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Thread: Some Good Movies, and Some... Not So Good.

  1. #1

    Some Good Movies, and Some... Not So Good.

    I see quite a few movies these days, and it overwhelms me to say that a good portion of them have been pretty bad. The hype, the excitement, the mysterious commercials played over and over, and then you get to see the movie and it just does not meet your expectations. Other times, it goes above and beyond what you thought a movie could be. I would like to cite some examples, and please feel free to comment, or post your own selections. Note, it is possible for some spoilers if you havn't seen the listed movies, so in all fairness::


    Now that that's taken care of.

    The Good

    Harold And Kumar 1&2: I just finished watching the second one, and i must say i was actually impressed. I saw the first, and thought it was pretty good. A stoner movie, but good none the less. The second blew me away. The jokes were a little corny, the racism jokes were a little tired, but the ending just blew it all away. That's what i like about a movie. The whole think can outright blow as long as the ending ties it all in, and makes you think, or even cry. (Yes, i teared up a bit when Kumar recited his little math poem)

    V For Vendetta: I thought this movie would just be another corny superhero movie, derived from some old comic book, but i was amazed at the message this movie was sending. The characters, the plot, the message. It all just blew me away. It was so believable, and enthralling. I was very surprised to see this one climb my list of favorite movies.

    Click: I expected to see another nonsensical Adam Sandler movie, but i actually enjoyed the movie. It had some good humor, and it actually made a point. An Adam Sandler movie that had a point... I know, it boggles the mind, but it was actually very good. It certainly stands out in my mind.

    The Bad

    Pretty much the entire Resident Evil series
    : I had been anticipating the arrival of a resident evil movie since i began playing the games. I had read an article in a magazine that they were having a casting call. Little did i know it would take them almost 10 years from that article to actually make a movie... THAT SUCKED! The movie has nothing to do with the game. It was rushed, and the characters were so shallow, you didn't care that almost every single one of them died. The second was slightly better... slightly. They actually added characters from the game, but overall the plot was lacking. And finally... The last one. Extinction was it? I think the series is no Extinct. They added more familiar characters, but they made the entire plot so unbeleivable that... YOU COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!!! And the part at the end with the army of clones... I really don't need to say much else.

    The Happening: Some of you may fight me on this, but hear me out. I had high hopes after lady in the water fell short. It had a good premise, the whole plants fighting back was interesting, but it was just pulled off in such a horrible way. The movie took a turn towards boring very shortly after the initial deaths, and then it just got overdone. There was far too much needless violence. I don't feel i need to see someone pierce a sharp needle through their neck, or watch a body hit the pavement from a few stories up. I also didn't like ANY of the characters, they all seemed so fake, not to mention there was some silly aspects that i just didn't feel fit into the mood. To end it all, they only gave a brief explanation of why "The Happening" happened in a short news story in the background. Not worth it

    The Fountain
    : You wanna talk about crap? Oh dear god! I cannot believe i actually sat through this entire movie, and didn't suffer from sever mental retardation. My friends and I actually refuse to admit we went to see it... in fact... we didn't... I had a birthday party... with cake. But if i DID see the movie, it make so little sense... it just blew your mind. When the credits began to roll... a certain word was on my lips... "AND!?" This movie made no sense in any dimension, weather it be this one, or one in a glowing bubble with a fruity tree and a bald floating man. I just... can't comprehend how anyone could allow such a thing to show in a theater... It hurts thinking about it... it truly does.

    These were just some movies that stood out to me. Movies i expected to be really good, and they sucked, and other i thought would be terrible, and ended up smacking me in the face. So, would anyone like to disagree (or agree) ^_^

    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  2. #2
    Of the ones I have seen, they were all bad, and the rest of those sound bad. V for Vendetta is the biggest offender because it thinks its a great film.

    In the fall/winter is when all the great movies come out, in anticipation of Oscar season.

  3. #3
    Awww, V for Vendetta was an amazing movie. Just goes to show that different people think differently about movies. It got some pretty good ratings at

    I still want to hear from those of you who have seen the fountain. I want to know if anyone actually liked it and why... or how...

    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  4. #4
    V for Vendetta was awesome! I havent even heard of fountain O_o Im wondering if it came out over here.
    ~I just keep on laughing, hiding the tears in my eyes~


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