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Thread: Gridlock

  1. #1
    Gridlock Anomaly's Avatar
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    Pools of blood smear the east bound highway for miles in each direction. More and more vehicles slam into the sudden obstacle before them. The smoking, twisted heaps that were very recently cars burst into flames, sending up great black clouds that blot out the sun. The west bound side is slowed to a crawl as drivers gawk at the sheer scale of the sudden destruction. A car pulls quickly over to the shoulder. The occupant, a young man rushes over the divider and runs through the carnage on the other side.

    Before he can reach a family trapped in an overturn van, the gas tank explodes, flooding the interior of the vehicle with flames that swiftly devour the flesh from the bone. He turns away from the site, just in time for a black gauntlet to explode through his mouth and out the back of his throat. It takes a moment for the body to realize it is dead, but in the last fleeting moments left for the brain before it shuts down, the eyes take in every detail of the horrible scene and the killer that is author of both his death, and so many others.

    Its clear now that what started this horror are several overturned eighteen wheelers that seem to have been sliced in twain beneath an overpass. Though a few cars were surely caught in this initial, the others show clear slash and claw marks. The man with eyes like dying coals that stares into his dying face, the one who seems engulfed in a nimbus of crimson light, smiles cruelly at him. He pulls back his hand and licks the fresh gore from between his claws with a long black tongue that darts between sharp teeth. The pale skin makes the man look like a specter of death, and as a few chunks of what was recently the young mans tongue fall into his curling scarlet beard, there is an illusion that the face is only a thinly stretch mask over a skull. but this might just be because at this moment, the young man dies.

    From out the black clouds, his body is flung, impacting and smashing through the windshield of a car in the westbound lane. The pale figure leaps upon the divider, and glares grinning at the victims amassed for him in the westbound lane of the highway, trapped now by their very vehicles and all the others stretching into the distance before and behind them. Long hair and eyes flaming in a wash of crimson light, the creature seems more beast than man as every inch of his body gives off an unmistakable killing lust.

    This was not going to be a simple attack...this was going to be a slaughter. A butchering of cattle.

    Several blades of crimson energy materialize, floating around the blood thirsty being. It would only be a moment, before they, and he who created them, would descend.


    Basically I just want to cut loose. Carnage for carnages sake. Be the hero, be a villain, be a victim, a saint...I don't care. Fight me, fight me, fight me, fight me!

  2. #2
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Gridlock Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    [Cut me a little slack please, This is going to be my first ever RP fight]

    Yuwain knew that he shouldn't show himself, he knew that if he did he would be breaking a centuries old law, but he also knew that if he didn't then there would be a slaughter. He knew what he must do.

    Leaping onto one of the overturned cars Yuwain stood his full 6'6" and let out a call,
    "EULALIAAAAA!" it was his warcry, many were the times that he had used it to distract and even stop an enemy. The gnoll hefted his spear Glared defiantly at his enemy and spoke, in a harsh voice,
    "Who are you, and what do you think you're doing?" he snarled, normally kind brown eyes gone harsh and cruel. He held his spear at the ready he would not fall prey to this creature as easily as the humans had.

  3. #3
    Gridlock Anomaly's Avatar
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    OOC[Cool, whatever man. I'm just looking to test this character out anyways. Just glad someone finally got the nuts to fight me. ]

    The pale mans grin never leaves his lips as he speaks, "I'm Oketsu, and I'm having one Hell of a time!" A cackle erupts from his mouth as he spreads his arms wide, as if welcoming the newcomer. At that moment the blades of red light descend, no longer held in check by their creators attention. A perfect wave of muffled screams rises before the deafening explosions as the swords slash through the cars and trucks. Cleaving through metal and glass, flesh and bone, as if all were one and the same.

    The blades fade away as the smoke of the exploded vehicles wafts into the already oppressive clouds of destruction above. Now the mad man and the newcomer are surrounded by a perfect circle of carnage, pain and, death...the few survivors in the immediate area desperately squirming away through rivulets of their own blood.

