Could I please get my name changed to "Avatar Craven" Thanks ^^.
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Could I please get my name changed to "Avatar Craven" Thanks ^^.
no one likes my new name =(
could you change it to Apocalyptica
Hey, can I change my name from "Chairman Meow" to "Spiral Architect"
Chairman Meow was a joke that has long passed...
Thankies in advance ^_^
ok final name change back to
Scullyite, pliss.
This'll be short-lived, I'm sure. I'll miss muh Lilyz. Thanks in advance.
A change is in order, it will feel weird.
Final Fantasy Fan Cid ---> FF Ace Cid
A little different right? Just trying it out.
I shall have to revert - Sean's blackmailing me. D=
Tiger Lily, pliss.
The time of Avatar is over.
Could I please change my name to.... "Champion Craven" Thanks in advance. ^^
Hi, Can i have my name changed to
The Cerebral Assassin
I've been thinking [and I rarely do this on forums] but is it possible to just drop the "Seifer" and "Girl" from my name and keep "Almasys"?
Thanks ^_^
i mispelt my last username request could it be changed to the mighty dale
Could I change my name to... Midgar_Minion
Could I please have my name changed to
Thanks ^^.
Could I have my name changed to...
Demon Hunter :P
Thanks in advance.
can i have it changed to
Another Chance To Live
Pls Thankies
Bye bye Fish. I was wondering if I could change my name to Twisted Arcano?
If so, thanks. :D
Vicious >>> Baneheart
Thanks nigga.
yourlasthope >> Dizz
Thank you a whole lots!
Paradoxical Prophet >> Zephyr, if possible. Thanks!
ashe cloud zack >> vince
thanks a lot
Anathematised Anachronism, please.
Graeme151 >>> AAARGH!!!
Thanks whoever did it! :)
Kamille Frass>> Jesus Christ.
Please? It would be the best thing ever.
Toph Bei Fong > Mistress Sheena
Hmm.. -should- I change the name, or shouldn't I change the name... I mean, this does reflect my new email address as well as my new well as the character I'm going to cosplay at next year's Anime Expo...
Very difficult.
I say go ahead and change it. If Andro scolds me, so be it. =P
Kamille Frass >>> Jesus Christ.
Baneheart >>> Grizzly
Spin <-------> SpinTastic