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Thread: Character Statistics.

  1. #361


    Username: anubis505

    Name: Rydel Ryder

    Age: 24

    Class & Skills: A Pyromancer (Controls flames). Basically he's best with flames and heat. At times Rydel will use flames to trap his oppenet, burn them alive etc... The forms in which his flames take shap as vary.

    Weapons & Magic: A long sword, engulfed in flames that does not burn pbjects/people or produce smoke (for looks), the blade is silver. Secondary weapons vary... fire, flames, heat. Pyromancer stuff.

    The Character's Attire: He wears a dark yellow cloak, with hood, a deep
    red tunic, the sleeves cut to the shoulder like a vest. Below the tunic is a long sleeved red and gray shirt... though only the red sleeves show. His pants are thick but light, crimson and orange flames dance around the pant legs. (A design). A leather strap is around both knee caps, both elbows, and both wrists along the leather bands are blood red spikes. And around his forehead is a leather band with slightly longer spikes.

    Story/Bio: Fire is his only friend.

    Hope my character is ok.

  2. #362
    Liticia Sparkle
    Name:Liticia Sparkles
    Age: Umm, i'll pretend to be 19
    Height: 5' 5"
    Eyes: Brown
    Hair: Dark brown and in twists
    Class: Samurai/ Assasin
    Weapon: Samurai sword;The Great Mummy's Blade
    Drossel;Adrenaline Drossel

    Special Abilities:Along with her other friends she can cast black magic and white magic.
    Limit Breaks: Demon Cut, Slice & Dice, and Xyrokin

    Background: Litica was born on the planet Tetra during the year 1999 when she turned 19, the government in the country she lived in (F.S.A) led tyhe nation to extreme poverty. More than 65% of the citizens were poor. Liticia dreamed of the days back when life was good. When her little sister Jelisa died and her mother's leg was broken from over working in a factory because of the conditions, Liticia's emotions filled with nothing but rage. In avengance to what has happened to her in this new life. She arms herself with a samurai sword and a drossel from a black market. She steals a pie from a resident's house to get the police on her.

    When they come for her Liticia kills the two police men and hacks their bodies to peices for revenge of her family and friends. Later Liticia goes on the run and tries to escape to a neighboring country called Canadia. With the police on her trail Liticia doesn't make it to Canadia but is arrested and taken to prison, but she didn't go down easily she took out 6 cops and 5 rockweilers before she was arrested.

    She was sentenced to death for crimes the next night when her senyenced was to be carried out, she was broke out by a man named Damon White. Damon also freed 3 others that was sentenced to death for the same reason. After getting disguises, Damon leads, liticia and the three others to a country called Espoila. While in a bar in that country bad news about the F.S.A. The country is now in large turmoil and the president has sent troops to invade other countries to steal goods and artifacts, which makes the whole world hate the F.S.A. which is making the citizen’s lives even worse. Later Damon and the rest find out that F.S.A is collaborating a greedy and devious plan that can lead the world to ruin, Damon gathers his team and the journey starts.
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 01-08-2006 at 02:28 PM. Reason: KERBLAM! (signature removal)

  3. #363
    The Sindrome Mike's Avatar
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    Norman, Oklahoma
    Name: Flippy
    Age: ?
    Height: 2 foot body, 10 foot wing span (5 ft per wing)
    Eyes: black w/ red pupils
    Hair: Green all over.
    Class: Soldier Teddy Bear posessed by demon.
    Weapon: Two big red razor sharp wings

    Abilities: Dark magic and Hellfire

    Bio:Flippy was an ordinary bear who joined the army and went off to fight some war somewhere. Near the end of his tour his platon was attacked. e was the only survivor. The army gave him a bronze star. During his recovery the doctors noticed that Flippy was behaving more erratic as time went on and sent him to the Happy Groves Asylum for furthur treatment. After a few days there his behavior worsened and he began attacking people for no reason. The doctors put him in a straight jacket and restrained him in a padded room. The Asylum burned to the ground and he was presumed to have perished in the fire along with many of the other cute and cuddly creatures who died on that night. He now wanders aimlessly unable to remember the past and unaware of the power inside him. From time to time things will trigger his memory but that always realeases the demon inside him. The demon kills anything and everything it can until it is satisfied then retreats back inside him and he is left with no memory of the events.

    (This is my first time RPing since I was the mod of this forum three years ago. Yes, I am very rusty. This character is just meant for fun and not meant for serious or rated battles. Basically I am bored. I am including my signature in this one post because the picture of my RP character is in it.)
    Attached Images Attached Images Character Statistics.-flippyevilwing-jpg 
    Last edited by Mike; 01-12-2006 at 10:39 AM.

  4. #364
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Makes sense as to why you left your signature in, but I'd like you to know that it's currently severely fucking up the forum's tables in Firefox. I haven't looked at it in IE, but there's some weird shit going on with it. WEIRD shit.

