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Thread: WWE Wrestling

  1. #31
    It's the Jecht Shot, Babey! WWE Wrestling LaCkyy's Avatar
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    HHH, is the most supported wrestle, and he is also the fan Favourite. Majority of the WWE Fans like HHH, that's why he won't retire. Even if he did retire in the next 3-5 years, he would get a Job as a GM most proberly.
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  2. #32
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom WWE Wrestling Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    I'd like to see anyone fake getting suplexed onto a ladder

    yes wrestlings fake you know mics under the ring to make it louder then it is, slapping legs, slamming feet on floor all that jazz.

    anyway best thing i ever saw was Brock Lesner attempt a shooting star press and landing on his face LOL god that was funny

    Favorite wrestler is probably Cm Punk but he was better when he was in the indies. also Paul London was Awsome.


  3. #33
    Rufus Shinra WWE Wrestling Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jecht View Post
    HHH, is the most supported wrestle, and he is also the fan Favourite. Majority of the WWE Fans like HHH, that's why he won't retire. Even if he did retire in the next 3-5 years, he would get a Job as a GM most proberly.
    Randy orton got cheered last night when he hit triple h

    I think people are getting bored of him now
    President Rufus Shinra
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  4. #34
    It's the Jecht Shot, Babey! WWE Wrestling LaCkyy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rufus shinra View Post
    Randy orton got cheered last night when he hit triple h

    I think people are getting bored of him now
    Everyone is entitled to there opinion,

    The week before HHH was getting cheered by Majority of the crowd when he had the Steel Cage match with Cody rhodes.

    I Can just imagine it now in my head

    Jerry 'The King' Lawler : Looks, like a standing ovation for The Game.
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  5. #35
    Rufus Shinra WWE Wrestling Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jecht View Post
    Everyone is entitled to there opinion,

    The week before HHH was getting cheered by Majority of the crowd when he had the Steel Cage match with Cody rhodes.

    I Can just imagine it now in my head

    Jerry 'The King' Lawler : Looks, like a standing ovation for The Game.
    Thats What he's suppose tio say its a script

    If triple hhh was getting rotten apples thrown at him he'd still say it
    but in reality triple h aint all that he aint even really a good wrestler he has 4 moves spinebuster, knee to head, clothesline , pedigree , He Has won 13 world titles because he's Doing the boss's daughter
    President Rufus Shinra
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  6. #36
    It's the Jecht Shot, Babey! WWE Wrestling LaCkyy's Avatar
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    Doubt that's really the reason, why HHH has had 13 Titles, like i said HHH is a Smackdown Favourite, Obviously some people at Raw Won't like him for that, HHH is a quality wrestler.
    And i must admit he doesn't have the biggest Move-set but he has alot more that what you named there

    For instance ;

    Figure four leg lock
    Kneck Breaker
    Sleeper hold
    Chop block

    I Can actually see it coming that after WrestleMania HHH will get drafter to raw, and take the WWE Championship Back to Raw.
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  7. #37
    Rufus Shinra WWE Wrestling Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jecht View Post
    Doubt that's really the reason, why HHH has had 13 Titles, like i said HHH is a Smackdown Favourite, Obviously some people at Raw Won't like him for that, HHH is a quality wrestler.
    And i must admit he doesn't have the biggest Move-set but he has alot more that what you named there

    For instance ;

    Figure four leg lock
    Kneck Breaker
    Sleeper hold
    Chop block

    I Can actually see it coming that after WrestleMania HHH will get drafter to raw, and take the WWE Championship Back to Raw.
    sleeper hold and chop block??? simple moves that spike dudley could pull off

    And he does the figure four leg lock once in a blue moon

    The rock was in a different league with his move set

    somoan drop
    flying clothesline
    superplex ( from turnbuckle)
    rock bottom
    people's elbow

    Like i said if triple h was not with stephanie he would not have had as much sucess

    Chris jericho Is a better wrestler and where is he
    President Rufus Shinra
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  8. #38
    It's the Jecht Shot, Babey! WWE Wrestling LaCkyy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rufus shinra View Post
    sleeper hold and chop block??? simple moves that spike dudley could pull off

    And he does the figure four leg lock once in a blue moon

    The rock was in a different league with his move set

    somoan drop
    flying clothesline
    superplex ( from turnbuckle)
    rock bottom
    people's elbow

    Like i said if triple h was not with stephanie he would not have had as much sucess

    Chris jericho Is a better wrestler and where is he

    Come on, are you serious?
    When Chris Jericho, and HHH were both on top of there game, Early 2000's HHH- still won then.

    And now you going to reply saying - 'ye but HHH was in a relationship with Stephanie McMahon then, so it's obvious HHH will win'. Are you not?

    All i can say is Chris Jericho, will never will be on the same level as HHH. Chris Jericho is fighting old WWE Veterens, that's the only way he can win.
    HHH has, and still could achieve great things in his Career with or without, MR McMahon on his side.
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  9. #39
    persona user WWE Wrestling foster kid's Avatar
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    so do you all think the thing with orton andvince and now hunter is real or just business?
    i can't beleive orton actually kissed steph last night!

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  10. #40
    forever alone in hell WWE Wrestling final fantacy_tifa's Avatar
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    i dont belive it one bit!!!
    like seriosly!!!

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    time your wasting just your do to better anything have you don't this reading you r why <-- read backwards,

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  11. #41
    Rufus Shinra WWE Wrestling Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jecht View Post
    Come on, are you serious?
    When Chris Jericho, and HHH were both on top of there game, Early 2000's HHH- still won then.

    And now you going to reply saying - 'ye but HHH was in a relationship with Stephanie McMahon then, so it's obvious HHH will win'. Are you not?

    All i can say is Chris Jericho, will never will be on the same level as HHH. Chris Jericho is fighting old WWE Veterens, that's the only way he can win.
    HHH has, and still could achieve great things in his Career with or without, MR McMahon on his side.
    Chris jericho first undisputed champion Beating the rock and stone cold in the same night

    triple h has never topped that

    President Rufus Shinra
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  12. #42
    persona user WWE Wrestling foster kid's Avatar
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    your right but triple h has beat more people than jericho and he also has won more titles then chris. so hunter is kinda ahead of him in that area and if they both retired after wrestlemainia then hunter would get into the hall of fame and i really don't think chris would he doesn't really have a hall of fame resume yet but some day he might.

    The fighting rages on and on, to challange me you must be strong

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  13. #43
    Rufus Shinra WWE Wrestling Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by foster kid View Post
    your right but triple h has beat more people than jericho and he also has won more titles then chris. so hunter is kinda ahead of him in that area and if they both retired after wrestlemainia then hunter would get into the hall of fame and i really don't think chris would he doesn't really have a hall of fame resume yet but some day he might.

    individually Chris jericho has won more titles then Triple h
    And chris jericho has more then enough hall of fame potiential

    8 time IC champion ( the most times might i add
    First undisputed champion
    Tag team champion
    Europeon champion
    Wcw titles

    If you want me to copy and paste from wiki then i will
    President Rufus Shinra
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  14. #44
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 WWE Wrestling T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Peoples, try to take this easy.

    First and foremost, so as long as Chris Jericho remains in WWE and does the good fight, he'll get a sure ticket to the Hall of Fame. Not just for being the first Undisputed Champ, but because of his resume itself (not just WWE and WCW, but also Mexico which is a hot wrestling spot, believe it or not)

    HHH will go to the Hall of Fame, not because he's the owner's son, but mostly because of his time as The Game and his time with DX. The HHH of this moment is a pale shadow of what the ol' HHH was, if only because he's always with a championship, and barely seems to lose in a way it's reasonable enough. You barely see him lose on championship matches (much like Cena), but he's gotten repetitive. His Pedigree was awesome once, but he deserves a refreshment of moves. For example, Undertaker has improved his repertoire by not only having the Boot, the Tombstone, the Chokeslam and the set of punches, but also having the Old School, the Last Ride powerbomb and the Gogoplata (or however it is called). Those last three have been developed over the years, with each new remake of his gimmick, so he always feels fresh despite his 16+ years of wrestling.

    Jericho is a better wrestler, although his heel gimmick has sucked big time. When he returned as the "savior" of WWE, and began losing his matches (not necessarily because he sucks, but because of storylines), his gimmick fell into disaster, and right now he must attempt a "Legend Killer" gimmick to make a reasonable fight with Orton who got famous because of it. Don't blame Jericho for his losses (he's a fast wrestler, good with the microphone, his submission moves are simple yet effective and credible, for example), blame the story writers who seem to be unable to make better stories than a monkey.

