Who's watching tonight? My brother is having a party, as he does every year, so I'm going to that. He gives everyone a sheet to pick their Oscar predictions. Now, I have no idea what all the nominations are, nor do I really know what all the categories are, but...
I have seen Inception, The King's Speech, The Social Network, and Toy Story 3 of the movies that were selected for best picture. I think only True Grit would really interest me of the others that were nominated, though I hear they were all good, with "The Kids Are Alright" being the weakest one (according to my bro, that is.) Of the four I saw, I really liked them all; it'd be hard for me to pick one of them as my favorite. However, I predict that The King's Speech will win best picture. It follows the Oscar formula perfectly, and the academy are a bunch of old fogies that, hard as they try, are not in touch with the times. If they were, they'd probably pick The Social Network instead, as it is definitely a movie about our generation and the generation of the internet.
Furthermore, I love that they nominated another Randy Newman song. His score is great, but the song is just like his other songs he's been nominated for in the past. If any pop song should have been nominated, one from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World should've been nominated. Although all of that music was alternative rock, not mainstream enough, and that movie bombed... Still, it probably could've been nominated for some technical award.
I don't really have any other predictions for sure. I know that I really liked Geoffry Rush in The King's Speech, and Jesse Eisenberg in The Social Network (although Colin Firth will probably win best actor, which really he deserves for that performance anyway.) Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom