Never thought i would resort to this but i would like a name change please.
This is my preferred name and i like it as it is exactly how it is seen please thank you.
By all means if anyone sees this post i am happy to still be known as Dragoon. Cheers
Hello, I would like to change my username to Echo. (I've searched members and the closest name was Echo Zel). The reason being is I've returned after a loooong leave (like, 3 years) and I've shied away from being a diehard Rurouni-Kenshin fan (it's still a great show), and prefer being known by Echo. Please and thanks :)
I would Like My Name To Be Angel
Hi, do you mind changing my username to Oversoul? Thanks a bunch :)
Quick question, when my name is changed does it change along with my log-in?
I haven't changed my name in yonks, nor have I posted on here but anyway I will hippity hop backdown the bunny trail that is TFF once again!
Can I haz name change to Confession
My thanks come in advance, Thats the ONLY thing about me that comes in advance.
EDIT Changie ness
Please Change My Name To Dark Angel
From Anarchy_W
please,and thank you to anyone in advance for doing this
Ok im ready to change it now! Ok i want it from:
Thankyou ^^
From Anarchy_W
please,and thank you to anyone in advance for doing this:o
:edit:Thank you!
Old User Name: Noctis Lucis Caelum
New User Name That I Want to be Known as: Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima
Please and Thank You Very Much :)
My old is... Uber Gilgamesh
the new is ''Alther Primus'' don't have '' these.
Name change??
*Pleasees and thanks you :)
Promise, last one 'till at least May.
im not changing my name just asking where i go to do so?
Well apparently you found the right place but didn't read the OP. This is the right place. If you do decide to change names all you have to do is put in a request here.
Seeing you are a new member if you decide to chang your name it is suggested you post your old then post what you want it to be so that in the future we can look back and see who you where before the name change.
ok... well does it affect the login username too?
yes it does just type in the new one insted of the old..if you request a change and then can't log in check the members list, they may have changed it for you.
Needwork, if you have anymore questions like this I highly recommend a VM or PM to your adoptor and keep it out of the thread. Seeing you haven't responded yet to the adoption thread I went ahead and paired you with Mistress Sheena. Listen to her and learn.
Yes it may be a shocker,but I would like to change my name,
ok, i am sorry for spamming in this thread. but i am thinking of changing my username. i just want to find out some information before
What information would you like to know? (For future reference, if you have any questions, just ask me. That's what I'm here for.)
well if i change my username i don't want anybody to use my previous user name. if thats possible.
That won't be possible, because it's happened to me before. If you change your username, that means any person who wants your old name can have it if they wish. But what are the chances a person is going to pick the name "Needwork?" And besides, if you really wanted to change your name, chances are you probably* don't want the previous one, anyway.
* Me excluded.
I just thought of a completely unique username...
Old: Needwork
New: *NeXtadi*
Yea I want to change my name(seems like no one saw it)
You don't need to post it a second time. It's just two posts above you.
Just be patient and they'll change it when they have time. Just request once.. and wait.
Goes for you too, Wolfie. You only posted your request two days ago. People have lives, you know. Just wait.
Can my name be changed to Dean Winchester plz?