    "What a beautiful sight." Oketsu seems to have become totally oblivious to his guest, admiring the tableau he has created. "It takes a real artist to take the mundane and turn it into such beauty. These obnoxious machines and the insipid little creatures they contain are base ingredients, but the crimson flow mixed with flame is so compelling."

    He steps sharply on the head of a young person of indeterminate gender, who by their looks obviously wouldn't have made it anyways, shattering the skull on impact. "Still, it needs something more," he turns then, as if only just then willing to fully acknowledge Yuwain, "What do you think puppy? What should be the 'Pièce de Résistance' of my 'Pièce le Sang a Trempé la Mort'?"

    With a black gauntleted hand soaked in blood he strokes his beard, truly giving the matter his utmost thought. Then the crimson of his eyes flares and he looks the gnoll full in the face. "I know! How about I scatter your entrails among the wreckage? Give the cleaning crews something to really wonder about!"

    Crimson aura burning brighter than the flames that surround them, the insane being launches himself at full speed without any weapon in hand to try and rip Yuwain limb from limb.
    Last edited by Anomaly; 05-01-2008 at 11:35 PM.

  4. #4
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Gridlock Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    [oh no it's not courage, it's insanity ]
    The man, if he deserved to be called human, was reveling in the blood and gore he had created, eating in the killing, talking as if he were an artist and this his master piece, He strode over to an adolescent and crushed their skull with the heel of his boot.
    The being was repulsive.
    "I know! How about I scatter your entrails among the wreckage? Give the cleaning crews something to really wonder about!"

    "Try it, no seriously I'd like to see you try that,"
    Then the being lept at Yuwain, to try and tear him limb from limb,
    "me and my big mouth."
    Yuwain turned and sidestepped the man's wild leap, and in doing so swung his spear in a downwards arc in an attempt to knock his opponent to the ground.

  5. #5
    Gridlock Anomaly's Avatar
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    The butt of Yuwain's spear catches the pale man on the back as he blazes passed him. However a strange thing occurs. Though the spear connects, it does not slow Oketsu's momentum...and stranger still there is a small notch on the shaft as if it had encountered a bladed weapon. The pile of wreckage upon which the gnoll stands is now sliced cleanly in half, as though a great sword had buried itself in its innards. On the contrary, only the crimson aura'd being stands a slight distance away, turning again with his smile.

    "I see you're not without some skill," he says a little more seriously than the ranting that went before. "But that makes this all the more enjoyable for me!" The thin man slams his foot into the ground, causing a motorcycle (who's idiot rider had been trying to dart through traffic before being ripped from his seat in one of the many explosions) to leap into the air to his waiting hands. With a strength one would not expect from a person of his size, Oketsu hurls the charred machine at Yuwain.

    Right before the machine would reach the beast-man, a single energy sword pierces the bikes gas tank, causing a spark as it passes through. The resulting explosion is not enough to kill, or even really maim, but the force of it may just be enough to knock Yuwain from his perch. Oketsu advances through the flames more slowly now, sure of himself and of his quarry.

  6. #6
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Gridlock Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    "I see you're not without some skill," he says a little more seriously than the ranting that went before. "But that makes this all the more enjoyable for me!"

    Then Yuwain notices the man lift the motorbike, impressive, and hurl it at Yuwain, who readies himself to avoid it, only to have Oketsu blow the bike up, Yuwain drops his spear in the ensuing blast as he is hurled forcefully from the car, no sooner does he hit the ground then is he getting up. He draws the knightsword at his side, the savethequeen, he let's the light catch it for a brief second. He had earned this blade, it was his weapon of choice, it was with this blade he had defended his queen.

    Yuwain knew there was something wrong with the man, he just did not know what, he intended to do so soon. Yuwain charged the man, long powerful strides bringing him to Oketsu quickly as he swings his blade in a shining arc.

  7. #7
    Gridlock Anomaly's Avatar
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    Watching the beast man sail through the air captivates Oketsu, bringing his smile to an even more manic level. He keeps coming forward steadily, not slowing when his opponent unsheathes a particularly impressive looking sword. The flames swirl almost lovingly around him as Yuwain charges and he opens his arms once again as if giving the beast man a perfect target.

