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Thread: Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart)

  1. #1
    Registered User Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart) HUNK's Avatar
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    Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart)

    Stage: We are pretty much just in a large field with a small forest surounding us.

    Name: Ovan Dragonheart
    Age: 27
    Wepon: Sword known as Excalipoor(Piece of cra* Wepon but he thinks he has Excaliber)
    Descirption: Ovan wheres a Black Leather jacket not usally seen in this part of the world, almost as if he came from another time. He also wheres blue jeans and a cross around his neck.

    Bio: Ovan was just 21 when he fell into a strange dimesional rift and was teleported into a world that seemed to be in the times of the midle ages. Ever since he has adapted a life of killing random people and robbing to get anything he needs or wants. This life style has caused him to go insane and he is not a very nice person.

    Special attacks(No more than 2): Holy Wrath: When push to the limit, Ovan takes his sword and attacks at a blinding speed,very hard to dodge.
    Forign Wepon: Ovan being from present time can pull a small handgun and shoot his targets but dosent use it offten condiering there is no where to buy ammo.
    (Once you post your charecter we can begin the fight.)

  2. #2
    karl Brown Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart) Vincent Heart's Avatar
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    Name: Vincent
    Age: 10
    Weapon: Deathbringer ( Only Legendary Black knights sword)
    Description: Nice baggie pants with a nice red and black stud belt with a punisher shirt. with a leather trench coat. all this cloths give me a power to hide my Aura.

    Bio: i fell from the sky when i was 5 years old i could talk and walk. i was sent here by a god to find a way i can Mutilate the earth or take it over. for five years i have walked the earth killing and trying to find a way to Destroy the the world.

    Special attack: flash step (Allows me to move in blinding speed to get behind or do dodge an attack).

  3. #3
    Registered User Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart) HUNK's Avatar
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    (OOC: Very well Karl let us being. By the way anything you need to say that is not in the story just put () around it and say OOC.)

    Ovan dragged his sword across a field. "I think I need something to eat."Ovan crossed a samurai and drew his sword,"Ok drop some money or die..." The enemy samurai only reached for his sword and then Ovan rushed over and split the man into three pieces. "Fool I didnt need to kill you....of course this was more fun."

    Ovan went to a nearby town with his newly aquired "Funds" and sat down to eat at a small reasturant. After eating Ovan went back on the road.

    "No Please spare my life!" Ovan slashed another random person walking the road and felt the blood spray into his eyes. "Ahh you're to weak I need somthing stronger to kill." Almost as if the gods themselves sent someone Ovan saw another traveler with a Dark Knight sword. "Hey You. You wana die or what?"

  4. #4
    karl Brown Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart) Vincent Heart's Avatar
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    As I look at him with a killing look which would send chills down any humans back. As I say "death isn’t the option for me it’s only for you. and if you do want to fight it will be the worst mistake of your life” as I stand towards him and give him an evil laugh As I stand ready.

  5. #5
    Registered User Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart) HUNK's Avatar
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    "HAHAHA you got some pretty strong words for such a young kid!"

    Vincent could see a faint black smoke sifting through Ovan's skin...It was a truly demonic arua. Andrew drew his sword without a word and ran across the road felling the wind run cold through his hair as if death were watching.....waiting.

    "Prepare to die stupid kid!"
    Andrew leaped into the air and was coming down with all his weight...The attack would be slow but powerful.

  6. #6
    karl Brown Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart) Vincent Heart's Avatar
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    “pathetic, what is this?” As I do a back flip to dodge you swing. “But you are faster than any other human iv faced but not fast enough.” As I draw my sword a loud screech that even send chills down my back. As I do a spin slash towards your stomach with fast speeds. “you will fall before me.”

  7. #7
    Registered User Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart) HUNK's Avatar
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    Ovan took three Devilish slices before finally getting out of the way.
    "Yes I want to feel the freeing feeling of Blood runing down my skin....HAHAHA Im stronger than you could ever know, after all I have Excaliber!"

    Ovan ran to the demon and attacked ferociouly. "You can not win agaisnt my Holy Power!"
    It was odvious that Ovan was compleatly lost in the darkness and it was now up to Vincent to free him of his remorse.

  8. #8
    karl Brown Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart) Vincent Heart's Avatar
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    “A dark person with holy powers yeah right.” As I glanced at his sword. As you are attacking the demon I say “ don’t louse you concentration on me or it will be the end for you hahahahahahaha” as I do a jumping flip and I’m come toward your shoulder.

  9. #9
    Registered User Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart) HUNK's Avatar
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    (OOC: I see you are finally seeing the massive confusion and Insanity that is conatined within Ovan. Yay for you)

    Ovan was hit directly with a large jumping blow to the shoulder. The blow contained enough power to knock Ovan right off his feet. While on the ground Ovan watched his enemy lift his sword and strike Ovan as he lay on the ground. Ovan qucikly rolled out of the way and ran right up Vincents sword and kicked him as hard as he could in the Face.
    "How DaRe YoU DoUgHt My HoLy GrEatNess!"
    Andrew's evil was increasing and as well was his rage!

