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Thread: Recommend a Film

  1. #1

    Recommend a Film

    As you may have gathered from the title of this topic it’s about recommending a film you may have seen recently to the other members. It can be a just-released feature or a Golden Oldie!
    I’m always looking for some good things to watch so I’m really excited about the take of this thread *hint hint* ~^.

    Basically, fill out the form with your current recommendation! To reduce risk of spam you may only recommend one movie in one post per day.

    So here is the Form:

    Film Title:
    Your Rating (Out of 10):
    Your Review:

    Try to keep reviews longer than one line – and as for the rating, 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest =^~=.

    I’ll start the ball rolling with my latest recommendation! So here goes <3

    Film Title: Knowing
    Genre: Sci-Fi I think… Also Action I think.
    Your Rating (Out of 10): 7/10
    Your Review: Overall I found this to be a good film. If you like a little bit of science then prepare to be treated with a couple of bites from Physics. Only very basic of course with reference to our Solar System but none the less any science fan likes anything they can get.
    The film is focused on Mr. Cage finding a note left by a little girl in a school time capsule. The note has been underground for 5 decades yet holds some interesting numbers. It turns out these numbers refer to devastating incidents that happened around the world killing people. The problem is, there are 3 left to happen. So with a race against time our main heroes are trying to solve the mystery and maybe try and change fate.
    Like I said it’s a pretty good film but has its weak points too. For example, for the ending they could have cut the last couple of minutes. It was too corny and the graphics were poor. We knew what was going to happen and sometimes it’s better to just leave it to the imagination.
    Would I recommend someone to watch this? Yes of course! I’m writing it here aren’t I? Haha anyway, worth a see. It’s not awful, but it’s not epic… it’s just a reasonable movie to watch if you fancy something a little ‘out there’ and ‘suspenseful’.

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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Recommend a Film Xanatos's Avatar
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    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Film Title: The Prestige
    Genre: I really don't know
    Your Rating: 10/10

    Your Review:
    An excellent movie, based on the Christopher Priest's world fantasy awarded novel of the same title. This movie has most impressive cast, Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, David Bovie, Michael Caine and lot more great actors.
    The story begins as Alfred Boldren is in prison accused of killing Robert Angier. Reading the diary of Robert Angier he remembers the past and how it all begun. They were two young magicians good friend but because unfortunate circumstances they're become enemies and two great rivals. Through the movie it's explained the life of these two magicians and their intentions to destroy each other.
    The movie is very long and also very complicated, there are some things hard to understand at the beginning but as the movie goes many things become clearer. The great thing about this movie is that you don't know what it's going to happen, it's full of surprises. Only the last scene in this movie connects all the links and only then you truly understand story of the entire movie. I like it because of that and because this movie has well done story, complicated and intriguing. Also the characters are interesting, complex and mysterious.
    I haven't notice any bad side of this movie and that's the main reason why I would recommend this move.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 07-21-2009 at 07:48 AM.

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  3. #3
    Freezing Ring! Recommend a Film Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    IN YOUR DREAMS ^^!!!!
    Tile: Resident evil: Degenration
    genre: Horror (Yes im a geek that watch's the RE movie's ^^)
    Score: 9/10

    It's one of the best RE movie's because, it doesnt have really actor's and it has game graphic's that you would find it the movie's in the game. They did a great job with it. I really really Recommend it.

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  4. #4
    Master of the Shadow Key Recommend a Film KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    Between Light and Dark
    Title: Ghostbusters
    Genre: Sci-fi/Comedy
    Score: 9.5/10

    I recently learned of this movie's existence after I saw a video game based on it. I wanted to play the game so I watched this movie (and the sequel) first and I must say this is one of the best comedies I have ever seen. I hate the horrible excuse for comedies that have been released recently (Superbad, The Hangover, and that pile of Chocobo droppings Bruno) and this has a breath of fresh air.

    It tells the story of three parapsychologists: Ray Stantz, Egon Spengler, Peter Venkmen, who start a paranormal extermination service. They are a huge sucess, leading them to hire a fourth Ghostbuster, Winston Zeddmore. I won't spoil much of the plot for you but I will say that an ancient Sumerian god is trying to destroy everything and it's up to the Ghostbusters to stop it.....and a 200 ft. tall marshmallow man.

    The cast is extremely likable. I mostly enjoyed Egon because of his constant rambling on psychic mumbo-jumbo. Sure, the visuals are dated, but graphics aren't as important as the story, which is top-notch and has provided me with many quotable lines. Another great part about this movie is it's amazing and incredibly catchy theme song.

    All in all, this movie is a must-see. With it's likeable cast and great plot and theme song, if you don't watch it, than have fun seeing another crap-fest like I Love You, Beth Cooper.

    P.S. This review is geared toward the younger forums members as I'm sure the older guys have already known of this.
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  5. #5
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Recommend a Film ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Ipswich, UK
    Title: Donnie Darko
    Genre: Sci-Fi/Thriller
    Rating (Out of 10): 10/10

    This is my favourite film ever.