    As the scimitar of light cuts through the air, there is a dull clang as the pale mans black gauntleted hands slam closed on either side of the blade, catching it in a vice grip. This close, he leers at Yuwain, "Such a pretty looking sword. It speaks to me in the blood soaked words of war." He seems almost transfixed for a moment, then all mirth drains from his face...making him look rather ugly. His next words are spoken like a curse, "You are weak!"

    He releases Yuwains blade, sweeping his arms back, and then forward again. Thick bolts of crimson lightning arc from his finger tips. At such close range it is unlikely that the beast man can dodge all of them. Already a few errant bolts strike the ground at his feet, and where the bolts pass the blood soaked road is swept clean. Unlike regular lightning bolts, these seem to be composed of the fierce entities aura. Instead of truly electrocuting, they would drain away a little of Yuwain's blood, his life, with each crackling spark.
    Last edited by Anomaly; 05-03-2008 at 12:09 AM.

  8. #8
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Gridlock Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    [I]"Such a pretty looking sword. It speaks to me in the blood soaked words of war."

    Yuwain replied to this,
    "My blade has never spilled blood that did not deserve it, something you would not understand."

    He seems almost transfixed for a moment, then all mirth drains from his face...making him look rather ugly. His next words are spoken like a curse, "You are weak!"

    "Tell me, when I care!" Then Yuwain feels the crackling crimson lighting hit him, it saps away his energy, Yuwain realizes something, tha man doesn't need to speak for his magic. Too weak to hold his sword Yuwain does not give up. He leaps back and casts his spell of choice at his opponent, Rasp, if this spell hits Oketsu would feel whatever type of energy he uses to cast his magic drain as though he had been casting spells for a while. It would help Yuwain stay even with the man.

  9. #9
    Gridlock Anomaly's Avatar
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    OOC (Good idea. Pity Oketsu's aura techniques are special tech linked to his soul rather than actual magic. Watch for spells when I use Blood Kant, there will be a little chanting associated with a few of those spells.)

    Oketsu feels the life force of his enemy drain into him. Though he may have professed Yuwain to be a weakling, all life has blood, and to this being blood is power. There is a moment of distortion as the hyena-man cries his own rebuke, some strange counter spell designed perhaps to stop the crimson lightning and drain Oketsu of his own strength. Yet the spell has little effect...Oketsu's aura, constantly replenished by each droplet of blood, each fragment of life it steals, cannot be disrupted in a magical fashion. Not while it is actively soaking in blood.

    The onslaught of lightning bolts halt none the less. The crimson aura surrounding the young man relents, dying down until it only surrounds his arms and legs. "You don't care that you're weak?" A look of disgust clouds the enraged creatures face, "How can you hope to defend anything, brave knight, if you have no strength?" Hatred rises off of the man like a scent. His aura intensifies, but rather than expanding it focuses. "How can you hope to stop me from doing this?!"

    He slams his hand through a nearby overturned van, the single chop enough to slice the vehicle in two, spilling the charred and mutilated corpses trapped within onto the hot concrete. A pool of semi blackened blood covers the ground, widening until Oketsu stands at its center. Spreading his hands palms down, Oketsu whispers gently, calling to the blood.

    "Ζωή πέρα από τη ζωή η οποία πλημμύρες αυτή η γη. Βράστε! Ζεματίστε τη σάρκα του!"
    ("Life beyond life that floods this earth. Boil! Scald his flesh!")

    As if heated by the fires of hell, the blood begins to steam and bubble around Okestu's feet. His crimson aura ignites, spreading like flames from his feet, igniting the ichor, spreading in a ripple through the expanding puddle. As the ripple widens, the burning crimson flow rises into a wave, and threatens to wash over Yuwain and those not yet dead writhing on the ground.

