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Thread: Heroes

  1. #1
    TFF'S RESIDENT DOOM GOD Heroes IRANianCha0s's Avatar
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    I will assume there's also people here WTFing over Season 3. Discuss.


    The above sentence was a spoiler.

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  2. #2
    Born Again Atheist Heroes Sarah's Avatar
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    I know! What is up with all of this?

    And why does the cause of the powers keep changing? First it was the brain, then the blood, and now has to do with adrenaline. (I believe that was what and the order.) And what's this about Claire being special? Does that make Adam special as well? Why can Peter suddenly have Sylar's ability, just by imagining taking apart of watch? Why is everything with Mohindar a rip off of The Fly? (I think that's what it is.)


    Why is Papa Petrelli alive and able to control everything while still in a coma? Why does Nikki has to have sisters and will it get more annoying? Oh, please, tell me that Maya is done for. Why does it seem like they're setting up HRG to be the bad guy once again? Why is future Claire such a bitch? Does Hiro plan to rewind time and save Ando? And wtf, brother Sylar? Why does that man insist on calling Parkmen "Pacman?"

    Okay, maybe that was more of a vomit of questions rather than discussion, but discussion can indeed follow that.
    Why the hell is everyone's sig so long? Be polite and use a freakin' spoiler tag!:
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  3. #3
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Heroes T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Well, as far as I can see it, there can only be one explanation to why they keep changing the source of the powers over and over again.

    The source of all powers actually is a Node in their brains that allows them to manipulate the quantum forces of the universe to alter its fundamental building blocks.

    Alright, you don't have to take me that seriously, but, think about it. The only problem would be a conflict with White Wolf Publishing, but if they did, Heroes would be a magnificent product-based series!!

    About the others:

    --That must be a way to make Sylar broken without killing Claire. Maybe she was supposed to die, and the fans cried out in rage? THis also makes Claire far more powerful than she can imagine.

    As for the following question: Adam is immortal. He has Claire's powers with years of experience. Does that serve as an answer?

    --This serves to determine Sylar's original power: to understand the nature of all things. Sylar knew first of all how people got their powers, and how to isolate them, gain them, and use them. Peter now has this understanding, but this is more of a fourth-wall explanation to Sylar's power, since he was told to have none.

    And Peter is a power empath. He has faced Sylar several times. He had only to imagine how to harness it, which is what his own power does.

    --Fans wanted to see Mohinder with powers. He already got all the use they needed, and Kring is pleasing the Mohinder fans that wanted him to have powers. Of course, how can someone without powers gain them? By those typical science-fiction experiments that ALWAYS go wrong.

    Plus, it's a wink to all those science-based villains.

    --Because Papa Petrelli is awesome. Nathan is awesome. Peter is out-right broken beyond belief. Heck, Mama Petrelli is awesome as well!! So, my question would be "why not?!?!?"

    --I didn't expected that. Well...she's the only one with a child of lesser age, so I suppose Micah misses his unknown mutant aunts?

    --I am a conspirationalist, not an oracle. Plus either Sylar or Peter got her power already. And Sh-ALEJANDRO is over with, so no more need for her! I think...

    --Noah Bennet makes one excellent villain. You know all super-hero series need the kind of character that's human but feared by all. HRG is that kinda guy, and worse: he has no powers whatsoever. Plus, he proved that making a change of allegiance makes for rabid fans, so they're doubling his fans even more!!

    --Immortals tend to be absolute bitches. You can't save that.

    --Maybe, or maybe he's gonna go the path of kickass future Hiro. Which one do you want?

    --No comments.

    --Parkman () must be messing with their heads. Or, that must be his manifestation when he's screwing over your brains.

    Is that answer enough?
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    Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:

  4. #4
    TFF'S RESIDENT DOOM GOD Heroes IRANianCha0s's Avatar
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    I really think Tim Kring is running out of ideas, and has decided to throw Heroes into Cliche Hell in a desperate attempt of "If I confuse everyone enough with shitloads of plot twists, maybe they won't notice what I'm doing!"
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    return 0; }

  5. #5
    Born Again Atheist Heroes Sarah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IRANianCha0s View Post

    I really think Tim Kring is running out of ideas, and has decided to throw Heroes into Cliche Hell in a desperate attempt of "If I confuse everyone enough with shitloads of plot twists, maybe they won't notice what I'm doing!"
    That's basically what I was trying to say with my list of questions. I find I more and more do not like where it's going. The first season is so much better than the following seasons have been. It's really sad, too. It was promising. It's now like a train wreck... I can't stop watching! ARGH! It's gonna crash!
    Why the hell is everyone's sig so long? Be polite and use a freakin' spoiler tag!:
    Bring back Pete for S-Mod!
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  6. #6
    TFF'S RESIDENT DOOM GOD Heroes IRANianCha0s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
    The first season is so much better than the following seasons have been.
    ^ that
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    return 0; }

  7. #7
    The Old Skool Warrior Heroes LocoColt04's Avatar
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    But the point, Sarah, is something you have already noted.

    You can't stop watching.

    It's that sense of "holy crap, will it EVER make sense?" that hovers around this show.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
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    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  8. #8
    Finally Back! :D Heroes Benjisan's Avatar
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    I agree guys, Heroes is just spinning more and more out of control. As Sarah noted, the only reason i still watch is mainly because i want to see them save the show somehow. But the way its going, it just is crap.

    No offence, but i think that they should have killed off Claire. The only reason i know why they didn't is because of the massive backlash from teenagers. They sure proved that theory by introducing Ali Larter as yet another character.
    Because balding old men with ninja swords are so in right now

  9. #9
    hummm i think the latest episode "villans" cleaned up the "mess" quite nicely, there may be hope yet

  10. #10
    Heroes V_Translanka's Avatar
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    Yeah, but if the new eclipse just gives everyone's powers who Mr. Petrelli stole, it'll be a major (stupid) cop-out...It had better do something cool & unexpected and not that pile of lame...

  11. #11
    Finally Back! :D Heroes Benjisan's Avatar
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    Hey guys, has anyone here seen ep 8 yet? Without revealing too much, Hiro has a flashback of past events and suprisingly the episode has both a suprise twist and actually kept me thoroughly entertained and i could actually follow along haha.

    I guess what im saying is not to give up on Heroes just yet as it looks like they arefinally getting back on track.
    Because balding old men with ninja swords are so in right now

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