    Nevermind. Mike removed his signature, so this post can be disregarded. Hooray for attached images? ^_^

  5. #365

    Talanis Darkblade

    Name: Talanis Darkblade
    Height: 5’10
    Weight: 170
    Age: 28
    Eye Color: Green
    Hair: Black
    Skin: Tan
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Class: Mercenary
    Clothing/Armor: Talanis wears a green baggy jumpsuit with fire resistant lining, the material is by no means strong enough to stop a slash, but it would take most of the force away from say, a thrown shuriken. The end of the pant leg tucked into his boots, various vital portions of his body is covered, a steel chest plate covers his chest, with steel rotary hip guard and shoulder guards that optimize movement, only the green shirt covers down to his forearm where a bracer covers down to the wrist, his gloves are of black leather, also with fire resistant lining, from the left bracer a small dagger protrudes from it, so as to be easily drawn by his right arm, or drawn left handedly. His knees are covered with scratched steel kneepads; the aforementioned boots are also black leather, with fire resistant lining. All and all it looks like the standard issue Galbadian soldiers uniform, dyed green. However few from this time and age would even know what that meant.

    Weaponry: A small dagger in the soldiers wrist guard and a long sword swings from his hip, it’s a solid looking weapon, it guard extends down to cover his fingers. An adaptation, a few wicked looking knives stick out from his belt, and a black ball, which would produce a thick black smoke and an acrid but by no means harmful smell when thrown.

    Magic: Fire, Fira, Thunder, and Blizzard

    Limit Break: L1 Metal Attraction: Not so much as a supernatural ability but a modification of the thunder spell, the target becomes magnetized, and thrown objects, like daggers, tend to drift a bit more towards the target.
    L2 Magic of choice is channeled into blade in an instant when swung creates an elemental ranged wave in whatever shape swung in. (ex. Like elemental blade beam.)
    Weaknesses: What a human would be weak against.

    Background: Talanis was a Galbadian Soldier, being sent into battle against the sorceress, however during the battle the sorceress tried to cast a spell after slaying countless soldier, against the exhausted Talanis, in a futile effort, he raised his blade to deflect the ball of pure gravity, but was knocked back into the power generator of the garden, with the gravity spell, the resulting forces opened a rift in time and space and he awoke, battered and bleeding several days later a strong stench of sulfur in the air, he utilized his training to survive in the unfamiliar wilderness, he had had a background in alchemy in his education at a university.
    Currently he uses his training as a solider in the work area of a common sellsword. He has little idea of what happened to him other than he needs to get back eventually, and is stuck in this era for an undetermined stretch of time. Talanis being a resourceful fellow decided to seek out several swordmasters, and learned what he could from them, meshing his futuristic combat training and that of this time and age proved extraordinarily effective in combat.

  6. #366
    Name: Arion
    Age: 27
    Race: merc
    Eyes: grey
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: Wings/and Spells
    Clothes: Black Tank top w/ Black Baggy Shorts.also white wings.
    Last edited by Ace_striker; 01-27-2006 at 03:36 PM.

  7. #367
    Name: Canis Fletcher
    Age: 21
    Sex: Male
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 174 Lbs
    Build: Slender
    Hair: Aurburn/Brown
    Skintone: Light Tan
    Eyecolor: Palest Ice Blue/Grey
    Race: Human Lycanthrope (Werewolf)

    (When as werewolf, his fur is the same as his hair colour and his height grows to 5'11". Tranformation requires about 40 seconds)

    Center of his chest is laced with definite scars which would likely belong to a wolf or other canine affiliate. Most notably is a faded bite scar on his right cheek, larger than a wolfs but with the simularities of one.

    1st Layer- Undergarments
    2nd Layer- Cotton shirt, travel attire
    3rd Layer- Long sleve leather jacket

    - Neckless of fangs that once belonged to his canine attacker.
    - Heavy leather belt of thieves trinkets.
    - Weighted dice.

    Nothing too impressive, a bastard-sword crafted with no extrodinary expertise, and a balanced parrying utility dagger engraved with his initials.


    Natural Abilities:
    Lycanthropy - Though only and always occuring upon a full moon, an uncontrollable and unrelenting power is unleased. When in werewolf form he has only the power to suggest commands, the will of the beast will often act upon a whim.
    Feral Spirit - Survival insticts and a disregard for moral and ethical boundaries when it counts, automatically kicks in with adrenaline.
    Sharpness of Senses - Keen eyes that belong to a wolf and alert ears.
    Animal Instinct- Knowing when and how to strike without thaught.
    Relentless - Where others might flee, he does not falter, attacking again and again until one or the other lies dead.

    (The magnitude and strength of these abilities relies upon the position of the moon. So when no moon is visible the abilities have no impact. And when a full moon is visible they have most power.)


