If you could name the worst movie you have ever seen what would it be?
There's a long list of them that when I'm on my deathbed I'll bitch about and condemn. One of which involves two gay cowboys that don't do much for an entire 3 hours, or days... It could have been either. I'm sure you know which film this is. I find even uttering its name sends me into a coma.
Another is the horror film 'The Long Weekend'. A film that single-handedly ruined the Australian horror industry for me. Not that Wolf Creek was any good.
I did, however, come to a decision on the worst I've seen. Just for a sheer 'what the hell!?' factor. That film is... ERASERHEAD. Crazy haircuts, dancing chickens and a plot derived from nothing, and made into nothing. Give this piece of crap the gold medal!
So, once again. What do you consider the worst movies ever made, and why?