    OOC( That was a spell, so if Rasp is still in effect you can have its power diminish)

  10. #10
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Gridlock Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    [Yeah Rasp is still in effect]
    "You don't care that you're weak?" A look of disgust clouds the enraged creatures face, "How can you hope to defend anything, brave knight, if you have no strength?" Hatred rises off of the man like a scent. His aura intensifies, but rather than expanding it focuses.
    "How can I hope to defend anything if I always think I'm weak, oh and I'm not a knight, I'm a templar."
    The man (Should the being be considered human) began to chant, then the blood pooled around his feet ignited, the flames were high, but Yuwain was unsurprised to find out they weren't giving off as much heat as they should, that's why he loved Rasp; but still he could only save one of the four victims around him they seemed to realize this and pushed the youngest, a little girl of 12, forward. Yuwain picked her up, lept away, put her down, and walked back towards Oketsu. He spoke one word,
    "Hurry." he had cast Hast on himself,efficiently making him much faster than normal for a time.

  11. #11
    Gridlock Anomaly's Avatar
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    OOC(kind of leaving yourself open, eh?)

    "Oh, excuse me! I'm sure there's a huge difference between a knight and a templar! I bet that it doesn't even basically amount to killing in the name of a deity instead of a country! Will you ever be able to forgive me?!" His smile returns, as those who remain around him are awash in the power of his flood. They should have burned to death rather quickly, but instead they bake slowly alive. Skin popping open as the flesh par boils and their juices seep out into a puddle, their screams of anguish are incredibly sweet.

    "You're not too bright are you?" The blood soaking the battle field, instead of expanding further with the fresh blood of those killed, seems to recede. It cools as it flows backwards...absorbing steadily into the man that stands at the center of the crimson flames. Awash in power, he steps forward, leaving foot prints like gaping holes in the pool of blood that only fill once he's taken a few steps closer to Yuwain.


    The pale man pauses at that. "Hurry?" he actually seems puzzled by this, "Well if you insist." Holding back this entire time, the crimson aura surrounding Oketsu explodes, sending wreckage and limp bodies flying in every direction. Every pore of his being pours forth an intense killing lust, tongues of scarlet flame and vermilion lightning lapping over his body. Swords in the hundreds materialize around his form, orbiting in a razor edged maelstrom of death. Madness in his eyes and joy in his heart he roars with laughter.

    "Dodge this pretty boy!" Each blade orients on the templar, glowing blades aimed tip first. Oketsu surges forward, a wall of swords heralding his coming, power exuding from every inch of his flesh as he charges Yuwain once more.

  12. #12
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Gridlock Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    [haste, pretty much makes me extremely fast, try hitting that with a sword,]

    "Hurry?" he actually seems puzzled by this, "Well if you insist." Holding back this entire time, the crimson aura surrounding Oketsu explodes, sending wreckage and limp bodies flying in every direction. Every pore of his being pours forth an intense killing lust, tongues of scarlet flame and vermilion lightning lapping over his body. Swords in the hundreds materialize around his form, orbiting in a razor edged maelstrom of death. Madness in his eyes and joy in his heart he roars with laughter.

    "Dodge this pretty boy!" Each blade orients on the templar, glowing blades aimed tip first. Oketsu surges forward, a wall of swords heralding his coming, power exuding from every inch of his flesh as he charges Yuwain once more.

    [a wall of swords eh? heheheh try this on for size,]

    Yuwain saw the charge coming instantyl, he could feel the power that the man had gathered, a wall of swords, Oh please, he'd need to be a bit more creative then that,
    "Fine then I will." And what with the enormous boost in speed granted by his previous spell haste Yuwain ran at the man twisted through the wall of swords without so much as a scratch, and grabbed a hold of a pair of them in the baragain, lighting behind Oketsu he spoke, "How's that," he swung his borrowed blades in a double arc as he spoke these words.

  13. #13
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    "Honestly?" Oketsu says with a smirk, "Silly." The blades merge back into the aura that spawned them, ceasing to exist in Yuwain's hands. The grin on the blood drinkers face is truly manic as he makes a slight gesture with his left hand. Spreading his crimson tipped claws wide, he clamps his hand into a fist, as though crushing a fly.