    Name: Shi'akhai
    Age: 23
    Sex: Male
    Height: 5"10"
    Weight: 180 Lbs
    Hair: Black Long hair
    Skintone: Tanned
    Eyecolor: Forest Green
    Race: Human

    Full body ninjas garbs, black as night. Covers his entire body save his eyes.

    - Gold neckless in the style of a chimeras head. (Tucked inside clothing)

    - Superbly crafted stainless steel katanna with a chimera styled hilt. Although masterwork quality it hold no magical properties.
    - A stash of throwing stars.


    Thunder, gravity and curse based spells.

    Shrouded knight. - Disfigured in a rapidly altering mirage of shadow the Ninja becomes significantly more difficult to target.

    Swiftness, consuming alot of stamina, and thus reducing long term performance the ninja can elect to attack and move quicker than otherwise possible. Lasts for a short suration.
    Last edited by Legendary; 01-25-2006 at 03:29 PM.

  8. #368
    Permanently banned Character Statistics. darkViVi's Avatar
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    In a world gone mad
    NAME: Thulsa-Doom
    AGE: ca. 300 years
    RACE: Orc
    EYES: Red
    GENDER: Male
    CLOTHES: Long black hooded cape and a mask so his face have never been seen

    WEAPON: Unknown old magical staff, he got from his father
    CLASS: Black Mage
    ABILITIES: black magic such as fire, flare, apocalypse, ultima, bolts, float and some more
    LIMIT BREAK: Triple cast black magic

    Bio: The son of Nez'uuhr the ancient orcish God of War, being razed by him Thulsa knows many black magics and some other spells, he is also quite skilled with his staff as a melee weapon but prefers magic when possible.

    The last 200 years he have been living in a old forest studying the arts of black magic, as he prefers fire he can also use most elemental magic, he can also put elements into his staff and even himself.
    Last edited by darkViVi; 02-08-2006 at 03:41 AM.

  9. #369
    Name - Dragoon Coral Spark
    Age - God knows?!?!?!
    Weapon - Sword of the ages
    Armour - worn Black steel
    Race - Dark Humanoid
    Class - dark knight
    history - no one knows
    magic - dark flame, Terror (frightens the enemy) and dark wave
    Limit Break - Pure Darkness - swallows the enemy into the shadows and ripped to apart by the souls of the dragons.

    i like it...

  10. #370
    The Sindrome Mike's Avatar
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    This is my second character. He is used only for training others in basic RPB skills.

    Name: Kentaro Mitsuharu
    Age: Old
    Weapon: Whatever training weapons can be found lying around the dojo
    Armor: Mostly karate uniforms
    Race: Human
    Class: Ancient Warrior Trainer

    History: Not much to tell. Kentaro has been running his secret dojo in the mountains for centuries. There he trains skilled individuals in the arts of battle.

    Magic: Kentaro's body is in tune with the natural elements around him. So he can cast many elemental spells.

    Abilities: No specific attacks. Kentaro uses a combination of martial arts and magic for most of his attacks.

    Limit Break: Unknown. He only trains students and battles usually end before anyone is harmed enough to use a limit break.

  11. #371
    Name: Krane

    Age: 115 (unless elf is not allowed than human 22 im new)

    Hair:White short hair that is kind of forward

    Eyes:Iluminating purple

    Weapon(s): A Ninja sword,and a cleaver like knife, and a Bow with Thundara arrows.

    Armor:a black sneaking suit with tight leather armor over the top and a Magical Cape that shields him from certain dark magics

    Accesories: A black bandana as well as an Eye patch on his left eye.

    Alingment:Chaotic Good

    Race:Elf (unless that is not allowed than human Im new)


    History: Krane aka Geniral Black.... An EX- geniral in an army- studied under a master ninja.... little is known of Krane.

    Magic: Thundara,Fira,Blizara Shards of Thundaga, a special attack of Thundaga mixed with many shards of Magical metal. It works like a Frag granade but it is electrified. The thundaga electrifys metal that launches in all directions.

    Abilities: massive jump... consumes a lot of stamnia. Swift run, and Summoning Quezicotl, and Shiva.

    Limit Breaks:Thunder blades ( uses both his Ninja sword and cleaver and unleashes 33 swift thunder eleminatl bows to a single enemy.
    Last edited by gfmaster9999; 01-28-2006 at 12:46 PM.

  12. #372
    Hey!! I'm new at this, but here it goes!

