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@ Tiffany - You bring up a good point, and one that I both agree and disagree with. Obviously there is personal taste involved in anything cabaple of being liked or disliked, but personal taste alone is not the determining factor. I guess what that means is that just because you like something, doesn't make it good. How that is defined is always a matter of subjection and devoted fans will defend their devotion no matter how bad it actually is, but still, even though you may like a lump of poo on the ground, it's still a lump of poo. Not saying that Heroes is equal to poo, but it has not displayed the production quality that a show like Lost, or maybe Friends, or Seinfeld, or other top shows have had. And I don't know where it's shortcomings are. It may be in writing. It may be in casting. It may be that none of things have glued together to make an overall good impression, but either way the show is simply not of the calibre of a top level program, and that's got little to do with personal taste.
I hope that makes sense, and I hope you understand that I'm not simply bashing. I just wanted include that because some people don't understand that there is a difference between taste and quality when it comes to art.