    The film came out in 2001, and recieved generally positive reviews. It has since developed a large cult following. It has won several awards including 'Best Film', 'Best Actor' (Jake Gyllenhaal). It was recently placed number 131 on IMDB's top 250 films.

    It features several known actors, including Jake Gyllenhaal (Brokeback Mountain, Jarhead, The Day After Tomorrow), Maggie Gyllenhaal (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight), Patrick Swayze (Dirty Dancing, Ghost, Point Break), Drew Barrymore (The Wedding Singer, Charlie's Angels) and Seth Rogan (40-Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, Superbad).

    The plot has a recurring theme of 'the end of the world' and 'time travel'. It is about a boy named Donnie Darko (funnily enough ), played by Jake Gyllenhaal. He suffers from Paranoia and Schizophrenia. One night he sleepwalks and meets Frank The Bunny, who is a man in a costume, telling him the world is going to end in 28 Days, 6 Hours, 42 Minutes and 12 Seconds. While he meets with Frank outside, a Jet engine from an aeroplane crashes through Donnie's bedroom. That's basically the first few minutes in a nutshell.

    The film features loads of plot twists, and it keeps you watching all the way through. This is the main reason why it's my favourite film ever.

    The acting is very good. Jake Gyllenhaal is a very talented actor, and showcases it in this film. After this he was in fact considered to be Peter Parker in Spider-man 2.

    Overall, this is a film everyone should watch, in my opinion. If you like a certain sense of weirdness in your films (like I do) you will love this. It tells a great story that keeps you guessing at the end.

  6. #6
    Film Titleont Look In The Basement
    Your Rating (8 of 10)
    Your Review:Well first of all this movie is only for horror genre fans.The movie was mad in the early 70s and is very disturbing,to those who hate mental asylums in the middle of nowhere with all the patients rooms unlocked.I loved this movie and for a movie with a low budget the acting is great,the story is great,and overall its a very well done horror movie.However it might be a little hard to find just on a random outing.

  7. #7
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Broken Arrow, OK
    Film Title: Boondock Saints
    Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
    Your Rating (Out of 10): 10 / 10
    Your Review:
    Being one of my favorite films of all times I would have to seriously recommend this title to anyone that hasn't seen it.

    A basic synopsis of this fil is derived from two Irish brothers who accidently kill 2 mafia thugs. In turn they actually turned their selves in and where released based on the fact that it was self defence. Through a devine "profacy" they are set with the task of ridding the world of scum. All while fighting the moral issues involved with what they are doing and being hunted down by an FBI officer.

    I found (and still find) this film to be very intruiging. The characters are well developed and their back stories take a good precidence to the actual film. This one has it all, drama, suspence, action; you name it you get it. The camera angels are nice and easy to follow into transitions. The story can be interpritated many ways. The score of the film is just amazing also. I will have to once again recommend this one to anyone that hasn't set eyes on the McManus brothers before.
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  8. #8
    I invented Go-Gurt. Recommend a Film Clint's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Film Title: The Godfather Part II
    Genre: Crime
    Your Rating (Out of 10):10/10
    Your Review: This film tells two tales, one of Michael Corleone's rule as Godfather and head of the Corleone crime family, and one of the ventures of his father, Vito Corleone growing up as a young man in the 1920s. It shows the differences between the two. Michael does things for power, putting business over the family, whereas, everything that Vito does, he does for the family. It's a great look inside the old Sicilian-American way of life, and an inside look at the greed, power, and corruption of the mafia.

  9. #9
    Title: The Ultimate Gift
    Genre: Drama/Inspirational
    Your Rating:8/10

    Your Review:Well, let's try the inspirational one, i've watched this movie last week and seriously, that makes me cry (a lot, but not too obvious because im with a group of friends including my husband) for those of u who loves to watch something that uplifts your heart and be inspired of something, i recommend to watch this movie... it's actually a young man who became rebellious to his grandfather, because he thinks his grandfather did some things bad to him, even the rest of the family. When his grandfather died, his possesion suppose to be for this young man, but before that he should pass some tests...which makes his life so different than before...

    i hope that some of u should watch this one...this is espescially for those who really wants to be inspired!!

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  10. #10
    Registered User Recommend a Film winterborn86's Avatar
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    Norwich, UK
    Title: The breakfast club
    Your Rating:10/10

    Your Review:

    One of my absolute favourite films, they keep showing it on sky and jut keep watching it, never gets old.
    The film is about 5 students in detension (on a saturday WTF!), that come from different backgounds, the prom queen, the athlete, the criminal, the brain and basket case.
    It bascially shows these 5 people putting aside their differences and the social lives and realising that just because they belong to different catagorys in school, that all have home problems.
    It is very funny and definetly worth a watch and it also has a great soundtrack.

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