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Thread: The worst show ever

  1. #31
    I'll have to say The OC, American Idol, The Hills, Laguna Beach. Crap like that is what has made TV these days CRAP. Oh and Smallville. Pretty much any reality show really. Except I did like A Shot At Love with Tila Tequila, just cuz I love her. Anything on MTV sucks. Prison Break. That show is getting repetative.

  2. #32
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! The worst show ever Tallulah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    You should see some of the much that UK television produces... and expects us to pay for most of it!

    Dross like Big Brother and I'm a Celebrity!rogrammes on the public-funded BBC channels, such as Eastenders (tedious, ongoing soap) and Extras (so-called comedy; thank God we won't be seeing any more of that!) make me wonder what the TV licence fee is for.

    Not that commercial TV is any better. Emmerdale, another soap about a farming community, is one of the most hillariously bad pieces of garbage! I can't believe I used to watch that s**t!

    P.S: I know someone who is like, thirty and still watches Power Rangers...

  3. #33
    Shot at love with Tiala Taquila or what ever the hell her stupid name is.

    I hate her and her show so much. Everytime I see it on my T.V I can't turn it off fast enough. I don't even know why she is even somewhat famous. My friend told me it was because she had the most friends on myspace.

    ........are ****en kidding me. Gawd I hate her and her show so much. I just don't know what it is about her I just don't like her.
    2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB

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