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Thread: So I have three fighters to choose from (openish)

  1. #1
    Registered Goober So I have three fighters to choose from (openish) Order's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    So I have three fighters to choose from (openish)

    If anyone is interested in a good battle, I'd be willing to participate in a duel to submission with any of my characters listed in character stats (I'm on the bottom of the last page, currently).

    I have a few requirements, though.
    If your going to try to skate by with one sentence per post, I'm going to call you lazy and my character will decide you are not worth the effort.

    I guarentee I will not be cheap. Read the rules and follow them. Breaking a rule will be a disqualification. My character will call you lame and walk away from the duel.

    Come up with some interesting stuff. Don't just throw punches and kicks like a karate blackbelt. It's boring. Describe the shift of weight, the momentum, how the character feels, if they are in pain or grinning with satisfaction, etc... None of my characters simply throw a punch or slash. Each attack should be unique in some way.

    My characters have probably never met yours. Therefore, they will most likely not know each other's strengths or weaknesses. It would make sense for the fighters discover these things over time.

    Finally, this is simply a duel. The fighters will not try to kill each other (cuz I love my characters too much and even if they did die, I'd prolly just make a clone). So try to type from the perspective that it's a more friendly match. Well, I guess it doesn't have to be friendly...

    Welp, that covers my requests.
    If you're interested, write out which character you want to fight, your fighter's stats and whatever else you want. Please don't just reply with "Me" or "I'll fight!"

    I'm going to type out an intro for now to get some interest. Once I have a decent opponent I'll change the intro if nessicary.

  2. #2
    Registered Goober So I have three fighters to choose from (openish) Order's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: So I have three fighters to choose from (openish)

    The great demon Lecherous sat at the edge of his worshipper's campsite. Aspirant, the demon's right hand man, used a strip of leather to put the finishing touches on his mentor's freshly sharpened horns. Servants of Lecherous and Aspirant carried their tools back to a tent which was nearby. Yet more servants took over as Aspirant stood back to inspect the symmetry of his work. Fire, ash and cinder rolled from Lecherous' jaws as it always had while servants scrubbed his skin with water, polished his claws and horns with wax and finally rubbed scented oil into his chest, back, arms and legs.
    Aspirant accepted a parchment from one of his personal servants and read aloud, "Great and formidable Lecherous, we are honored that you have accepted our challenge. We send to you our strongest champion who will arrive only hours after you receive this letter."
    "Hours," Lecherous exhaled a full breath and inhaled before continuing, "we will wait for what choice do we have?" Fire, ash and cinder rolled from his jaws as it always had. As soon as Lecherous had finished his sentence, a servant hearded several dozen goat past. Aspirant and the servants tending to Lecherous immidiately sprung forth and guided the dirty animals away from their master and mentor.
    "Aspirant," The hulking beast spoke patiently. His protege turned and offered his full attention. "That hurder will be dealt with accordingly."
    "Absolutely." Aspirant bowed, turned and jogged after his target.
    With their task done, the servants who surrounded mighty Lecherous stepped away and stood at the ready beside his lavish throne. The ornate perch had been removed from his throne room and relocated at the edge of camp in anticipation of greeting their honorable guest.

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