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  1. #1
    Registered User This is a Public Service Announcement
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    This is a Public Service Announcement

    Actually, this is only a thread about Public Service Announcements, otherwise known as a PSA.

    When I was growing up, I watched a lot of television. My favorite time to watch tv was Saturday mornings when all the great cartoons were playing. However, when the commercials came on, you could more than likely bet money that there would be a PSA coming at you. Most of these were warning us young children not to do drugs. Even though I am much older, some of these PSAs still lurk in my memory.

    This one is probably the most memorable for me. Singing puppet pills telling kids that "we're not candy, so don't eat us":

    YouTube - We're not candy Singing Pills, This is serious....

    This particular one is probably the most famous:

    YouTube - Brain On Drugs

    Short and to the point. It even got it's own revamped version starring Rachel Leigh Cook:

    YouTube - Brain on Drugs

    This one was brought to my attention while on the Sims 3 forums. It was instantly favorited, probably not for the reason it was intended though :

    YouTube - Don't you put it in your mouth.

    There are other PSA that don't deal with the issue of drugs, I'm just saying that those are the ones that I remember the most. If you know of any others, feel free to post them or talk about them and if they had any impact on you whatsoever. I would especially like to see some that are from other countries besides North America.
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  2. #2
    Protecter of the Crystals This is a Public Service Announcement rydia123's Avatar
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    it could be brain washing
    Its a madhouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A MADHOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    A Plain Old Derp This is a Public Service Announcement Padraic's Avatar
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    Have you ever seen the Pee-Wee Herman one?? Its hilarious, sorry I can't put a link because youtubes blocked on the cpu D: No but he talks about crack and if you've heard about what he'd done shortly after you'd laugh even harder.

  4. #4
    I feel epic... This is a Public Service Announcement Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    Thanks to the Nostalgia Critic... I really have NO clue what these PSA guys were thinking...

    But in particular... the... uh... one with Pee-Wee Herman just has so much win that it CANNOT be ignored.

    YouTube - Pee Wee Herman PSA

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
    Click THERE:
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  5. #5
    Boredness rules us all This is a Public Service Announcement Midnight Panda's Avatar
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    these are funny but my fav is the north american house hippo one. ill post a link later.
    Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise


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