  10. #10
    karl Brown Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart) Vincent Heart's Avatar
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    As I get kicked in the face I almost fall back but I catch myself by stabbing my sword into the ground and slide. “your sword and skill is nothing compared to mine” as I get of my knee ad look at you “ you are nothing but a crazy man full of darkness and that’s why you’re so weak now die!” as I am going to run and aim and try to stab toward the heart. “ parish “ !

  11. #11
    Registered User Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart) HUNK's Avatar
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    "Hahaha Ill show you PARI...SH!"

    Andrew was stabed in the heart with a blade of pure terror. "Ha I told you that you would fail."

    "Shut up Ive only just started..."
    Andrew screamed to the sky "I AM THE CLOSTEST THING TO A GOD YOU WILL EVER SEE! I am truth and the ultimate being and I am far more than you can ever comprehend."

    Andrew pulled forth a strange weapon of the like that had never been seen in the era of time. "Die!"
    Andrew fired multiple a full clip of about 13 bullets.
    "Behold my holy wrath!"

  12. #12
    karl Brown Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart) Vincent Heart's Avatar
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    As I look at the weird weapon you pulled out. “ holy my @@ !” as I pull my sword out of you and use flash step but the things it fired was way too fast so I only dodged 7 out of 13 . “what is that thing” as I cough out blood. “ I have mission to do I can’t die!!!” as red area is starting to show as I stand and throw my sword at you.

  13. #13
    Registered User Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart) HUNK's Avatar
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    Ovan Laughed with his madness, he was absolutly extatic in seeing Vincets pain. Blood still poured through Ovans wound but he didnt seem to care. "Haha*cough*ha you cant win, you lie to are no god. Gods dont bleed!"

    Just then Vincent hurled his sword at Ovan and caught him in the side of his mouth ripping flesh and tearing a large hole in the side of Ovans face near his right jaw. His speech was bearly understandable but vincent could still hear: "Ugh, You cur. I'll kill you!" Vincent had seen many battles and fought powerfull enemys but he had never seen a normal man have been stabed and slashed only to keep wanting to fight. Vincent was discusted as he watched the Blood pour from Ovans mouth as he spoke.

    Ovan slashed twords Vincent but missed and vincent soon recovered his sword. Ovan then attacked but was now sluggish and blinded with gimising pain.

  14. #14
    karl Brown Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart) Vincent Heart's Avatar
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    “You have never met a god so how should you know and I’m not a god I was made by a god” as I cough up more blood “ I still have more power than you just look at yourself man you can hardly swing that stupid sword know you will die !” as I throw my sword at his feet to distract him and I flash step behind him in the air as I am coming down with the strongest punch I have ever had to use.

  15. #15
    Registered User Fields of Insanity(HUNK vs Vincet Heart) HUNK's Avatar
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    (OOC: I am ending it...short but it was a good fight. PM me or talk to me if you want to start another)

    Vincent threw his sword at Ovans feet but Ovan did not even pay it any mind and vicent almost seemed to teleport behind Ovan in the air. Vincent was coming down with a punch that absolutly radiated energy. But Ovan turned at the speed of sound and as Vincent was in the air Ovan pulled his gun once again and fired....however there was no ammo in the clip. "Die! *Click* What oh no!" Ovan looked up just in time to be smashed in the face by the hammering fist of power that came from vincents hand.

    Ovan lay in the dirt...defeated but not dead. Ovan picked up his cross neckless. "Why my lord have I forsaken you...I am sorry." As Ovan lay there Vincent walked over to his enemy. Vincent had no real fighting power left...and was almost as weakend as Ovan. Ovan looked at his enemy and saw behind him a ghostly figure clothed in a dark robe and whereing a hode covering his face. "Oh damed soul walowing in your sin. Bringing plague and terror to those who are inocent...Perhaps it is time to die."

    "Wait I know! You are the Grim Reaper! STAY AWAY FROM ME!"
    Ovan pulled his gun in terror and again forgot it had no ammo. He quickly shoved a clip in and fired reapetedly at the shadowy figure, every shot fasing through the monster.
    Vincent stared in confusion as he witnessed Ovan fire at the air and suddenly his body vanished. Nothing was left except Ovans strange Weapon. Vincent Picked it up and took it with him on his journy, as a momento of the only person alive and now dead who could almost kill him.
    Vincent contiuned down the road and carried on his mission...but everytime between the harsh sounds of battle,every quiet time....he can still hear the screaming of Ovan and always remembered him...

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