    Name: Lexa

    Age: 17

    Eyes: Blue

    Hair: Long and light brown

    Height: 5'8"

    Race: Viera (part rabbit; have long ears and very agile)

    Class: Archer/Sniper


    Boost- increases ranged damage

    Double Arrow- two shots at once, usually hitting for a little less than a normal shot each time

    Snipe- long range attack


    Viera's Might- a powerful ranged arrow attack that is
    combined with a bolt of magic for a brutal blow


    Bow of the Viera- a long bow made of willow inbued with the magic of the viera. This bow has small diamonds set in it for a feminine look

    Malice's Daggers- two daggers used for close combat


    Vieran Torso of the Rogue- black, sleeve-less torso crafted by the Viera made especially for archers and asassins. It is composed of very durable material and softens most blows. It is very light as so it will not hinder Lexa's speed

    Denim skirt with a brown belt that holds her daggers, pack on her back for holding arrows, tall brown boots, brown gloves, and a long black cloak held together by a Vieran pin made of diamonds

  13. #373
    Character 1:
    Name: Osirus Rayne
    Age: 19
    Sex: Male
    Height: 6'3"
    Weight: 210lbs
    Race: Half-Human, Half-Demon
    Class: Fallen Knight
    -Eyes: Deep Blue
    -Hair: Jet Black, Long
    -Chainmail vest
    -Black plate mail bracers
    -Black plate mail shin guards
    -Running Slash
    -Spinning Cut
    -Spiral Cut
    -Hells Blade
    Alternative Form: Demon Wings form from back.
    Accessories: Lionhart Ring

    Character 2:
    Name: Akira Winters
    Age: 17
    Sex: Female
    Height: 5'2"
    Weight: 173lbs
    Race: Human
    Class: Assasin
    -Eyes: Emerald Green
    -Hair: Blonde with brown streaks, Long
    -Black leather gloves
    -2 throwing daggers
    -Dragonscale Bracers
    -Roundhouse kick
    -Fan Kick
    -Back kick
    -Armlock Flip
    Alternative Form: Wolf
    Accessories: Moon Pendant Necklace

    Character 3:
    Name: Lucius Monarch
    Age: 47
    Sex: Male
    Height: 6'4"
    Weight: 192lbs
    Class: Dragoon
    -Hair: Silver, Long
    -Clothing: Tight black costume, 3 black belts around left arm, black gloves, Loose, dark pants, held up by a black belt with a silver buckle. And a scarlet cloak over the top. Black boots, with 3 straps, with silver buckles.
    -Distinguishing Features: A long cresent scar from his mid-left temple, severing his left eyebrow, ending just above his upperlip.
    -Plate mail shoulderpads (over cloak)
    -Plate mail chest plate
    -Steel caps in boots
    -Lightning Bolt
    -Dragoon's Soul
    -Dragon Claw
    Alternative Form: Dragon
    Accessories: Dragon Braclet

  14. #374
    Character Statistics. The_Turk's Avatar
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    Somewhere on Earth
    Name: Project"SeeD"(im called SeeD)
    Age:17(always 17 doesnt change)
    Eyes:Vivid blue
    Hair: DarkRed,front of hair right side: a pice of hair covers my right eye and the rest of my hair is slicked back and a little spicky
    Race:human?,i was made in a lab by a scientist
    Weight:100 lbs.
    Weapon:Gun-katana(same as gun-blade except the blade is a katana and I use one hand to wield it)also pretty good with my fist
    Armor:no armor except for my usual turk suit(if u dont know what the suit is it's tux that is a darkish blue color)

    LimitBreak:LimitBreak I go into a crazy beserk-rage stage which brings up my strength,speed,and accresy(aim) up to insane amount but my intelligence,evasion,and defence drop like crazy(evasion lowers because all i do is charge like like an idoit I dont even try to dodge anything)I can only do this when im near death and when i go into it u can tell because the foam coming out of my mouth,screaming,yelling,and no pupils.

    Special skills and traits:Can jump like 1000ft in the air(6000ft in limitbreak)
    Can't cast magic
    Can't get status abnormalities including good ones like float,invisible,and haste

    Physical discribtion:has 2 scars inbetween his eyes(has a scar like Seifer and Squall)that make a X. Has a little mushstash growing in. Skinny and a little muscular built. His suit is always rinkled. Most of the time has a pretty calm looking face.

    Bio:SeeD was an expierment of Hojo's, which Hojo named Project"SeeD." He made SeeD from the DNA of Squall and Seifer,then injected Jenova cells when a embryo fromed. SeeD ended up leaving Hojo after a few years after he was made then eventually came back for certain reasons and ended up joing the Turks.
    Last edited by The_Turk; 02-05-2006 at 05:50 PM.

  15. #375
    Sanity is so very overrated.. Character Statistics. Deicide's Avatar
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    Three characters that are truely one. Have fun coming to terms with that.. Appologies for post length, however the Triad are quite.. Well developed.

    Genome 227

    Subject A - Makoto Tribal 'The Innocent'

    Notes : Genome 227 is the consumate of two beings. Though they are both the same lifeform with the same basic soul and emotional attachments the two aspects of specimen 227 inhabit different vessels and appear to have very different personalities and fighting skills.

