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Thread: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

  1. #1
    Registered Uber Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous) Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    Imp has finally made his way out of the darkest depths of hell using his quick wit and his limitless pools of demonic energy. He enters the human realm through an untitled tomb in a long lost and misty graveyard. As he spreads his wings to embrace his first breath of mortal air, he knows that he will face his biggest challenge yet...

    "Nobody is going to control me. I don't care if Satan himself rises up from his unholy throne. I AM FREE AND I WILL REMAIN SO!"

    Imp clicks his claws together in anticipation of the battle to come, knowing that the monster that pursues him is stronger than any he has ever faced before.

    Imp kicks over a headstone. "Hehehe..."

  2. #2
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    Devouring the last scraps of flesh and torn cloth from his gleaming claws, Lecherous inhaled deeply. The atmosphere is thick with death, despiration and pain. No longer do the innocent cry for mercy, for mercy and hope have both abandoned this small village of honest farmers.
    Shovels and pitchforks which had been so recently used to defend the faithful and peaceful people of this township now lay bloodied and shattered. So, too do the men who had weilded them and the women who had prepaired meals harvested by them and children who dirived sustainance from them. It was not a massacre, such a word detracts from the slow indulgance of breaking the human spirit which Lecherous feeds so readily upon.
    But now, as these so recently innocent souls found themselves spiraling toward an eternity of pain and humiliation, Lecherous' smile slowly faded.
    A connection with Hell had been made somewhere nearby this very same night.
    Not a strong connection by any stretch of the words but a small, thin scratch in the hull of this dimension.

    Lecherous exhaled at length with a slow, droaning growl which carried with it the ash, flame and cinder which it always did. His clawed fingers lowered from his gnashing teeth and settled into the mud of dirt and blood so his arms may rest as if they lay upon the arms of a great throne. With undying patience, Lecherous turned his hulking mass as if it carried no weight at all and faced the direction of the humming feeling which resonated in his spine.
    No demon had crossed the immense expanse between Hell and this world. The tear would be cavernous. Something small must have cleverly accomplished this journey.

    Lecherous casually looked back over one shoulder at the utter chaos he would choose to leave behind and began his search for the invader who had unwittingly called his attention. Steady, rhythmic thumps marked the pace of Lecherous' hooves upon the rocky ground of a forgotten graveyard.
    Small two-toed hooves marked the walking path of an imp. Lecherous knew these marks well, they cover every acre and every serface of Hell. Miserable, cheap, lowly creatures were imps. Yet this one...
    How is he so lucky to be the only one to touch the mortal world?
    The question was interrupted by a single gravestone which settled into Lecherous' view; recently disturbed. This imp may be just that, lucky.

    "Where are you little creature?" Lecherous' voice rolled and growled like no other demon. Ash, flame and cinder sputtered and tumbled from his jaws as it always did, "Do you know where you are?" Lecherous had decided he would punish this wretch of a being first, then decide what to do with him afterward.

  3. #3
    Registered Uber Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous) Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    The hairs on the nape of Imp's neck stood on end. He felt the presence of something familiar. A powerful demon was nearby, the tremble of the very earth beneath his hooves was unmistakable. Perhaps this demon hunted him merely for sport... Simply to stomp the life out of a small flame, just because he can. Imp squealed and panted frantically.
    "No! Imp will not be robbed of his freedom!" He squealed loudly. "Not after he has come this far! I will not run! I will face this enemy and demolish him!"
    He peered around the edge of a gnarled tree. "There is the enemy! Ataaaaaaaaaack!" Imp squealed out a gruffy and high pitched battle cry as he flew towards this unknown entity. He shredded and clawed, gnawed and ripped away at his target mercilessly.

    ... The stone face of a statue crumbled into dust and pebbles on the dewy ground.

    Imp breathed erratically, looking over his shoulders to see if there had been any witnesses to his frantic mistake. Nobody. But just as he let out a sigh of relief, a low voice peirced through the foggy night air, sending an icy chill down his spine.

