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Thread: why start to play ffxi?

  1. #1

    why start to play ffxi?

    here my 2 cent to new ppl thinking of starting ffxi DONT!!! i bought the game installed it and started to play evrything was ok in game i was grinding lvling up doing a few quests frm a book out side of the town 2 day after i start i go to log in and thay baned my account now thiss was at the begining of december 2009 today i finaly got reply after a lot of troble trying to get ansers aparitly i was rmt (realy money trad) which iv neva done in my life i dont cheat on games iv asked lots of times for evidamce to bk there clame up but nothing at all i sent them evrything thay asked for my card numbers account info stuff like that to prove it my account and i also have bank statments and paypal statments to prove i did nothing of the sort but that wont unban me now i new to that game and was only on for 2 day b4 thiss happen i did not do anything agenst the terms of use and stayed to myself trying to find out wot to do in game my char has nearly nothing at all just a few gill and armor lvl 1 u buy frm the shop which i grind for the gill to buy now i know i did nothing and iv given them anuff info and prove i did not do wot thay say but that still wont unban me and i payed for 3 month game thime and that still took my money and wont give it back so i put thiss on any site i can find to let ppl know wots going on and how that treat inacent ppl if anyone have and info to help me out plses do so u can contact me at [email protected] thank for reading and sorry for my bad emglish and spelling any help will be apreshated

  2. #2
    Spectral Patriot why start to play ffxi? Chaos_Weapon's Avatar
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    Limestone, Maine
    I hear what you're saying. Same thing happened to a few friends of mine. For some reason, when its played on the PSN, it works fine. Your IP may have errors that show threats...I dunno. I never had the time to look into it myself, but I recommend using PS2 or PS3. They love Sony Authentication better than Windows anyway.

    The Spirals of Death Shall Yield to No One...So Good Luck!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by d4sonic View Post
    i new to that game and was only on for 2 day b4 thiss happen
    i payed for 3 month game thime and that still took my money and wont give it back
    How did you pay for 3 months game time? As far as I know, FFXI doesn't have any kind of advance payment. You pay for one month at a time. And I don't see why you've paid at all if you've only been playing for 2 days. They still have free trials as far as I'm aware.

    Something about your story doesn't add up.

    And I'm more worried about your lack of sentences than anything else.

  4. #4
    Lady Succubus why start to play ffxi? Victoria's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'm with Fluffy on this. I don't believe this 'story'. FFXI doesn't have advanced payments, and it has a free 30 day trial before they start charging your card. They also wouldn't ask for your bank statements or your credit card information, as they would already have that on file. >_>;

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