    Personal Data

    Name : Makoto Tantalius Tribal
    Picture :
    Age : 19
    Height : 5'5"
    Gender : Female
    Hometown : Unknown
    Build : Agile
    Race : Brunnette Genome
    Cloths : Worn baggy blue jeans. White tshirt. Worn belt with attached dagger sheaths. Occasionally wears a denim jacket
    Eyes : Hazel - Brown with hints of green towards the center
    Hair : Brunnette - Brown with some blonde and ginger mixed in
    Other Features : Brunnette Tail. `Manefestal Angelic Wings - Right one is black, left one is white.

    Battle Capasity Data

    Acessory : Pendant Of Fenrir - A bright blue-green hued stone suspended around her neck that can be used to summon Fenrir
    Angels Tear - A stone that can be used to call her Ancient Silver Dragon or initiate her dragon transformation technique
    Bronze Armband : the medium Makoto uses to 'store' any magics gained from others, in other words it allows her to utalise blue magic
    Armor : Tail Band - a small metal strip around her tail, some think it may be made of adamantium for it deflects even the most determined blows
    Weapons :
    Silver Daggers : A pair of bright silver daggers, twin blue opal's are inbedded in there handles

    Special Abilites

    `Blue Magic : Makoto can use magics called against her in previous battles against her current foe.
    FireBall - Sends a small, medium strength ball of fire at the opponent

    Energy Sheild : As the pillar of energy makoto can use an advanced kind of energy shield that not only protects her from but allows her to absorb energy based techniques**. However it is ineffective against physical assaults.

    `Dragon Transformation: With intense concentration, Makoto can shift her form to one of these awesome beasts. This is a power granted to her by The Masters.

    `Ancient Silver Dragon : The last of the true silvers before mass breeding and genetic manipulation destroyed it's race. The Silver Dragon is a graceful creature with featured wings and silver-blue skin and feather tone.
    Attacks : Ultima Breath, Silver Pinfeather, Melee, Lunarian Beam, Healing Moonlight.

    `Tribal Dragon : A potent symbol of the genomes cause made flesh, the Tribal is a much fiercer fighter than the graceful silver. However it sacrifices much of its speed and grace to acheive this.
    Attacks : Ultima Breath, Tribal Calling, Melee, Pinball


    `Summon Lv1: Fenrir : (Lunarian Wolf God)
    Element : Lunarian
    Attacks : Lunar healing, Melee attack, Esperian Meld
    Appearance : A great wolf god with grey fur and moonlight blue highlights. It's legs, belly, neck and much of the beasts face as well as the underside of it's tail all burn with a fierce lunarian flame that cannot be extinguished. The beast bears the symbol of the Ancient Lunarians upon it's massive hind legs.

    `Summon Lv2: Valefor (Wind Wyvern)
    Element : Wind
    Attacks : Wing attack, Melee, Stop, Esperian Meld
    Apperance : A large Wyvern with a silvery feathered mane and skin a shade of purplish blue

    `Summon Lv3 : Melsis (Iron Dragon)
    Element : Alchemical*
    Attacks: Ion Cannon, Atomic Fireball, Rear Tail Gun, Laser Beam Eyes, Air to Air Missles, Melee, Soul Sap
    Special : Stealth Technology
    Apperance: A huge dragon made entirly of iron. Melsis is the decendent of the line of Melanchthon and much of the cruelty and rebellion of his sires spirit rests within him. He is a fully combat ready stealth model, as such he had a huge visual screen dominatind his head as well as smaller back up 'eye' visuals and 'ears' designed to allow him to use supersonic for navigation when needed.

    Magic Abilities

    White : Cure 1, Antidote


    Name : T'kar
    Species : Zix
    Other info : T'kar has long been Makotos companion. Like makoto she thrives more on creation that destuction, feeding of the very energy that is the essance of all creation. However on the rare occasion she does come to makotos aid she is a valuble ally. T'kar can use items and very basic healing magics as well as having a melee attack

    Biographical Data

    Makoto Tribal is the original form of subject two hundred and twenty seven. She is, by nature, a friendly and energenic individual. She represents 'The Innocent' within the triad of souls. Makoto escaped from her terran homeland at an early age before she was turned into a blonde genome, however this caused problems later on in her life as the dark genome within her awoke from its dormancy and emerged in the form of Celeste, the first of her kind for thousands of years.
    Before her other side emerged Makoto wondered many years before finding a place she could call home. She is ever at the side of her beloved Annomaly even though they have dueled in the past.
    Makoto currently resides in a small oasis she created in the wastelands that resulted from her last great battle with the Annomalist. It is thought that she seeks solace and feels it is her duty to repair the damage that she and her beloved wrought.

