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  1. #1
    Professional Klutz. The world worst Movies. Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    The world worst Movies.

    If you could name the worst movie you have ever seen what would it be?

    There's a long list of them that when I'm on my deathbed I'll bitch about and condemn. One of which involves two gay cowboys that don't do much for an entire 3 hours, or days... It could have been either. I'm sure you know which film this is. I find even uttering its name sends me into a coma.

    Another is the horror film 'The Long Weekend'. A film that single-handedly ruined the Australian horror industry for me. Not that Wolf Creek was any good.

    I did, however, come to a decision on the worst I've seen. Just for a sheer 'what the hell!?' factor. That film is... ERASERHEAD. Crazy haircuts, dancing chickens and a plot derived from nothing, and made into nothing. Give this piece of crap the gold medal!

    So, once again. What do you consider the worst movies ever made, and why?
    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 05-11-2010 at 01:22 PM.
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  2. #2
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Defenders of Space. Or really, anything from this animating company. This one and a few others are actually fun to watch in a group, however. If that group is easily entertained and laughs at stupid crap, like my group of friends does.

    I also recently saw "Paul Blart: Mall Cop." Painfully stupid. I also hated "The Devil's Rejects" by Rob Zombie. There was a part of the movie where I was literally yelling "Bullshit!" at the screen, it pissed me off so much (I'd been drinking that night, you see.) Also, there was a movie titled something like "The Darkest Knight II." A low budget fantasy movie. The villain's name was-get this-Mordor.

    Can't think of anything else right now. Anyhoo...

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  3. #3
    Death Before Dishonor The world worst Movies. Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    The Village. I hated that movie. Then when I found out that it wasn't even back in Ye Olden Days, I was more pissed.

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  4. #4
    Sir Prize The world worst Movies. Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Are you crazy? How could you call Eraserhead a bad movie. It rates in my top fifteen anyday.

    Bad movies= Regarde la mer; Wing Commander; Scarecrow Gone Wild; Spiderman 3; My Fair Lady; Sherlock Holmes

    ^Any more will make me gag.


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  5. #5
    Registered User The world worst Movies.
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Originally Posted by Josh_R
    The Village. I hated that movie. Then when I found out that it wasn't even back in Ye Olden Days, I was more pissed.
    Any of M. Night Shymalan's "What a TWIST!" moments are pretty cheesy. Only really good movie that I enjoyed from him was Unbreakable. I would have also said The Sixth Sense was great (and it is), but that movie was ruined for me by a bunch of people in high school who blabbed on about it during class. I'm getting off track...

    I can't say I've ever really watched a movie that I would say "AHHH! This is the WORST MOVIE EVER!!!" because most of the movies I've watched would either fall into 1.) it's for kids, so you have to be more lenient about your judgment, 2.) it's not really meant to be a great movie, so it's terribleness can probably be excused, or 3.) it's a bad movie, sure, but sometimes enjoyment can still be found because it's just sooo bad (think Troll 2 )

    If I had to choose, I would say that Seed of Chucky was a pretty remarkably bad film. It's made even worse for me, because I paid movie theater ticket pricing to watch it. Granted it was matinee pricing, but I still paid to see the thing.
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  6. #6
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み The world worst Movies. ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    I watched one movie a few months back, called 'Mega Snake'. Easily the single worst film I have ever seen. It was literally about people being chased by a giant snake. The snake was very poorly rendered with CGI, and the acting was truly dreadful.

  7. #7
    Professional Klutz. The world worst Movies. Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    Are you crazy? How could you call Eraserhead a bad movie. It rates in my top fifteen anyday.
    For the sheer fact that it didn't deliver anything. I didn't find it interesting, funny, scary, awe-inspiring or even remotely entertaining. I found the acting atrocious and the plot impossible to grasp. It didn't fit into the 'oh well, that's a movie I had to see before I died' section. It didn't even fit into the 'so bad, it's good' section. I just didn't like it at all. The woman in the radiator clinched the deal for me... And the baby. I guess all I could say that's good is that I have seen it so I can't possibly think to watch it again.

    Sorry if you love it. It's just my view.

    Another terrible film inspired by ZentetsukeNs answer is Anaconda. That film sucked pretty badly, even John Voight didn't save it. It did have Owen Wilson but he was too new to have found his cameo 'funny guy' lines, too. WTF was Ice Cube about?