  4. #4
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    Somehow, impossibly, this miserable clod of exrement failed to notice Lecherous approach. In his panic, he seems to have attempted to maul a statue and while looking around in embarrassment, the Imp looked directly at Lecherous without even realizing.
    Lecherous extended his arm fluidly, fingers and claws outstretched, and wrapped his mighty hand around the Imp's pityful form.
    The small creature would fit precisely in Lecherous palm and even more comfortably as a Thrall in Hell. As his fingers clamped down upon the frail Imp, Lecherous' insidious growl of a chuckle let ash, smoke and cinder roll from his jaws as it always did,
    "Little creature, why do act from fear so openly?" His teeth snapped shut around the final syllable, "Do you know that a Great Demon such as Lecherous..." ash, smoke and cinder rolled from his jaws as it always did, "...Will feed upon such things? Just as I will feed upon your soul, if there is even soul amidst such a shameful form..."

  5. #5
    Registered Uber Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous) Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    Lecherous' katana-like claws wrapped around Imp's tiny body as Lecherous' words began to draw out Imp's soul. Imp growled ferociously as he activated Imp Flail - breaking the hold.
    "IMP FLAIL ON YOUR FAAAAAAAACE!" He yelled as he became a tiny red ball of claws and teeth. "AWWWWWWWWW YEAAAAAAAAAAH!" Screamed the flurry of spikes.

  6. #6
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    The obnoxious pest's frantic attempt at escape seemed futile at first under the oppressive force of Lecherous' grip. As claws or teeth or wings raked at his palm, Lecherous adjusted his grip to hold the small creature between his claws. The fluttering, whirling mess batted each clawed finger away immidiately and rapidly and forced Lecherous to allow the frail beast to flutter off. The great demon retracted his hand, pointed his claws to the Earth and resumed his posture of resting his arms upon a throne but not before taking stock of the niks and scrapes laid upon his palm.
    "Fragile whelp, do you defy me?" Lecherous jaws let flow the ash, smoke and cinder as they always did, "Do you encour my horrible cruelty?"
    The Imp continued to flutter and panic just outside of reach. Lecherous ground hoof into the soil and cracked his neck, horns rotating with a flick,
    "Your desecration of this gravesite and your shameless fear feed me plenty." Lecherous lifted the tips of his claws just above the surface of the earth at his hooves and slightly parted his fingers as if too bored to even concern himself with showmanship.
    -Lecherous activates Aura of Flame Level 3.

  7. #7
    Registered Uber Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous) Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    Imp zipped up into the air in an attempt to escape aura of flame 3, but the flames exploded ferociously engulfing everything in a large radius. Imp screamed as the flames licked at his body "AAAAAAAAAAHHH NOOOOOOO-oh wait... Fire heals me... Ahhhh." He rested the back of his head on his hands as the explosion of fire carried him high up into the clouds.

    "What a pleasant feeling... It reminds me of home. The warm summer bloodbaths, evening bonfires of decrepit corpses, momma's home made bone cookies. Mmm... Well, if I had a mother she would have made cookies." Imp laughed viciously at Lecherous. "Your attempt to roast me makes me laugh! HAHAHA! And look at those horns, what are you, some kind of goat enthusiast? You... Roasted goat."

    Imp zipped and dashed around in the air jovially, taunting Lecherous for his lapse in judgement. "Try to burn a demon with elemental fire? What a CHRISTIAN thing to do! Hahaha! Don't start thumping a bible around on me now! See, Imps love fire... You gotta use hellfire if you want to cause some REAL damage!" Imp grinned to himself. "You should know that the usual lesser demon does not possess access to such hellish abilities, but Imp is no ordinary lesser demon... He stole a coal from the underneath Hades' Cauldron and swallowed it! Now, prepare your FACE!"

    Imp's hands lit up with green flame. "I'll show you how to use some PROPER hellfire!" He launched a volley of green hellfireballs at Lecherous all while screaming "Fire fire fire fifififififire!" Finishing his attack with one large fireball as he screamed "AWWWWWW YEAAAAAAAAH FIIIIIIIRE!"

    He then hovered back, observing the effects of his assault.

  8. #8
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    Lecherous clenched his jaw at the thought of the time he wasted with this miniscule prey. As fire consumed the very dust upon which he stood, the great demon watched Imp taunt and flutter and jest above him. Fireballs rained from the sky with coarse ripping sound, as if barking. Green flame sputtered and sparked as it crashed against Lecherous' hulking shoulders and chest. Hellfire warmed his complacent senses with that unmistakable scent of home and revitalized him.
    -The wounds on Lecherous' hand have healed from the unholy-based attack.
    Only a worthless Imp would dare feel so smug while attracting the attention of a great demon. Only a worthless Imp would attempt to harm a demon using unholy magic. Only a worthless Imp would fail to realize a demon without wings is a truely great demon.

