Old: ViviMasterMage
New: Kyle (if you can't do that, change it to Nova)
I just thought that I'd try this out. I've not had a name change and I feel my name is becoming stale. =)
Oh, and sorry in advance, Fate. I know I'm going to be asked why! xD
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Old: ViviMasterMage
New: Kyle (if you can't do that, change it to Nova)
I just thought that I'd try this out. I've not had a name change and I feel my name is becoming stale. =)
Oh, and sorry in advance, Fate. I know I'm going to be asked why! xD
mind if i chang
New:Time Hero
If Time Hero Is Taken Then Could you do Full Life? but i would like Time Hero First So could you only do Full Life If Time Hero Is Taken?
old: genome's blade
new: bahamuts heir
plz and thank you
Yeah, I made a big, big mistake with my name. Didn't think it through and I'm sorry to bother you guys again but:
Old: Nova
New: ViviMasterMage
I know, I know... I'm an idiot.
-- I really want my old name back soo here it goes:
Old: <3 Serah <3
New: Firefly (if u cant do that then LionHeart)
I noticed that you guys didn't get to me and just in case you forgot
old- genome's blade
new- bahamuts heir
Ahh can mine be Changed Again Plz?
Old: Time Hero
New: Full Life
Could some one change my username to Noctis Lucis Caelum or NoctisII either one is fine.
Can I have my old name back? I kind of hate this name.
Roxasnerdgirl -> Bleachfangirl
Well, now that I'm officially out of the Member elimination and my genitals have been toasted to a delicious golden brown, might as well request a name change:
James K. Polk -> Polk
Everyone just calls me Polk anyway, so why not?
Cool, I plan on keeping my name since this is probably one of the few FF charatcer names that has not been claimed by anyone else. So I am unique, lol. We should get a list of what the most used FF char names from our members are. Just for FYI and giggles I guess.
I would like to change my name from Waterdragoon, to Darkdragoon
I swear, if anyone took that username, I'll hunt them down, and give them a cookie!
Shadow Angel
Old username: Poking White Mage
New Username:SeaAlchemist
Can I request a name change please?
Synaesthesia changed to Zidane-Tribal
Thank you in advance.
I made the requested changes for the last three, which were the only ones that had not been done. There was a little bit of time between the requests, so I hope that you were still wanting the name changes. If not let me know and I can easily fix it.
Squall everyone calls me that anywhoo and i dont think the original squall has posted in ages.
Hey, i know i've been gone for a while but i was wondering if you would change my username to Midnight Panda, thanks.
Hi, id like to change my name to "Che" please
Thanks a mil in advance
Whats the average wait time on a name change anybody?
4.7 years.
Also, I'm not sure if changing your name to "Che" would be in your best interests.
I'll be Polk2 is he becomes Che.
Cancel name change, you were too slow and the humour has been sapped from doing so, i was only gonna do it for a few days for shits and giggles so next time i put in the request..
hardy har har
change it back to nix
God damn you!
I'm fine with my name change....for now.
Yo, Garçon, can you change mine to pwn3rxp? I'd be very thankful.
Name me back to loaf please. you're awesome
Hey umm could you change my name to xXx Rikku xXx
pretty please
thanks in advance =) <3