    Oh, and the Leprechaun series' were pretty bad. I suppose that fits into Dodies second point though. That film wasn't supposed to be serious, was it? If it was then shame on them.

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  8. #8

    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Epic Movie was a pile of dog crap. That film was given 0/10 from some critics. And I just didn't laugh once. I just think the whole bla bla bla movie thing has been milked for all it's worth.
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  9. #9
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 The world worst Movies. T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Risking a variant of Godwin's Law's corollary in here...

    Any of the pieces of excrement poured from the digestive system of Uwe Boll. Indeed, this man dedicates his life to create masterpieces of utter and absolute fail, devoid of any spirit or memorable moments that would even allow a glimpse of enjoyment. This man, or rather, this mythological creature that incarnates the very concept of an Internet troll on where movies are concerned, delights in creating veritable insults to the gamer community, joining the select group of people who cannot get a clue that their works are nefarious drains of the Universe's collective intellect, a pointless act of attrition to achieve a truly wonderful work, and a sound trashing of the efforts of dozens of directors, producers, localization staff and others who have attempted to turn animation, movies, live-action series and other forms of media into art.

    And yes, there is a movie worse than the petty excuse for a movie that Uwe Boll has accustomed us. Plan 9 from Outer Space. And even THAT movie is so hilariously bad it's good.
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  10. #10
    This ain't no place for no hero The world worst Movies. Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Oh, totally Jack Frost. Not that sappy, happy disney-esque movie, but the horror movie released a year prior.

    But then again, that movie was so bad it was good.

  11. #11
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Planet of Blood - Planet of Blood (1966) - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies
    Redneck Zombies - Redneck Zombies (1988) - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies
    The Bone Yard - The Boneyard (1991) - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies
    Cabin Fever - Cabin Fever (2003) - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies
    Soylent Green - Soylent Green (1973) - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies
    Angel Sanctuary - Angel Sanctuary (2000) - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies
    Plan 9 from outerspace - Already covered by Oskar
    House of the Dead - House of the Dead (2003)
    Steel - Steel (1997) - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies
    Return to Sleepaway Camp - Return To Sleepaway Camp (2008) - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies
    Surf Ninjas - Surf Ninjas (1993) - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies
    Hobgoblins - Hobgoblins (1988)
    Kazaam - Kazaam (1996) - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies

    Hey and that is just to name a few! I have seen my fair share of films and most of these trump the list for bad movies. Given I will still watch some of them for a good laugh but over all they are all crap.

    I might have to come back and add some more to my list eventually but as for now I think that will due. Hopefully will spark some conversation.
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  12. #12
    I want to play a game. The world worst Movies. Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Blindness (2008). I was very, very close to walking out on this movie; the only movie I would have walked out on. First there was no explanation as to the cause of the blindness or why Julianne Moore's character did not contract the blindness. The movie also doesn't explain why those afflicted by the blindness are miracuously healed. But the killing factor is Julianne Moore's character. She could have killed off the "King of Ward 3" in the beginning,not allowing the "tryant" to force his rule, but she allowed that evil to live for no reason. Her biggest failure was when she accepted to being raped for food! She could see! She could have killed off all those who supported the "King of Ward 3" and the King himself. At that part of the movie is when I thought about leaving the theater, but I stuck with it to see the end.

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  13. #13
    Registered User The world worst Movies.
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    Soylent Green was bad? I haven't seen it, but I thought the premise was pretty good. And yeah, I already know how it ends... I spoiled myself on it because I wanted to know what the deal was with all the Futurama episodes making references to this particular movie.

    I thought of a movie not that long ago that defies my 3 excuses in my previous post: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I probably should have known it wouldn't be as good, since there was so much hype around it's release (and sooo much crap merchandise and marketing...), but I fell into it. Granted, I did wait to rent the thing, but I was still pretty excited for the new Indy movie. It's probably not the worst movie in the world, but it definitely was pretty bad for me.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 05-19-2010 at 09:52 PM. Reason: Haha... typos..
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  14. #14
    .............. The world worst Movies. smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Well apart from the audio and visual bile that was Date Movie the worst movies I have seen are Waterworld and Cutthroat Island. I have seen a few European arthouse movies which rank alongside these but I couldnt have been bothered to remember their names.
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  15. #15
    Learner The world worst Movies. CloudTide's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was the worst movie ever
    so boring
    so lame
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  16. #16

    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Eraserhead, huh? I guess I will just have to find you peculiar. I am not the biggest David Lynch fan, but most everyone that I know likes Eraserhead. Hmm indeed.