    Sure, HHH has shown that he knows more moves. But he has gotten predictable, to the point that you KNOW that after around 3 minutes, he's going to win with the Pedigree. If he changed his finisher, perhaps using a bit more the Figure 4 leglock instead of going straight to Pedigree, if he begins making more credible lead-up moves (not just groin kick -> Pedigree), and he would be a more credible champ. I can't say he's not a real and true champ, but he's not being credible enough.

    The Rock had essentially mic skills and charisma, but his signature moves and finishers weren't that surprising actually. His Rock Bottom barely seems an effective damage dealer (basically it's a slam + facebuster, nothing spectacular), and for goodness sakes, the People's Elbow is just an elbow strike!! But why do people love him? Because he's charismatic, because he won the favor of the people. Same with Austin, although he had some pretty amazing moves aside from spamming the Stunner (he knows the Cobra Clutch, which it's pretty dangerous, or at least dangerous looking)

    You can't really judge people by how many TIMES have they won championships, but actually how credible were their runs. Let's be serious; you could say that Honky-Tonk Man was one of the best wrestlers because he kept the Intercontinental Championship for over 60 weeks or something, but with one show per week, you can be sure not all of them were clean OR credible victories (sadly, I ain't from that era so I can't say if he was a clean or dirty wrestler). However, you can determine Undertaker's championship run as credible because he really made his battles look spectacular. Same with Shawn Michaels; whenever he became a champion, he got a good and credible run.

    Also, just in case...

    Grand Slam Champ > Undisputed Champ > World Heavyweight OR WWE Heavyweight.

    And at least Jericho's run as UChamp was credible...

    Also, wrestling's not that fake. Part of a successful fall is KNOWING how to fall; a bad move, and you could get hurt; a wrong move, and you could risk making the move look fake. It's pretty evident that most moves that cause the opponent to lift are pretty fake, but presses ain't fake; they are falling with all the weight of their bodies, and they train enough so that the presses don't harm the user NOR the victim. Most aerial moves are pretty hard to be considered fake. They train to make their moves more believable, but they sweat for real, and they fall for real, and they take part of the lifts for real. What you can say is that wrestling isn't entirely real, but not entirely fake

    Quote Originally Posted by final fantacy_tifa
    and ppl say a girl shouldent be whatching wwe!! so please tell me what u think!!!?!?!?
    Go ahead. Being of either gender doesn't prevent you from enjoying wrestling. Quite the contrary; that makes you original If any person, no matter who, says that you can't see wrestling because you're a girl, either ignore them or pick on them on something someone of their gender shouldn't be watching, or just "embarrass" them (if they say you shouldn't be seeing wrestling, whenever they are with their friends, go and speak about WWE and how you like HHH and so on) No one, not even parents, should prevent people from enjoying what they wanna see (they can advice, but not prohibit)
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  15. #45
    persona user WWE Wrestling foster kid's Avatar
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    wrestling is fake just cause of the storylines i belive but i still love it.
    and about the undertaker forgot his new submission move the hells gate or somethin like that. .. i think triple h has started to get special treatment as of late and he has started to slow down and lost some of his"touch" i think since he became a good guy again, even though he is more likable, well to me he is. I actually like him as a good guy. Chris i think he should have waited until this years wrestlemainia to make his come back cause his comeback in the ring, not the story line, has sucked. and whats the deal with his new tights....or lack there of...its just like triple h when he dumped dx and went to the corperation. they looked so much better when they had pants on. there is no doubt that chris and HHH are on the road to the hall of fame when there career is over. let me end with this..... is John Cena really this generations new stone cold steve austin or Rock?

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  16. #46
    It's the Jecht Shot, Babey! WWE Wrestling LaCkyy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rufus shinra View Post

    individually Chris jericho has won more titles then Triple h
    And chris jericho has more then enough hall of fame potiential

    8 time IC champion ( the most times might i add
    First undisputed champion
    Tag team champion
    Europeon champion
    Wcw titles

    If you want me to copy and paste from wiki then i will
    Sorry so'

    WWF/E Championship (8 times)
    WWF European Championship (2 times)
    WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (5 times)
    WWF Tag Team Championship (1 time)
    World Heavyweight Championship (5 times)

    Also winning 4 Elimination Chambers! - isn't as good as Jericho's 8 Intercontinal Championship pmsl.