    It was foolish to think that spirit blades could be so easily turned against the soul that wields them. The other swords, still oriented on the templar, now surround him on all sides. It was a smart idea to try and rush through the wall of death, but now the beast mans bulk works against him. The crackling scarlet swords are far too close together to dodge and weave through a second time without taking significant damage. Like the embrace of the iron maiden, the swords close swiftly in from every direction.

    The pale man just laughs. "Not a bad game, but I'm afraid this is where you say goodnight." In a sudden burst of speed, Oketsu crouches low and launches a powerful roundhouse kick to Yuwain's muzzle. If he dodges the blow it really doesn't matter. First blood, and possibly last, would be his.

  14. #14
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Gridlock Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    The blades vanished in his hands as he swung them towards Oketsu,
    "Oh SHI-" was all he could get out before the kick landed, luckily the arc that the kick sent him in got his vital organs out of the blades' paths, but they still connected. Yuwain landed next to his spear,he grasped it with a weakening left hand, struggled to his feet, and stood defiantly in front of Oketsu.
    "I, will not stand to see innocents slaughtered, I can't..." Yuwain fell to his knees. and stopped speaking, but still he glared at Oketsu. He willed the man to try and finish him, just to see how far his spear would go, the worst thing the man could do was walk away and leave him to live with this sorrow.

  15. #15
    Gridlock Anomaly's Avatar
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    OOC (Good move using the momentum of the kick. That was a sticky situation, but I think you may yet turn it to your advantage)

    As Yuwain sails through the wall of blades, small cuts and larger gashes appearing on his body, the swords fade out of existence. Oketsu's aura can only sustain itself outside of his body for so long, thus the blades end up doing much less damage than an actual sword would. As the beast-man lands some distance away, next to his original weapon, the pale man has to pause a moment to bank the fires of his spirit lest they burn themselves out completely.

    "I, will not stand to see innocents slaughtered, I can't..."

    Oketsu looks serious again for the second time today, "Then why engage in battle at all? What is the purpose to weapons if no one wants to use them? Whats the purpose to a warrior if not to kill? What is the purpose of innocents if it is not to be slaughtered? To blood, if it is not to be spilled?" He holds out his left hand and gestures, opening his mouth. A trickle of blood begins to fly across the divide from Yuwain's wounds, coursing into Oketsu's open mouth. He swallows but a little, then smiles again.

    "If you really want to stop all of this, you'll have to become something worse than me." Rejuvenated, the vampiric creature's aura re-intensifies. "I'm just a weapon without a wielder. All I know is war...and just another kind of victim." Taking the claws of his left hand he traces a deep gash in his right arm. A thick crimson flow drips slowly from the wound, trickling down his arm.

    "Ο θάνατος πέρα από το θάνατο, δέχεται αυτήν την θυσία. Παγίδα!
    Επεκτείνετε το φοβερό λαβή!"

    ("Death beyond death, accept this sacrifice. Ensnare! Extend my horrible grasp!")

    The flow of blood falls like rain, pattering into a puddle on the ground. Oketsu slams his arm into the puddle, causing it to disappear up to the elbow. At the same time the blood that has been steadily puddling around the templar's feet pulses. From each of the tiny pools, a massive claw extends. The blood widens as the claws extend as if the puddles are holes in the grounds surface, scarlet cracks opening in the concrete. Suddenly Yuwain finds himself kneeling in the center of a red hand that closes tightly, attempting to hold, and possible crush him.
    Last edited by Anomaly; 05-08-2008 at 12:09 PM.

  16. #16
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Gridlock Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    [hmmmm...well this might be difficult.]

    "What is the purpose to weapons if no one wants to use them? Whats the purpose to a warrior if not to kill? What is the purpose of innocents if it is not to be slaughtered? To blood, if it is not to be spilled?"

    The Hand that got hold of him tried to press harder, but the gnoll was thick-skinned, and tough-boned, and not so easy to kill.
    "The purpose of a weapon is to be ready, the purpose of a warrior to defend, of innocents to enjoy their lives, and blood to grant life. Untill you can understand that you cannot be considered a true warrior." With his good left hand Yuwain hurled the spear at Oketsu, hoping to distract his opponent into releasing him. Yuwain felt the beginning of a plan tickle his mind.

