I'm announcing my commitment now to bringing at least one editorial a month to our community. I often have random "important" or otherwise intriguing thoughts while I'm in the shower, and that's when I put together mental outlines for most of the non-reviews I write. I know my ability to generate (and even participate) in most discussion topics has certainly waned over the years, but I always have something on my mind.

So yeah, I'm committing to spewing more random crap, because it is entertaining and I love seeing how everyone responds.

Furthermore, if you would like to spew your own random crap, let me know! We can get together and work out something of the sort. I don't intend to hand out news-posting rights to everyone in the world, but I would definitely like to host a whole bunch of guest editorials and have them featured along with the other news postings on the frontsite. This will likely be handled by having you post your editorials and then having a staff member edit the thread to promote it to an article.

While it is preferred that most editorials remain relevant to the Final Fantasy series, that's not at all necessary! As long as it's related to videogames - or hell, any kind of games - I'm interested in what you have to say.

If you wish to join in the writer's bug parade, just let us know! Post here, PM me, whatever. I would like to review all editorial submissions via PM before you post them in the forum to ensure quality and verify cohesion prior to promotion.

I know we have all been going on for (literally) years about how we can increase traffic and get lasting community interaction, and I think this is a decent step.