isn't any people with a username like that but E L L Y sounds better..still...pronounce the same..
How does it feel to use my own name ^o^ ?
Alucard>>>>Xerox Semblant
Ultima_Luka>>>>>>Shadow of Darkness
Va'an -> Cyanide