Sorry about the delay, everyone's caught up.
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Sorry about the delay, everyone's caught up.
Oops.. so sorry, but could you please take out the "~'s" in my username... I am not able to go to my profile atm. lol Sorry again and thanks. :o
I don't want to sound like a total n00b, but if I wanted a change in username was I supposed to request it on this thread? Because I think I might have made the mistake of creating a new thread for a request :S
Yes "noob" this is the place to do it haha. Good to see you bac around the forums by the way.
Ahh, well then I did make a noobish mistake :lol: I was very tired, I don't even remember if I even bothered to look around for a thread on changing usernames.
Oh and thank you, its been a couple of months since I was last on, I think.
If the decision-maker on usernames happens to come across this request, then I'd like to change to Domasio :)
I'd like to have my name changed from The Sorceress Knight to TheSorceressKnight (with no spaces.)
Thank in advance! :)
Hey does this thread still work for getting usernames changed?? I would like mine to be changed to The Imposter
I request my username to be SuperSabin!
Atma, before I change yours, I need to know if you still want it changed.
Sorry... holidays on the sales floor happened. Can't speak for the others, but I assume they had family things and other holiday goings-on to worry about.
Yeah dude still want the name changed. Just Imposter is fine
Can I change my name?
Old: Fluffo
New: Ayco
I'd like to have the 'sdX' in my name taken out, leaving only 'Squall', if possible, please. Thanks!
For old time's sake, I think I'd like my username changed to ultima_trev.
Can I have my name changed to Halie please? Thank yooouuu. :)
Small change to mine if you wouldn't mind.
Bias reduX.
Please and thanks.
I don't know what happened. I could have sworn my name had a lower case L. I could be mistaken, but hey. Can I have a lower case L please?
I may have accidentally capitalized it last time it changed.
A change to my username please.
Change it Zerobanshee. Thank you! :D
Can you change my name from Bailiax, to Ventus's Girl
:3 I love Ventus
Can i change mine. Oh hell this wouldbe more fun if ijust made muliple accounts ... majority ruleshere ..correct? I'm just saying...
I would like it changed to Mysterion if you wouldn't mind :]
I need to change my user name. Too many people from work know this as my email and they are being dicks web content they find on google. Thank you!!!
old: shinra_27
New: shinra_32
Sometimes I think I'm the only one who checks this out... ^^;
Joxsjua, if you want it changed, you should probably post stating what you want it changed to.
Thank you! I'm so glad I didn't have to leave or start all over. Nothing shows up in google.
I would like my username to be changed.
Old: LadyWinchester
New: Assassin
Thank you!
Can I have my username changed to The Goddamn Clint Gaywood, please?
I feel like a name change to another FFVII reference
OLD: omgawd
NEW: Crescent
Old: Mysterion
New: Mystyrion
Please & Thanks :)
Never mind, disregard this message! <3