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Thread: Your Highness (again)

  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Your Highness (again)

    I made a thread about this movie last November, which is now closed because it was last posted in in November. Now it's out. Saw it today.

    It was pretty stupid. It alternated between being really stupid and fairly funny, but still stupid. Looking back, I think there were a lot of things I might have only laughed at because I wanted to enjoy the movie experience, and because other people in the theater were laughing; dunno if I'll laugh again at some of those things on repeated viewings. Mostly because I was thinking "Wow, that was so horrible/stupid" at the same time. The dialogue, sight gags, and jokes in general are all really crude. There's a million F-bombs, seemingly for the sake of having F-bombs, because who would expect an F-bomb in a fantasy setting? There are lots of references to penises and sex; in fact, that's almost entirely what the humor centered around.

    I did think the action sequences and special effects were pretty good. Natalie Portman's character in particular is pretty bad ass. Actually, it's really kinda weird that she would take this roll; seems a little below her, especially after seeing Black Swan the other night. I would say the same of James Franco, but he was in Pineapple Express a couple years ago, which was by this same director. So was Danny McBride, who played the lead roll and also wrote the screenplay. I wonder if it's his first attempt. I really think he's a funny actor, but I don't know how I feel about him as a writer. This was pretty hit and miss for me.

    If you fancy yourself as really intelligent and have a highbrow sense of humor, you probably won't like this. If you can appreciate lowbrow humor and general stupidity like me, however, you might enjoy this. Nowhere near the level of Pineapple Express, but still pretty fun. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  2. #2

    Re: Your Highness (again)

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post
    Actually, it's really kinda weird that she would take this roll; seems a little below her, especially after seeing Black Swan the other night.
    Actually, for some stupid reason Natalie Portman wants to ruin any upstanding actor reputation so she has specifically taken bad movies of late to contrast her role in movies like Black Swan.
    Natalie Portman 'Really Proud' Of 'No Strings Attached'

    I guess respect is over-rated for her so she'll be happy to do shitty movies like No Strings Attached. Well she got what she wanted from me, I hate her as an actor.

    As for the Your Highness movie. I havn't seen it but I hope noone was expecting much. It seems like a girl-ogling idiot-fest like many movies these days (Just Go with it, Arthur, Get Him to thew Greek, even Superbad etc. etc.). I don't even consider myself "high brow" but I don't like the focus on over-achieving idiot movies (The Hangover being a possible exception).

    The world has too many idiots in it and the last thing we need is movies further perpetuating the notion of successful idiots. I guess in some cases its not a "new" trend for movies but they seem to be a lot more prevalent these days.
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