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Thread: Looking for a challenger.

  1. #1

    Looking for a challenger.

    Hey,I just started out on this forum so when I go and look for a battle most of them have already started.So I made this thread if anyone wants to battle?

    Specialty:Looking for one
    Technique: Dark Ice,Dark Fire,Dark Lighting,Shadow Ball,Protect,Confusion
    Overdrive: Cursed Magic(Launches Ice,Fire,and Lighting with great power.25% chance it will hit.Only in Cursed form)

    My Story:
    I'm a normal kid...though I wish I can say that.Because I was cursed by an evil spirit in a crystal.While I was cursed I figured out when I'm close to dying a dark form of me will come and control my body with great speed and power.It may seem I have no weakness but I get hurt very fast.(2x damage)While training with my new cursed powers I can launch dark ice,dark lighting,dark fire,and Shadow Ball.Though if I mess up it will blow up in my face.And even if it does work it tires me out even faster.It turns out that only the dark spells and abilities drain my health.

    Weapon:Iron Spear
    Body:Green Sweater

  2. #2
    Registered User Looking for a challenger.
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hell... Well, Newport, but what's the difference?

    Re: Looking for a challenger.

    I'll challenge you.

    Name: Blake Wolf

    Age: 17

    Weapon: Cross bow and small blade

    Appearance: Shoulder length white hair. Blue eyes. Pale skin. Thin, black exoskeleton armour suit with black combat boots. Slim, agile and slightly muscley build.

    Background: Blake's parents were killed by Sin, and he was taken in by abusive foster parents and had a rough upbringing. He left at 15 years old to join the Crusaders and lied about his age. He has now ran away from them and gone AWOL, this is because he doesn't like to be told what to do and doesn't stand well with people who believe they have more authority than him. Blake became a hitman after leaving the Crusaders as he found it was the best way he knew to earn a living. Due to his upbringing and profession, Blake has adapted the 'lone wolf' type of personality and usually keeps to himself. Blake believes that as long as the job is done, that's all that matters.

    Class: Assassin
    Speciality: Excellent Marksman
    Technique: Agile, mix of Archery and Blade combat
    Overdrive: Hitman (Choice between Very High Damage Crossbow Shot or Very High Damage Blade Stab)

    Body: Thin Exoskeloton Body Armour
    Helmet: None
    Accesory: Blood soaked Feather


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