    Avatar might be the worst movie ever made. Given it's financial success, it makes me want it to be true all the more.

  17. #17
    Shake it like a polaroid picture The world worst Movies. RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    The worst movies ever supposedly include Plan 9 from Outer Space and Manos: The Hands of Fate, but I haven't seen them yet.

    The worst movie I've seen is probably Undefeatable.

    There is this cult film called Vampyros Lesbos. It's really terrible, but the soundtrack is just amazing, so it has become a cult film. If you don't like Droge CX9 or The Lions and the Cucumber, you're just wrong. The last one was even used in Jackie Brown, probably as a tribute to Vampyros Lesbos.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 05-12-2010 at 05:08 PM.
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  18. #18
    The Lone Dagger The world worst Movies. Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    I've gotta say that I was very disappointed by the Dragonball live action movie being a fan of the series for so long, just awful awful awful. But Chi Chi was easy on the eyes haha

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  19. #19
    Registered User The world worst Movies. DawnHero's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Dragonball can suck my ******** and ***** **** **** *Beeep*
    how can you mess up Piccolo, and Kame!!!!!!Kame!!!

    lil history on Piccolo----he's a fruity pebbles flute j/k
    Piccolo was first introduced as the reincarnation of the evil Piccolo Daimao
    Piccolo's transformation from a villain to a good person was considered by Toriyama to be cliché
    some where in 1988

    why don't they make Family Guy movies of all the sucky movies[at least it will be funny]

  20. #20
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The world worst Movies. Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Word horrible would be a perfect description for almost every movie based on game or anime, but besides that, majority of horor movies I watched were just terrible, especially the older ones. Movies like Cujo, Chuky, Leprechaun and many others were just boring and more comedy than anything else.

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  21. #21
    Air from my lungs. The world worst Movies. Violet's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Demon Island has to be one of the worst movies ever.
    Demon Island (2002)

    Typical survival plot.. and a lame ass monster. Even Leprechaun is better than this crap. Lulz, he just got his balls torn off. Moral of the story: don't bash on poor innocent lil pinatas, or they'll rip your nuts off.
    Last edited by Violet; 05-19-2010 at 09:23 PM.

  22. #22
    The real reason why the rum is gone The world worst Movies. Nightmare Cloud's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Turkish Rambo. The so called 'special effects' are just terrible. And the acting is just awful xD There's a guy stood in front of something, facing it. It blows up then he turns round and jumps, trying to make it look like he's been thrown forward from the impact. The sound effects are terrible and it's just so crap, which is what makes it unintentionally funny. Here's what I mean: YouTube - Turkish Rambo with ultimate sounds!

  23. #23
    I like to lol. The world worst Movies. ExQuentin's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Now, before I say this please keep in mind YOU do not know WHO I AM! You do not know what I do, or what I like (at least not entirely) I say this because I can see all you guys crowding around me screaming in my face of how wrong I am...

    The worst movie I've seen recently would have to be... *gulp* The Blind Side.... Ok ok wait wait, I have reasons!!! I had to go for school, it was a trip we took to see it. After that our teachers somehow (SOMEHOW) tied it into our school work, scaring it... I am not a big football fan, I usually stick to basketball (Teenwolf, lol) or soccer (Kicking and Screaming) for movies and playing/watching. I am sorry if I broke any of your souls and please don't rant on my opinion, if you really want to, read the top paragraph again...

  24. #24
    I want to play a game. The world worst Movies. Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Quote Originally Posted by ExQuentin View Post
    Now, before I say this please keep in mind YOU do not know WHO I AM! You do not know what I do, or what I like (at least not entirely) I say this because I can see all you guys crowding around me screaming in my face of how wrong I am...