    Subject B - Celeste Savargio 'The Demon'

    Notes : Genome 227 is the consumate of two beings. Though they are both the same lifeform with the same basic soul and emotional attachments the two aspects of specimen 227 inhabit different vessels and appear to have very different personalities and fighting skills.

    Personal Data

    Name : Celeste Savargio
    Age : Unknown. Has the appearance of a 19-20 year old.
    Height : 5'5"
    Gender : Female
    Hometown : Unknown
    Build : Agile
    Race : Dark Genome
    Cloths : Black tattered jeans. Black tshirt. Black trenchcoat length jacket.
    Eyes : Emerald Green. Are said to become chased with white lighting during battle.
    Hair : Jet Black
    Other Features : Black Tail. `Black angels wings - slightly tattered from previous conflicts.

    Battle Capasity Data

    Acessory : Dusk Pendent : A blackish-blue stone that is supended around Celestes neck. Allows her to summon the dark version of the wolf God Fenrir.
    Blood Stone : Allows Celeste to preform dragon transformations.
    Armor : Her jacket is said to be made of a synthetic alloy that moves and protects her like metal yet is flexable like cotton. Where she aquired this item is a mystery even to her other half.
    Weapons : Black Daggers: Daggers that are as black as the abyss itself. There handles are inset with blood red stones, darker even than rubys.
    Claws : Celeste's sharp claws are amzingly strong. It is rumoured they are really made of metal that has been perminently attached to her hands somehow..

    Special Abilites

    'Limit Breaks'

    A 'Limit Break' or 'Trance State' may overcome the subject if they are subjected to sever levels of stress, pain or are close to death. The lesser levels are ineffective and can be triggered with little pain. The later ones are devistating but rarely occur

    Lunarian Break : Mid Level Healing Also Removes All Status Ailments
    Moonlit Vision : Becomes Invisible For A Short Time
    Celestal Beath : Becomes Invunerable For A Short Time
    Scorn Of The Heavens : Lets Loose An Attack Of Pure Energy From The
    Skies. Often Fatal

    Lost Soul : Celeste can call on the souls of the fallen to provide her some limited energy when she is weak enough.

    Energy Shield : A high level shield that not only blocks, but can partially obsorb energy based attacks. See notes on Subject A for further information.

    `Dragon Transformation: With deep concentration, Celeste can shift her form to one of these awesome beasts.

    `Nexus Dragon: A massive and fierce beast. The Nexus is a power house of a creature, covered in horns and spikes with claws that can gouge through solid rock. It's skin is the shade of deepest midnight and its eyes a soul seering sapphire.
    Attacks : Ultima breath, Ultima, Hells Fury, Melee, can-you-count-me?, Venge Lust

    `Tribal Dragon : A potent symbol of the genomes cause made flesh, the Tribal is a much fiercer fighter than the graceful silver. However it sacrifices much of its speed and grace to acheive this.
    Attacks : Ultima Breath, Tribal Calling, Melee, Pinball


    `Summon Lv1 : Dark Fenrir aka 'D-Fenrir' (Dark God Of Twilight)
    Element : Lunarian/Shadow
    Attacks : Shadow Howl, Moons Blessings, Shadows Curse, Melee, Hells Wrath,
    Apperance: Almost identical in apperance to her lighter counterpart, D-Fenrir's flames burn a blackish blue. It's mark is that of the anarchy and chaos which it so personifys

    `Summon Lv2: Dark Valefor (Storm Wyvern)
    Element : Storm (Wind/Electric/Fire/Water/Ice)
    Attacks : Taint Of Wind, Sky's Curse, Tornado,
    Apperance : Much like it's lighter 'twin', however the Dark Valefor is of a altogether darker hue

    `Summon Lv3 : Anarchy (Undead Werewolf)
    Element : Lunatic
    Attacks : Savage Claw, Plague Of The Damned, Salvation Of Death, Intestinal Crusher, Lunarian Hellbeam, Kaos Kall,
    Apperance : A black tipped grey wolf in her former life, Anarchy was raised from the dead by a shaman. She slaughtered the fool in her blind rage only to later disover that she cannot return to her eternal slumber without him. Anarchy killed herself many years ago, tearing out her own throat and wrists in an attempt to reconcile herself with her murdered mate. She wonders the world as a zombie werewolf hybred bringing the sweet salvation of death that she cannot have to others. Anarchy is, natrually, completly mad and very dangerous to anyone that summons her without due precautions. She obeys Celeste for her own sinister reasons..

    `Summon Lv4 : Melsis (Iron Dragon)
    Element : Alchemical
    Attacks: Ion Cannon, Atomic Fireball, Rear Tail Gun, Laser Beam Eyes, Air to Air Missles, Melee, Soul Sap,
    Special : Stealth Technology
    Apperance: A huge dragon made entirly of iron. Melsis is the decendent of the line of Melanchthon and much of the cruelty and rebellion of his sires spirit rests within him. He is a fully combat ready stealth model, as such he had a huge visual screen dominatind his head as well as smaller back up 'eye' visuals and 'ears' designed to allow him to use supersonic for navigation when needed.

