This introduction was writing a while a go by me and I was intending on posting it a couple of months ago, but got caught up in college. So hopefully, after retrieving it from endless files, it won’t go to waste. After having a look around some of the more recent RPB's, it seems the quality of the work being produced has dropped dramatically. But then again, I am making a comparison to what they place used to be like.

I know this sounds old but to be honest, what they place used to be like is how is actually should be. With writer actually taking time to do their work, by coming up with inventive characters, epic description and otherwise making a good, reasonable post in this area. Whereas now it has becoming nothing more than one liners with the one poster having to presume what another poster character can do from the limited details given about them, or what exactly they can do in the environment.

So, if there are any of you out there who actually want to achieve a better RPB section and who have probably taken the time out to read this, then kudo's to you and I will gladly face you. This should be something to inspire other members to do better rather than the current work being produced. So, to be blunt, I'm seeking a good writer or otherwise good opponent who can craft something that will get others writing to a higher standard in RPB's.


(OOC: This is a 2v2 battle and so I will be using two of my characters to fill in one side. Whoever decides to go against me can either use two of their own or ask a second member to join them. If this is done then the members must post in order. So it would go me then first member then second member, to keep the number of moves equal. Also this is a completely customizable arena and because of the nature of the environment, I accept changes made by the opponents when it changes, but this will become clearer in a moment)

At the farthest reaches of the universe lies a desolate place, a planet without a name. Those who have seen it are baffled by its existence as it orbits no star or other gravitational field; instead it seems to be self propelling, holding itself to the edge of the fabric that creates our universe. Yet as wondrous as it seems, its allure is its curse. Those drawn to it are forever doomed as the laws of space and time are shattered on the lone planet. Its chaotic environment drives those who attempt to understand it into madness for it contradicts all of which would be associated with normality, stability, reality itself.

But where our story takes place is the epicentre of it all. On a floating continent, suspended on a spectrum of crystals beneath it all, is where chaos takes it purest form. Mile after mile, the surroundings change dramatically from unimaginable beauty to places no sane mortal should ever gaze upon. To look upon the land itself, from above, is to give up all hold on your mental self as the untameable mess of what is suppose to be a world shatters any and all minds in its unique but terrifying way.

Yet in the midst of it all, something does exist. Not only does the physical and mortal manage to survive but so do the metaphysical, that which is beyond the physical realms. The immortal gods who created the mass of chaos, the ingenious architects of this physical pandemonium. With unseen eyes they observe. Like wavering illusions in the skies, their eyes can be seen; piercing every layer of a person, of their armour and soul. They are the masters of madness, the puppeteers of the world. Those beings that few have gazed on and lived are the ones who weave fate into its intricate and all too cunning design.

The threat however, is not them. It is their agents. Those beings chosen by the cloth of fate to act on their behalf. Far from mortal, they travel the endless reaches of the universe, serving like helpless dogs to their all too cruel masters. Yet as helpless as they are to what those God’s have planned for them, they still possess some degree of free will given to them by their immense power. For what those fickle Gods have planned requires a great deal of persuasion to those who know not of their intent or should rather be removed from it. But still now they watch, for their own amusement, as the Gods test their champions, caring not if they live or die but rather they satisfy their endless urges.


Sorry for the rant at the beginning, but it is how the situation is. So please no posts asking if you can join. If you want to ask, PM me. Otherwise, if you've got your character planned, then post a head. This environment is suppose to give as many options as possible to writers as virtually anything can happen and their should be a lot of changes to it (i.e random teleportation’s, flesh eating earth, raining blood/acid/urine, etc.). All you have to do is post a link to your character (not your actually bio. I'm sure I'm smart enough to find it with a link) and write an introduction to how you get to the planet. Now, I said I was going to use two characters but that doesn't mean you have to. If you want, you can ask a fellow member to be your partner. All I ask is for some good writing. And just to stop unwanted posts, this is a first come, first serve basis of choice. First to post here (with creditable writing) will be the person entered and it is there choice whether to go double character or have an other member as a partner.

And I will be posting my characters and their introductions once someone has accepted this challenge.