    While record 8-time WWE Champion Triple H
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  17. #47
    I invented Go-Gurt. WWE Wrestling Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jecht View Post
    Sorry so'

    WWF/E Championship (8 times)
    WWF European Championship (2 times)
    WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (5 times)
    WWF Tag Team Championship (1 time)
    World Heavyweight Championship (5 times)

    Also winning 4 Elimination Chambers! - isn't as good as Jericho's 8 Intercontinal Championship pmsl.

    While record 8-time WWE Champion Triple H
    The only reason that Triple H has won so many titles is because he married his boss's daughter to get ahead. Now he's the most powerful wrestler in the company, and can hold anybody down as he pleases, which he does on a regular basis.

  18. #48
    Rufus Shinra WWE Wrestling Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jecht View Post
    Sorry so'

    WWF/E Championship (8 times)
    WWF European Championship (2 times)
    WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (5 times)
    WWF Tag Team Championship (1 time)
    World Heavyweight Championship (5 times)

    Also winning 4 Elimination Chambers! - isn't as good as Jericho's 8 Intercontinal Championship pmsl.

    While record 8-time WWE Champion Triple H

    No Where near as good as Good As Y2J's 8 time IC championship reign

    I could say Jericho has out shown everything triple h has done by becoming first ever Undisputed champion but am willing to debate with you and i noticed you Posted All the belts triple h has won Only 5 different belts
    Jericho is one ahead of him on 6 different belts Held in the WWE alone!!! Not to mention His Time In WcW
    President Rufus Shinra
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  19. #49
    Chris Jericho sux balls. He'll never be in the same league as HHH. I dont think HHH would have gotten beat up so badly like Y2Jdid in that unsanctioned match against Shawn Micheals. Jericho is nothin but a low life.
    Girl: Do i ever cross ur mind
    Boy: No
    Girl: Do you like me?
    Boy: Not really
    Girl: Do you want me?
    Boy: No
    Girl: Would you cry if I left?
    Boy: No
    Girl: Would you live for me?
    Boy: No
    Girl: Would you do anything for me?
    Boy: No
    Girl: Choose--me or ur life
    Boy: my life
    The girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says...
    The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind.
    The reason why I don't like you is because I love you.
    The reason I don't want you is because I need you.
    The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left.
    The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you.
    The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you.
    The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life

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  20. #50
    persona user WWE Wrestling foster kid's Avatar
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    now now now chris is not a low life ......his character dang sure is a low life but i think jericho the real person is prob a cool guy and he loves rock so he can't be that bad.......and how does triple h hold people down? i think that chris and triple h are great in there own ways and if chris gets a better story line then h and chris could dominate the wwe........unless jeff hardy gets his act together then all bets are off

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  21. #51
    I invented Go-Gurt. WWE Wrestling Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by foster kid View Post
    and how does triple h hold people down?
    He holds people down by losing only an average of three matches a year, and the rest of the time, holding one of the world titles for himself. Triple H is a politic backstage. He decides who he loses to and when.

  22. #52
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 WWE Wrestling T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by foster kid View Post
    wrestling is fake just cause of the storylines i belive but i still love it.
    and about the undertaker forgot his new submission move the hells gate or somethin like that. .. i think triple h has started to get special treatment as of late and he has started to slow down and lost some of his"touch" i think since he became a good guy again, even though he is more likable, well to me he is. I actually like him as a good guy. Chris i think he should have waited until this years wrestlemainia to make his come back cause his comeback in the ring, not the story line, has sucked. and whats the deal with his new tights....or lack there of...its just like triple h when he dumped dx and went to the corperation. they looked so much better when they had pants on. there is no doubt that chris and HHH are on the road to the hall of fame when there career is over. let me end with this..... is John Cena really this generations new stone cold steve austin or Rock?
    I'd go and pick it in pieces, but I'll just go ahead and take it point by point:

    --Most of the storylines are fake, true, and some of the moves as well (you seriously can't believe John "5-moves" Cena can lift someone with ease, right?), but there are moves that are real, and they have to be fit for wrestling. It's not entirely real, but not entirely fake. Also, some storylines break kayfabe (the term for what's not real in wrestling).

    --Hell's Gate = Gogoplata. Just like the Walls of Jericho is a modified Boston Crab submission move, and the Last Ride is a modified powerbomb, and so on. That's just the given name to the Gogoplata. I'd like to point out that sometimes, the wrestler's moves change all of a sudden. I just forget most of the changes.

