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Thread: The Land of Confusion

  1. #1
    The Land of Confusion draco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!

    The Land of Confusion

    OoC: This is a privite battle between four people. Me and aguest that I will later bring in and and addrew who gets to pick a guest of his very own. I know not all of the words are spelled right and I will look those words up as for now lets battle.

    It was early in the morning but it looked as if it were dark inside of Jarias Quarters. his staff was stadding up against the concreate wall by his dresser. He turned his head to look at at the mirroir that stood at the edge of his bed. He looked at his reflection all he could see of himself in the dark room was a few feature of his face. He had short bback hair that pointed to the back with read tips. His eyes were green with dark centers and he had a straight looking face.

    Jaria put a hand on the side of his hard bed and lifted himself up. When he was up he grabed his staff with his right hand and than looked around. His room did not have much. The only things that were in their was a dresser, a mirior, and his rock hard bed.

    He started to walk to his door. When he got their he put his left hand on the handle and twisted it than pushed the door opened with a sqwick. He walked out and down the hallway. As he walked he could see several other doors both on his right and on his left. He finally reached the end of the hallway when he put his foot out side he could see no one and their was barly any light.

    He looked for someone but all he could see was a nother entrence to a hallway on the other side of him and in the courtyard were two statues repesenting the king of Agroth. He went and sat next to the first statue witch was on his left and just waited for his guest.
    Last edited by draco; 06-27-2008 at 06:55 AM.

  2. #2
    The Land of Confusion addrew's Avatar
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    Jun 2008
    Footsteps echoded through the lonley hall as Inaf walked down it. The letter had anonymously asked him for a fight in this place, and of course he couldnt back down from a fight.

    He turned a corner into a hallway with 2 statues facing each other, both of them resembled the King Of Argoth. The statues were carved beutifully and things of wonder, but Inaf was not interested in them but at the person sitting down beside the one on his left.

    "Well, what are you waiting for?" Inaf said as he drew his katanas from under his long traveling cloak.

  3. #3
    The Land of Confusion draco's Avatar
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    Jun 2008
    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    OoC: My partner is Firaga15 and yours is Raider. Now that thats that lets get this battle started.

    "Wait we can not start yet untill my Partner gets here. So what shall we do in the mean time?" But Jarias counterpart did not answer all he did was grab two Katanas from under his cloak. "Hey did you not here me or something I said to wait this is only a practice match anyways." He said silently. " I have decided LETS GET THI BATTLE GOING. I mean our partners will show up later.

    Jaria stood up and grabed his staff with his right hand. He put his hands into the skys like he was praying and uttered some words silently to himeself. "Thundera." And bolts of lightning came raining down on his counterpart. "PREPARE TO DIE."

  4. #4
    The Land of Confusion addrew's Avatar
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    Inaf took the lightning bolts and after a few seconds recovery charged his foe, not allowing him to have another time to cast a spell. He grabbed a throwing knife with 2 fingers and threw it at Jaria.

    (OOC: I know its short but dont realy have much to rite about intil we get into melee
    Last edited by addrew; 07-02-2008 at 01:17 PM.

  5. #5
    The Undying horror The Land of Confusion Firaga15's Avatar
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    Jun 2008
    In the mystical world of Ivalice.
    At that instance, Cratinal burst in from the ceiling and melted the knife with his Beam Blade, switched on, of course. Then he cast Inferno, causing the entire area in front of him to explode with flaming ferocity. As the smoke cleared, he saw his opponent.

    Sorry about the short length, I was on short notice.
    Last edited by Firaga15; 12-01-2008 at 04:09 PM.

  6. #6
    The Land of Confusion addrew's Avatar
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    Jun 2008
    Inaf dived fowards rolling on the floor and springing to his feet infront of cratinal he brought on of his blades steaming down towards his shoulder before throwing his other blade towards Jaria. The blade went wide by a fwe meters and splintered a door. Light steamed through with a dark silouete standing in the door way.

    (OOC:Enter raider)


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