    -Lecherous activates 'To the Depths of Hell'.

  9. #9
    Registered Uber Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous) Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    "What the..." Imp felt the Earth yank him downwards as if he were made of lead. He struggled, flapping not only his wings but his arms and legs, but to no avail. Screaming, he crashed down onto the top of a small abandoned church's spire, rolling down the roof and finally crash-landing inside of an above-ground sepulcher. He spat blood and dust from his mouth. The flames of Fire aura 3 illuminated the ghastly remains of the old soul which had broken Imp's fall. Dazed, Imp grabbed the corpse's hand and peered out of the grave, spotting Lecherous' unmistakable form merely yards away. He threw the ghastly ashen hand at his opponent with a trembling and high pitched growl.
    "I'll make you eat WOOOOORMS for that!"

  10. #10
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    As he observed his newest victims' overly dramatic fall, Lecherous considered the amount of his time this pest had wasted. Even as an undying and anchient demon, the great defiler clenched his jaw and exhaled at length, ash, smoke and cinder rolled from his jaws as it always did.
    The Imp's words were dwarfed by the terror and despiration in his voice, but the disembodied hand which sailed forth from the shadows of the tomb punctuated Imp's true intentions.
    It was not an attack meant to harm Lecherous, but an inslut. This miserable worm defied the might and cruelty of the great demon.
    Lecherous brushed aside the projectile with the claw of his thumb, using no more effort or concern than a horse's tail brushes off a fly.
    "Know your purpose in the ranks of Hell, writhing grub." Lecherous stepped toward the gaping doorway of the sepulcher, lowered his head and was interrupted by the sound of his horns catching on either side of the frame. "I shall place your insubordinating skull under my hoof." The great defiler rotated his head and horns slightly and attempted to duck into the sepulcher once again. Once again, he was interrupted by the relative smallness of the yawning passageway.
    Lecherous stepped back from the concrete structure and lifted his claws from the scorching earth at his hooves,
    "You shall beg me to end my indulgence in your shame and suffering. Beg me to let you return to Hell by way of mortal wounding." Ash, smoke and cinder rolled from his jaws as it always did. His hands rose to meet either side of the doorframe, claws easily spreading the width of the structure. With a sudden burst of rage, which Lecherous had not felt in centuries in this mortal world, the great defiler tore the walls free of the very structure. Concrete crumbled among the two Hellspawn and clattered to rest upon the rotted remains of the lifeless inhabitants of the sepulcher.
    Lecherous rest his gaze upon the obnoxious creature as ash, smoke and cinder rolled from his jaws as it always did. Rage still rolling amid the depths of the great defiler's being, his hands and claws spread and snapped forward. Blazing heat and flame eminated from his skin as Aura of Flame continued to ignite the very atomosphere around him. The demon lashed out, fury quickening his motions as he growled a rumbling growl, even for a great demon.
    The Imp would surely be broken by this wicked volley of anger.

  11. #11
    Registered Uber Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous) Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    As the mighty demon Lecherous tore asunder the structure of stone as if it were framework of paper mache, Imp felt the fuel of torment bubble up from deep inside his core. He, a lowly Imp, had caused such a pain in this Greater Demon's side that he actually engraged such a jaded lord of hell. New fire and fury coarsed through his magma filled veins.

    "My place... in hell... IS UPON THE THRONE OF LUCIFER!" He roared as he transformed into his true form, Tormentor. "Your rage FEEDS my unholy desires!" His entire body grew into a horrific bright red demon with gnashing teeth, beady eyes and claws that maim. "I am not truly and Imp... No... You see, my true form is the Tormentor of the Damned... and now you will pay for your mistake." His body became engulfed with flame as he began to laugh and bark maniacally. "I WILL CONSECRATE THIS VERY GROUND WITH YOUR DARK BLOOD, BATHING THE DECEASED WITH THE SHAME OF A GREATER DEMON BESTED IN BATTLE BY THE ONLY DEMON EVER TO WALK THE EARTH OF HIS OWN FREE WILL!" Tormentor roared laughter like a hellhound. "I FREED MYSELF FROM MY MASTER'S CHAINS THROUGH SHEER CLEVER BRUTALITY - AND SO I WILL FREE YOUR BLACK SOUL FROM IT'S HIDEOUS FORM AND SEND YOU BACK TO THE DEPTHS WHERE YOU BELONG WITH THIS ONE PUNCH!"

