So, what is your top five most favorite t.v. shows of all time. You know how it works.
1.That 70's Show
2.Dragon Ball
3.Dragon Ball Z
4.Family Ties
5.Robot Chicken
So, what is your top five most favorite t.v. shows of all time. You know how it works.
1.That 70's Show
2.Dragon Ball
3.Dragon Ball Z
4.Family Ties
5.Robot Chicken
Hmmm my top five of all time huh, I'll go with:
1. Seinfeld
2. House
3. Scrubs
4. Dragonball Z
5. The Office
Wanna Know More:
No order, but,
1. The Office
2. Community
3. Dexter
4. The Sopranos
5. Seinfeld
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
1. Dexter (wetting myself waiting for season 5)
2. Supernatual.
3. Family Guy.
4. Cougar Town. (even tho series one has finished now)
5. Eastenders
My TFF Family
My FFVII addicted nephew: Secret weapon
My Bullet lovin half wolf cousin: Raider
My complete FFVII nut sister: Unkown entity
My Freya obsessed, grammar nazi brother: Doc rocco
Currently these:
1. Looney Tunes
2. Scooby Doo
3. Our Hero
4. Ed the Sock
5. Black Lagoon
3 and 5 aren't currently on TV, but I have all of the DVDs and the rest are likely what I watch the most on satellite TV. I tend to prefer the comical and get more and more sick of the majority of serious television as time goes on.
victoria aut mors
I dont know if miniseries' count but..........
1. Doctor Who
2. Futurama
3. Band of Brothers
4. Ashes to Ashes
5. Firefly
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
Winston S.Churchill
I am going to refrain from any anime here
1. Scrubs (Love series 1-8, cannot watch the new ones it's too...different)
2. Family Guy
3. The Simpsons
4. Hex (It got cancelled, but I still watch it on DVD)
5. 30 Rock
1. Friends- I idolize Phoebe Buffay. She's the freaking coolest person ever.
2. Malcom in the Middle- Funny and pointless show. It's a little more plotty per episode than the Simpsons, but each one still has random funnies that I enjoy.
3. Ghost Whisperer- Don't judge me
4. Jane and the Dragon- Again, don't judge me
5. iCarly- I've seen three episodes now! I finally watched more than just one! I don't know why I like it so much...I just do.
MIne favourite are:
Three's Company.
I love Lucy.
Sledge Hammer.
The Honeymooners.
The Wire .
The Office ...
fresh prince, americas funniest home videos, friends, late night with Jimmie fallen, and DragonBall
I wont include any anime in my list as anime series would basically fill the entire list=)
1. Only Fools and Horses
2. Married with Children
3. House M.D.
4. The Simpsons
5. One Tree Hill
Honorable Mention:
Malcom in the Middle
Last edited by Xanatos; 08-06-2010 at 08:13 AM.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
1. How I Met Your Mother
2. Two and a Half Men
3. CSI (Las Vegas only)
4. Family Guy
5. Friends
1. Glee
2. One Tree Hill (Series 1-4, but 5 and onwards is a load of bollocks)
3. Veronica Mars
4. Friends
5. Scrubs/Two and a half men/King of Queens/All the other programs on Comedy Central.
I included the last one as a bundle because they're all shown everyday, on the same channel, and have pretty much the same humour. Except for Scrubs, I find Scrubs has a very unique humour. But stiiiillllll.![]()
in no particular order
1. seinfeld
3. friends
4. scrubs (with the exception of the last 2 seasons)
5. the office (american version)
honorable mentions - modern family, the simpsons, colbert report, charlies angels and the big bang theory.
"With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier
final fantasy xiii-2
pokemon fire red
1. Supernatural
2. Scrubs
3. Malcolm in the Middle
4. That 70's Show
5. The Ultimate Fighter
Honorable Mention
~Jersey Shore
~Chapelle Show
~George Lopez
~Sons of Anarchy
I like
Heroes (to bad it ended, but hey a mini-series or movie might be coming out)
The Office
and The Smoking Gun Presents: The Worlds Dumbest (I dunno but I get a kick at what these B Class Comedians say)
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
1. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
2. The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
3. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (even though Fox killed it)
4. General Hospital
5. Anything wrestling related, so long as that prick Vince McMahon stays off my television screen.
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. Doctor Who
3. Desperate Housewives
erm.. christ I don't watch tv and Im struggling to think of anything I used to really enjoy xD
4. Thundercats
5. Bagpuss
Yeah <_<
1 - Heroes
2 - How I met your mother
3 - The Simpsons
4 - Everybody Loves Raymond
5 - Everybody Hates Chris
I do enjoy these fivealthough I dont tend to watch tv during summer holidays
Mine favorite five tv shows are:
These shows are mine favorite TV show.I really like these TV shows.
1. Angel
2. Supernatural
3. Sopranos
4. Father Ted
5. Anything by Chris Morris (eg. Brass eye, Jam)
Uh . . . . . I barely watch T.V but I guess from what I do watch these make the list:
South Park
Nothing else makes the list. I've literally been here for five minutes trying to think of two more.![]()
"One Ring to rule them all, one Ring to find them -"
"Hey dude! Wrong place! This isn't The Lord of the Rings."
"Really? Are you sure . . . I mean . . ."
"I'm sure now go! Yeah now get out of the spotlight. I have some Deepground soldiers to shoot."
1.The Simpsons
2.Fullmetal Alchemist(yes i'm including anime >.<)
3.George Lopez
4.Ben 10
Battlestar Gallactica (the re-imagining)
The Office
Avatar: The Last Airbender
All entries subject to change without notice.
Until now!
1: Dexter
3: Dead Like Me
4: House
5: Leverage
Honorable Mentions:
Burn Notice
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Deadliest Catch
Star Trek the next generation
Twilight Zone
1. Jeopardy
2. Ren and Stimpy
3. Avatar the Last Airbender
4. Dexter's Lab
5. South Park
Tosh.0 and Hey Arnold and Johnny Bravo are honorable mentions.
(TFF Family):
I don't really watch that much television anymore, but there are a few shows that stick out as being a favorite.
No particular order:
1.) Chowder- It's just hilarious to me.
2.) Avatar: The Last Airbender- I was a fan of this show from episode one, and it just kept getting better and better! I heard there's going to be a sequel series too!I hope it keeps a lot of the charm that A:TLA had.
3.) Venture Bros.- Really funny, and incredible characters, imo. I need to watch the new episodes that are coming out.
4.) Lost- Got into this one late (3rd season late), but thought it was pretty good, and started watching it from the beginning. I completely missed the final season though...
5.) What Not to Wear- I like seeing all the makeovers done on all the people that are picked to be on the show. Also, seeing some of the "before" outfits is pretty entertaining too.![]()
Click at your own risk.:
1. Scrubs
2. Law & Order (1990-1998)
3. Cowboy Bebop
4. Death Note
5. Pokemon (Indigo league)
PS. I never watch Pokemon anymore, but i'll always remember the first season.