    --HHH has fallen in dismay because his matches and victories leave a bad flavor in the mouth, figuratively speaking. HHH would be a bit different with a storyline in which he loses all of the time, he figures it's because of his movelist, and makes a striking comeback with different moves. Cena would also work that way. Also, HHH is best suited for a heel, not a face; his character is that of a strong yet cunning guy, some sort of a natural leader, with experience and whatnot. Being a face and winning all the time isn't the best way to show that; worse if ALMOST EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOTHER (save for small kids who never saw the Attitude era) knows he's Vince's son-in-law. He needs to fix his gimmick a bit.

    --Jericho works well as heel or face, but he has fallen a bit into dismay simply because he's on RAW. And RAW has an overload of stories. Send him to Smackdown, who desperately needs more heels, and he'll work well (look at Edge and see why I'm speaking of that). Also, you can say Jericho sucks, but not that the real guy sucks.

    --Now, Cena is a glorified wrestler, and someone that doesn't deserve the standing he has. I'll give it to you: he's a dedicated guy. He's married to the WWE, he barely has no life, his life is the WWE. But, that doesn't mean that he's entitled to be a great wrestler because of it. He's boring, he's barely likeable, he's unassuming in combat, and he only has 5 moves. If he changed his gimmick and his moves, he maybe could improve.

    Now, lemme clarify something: first and foremost, you can't prove that you're the best wrestler by how many runs you've got on your career. You prove you're the best wrestler by how fruitful were those runs. By what I see, both HHH and Jericho have reasons to be amongst the best wrestlers, and neither has an advantage over the other. Jericho has done surprising victories with his natural agility, his submission move, and his style of combat. Meanwhile, HHH has the talent and ability to make a successful champ, but his relationship with Stephanie IRL undermines his capabilities. Now, those specific points can't say that Jericho OR HHH are bad wrestlers; you can say that they have their good points and their bad points. Nor, you can compare a light heavyweight, mostly submission based wrestler like Jericho with a powerhouse like HHH. If you are to compare to other wrestlers:

    Undertaker >>> HHH & Jericho. Because Taker is the complete package, and he reinvents himself.

    Kurt Angle >>> HHH & Jericho. Because Angle is also a complete package, and he's surprisingly convincing in wrestling (he was a real Olympic wrestler and a Gold Medalist, but even with non-Grecorroman wrestling moves, he's convincing)

    Instead of comparing championships (which prove nothing), compare the matches themselves. Watch which match entertains you more. See old matches, and compare them at as many matches as you can. Watch who has the most convincing moves (those that make you say "ouch, that gotta hurt"). Don't let you get convinced specifically by the finishers or signature moves, but how both build themselves before they unleash their finishers and signature moves. Watch how they act their gimmicks. Watch how they play their side: are they good faces? Good heels? Then, you can make that conclusion. I can't really say who is the best wrestler, but as far as I can see, Taker and Angle are roughly better than HHH and Jericho for slight reasons; yet, that's only my opinion, and not a cultured opinion at best.

    Finally, heel vs. face. If a heel makes you squirm and wish he was dead, he's a great heel. A lovable heel isn't a good heel; he's better as a face. As well, a charismatic and "brave" face is a good face; if you like the face as a wrestler because of his gimmick, he's a good wrestler. If you despise the face and wish he would lose, then he's a bad face. And if he does a good face or a good heel, that alone makes him a decent wrestler. So, if your idea of "HHH >>> Jericho" is based on "Jericho sucks because I hate heels", or "Edge sucks because he cheats all the time", then you might wanna reconsider the idea; they're doing their job, and if they are convincingly heel or face, then they're doing a great job.