    Tormentor screamed with excited insanity as he rushed Lecherous with a single burning punch, clearly throwing every ounce of power into his one attack - with the idea of dispatching his opponent in a single move with no regard to his own safety.

  12. #12
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    Imp chose to ignore the incoming volley of Lecherous' flurry, taking multiple slashes to his newly transformed body. The damage would have been devastating if not for the effect of Aura of Flame level 3 continuing to heal the shapeshifting Hell creature.
    Imp's reply was instantainious and surprisingly accurate. The Hellfire-fueled haymaker landed squarely in Lecherous fearsome jaws as ash, smoke and cinder rolled forth as it always did.
    The great defiler staggered back several steps from the impact, but the fire element of Imp's attack immidiately healed his lossened teeth and rattled jaw.

    Lecherous once again rested his claws upon the scorched earth at his hooves, resuming his stance which resembled laying his arms on the rests of a great throne.
    "It seems we have reached a stalemate, if you have displayed the extent of your talents." The monolithic demon towered over the insubordinate Imp even from a distance of several yards. In his relaxed stance, Lecherous exhaled slowly as ash, smoke and cinder rolled from his jaws as it always did.
    -Lecherous deactivates Aura of Flame completely.

    "Rather than blunder aimlessly among the mortal world, you may consider finding purpose. I am the great defiler, Lecherous. I have utterly crushed civilizations and tasted the flesh of all imagineable forms of life. Your existance now, here is merely an inconvenience. You could be a force of humiliation, a bringer of shame, a -tormentor- of living souls."
    Lecherous lifted his claws from the smoldering earth at his hooves and ran them along the length of his formidable horns.
    "You may join in the devistation and terror I bring down upon the lowly, miserable beings of this planet." The great demon tapped the peircings of twisted golden loops mounted in the base of his horns, "These peircings mark the lives of demons far stronger than you which I have devoured. Give up your struggle and I may be willing to strike a deal."
    As an ancient demon, Lecherous values traditional ways of barganing just as any true demon would. His terrible grin exposed interlocking rows of terrible, slashing fangs as ash, smoke and cinder rolled from his jaws as it always did.

  13. #13
    Registered Uber Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous) Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    Tormentor stood there, body flaming, still raging from the exhiliration of battle. It took him several moments of staring blankly at the behemoth to realize what had happened. His sole reason of fighting the great demon was survival. Now, he would have an opportunity - for the first time in his eternal life - since he first descended from the heavens as a fallen angel to become something greater. His flames rushed momentarily before dieing down a little.
    "There is always deciet in the words of demons, this - you and I both know to be true." Tormentor stared into the Lecherous' dark, firey eyes. "But there is sincerity in your words... For trickery in battle is below a demon of your stature."
    Tormentor looked at the ground and lowered to one knee, lifting a small clod of soil and grass from beside his hoof. "This... dirt... This is what I have forsaken my peers and defied my masters - who have in turn ripped my claws, yanked my teeth, peirced my eyes and left me to wander the deepest parts of hell forgotten... this dirt that has driven me to deseperately steal from the great Hades himself, who removed my authority as a Tormentor - and cursed me to live exiled in the lower layers of purgatory as nothing more than a lowly imp - this... dirt... is what I have overcome everything all for." He dropped the clod and stood up, inhaling sharply and dusting off his flaming hands. "Freedom to choose. That is what all sentient beings strive for... what mortal beings scrape and claw through this dirt for. Freedom to choose is worth more to me than anything. My own freedom." He gritted his teeth and chuckled through them grimly. "...And now you," He traced Lecherous' massive outline up and down with an upturned palm matter of factly, "This Great Demon of Desecration, offer me what? For I know that you will have no equal." He slowly strided up to the massive creature, staring up into his peircing eyes, curtained by rows of jagged teeth, silouetted by a hulking muscular frame. "I am nobody's thrall. Is partnership agreeable? For I will guarantee destruction, devestation, havoc, despair and above all else - torment, in both of our names. We could become great Defilers. All that I ask is to maintain my own freedom to operate as I choose." He grinned sinisterly. "Fresh souls, pure virgins, honest men, loving mothers, innocent children... this is what you desire, yes? Guarantee my freedom and protection from those more powerful than I - that I have forsaken - guarantee me that, and I will lay these gifts at your feet. For through my desperate journey I have learned and now understand that freedom - is not free. Partners with an imp;" He scoffed. "But no ordinary imp am I. This form that you see standing before you, Tormentor, this is my most familair form... but no longer."
    -Imp deactivates Tormentor form.
    "Imp is what you see. Imp is what you get."
    Perhaps he left his Tormentor form as a show of trust. Perhaps Imp finally realized that he was no longer a powerful demon, for only the remnants of this demon form came to surface occasionally, like the ancient scars that lined Lecherous' face, a faded memory still physically present. Imp knew that this demon could devour him in a second if he lowered his guard and yet, after all the trials he had been through, literally clawing his way out of the depths of hell, Imp showed a moment of weakness... This new physical body, the disgusting winged worm that was 'Imp', displayed a moment of mortality... But then the coal of hellfire deep inside of his belly that burned incesantly, fueling his unholy desires, reminded him of something very important: 'Imp' is no ordinary imp. He grinned to himself.