    Magic Abilities

    Black:Blizzaga, Tornado, Ultima, Lunarian Beam


    Name : Kage
    Species : Zix
    Other info : Kage is a dark Zix, she is the sister to Makotos T'kar. She rarely appears anymore, as she feels her dark master does not require her presence. However she is prone to gloating and to helping her master in times of true need.

    Biographical Data

    Celeste is the last of her kind, and the first to appear in many centurys. She was born from the genome numbered two hundred and twenty seven who sae the evils of the world and wept for them. Celeste is, then, a manefestation pure, negative, emotion. She finds pleasure only in the screams of the suffering and the blood of the damned.
    She is a recluse who rarely strays far from her own cathedral like castle, and almost never from the forest that surrounds it. She despises the outside world and all that occupy it.

    White Wolf 227

    Subject C - Kassandra Haymer 'The Beast'

    Notes : White Wolf 227 is the third part of the triad allignment known as 'subject 227'. Though it is from a differentiated dimension and location within the universe it also shows the same soul and other basic attachments of it's two other counterparts. She is available only by her own challenge, any who attempt to force a fight upon her will go ignored and have been warned as such. This restriction is on place for highly personal reasons, but questions may be directed via PM.

    Personal Data

    Name : Kassandra Haymer
    Age : 1,980
    Height : 5'5"
    Gender : Female
    Hometown : The White Council, Heaven
    Build : Agile
    Race : Angelic Wolf. Fallen.
    Cloths : Gothicesque. Black t-shirt with fishnet arm extensions. Black tattered jeans
    Eyes : Turquoise-Green
    Hair : Dark Brown-Black
    Other Features : Manifestial Angelic Wings. White. Tattered. Tattoos on each shoulder, around the wrist, over the 'hands' and feet and on the back.

    Battle Capasity Data

    Acessory : True Heart: Grants Immunity to all Status ailments, negative or positive
    Armor : No physical armour
    Weapons : Angels Fury : A large silver sword inset with 3 gemstones of a rainbow hue. Switches between none-elemental and holy-enchanted

    Special Abilites

    'Limit Breaks'

    A 'Limit Break' or 'Trance State' may overcome the subject if they are subjected to sever levels of stress, pain or are close to death. The lesser levels are ineffective and can be triggered with little pain. The later ones are devistating but rarely occur

    Angels Breath : Mid Level Healing
    Moonlight Facade : Becomes semi-transparant. Speed and agility are vastly raised
    Angelic Wrath : Beserks for a limited time, all basic stats are upped slightly and angelic wings become manifest
    Heavens Rage : The area is filled with a multitude of blasts formed from heavenly, none-elemental, energy. Wings manifest, and own stats increase vastly. This may be the subjects most potent ability but rumours persist of a level of danger beyond this one

    Etherial Manefestation : Manifestal wings. She may call of dismiss these at any time and is granted the power of flight through them despite there tattered apperance

    Angelic Sheilding : A magical shield that protects the subject from physical blows

    Wolven Transformation : Kassandra can shift her shape from that of a humanoid wolf to that of a full wolf. She cannot become anything between the two however. She gains more power over magic in her human form but has greater speed, agility and strength in her wolf form

    `Dragon Transformation :

    `White Dragon : White Feathered Dragon. Silver highlights. Holy Elem.
    Attacks :Holy Breath, Holy Ball, Melee, Heavens Wrath

    Magic Abilities

    White : Cure2, Ensuna
    Black: Holy, Holy Ball, Lunarian Beam, Bio, Blind


    No information is available about this creature at this time

    Biographical Data

    Kassandra was once an angel born after the great wars that surrounded the death of Christ, when many angels revolted thinking the plan a failure. She was created to help replace those that fell from the heavens at that time. Many years later however, it was found that she had been in contact with /\/\!n><, an unaligned white fox who was a thorn in the white councils side for her constant masquarading as a goddess of nature. When this contact continued Kassandra was cast from heaven, stripped of her angelic status and cursed to live as a mortal in the Grey Haven. A place created that those fallen from Heaven or Hell. She has since developed an interest in 3ve, the only entity to have served both councils and willingly quit. She is also hunted mercylessly by Grey Stalker as well as other heavenly and demonic characters that would see her dead for currently unknown reasons

    NB : All skills, manifestial aspects, transformations and other aids or groups of such marked with a ` are optional as complies with the rules of these forums. However we require a PM before any engagement stateing exactly which aspects will or will not be acceptable in said duel, since there is nothing worse than someone who changes there mind and cries wolf in mid-battle. All forms remain full on other sites.

