It may be a G rated animation movie meant for kids, but this movie is so very cute! I watched it the other day with my mom and thought it was a nice little film. Simple, but nice and different. For the whole first half of the movie there was almost no dialog and that in itself seemed pretty unique. You don't see that anymore except for little animated shorts made by students or the ones that come right before Pixar films (this one was a Pixar, so maybe that's why?).

The movie's about a little trash compacting robot named WALL-E that's meant to clean up the pollution left on earth by the humans. It's the only thing still moving around seven hundred years into the future until another robot is sent there with a special objective.

I sat there and squeed almost every five minutes because of how cute the robot was. >.> A nice little family film that I liked well, so I was wondering what anyone else thought...if anyone here watched it.