  14. #14
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    "Lowly Imp, your curse remains unbreakable, yes." Lecherous lifted his chin and gazed past his nose at the small creature which stood slouched before him. His stance and his tone assured Lecherous that this clever animal would trust his judgement as long as he retained his freedom. The great demon was reminded of his first moments on this mortal world, how the air felt so cool and light in his chest, how mortals would shriek at the very sight of him, how children would cry as he approached with his calm, steady pace.
    The Imp would appreciate these moments and would not dare take for granted a demon who could offer protection from the reactions of his former master.
    Lecherous' jaws parted slowly before he spoke, ash, smoke and cinder rolled forth as it always did,
    "Imp, you will do as you please as long as you do not hinder my efforts. You will promote my cause whenever possible, spreading hate, fear, humiliation, shame, despiration, hopelessness and pain." The great demon paced around the miniscule Hellspawn as he spoke, testing his dedication as he lingered behind the animal. Hooves thumped against the soil at the rhythmn of his leasurely pace.
    "In the future, I may forbid you from attacking certain groups; devotees, thralls, worshippers and others. You will obey this command if it is given." As Lecherous stepped around to Imp's front, he took several steps back and examined his expression before continuing,
    "You need not serve me as a subordinate, you may walk your own path if you choose. You will, however, offer the souls of any unique creatures to me first as potential thralls. I will probably never accept a thrall from one as lowly as you are now." Lecherous lifted his right hand, raising his claws from the dirt at his hooves, "You may just defeat a champion and I must not let free the strength his soul may possess."
    Lecherous nodded slowly, ash, smoke and cinder rolled from his jaws as it always did and tapped his Hoof with his claws.
    "Do you accept my terms?"

  15. #15
    Registered Uber Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous) Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    Imp listened intently as Lecherous paced around him. Hooves thumped against the moist soil with such weight that Imp's tiny body adjusted to stay balanced with each step the large demon took. The hellferret breathed erratically due to his fast, demonic metabolism. Ears twitching, head turning to each side as he considered the Great Desecrator's terms. Occasionally he rapidly shook off the ashes and cinder that fell from the Great Demon's jaws as they always had, landing on his wrinkly little head. In comparison to all of his past affiliations, this deal was by far a better situation to be involved in. He may just be a very lucky little Imp after all. To be taken under the 'wing' of a demon that has walked an eternity along the mortal plane, such luck. But he knew he would still have to protect his own hide from potential attack from any and all sides. A skittish little Imp... but no ordinary imp, indeed. When Lecherous had finished speaking, Imp had made up his mind without a second thought.
    "Imp accepts your terms, Demon."

  16. #16
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    "Good." Lecherous raised his right hand, claws still pointed downward and quickly lifted his index finger. In a flash, his index claw cleaved a wound up the length of Imp's chest and cautarized it shut again.
    "This mark seals the agreement as permanent and unbreakable." The great demon returned his claws to the soil.
    "You may call me an aquaintence, Imp. The demon Recompence no longer may claim ownership of you." As Lecherous spoke, the ground began to shift and quake. A massive tear in the hull of this dimension was opening. A tear which would be large enough for a demon to pass through.
    The gaves rumbled and headstones crumbled, long decayed corpses clawed up through the earth which had covered them. The trembling, gasping abominations gurgled and shambled fourth with no purpose or place in this world. With them rose the form of a demon; Modest horns, sharp fingernails, red skin with patches of matted fur protruding at his shoulders and a pair of large black wings with talons on the joints and tips. This demon rose and stood with his wings spread and arms open expecting Imp to drop to his knees and grovel immidiately.

