Your spamming actions have not gone unnoticed. If you do not stop voting on two-year-old polls in order to gain gil, everyone will be penalized and you will no longer receive gil from voting. The reason we allow threads to "update" when a poll is voted on is so that readers can see what topics have sparked interest, even if there haven't been new posts.

Instead, what we ended up with tonight was 187 out of 209 updated threads in the past six hours be new poll votes without any posts whatsoever. This is obnoxious, clutters up the new posts list, and counts as abuse of the gil system.

Consider this a first and final warning. I can see all of you, and if it continues, you will receive warnings and gil will be shut off in regards to polls.

If you happen to be reading this and you're not one of the ones abusing the polls, by all means, continue on as per usual.