    Just my two cents...or Eurocents...or whichever subdivision of main currency you use (maybe my 20 yen?)
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    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
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    Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:

  23. #53
    Rufus Shinra WWE Wrestling Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nemesis93 View Post
    Chris Jericho sux balls. He'll never be in the same league as HHH. I dont think HHH would have gotten beat up so badly like Y2Jdid in that unsanctioned match against Shawn Micheals. Jericho is nothin but a low life.
    Chris Jericho Won that feud in the End By Beating Shawn Michaels in a ladder match at No mercy for the championship
    President Rufus Shinra
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  24. #54
    It's the Jecht Shot, Babey! WWE Wrestling LaCkyy's Avatar
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    Ok, i see this Thread has become a massive Debate on, Who is better HHH or Y2J. so let's leave that behind now, and go onto diffrent WWE/WWF Memory's ETC?
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  25. #55
    Rufus Shinra WWE Wrestling Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    I have many Good Memorys From The WWF days

    But my Favourite By far would Be Vengeance 2001


    President Rufus Shinra
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    My Top 5 Final Fantasy Characters: Cloud Tifa Locke Irvine Rikku
    currently playing: Lost odyssey
    Xbox 360 gamertag: Andyarteta

  26. #56
    persona user WWE Wrestling foster kid's Avatar
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    just one more thng about jericho and hhh, jericho does have better matches then hhh i mean to me almost every time he faces hbk they steal the show almost every time.
    Cena lifting people like he does with ease like that i beleive its all him casue he did use to be a body builder and he works out like a body builder still so i not that surprised when i see him pick up people like umaga, big show, and big daddy v. ok big daddy v was a lil hard to beleive if i didn't see it happen.
    ok to make a new subject here.........whats the deal with edge? is it me or is he gettin kinda fat? this whole thing with eddie's widdow is kinda .....well it kinda makes me wannna throw up. is he even with lita in real life anymore? i love only 2 things about the guy, his entrance music and the fact that he is a rocker, but thats where me liking him ends. i think edge should do a vampire movie lol.

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  27. #57
    Registered User WWE Wrestling winterborn86's Avatar
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    My partner watched is quite often, it's something that interest me though, I just never understood why people get so hyped up about it when alot of it is fake. Thats what I hate about it, but I do give them credit for pulling off some of the stunts, like backflipping of the ropes and landing on their oppenent without acyually hurting them, it must take alot of skill and training to do it safely.
    The other thing that bugs me is how lame the acting can be, it so terrible.

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  28. #58
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom WWE Wrestling Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    My memmories hey i went to summer slam at Wembly Stadium when i was really young that was AWSOME

    Macho Man vs Ultimate Warrior

    Vergil vs Nails just to name a few matches that were there not to mention

    Shawn Micheals vs Rick "The Model" Martel

    Recent mammories......... ok on tv it was the shooting star press that lessner Failed, a bit old but still good the Mick Foley Vs Tripple H Cage Match Where if he lost he had to leave and also the taker Cage match where he threw Foley off the cage onto the announce table that was awsome, also the Shane O'mac vs Big Show street fight wherehe jumps off the Scaffolding allllllllthe way down to the Big show that was preety cool actually most of SHane O'Mac's matches were good hes just got the charisma thing going for him.

    Reality Memmories: Meeting Matt Hardy, Paul London and Brian Kendric and having a beer with them that was preety cool they are really nice guys. John Cena also has time for fans and stuff which is awsome where as tripple H is a bit of an as shole, Ric Flairs ok if you can get past security

    Other than that Wrestling is best when you have a few beers and a bunch of mate round


  29. #59
    Rufus Shinra WWE Wrestling Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by winterborn86 View Post
    My partner watched is quite often, it's something that interest me though, I just never understood why people get so hyped up about it when alot of it is fake. Thats what I hate about it, but I do give them credit for pulling off some of the stunts, like backflipping of the ropes and landing on their oppenent without acyually hurting them, it must take alot of skill and training to do it safely.
    The other thing that bugs me is how lame the acting can be, it so terrible.
    Yes some Of the Wrestlers Are Awful on the mic

    Like undertaker
    President Rufus Shinra
    Celebrity Big brother: Coolio 3rd!!! Result
    My Top 5 Final Fantasy Characters: Cloud Tifa Locke Irvine Rikku
    currently playing: Lost odyssey
    Xbox 360 gamertag: Andyarteta

  30. #60
    persona user WWE Wrestling foster kid's Avatar
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    hey now taker has got a little better then he was in the 90s.

    i always wanted to hang out with john cena, jeff hardy, shelton benjamin(just because he plays smackdown vs raw), undertaker, and i think edge even though i hate his heel character.
    Remember DDP? i wish he would come back he was pretty cool back in the day lol i think when he came to wwe they kinda pushed him to the side a lil bit and seemingly forgot about him. i still wanna see goldberg vs stone cold.

    The fighting rages on and on, to challange me you must be strong

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