  17. #17
    Gridlock Anomaly's Avatar
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    OOC(FINALLY...I was pushing for that. Thank you.)

    Whistling through the air, the spear catches Oketsu off guard, this sudden attack coming from what he thought was a doomed foe. In mid-spell, no less, the blood mage has little time to block and zero time to dodge. With the gut-wrenching sound of meat being cleft in twain, the spear tip pierces his pale chest, shattering the bones of his rib cage and punching a hole out through his back. The momentum of the spear hurls the scarlet stained fiend backwards, yanking his arm from the puddle of his own blood, breaking his spell. The giant hand holding Yuwain shatters into a shower of blood that evaporates into the air as a soft red mist. As the pale man slams into the ground, the force of his fall slams the spear tip into a crack in the pavement, transfixing him to the spot.

    Many of the crimson flames die away, leaving only regular smoldering carnage and a few sanguine puddles. One such pool spreads like a blooming rose from Oketsu, petals flowering in great rivulets from his bare chest in a steady pulse. All trace of his aura has subsided, yet the blood keeps coming showing that his heart is steadily pumping away despite at least one of his lungs clearly being pierced. In the distance, the first sirens can be heard fighting through the traffic to try and bring aid, a few helicopters hovering clear of the smoke heralding they're coming.

    It seems as though the deadly struggle is at last over. Those who have not fled this scene of carnage begin to peep from their hiding places. All eyes turn to the psychopath that has caused so much blood easily brought down by the beast-mans spear.

    Too easily?

    "Αιματηρός Συγκομιδή"

    The whisper seems to come from every direction, followed by a pulse audible over the wail of the distant sirens. An almost visible wave of force expands from the dying mans chest. The rich gushing krovvy reverses its flow, leaping and rushing back into the hole in the creatures cavity. Not just his blood but the ichor that drenches the pavement from his many victims, and some from those who yet live ,trickles quickly over the ground surging into the prone body. The body twitches, spasming, as it slowly begins to rise, sliding along the length of the spear. As the body jerks up the length of the shaft, leaving flecks of dripping gore like glittering rubies, the body hangs limply floating in the air.

    The grizzly process continues until, at last, with the terrible hollow sound of the spear pulling free from the exit wound, a semblance of control seems to return to the body. It crouches on all fours like a beast, standing atop the tip of the spear, hair now hanging like limp rags before the horrid creatures face. "I told you already...I am not a warrior...I am just a weapon...without a wielder..." The head twitches, bones cracking in the creatures neck and all down the length of his spine as black tendrils spread and twine from his shoulders. The barbed tendrils twist and bend into a strangely familiar the wings of a dragon or some strange bird rendered in ink.

    "Let me show you just what I mean." The black wings spread wide and the creature stands jerkily atop the spear like a dangling marionette. A sudden pulse of crimson light engulfs Oketsu's right arm. Torrents of vermilion energy course down the length of the arm, stretching from the body in a long sinuous flame. The energy consolidates itself, collapsing, shaping itself into the form of a sword. From the air the energy begins to draw matter to itself. Iron from blood, dust from bones, scraps of shed skin, and old leather. Lastly a clutch of disheveled crows feathers flies into the mix.

    In a blinding pulse of blood-light, a massive kris bladed sword, easily seven feet long from serpentine tip to jeweled pommel, takes form in Oketsu's right hand. The feathers form a pair of raven wings closed round the sword hilt that spread wide, revealing a leering vampiric skull, hollow eye sockets set with flashing garnet-like jewels. The sword, the Blood Reaver, roars in a voice filled with rage and hunger. Or is it it's wielder? It's impossible to say.

