I think that's what Loco's original idea was. He isn't all-or-nothing like me, haha.
To each their own.You joined later on, but we had a similar debate on ID back in late 2010. We have the exact same issues being brought up and the exact same solutions for them are. I'm just jaded because people can't see that. =P
As for fanart... I think people usually post their fanart in their own threads, right? If we had a thriving fanart community with lots of people drawing stuff for every FF that'd be something to do... but as it stands people rarely do it. Fanfics are about as rare, and music is even rarer. And we'd still have to have another forum for works that aren't related to FF and the like, so we wouldn't really be consolidating at all.
These are both search queries and bandwidth hogs. Further, the fact that I have to use a search to easily navigate the forums is a problem. I should be able to easily see that there is a new post from the index. As it stands, having to scroll through each and every forum on the index to find the few new posts TFF has in a day (or week) is silly. It's like finding a needle in a haystack.
I disagree. I think that it makes it harder.
This seemed like an issue to me at first, but around half of the most recent threads are well marked. Many make a habit of it regardless of whether or not the threads are categorized into forums, and people will adapt once the forums are reorganized. An admin or mod could probably fix up two pages worth of threads in 10-15 minutes easy.
I realize that you don't like the idea of consolidating the FF forums, and if this were 10 years ago I'd understand, but as it stands we have as many forums as we have new posts on some days. The board layout has changed little since I joined, but the number of posts we have is small fraction of what we used to receive. If there weren't search functions, I'd have an easier time navigating 4chan than here. It's really sad.