    The worst movie I've seen recently would have to be... *gulp* The Blind Side.... Ok ok wait wait, I have reasons!!! I had to go for school, it was a trip we took to see it. After that our teachers somehow (SOMEHOW) tied it into our school work, scaring it... I am not a big football fan, I usually stick to basketball (Teenwolf, lol) or soccer (Kicking and Screaming) for movies and playing/watching. I am sorry if I broke any of your souls and please don't rant on my opinion, if you really want to, read the top paragraph again...
    I haven't seen the film nor am I attacking you for not like the film, I do have some inquiries. You say you have "reasons" and say that it was because of a school trip to see and you are not a big football fan. I can understand not being a football fan however I believe there is more to it than just football. I fail to see how school would be relevant. If the movie involved basketball would you have liked it? From what I gathered the film seemed to be about his and the family's time together, the inspiration the brought on each other and life lessons that were translated into his football career. Were those parts good or they bad as well. If you found those parts to be good then it would just appear that the football parts did not held you interest but that was enough to say it was mediocre to bad?

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  25. #25

    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Quote Originally Posted by ExQuentin View Post
    Now, before I say this please keep in mind YOU do not know WHO I AM! You do not know what I do, or what I like (at least not entirely) I say this because I can see all you guys crowding around me screaming in my face of how wrong I am...

    The worst movie I've seen recently would have to be... *gulp* The Blind Side.... Ok ok wait wait, I have reasons!!! I had to go for school, it was a trip we took to see it. After that our teachers somehow (SOMEHOW) tied it into our school work, scaring it... I am not a big football fan, I usually stick to basketball (Teenwolf, lol) or soccer (Kicking and Screaming) for movies and playing/watching. I am sorry if I broke any of your souls and please don't rant on my opinion, if you really want to, read the top paragraph again...
    All that to say that you hated a film just about everyone thinks is dogshit?

  26. #26
    I like to lol. The world worst Movies. ExQuentin's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Well, Zargabaath, I don't favor school much, and since they all wanted basically made us go I think that made me think differently about the movie... Even though I was sitting by my friends a teacher (strictest) was sitting at the end of my row...

    If it was about basketball then yes, I would have like it. I honestly don't completely know how to play football, like... I don't know all the penalties, term, and such. Basketball makes that part easy.

    I mean, the family part (and the Sandra Bullock part) was great, great meaning. I'm talking about I CANNOT at ALL relate to the main character. When I can in what I DO like (Ender's Game, Kick-A**, Sherlock Holmes) well, at least a little...

    Anymore questions I would be glad to answer, I just dont want a bunch of people being mad at me on this forum, not understanding what I am talking about is what I am afraid of.

  27. #27
    8-Bit Underling The world worst Movies. Reverend Red Mage's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    I love Nicholas Cage, but I have to say that Bangkok Dangerous was a turd pile. It's like they weren't even trying.

    Also, I loved Sin City, but The Spirit was just plain awful. Don't even waste your money on renting it.

    One of the worst movies of all time, and I think many websites will agree with me on this, is Manos: Hands of Fate. The guys over at MST3K did an episode on it, but even then it was painful to watch despite the constant commentary.

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  28. #28

    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Hands down, Zombie Nation, it was so f***ing terrible. Literally, there were no redeeming values in this movie. I would rather someone @#!#@@#@#@##@#!#@##@##@@@#@##$% with a munchkin and The Chipmunks than have to see this movie again.

    Any Ed Wood movie is ,obviously, bound to suck a**. So, I will definitely agree that Plan 9 From Outer Space is terrible but fun at times.

    Also, almost any movie that has approached the big screen in the last three years. Because, almost every movie that gains success anymore is stupid, repetitive teen sex comedies(Super Bad) and special effects based crap like Avatar.

    Well, that's all I have to say about that.

  29. #29
    Bananarama The world worst Movies. Pete's Avatar
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    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Superbad was a phenomenal movie. It was a compilation of all the stupid things kids do in the quest of getting laid in high school. That, and overall exaggerated ridiculousness with the cops.

    I also thought Twister sucked. Haha, oh boy, we put a digital cow in there, getting sucked up by the twister.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  30. #30

    Re: The world worst Movies.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Superbad was a phenomenal movie. It was a compilation of all the stupid things kids do in the quest of getting laid in high school. That, and overall exaggerated ridiculousness with the cops.
    Sorry, I just can't get into it.

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