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Thread: Harry Potter query.

  1. #1
    Asking all the personal questions. Harry Potter query. RamesesII's Avatar
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    Harry Potter query.

    Well i just recently finished reading HP and the Order of The Phoenix and i was thinking one day that J.K stuffed up.

    Now in the book the sorting hat says that Slytherin takes only pure bloods, Gryffindor takes the brave and courageous Ravenclaw takes the keenest of minds and Hufflepuff takes the rest.

    If you haven't read the book Orderof the Phoenix etc do not continue reading.

    BUT my query is that when the sorting hat first puts Harry in Gryffindor it also says that he would do well in Slytherin because he has the connection with Voldermont but Harry is half blood wizard yes both his parents are magic but his mother's parents aren't magic making him half blood which brings me to my next point later in the series it also states Tom(Voldemort) is half blood as well but he was alicated to Slytherin so unless they were exceptions why was Tom in Slytherin and why would the sorting hat consider putting him in that house as well if they were both half blood not pure.
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  2. #2
    Registered User Harry Potter query. winterborn86's Avatar
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    That is a god point you have made, but I think that Harry and Tom were considered for slytherin beacause they both had Salazar Slytherins talent of talking with snakes.
    In the 6th book it does say that Tom was a relation of Slytherin's, and also as a child he was a very talented boy who was desperate for power, so that maybe why he was put in Slytherin and as for Harry, he took in some of Tom's powers when he was attacked as a baby (making a connection between them) and also the hat says to harry, that he has "a thirst to prove himself", just as Tom did.
    It may of been a screw-up from J.K or maybe not, she might of intended it to be written that way, we will probaly never know.

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  3. #3
    Vagabond Thief Harry Potter query. Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    It does explain this further in book 7 or book 6 i believe so if you haven't finished the series I would suggest doing that first. I really would tell you the answer but i really don't want to ruin it for you.But I think winterborn is right too. They all can talk to snakes so i think thats the exception. But I will not say anything more,I don't wanna ruin it.
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  4. #4
    Registered User Harry Potter query. winterborn86's Avatar
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    I don't remember seeing it in the book, but then I've only read the last two books a couple of times, so probably don't remember it.

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  5. #5
    Vagabond Thief Harry Potter query. Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    I swear its in the book! LOL,i'm going to be re reading them soon so I deffinately will post it if i find it. Me and my friend were discussing this because in the end somewhere Harry finds the sorting hat again and he's like "why would i have been great in slytherin?" i'm almost positive its in book 6 or 7,most likely 7. I'm currently reading a diff series but maybe i'll try to thumb through or just read them and i'll post it when I find it. I remember discussing this with my friend last week and she agreed that it was in the books. Everything is explained in book 6 and 7.
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  6. #6
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Harry Potter query. Tallulah's Avatar
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    Hrm, good question.

    Remember that Snape was in Slytherin as well, and he is a half-blood, as revealed in the Half Blood Prince. His parents were Eileen Prince (a witch who had previously been in Slytherin) and Tobias Snape, a Muggle who wasn't too kind to his wife...

    Maybe it's just because Salazaar Slytherin was a little more conservative and less acepting than modern wizards. That would be my guess.

    P.S: Saw the film today; absolutely excellent. The original elements, such as the beginning, and the horrifying event at Christmas, almost made up for the omissions.

  7. #7
    I too saw the movie yesterday (the day it came out - cinemas were surprisingly not as packed as I thought they'd be!), the main plot was a bit overshadowed by the whole romance theme of it, but it was still a good movie nonetheless. The last two movies I think will be the best in the trilogy of films

    Daniel Radcliffe was highly amusing in the lucky potion scenes, you can tell he's a better actor when he's actually not trying to be serious.

    Also, the scene with Hermione/Harry sitting in a dusty old room while Hermione's crying and she's conjured up a flock of yellow twittering birds is pretty sad. "It feels like this." Good scene.

    I also thought the music score was very well done also.