    All that can be said is that Oketsu rises, sword first into the air, wings spread as if mimicking his sword. He rises into the thick clouds of smoke, disappearing from view. The steady thumping of the chopper blades above is suddenly six burning hulks crash into the traffic below. Each as they fall, for not can be said of the wreckage that results from their impact, can just barely be seen to be perfect halves of a helicopter. Falling swiftly with them, as if seeking to impale Yuwain in kind, plummets the Blood Reaver sword slicing through the smoke. Oketsu trails languidly behind.


  18. #18
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Gridlock Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    [Dang I can't find a way out of this, in his condition he wouldn't be able to keep up with you if he dodged, all he can do is take the blow, and try and blast you with Sacred flow on his last breath....It was fun while it lasted, I'll just have to see if I'm able to make a new character.]

    Awestruck the transformation of the figure seems to leave Yuwain transfixed, as though in seeing this hidious beast, he saw his own demise. Yuwain knew death awaited him as his oppnenet flew down towards him, but he was not going to die on his kness, struggling to stand, he rose and looked defiantly to the approching enemy. Taking in the energy he'd need for his final strike, Sacred flow. The thing Impaled him, and Yuwain let the enregy fly from his body, it healed the victims not yet dead, extinguished the fires, and would hopefully wound his opponent grieviously or more. Yuwain slid backwards down the blade, at peace, if he were to die now he'd die happy.

  19. #19
    Gridlock Anomaly's Avatar
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    OOC(No no no, your character is fine. I'd suggest losing some of the unnecessary accessories and stream line him a bit, but I intentionally put everything of my character into his attacking ability. Your character could shred his body into pieces of confetti right now, but the positioning isn't in your favor. I'm actually really sorry that you've chosen to end it this way, there's still so much more to explore, but I'll respect your wishes. If not in the manner you might intend.)

    As the blade slides home, a strange thing occurs. From Yuwain a massive pulse of force spreads in every direction. Though Oketsu is not particularly weak to such holy power, the shear magnitude of the blast is enough to send his body flapping like a rag in a thunderstorm. In one powerful pulse, the Reaver is expunged from the beast mans body, and sent rocketing from the pale marionette's grip. As the sword hurtles end over end away from the two warriors, it shatters into its base components, ceasing to exist.

    Similarly, Oketsu's body, now once more fully in control begins to fall to pieces. The strain on the mortal form is too much, and he falls very near Yuwain, once more in a spreading pool of his own blood...this time with a disjointed arm, a leg removed at the knee, and a head turned at an angle totally unnatural. Yet in this posture a certain serene beauty touches the mad mans face. He is satisfied.

    "Not bad, pup. You've still got time to grow." His voice is full of lethargy as he says this, his body sinking into the warm salt sea of blood. A Vampiric Sleep seems about to consume him. "Have fun explaining things to the authorities." A last crooked smile before he sinks completely. Not a victory or a defeat...a draw.

    OOC(You've got potential. Don't give up)

  20. #20
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Gridlock Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    Apr 2008
    [okay, don't worry unless you were to finish him off there Yuwain wasn't about to die, he's too stubborn for that. This is only my first battle, give me time to get used to this.]

    "Not bad, pup. You've still got time to grow." His voice is full of lethargy as he says this, his body sinking into the warm salt sea of blood. A Vampiric Sleep seems about to consume him. "Have fun explaining things to the authorities." A last crooked smile before he sinks completely. Not a victory or a defeat...a draw.

    Yuwains first thought was,
    'I'm not dead' his second, 'figures, now I've gotta clean up, and the cops'll be here in seconds.' The wound was painful, yet somehow he was living through it; 'must be because I'm a gnoll.' He slowly stood, he gathered up his sword and spear, then paused by the odd man's body, 'If I carry him, I risk him waking up and attacking me, If I leave him, the humans will find out things like us exist, grrrr I hate these things, sometimes.' He gathered up Oketsu muttering, "this better be worth it," then he turned to the lone human girl,
    "Listen, you can't tell anyone what you saw alright, this was a car accident, and you have no memory of it!"

    Yuwain limped off towards the mountains, He dropped the man, in the back of a cave, and he sat at the mouth, wondering, 'why did this happen, and how did I survive that blow.'


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