  17. #17
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    Imp screamed at the sight of his old master, Recompence. The demonic energy surge from Imp's new contract with Lecherous appeared to have given Recompence the boost he needed to be able to temporarily enter the mortal plane of existence.
    "M...Master... I mean, no! How did you follow me here?" Imp squealed. Recompense glared at the tiny firebat.
    "The deal you have signed is void. This creature still owes me a debt." Recompence growled his words at Lecherous, ignoring the imp.
    Imp, being the cleverest of imps, realized that Recompence, while being twice as brutal, is half as clever as he. Recompence could not have figured out how to break the barrier between the two worlds on his own. "You followed the tear I made, didn't you?" Imp's face formed into a toothy grin. "You better head back soon, or else you will be stuck here... as a mortal being!"
    Recompence flashed an expression of surprise and concern, but quickly lowered his eyelids in attempt to hide it. His gaze shifted back towards Lecherous. He eyed each and every peircing intently. Lecherous simply continued to inhale, and exhale flame, ash and cinder as he always did.
    "Yeah, that's right, old master. This demon and I work together now!" Imp's eyes panned around to the undead that had risen from their graves, which simply swayed and moaned awaiting a command from their master. "You stand no chance in battle. I could easily dispatch these ghouls myself. As for you..." Imp's belly began to glow with a green aura. The hellfire coal burned strong inside of him.
    Recompense bluffed a not-so-convincing laugh. "Return with me now, Imp, and I will restore you to your former glory. That's right, no more imp body. You can join me in hell as my thrall, Tormenting the depraved once again. All past transgressions will be forgotten."
    "Your words mean nothing to me, foul deceiver!" Imp shrieked. "For Imp is well aware of the trickery of your tongue! Begone, pest!"
    -Imp uses screech
    The undead collapsed to the ground, hands over their ears. Recompence staggered backwards, screaming in pain. The small Imp's lungs were surprisingly powerful.

  18. #18
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    The tiny creature's screech rattled Lecherous' head and forced him to cover his ears for a moment while he regained his bearings.
    "Shut your mouth, whelp." The great demon lowered his left hand, leveled his index claw with Imp's side and bumped him. "I told you not to inconvenience me."
    The demon Recompence Gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes on Lecherous,
    "Lecherous, you will not stand in my way." Recompence's fists clenched tightly. Lecherous claws remained planted in the soil, his arms rested as if on the arms of a great throne. The great demon lifted his left hoof slightly and thrust it back down into the earth below; his piercings rattled against each other in a chorus which sang of the fate of many champions and demons. Recompence immidiately lowered his gaze and took several steps back, admitting his subordinance to Lecherous.
    "I have no qualm with you, great defiler." Recompence spread his arms and bowed as the earth before him split open. The intense heat of the flames of Hell engulfed the three unholy beings. Recompence's wings unfolded and stretched as he let himself fall forward into the depths of the world of torment.
    The lost souls of the reanimated horde were sucked back into Hell along with the lesser demon; their host corpses dropped, crumbling into themselves with decay.
    "Imp, I will soon aquire a new series of victims, you may follow if you choose. The souls I deem insignifigant will be left to you to either become your thralls or suffer in Hell."

  19. #19
    Registered Uber Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous) Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Unholy Defilers (Imp vs Lecherous)

    With a single nod, Imp streched his wings and leapt into the air, spiraling upward above Lecherous' crownlike set of horns. "You have made the correct choice here, Demon of Desecration! Fresh souls will be yours for the taking sooner than you have expected!" His high pitched and gravely voice howled into the night as he soared high above the clouds in search of fitting victims.
    The scent of the lust for power reeked sweetly in Imp's nostrils. His spearlike tail whipped and twirled as he took off after his first meal of mortal flesh and blood.
    "No lowly peasants for Imp, no. He is going to taste the flesh of princes and paladins this star filled night."

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