  8. #8
    Nom. Harry Potter query. Echo's Avatar
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    I really did not like the movie. Like, at all. The movies plot was nothing what the book was about, and they changed so many things it was disturbing. First of all, it's called Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The movie went as far as to actually PUTTING the name in the book Harry found but other than

    Snape saying he was the half-blood prince

    then nothing else had to do with it. They spent WAY to much with the new Professor and even took out the flashback when Harry saw Snape getting messed with by Harry's dad and the group. ALSO, they took out the ending scene
    When Dumbledore dies all the merpeople come out and centaurs etc

    Which would have been really cool to see but no they changed that too. Even the fights were pretty lame I mean jeez :\ I think number 4 still reigns as the best entrance to the series...
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  9. #9
    Katy is dead. She died a while ago. Harry Potter query. KatytheHedgehog's Avatar
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    Thats is a really good point... for all I know Voldermort and Harry could be relatives but I've only just finished order of the pheonix as well so... Maybe they are relatives or Voldermort could be Harry.
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  10. #10
    Freezing Ring! Harry Potter query. Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    I think all the harry potter's are great ^^ havent seen the new one yet but... Im sure it's gonna be good ^^. I dont get why people are so mad about the damn movie >.> I mean... It's their freakin movie, stop complaining and just Enjoy ^^ sorry if a made any of you mad ...

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  11. #11
    Harry Potter query. Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Outdoor2497 View Post
    I think all the harry potter's are great ^^ havent seen the new one yet but... Im sure it's gonna be good ^^. I dont get why people are so mad about the damn movie >.> I mean... It's their freakin movie, stop complaining and just Enjoy ^^ sorry if a made any of you mad ...
    The reason people get upset about the movies is because they're based off books that are really beloved, and the directors have gone in and made some really really inexplicable cuts all while adding in new scenes that aren't in the book (the scene that occurs around Christmas in movie 6 is one of them, although for spoiler reasons I'm not going to go into it, but seriously, what did that add to the plot?) that don't enhance anything. Really, the directors have often acted as if they don't really like/understand the books at all, and I think that's what has angered people.

    Furthermore, the guy who plays Dumbledore is really really awful (the second one, the first oen was amazing). He seems to think Dumbledore is a character who relies on extreme amounts of forcefulness and yelling to get what he wants, which is the exact opposite of Dumbledore in the books. These are really really simple things that are obvious if you read the books closely at all, but the heavily paid actors can't seem to grasp the comments. That's why people get so upset at the movies, in my opinion. It's not that they change things in the book, it's that they seem to show no respect for the original material at all. I personally wonder if the director/actors are even remotely fans of the books, because they seem to just..not get it.

    Now, there are a couple things that I don't like about the movies. Firstly, to me, they've ALWAYS felt like a collection of scenes more than any movie, which absolutely kills the cohesiveness of the movie itself.

    Secondly, the movies have always been about the events rather than the characters. Consequently, I find that I have no attachment whatsoever to the characters in the movie.

    Now, as to random other things mentioned in this thread:


    Quote Originally Posted by Rurouni_Kenshin
    They spent WAY to much with the new Professor and even took out the flashback when Harry saw Snape getting messed with by Harry's dad and the group.
    The Slughorn parts are probably the most important parts of the book. Plus, that memory of Snape getting messed up was in the fifth book, not the sixth book.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rikkuffx
    because in the end somewhere Harry finds the sorting hat again and he's like "why would i have been great in slytherin?"
    That scene is from the end of book 2. Harry doesn't talk to the Sorting Hat again, to the best of my knowledge.

    I would say the Sorting Hat song is a very very small continuity error in the books. I think what it actually means is he wouldn't accept people who come from only muggle familes. Both of Harry's parents were wizards, and the mothers of both Snape and Voldemort were wizards. I'd say it's more accurate to say that Slytherin only accepts people who are at least half bloods, although he only accepts really exceptional half bloods.
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  12. #12
    Oh man. I'm so glad that someone brought up the Dumbledore-is-an-aggressive-jackass thing. That has been irritating me a lot since about maybe movie four. When Harry is announced as the fourth name out of the Goblet of Fire and enters the chamber to the side of the Hall, Dumbledore comes charging in and literally SLAMS him up against a wall/cabinet/something, then rages at him. WTF? It's something that bothers me whilst watching the movies. I think he was a horrible Dumbledore. Dumbledore is not a ****, he's generally what you'd call a "nice guy". The man whom played him in the first two movies had the character pretty down pat, shame he passed away in real life.


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