    *= Yes, Anomaly's ONLINE and my Melsis are from the same world. Mine came first.

    **= This encompasses all elements and thus renders magic and magically enhanced but none-physical specials useless. For example fire is derived from heat and light energy, thus a firebased attack like Fira would be ineffective but a Fira embued kick would do physical damage alone.

    Last edited by Deicide; 03-27-2006 at 03:08 AM.

  16. #376
    Character Statistics. Aleks's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Name: Yuki Yurohnta (Damn, I'm good)
    Age: 16
    Sex: Male
    Race: Human
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: Average
    Weapon: A long but small corde. It has a black edge, covered with strong iron which does'nt lose it's sharpness. Also has the ability to morph pies, cheese etc in his hand.
    Armor: Has a blue, and thin armor which makes him very fast, but gives him the disadvantage of making him very hurt by few hits.
    Appearance: Brown, average hair cut, average nose, blue eyes.
    Other: Has a bloodborn skill which makes him amazingly fast, but very vurnerable.
    Bio/Background: One day he woke up in the woods, without memory. He was about 14 years old. He could'nt regain his memory but he started looking for his past. Eventually he found the story in a small village in the outskirts of the edge of the world. A man told him that his parents were killed in a attack from some military forces. He promised to revenge himself and kill everyone who he did'nt like because he thought it was the right thing. So started training and training, and did I mention training?
    Last edited by Aleks; 02-09-2006 at 01:44 AM.

  17. #377
    Character Statistics. Anomaly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hellish Heaven
    *Character is barred from use on this site. If you would like to fight him, please contact me about battling elsewhere. Profile will be maintained as reference for characters connected to him.
    Name: Anomaly
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown...but appears to be in his late 20's
    Race: Fallen Angel
    Class: Dragon Knight
    The Founder of: The Masters
    Height: 6'3

    Physical Description: Anomaly is a tall white male. He has long white hair, long black talons instead of fingernails, and solid Black eyes (that in fact glow Black), white pupils pulsing from amid the smoldering darkness. . His raiment is a black robe/trench coat trimmed in white with a high collar, no shirt, slightly baggy black pants, and steal-toed spiked black boots. He also wears an intricately made silver ankh on a chain around his neck, and a ring with the same emblem from time to time. The most striking feature of Anomaly are his solid black, raven like wings (wing span 8"2) that are sometimes tipped with black blades. These wings, though Anomaly's pride and joy, are usually hidden in his cloak in the presence of strangers, and are only revealed when he wishes to display his true self. Though its hard to be sure...some have reported a solid Black halo surrounding his head when he taps into the power of the Pillar of Balance or he casts a spell of Astromancy.

    Bio: Anomaly is the Grand Master of the Masters. Once he was a shattered Angel...dark and outcast...then he was taken in by the strong hand of Master Ryu. He was trained under the tutelage of the first Grand Master and is one of the founding 3 Masters. The Masters once were a group bent on carnage, destruction, and death. The Gods grew angry about their destruction and slaughter of innocents (though in the Masters book, no one is innocent) After The fall of the original clan, Anomaly and one other were all that were left. They took charge of the new Masters and created the Circle of Nine. However, the Circle has now fallen. the Pillars lie in Ruins...but The Masters and Lord Anomaly still stand. they are once again a Clan of carnage and disorder. Destruction their one and only goal.

    Personality: Anomaly is quiet the three dimensional character, showing a range of emotions that even humans sometimes are incapable of. He doesn't have much respect for anyone save those who respect him, and tends to be more on the cruel side. He'd love nothing more than to rip your insides out and play with them in front of your still living face...before he starts to eat. That is unless you give him a good challenge...

    Blood Reaver-
    7 ft. massive wavy Kris blade. The guard is a curling horned vampiric skull. In the empty eye sockets and the pummel, glow summon materia. The blade feeds on the blood of its enemies. Ele~Drain.
    The true name of the Reaver, it is the spirit that resides within the blade...and within Anomaly's own body. It is unknown when these two souls were bound together, but they share a symbiotic relationship. Even should the physical blade be lost, the spectral aura of the blade can still be used as an even more effective weapon. It's existence holds the secret of cleaving reality in two.

    Other Weapons:
    Gauntlet of Kolobos-A silver gauntlet that has a crimson jewel embedded in the palm. This jewel quickly focuses Anomaly's magical energy into orbs of various sizes that can be launched at attackers. The gauntlet itself is made of a substance similar to silver that seems to have the same holy effects...the finger tips of the gauntlet are sharpened into razor like claws. The properties of the Eye of Kolobos are unknown...but it is rumored that it gives it's bearer 'second sight'

    Holy Shadow-
    armored black cloak, trimmed in white that absorbs light based magic (holy/shadow/beams). It is a living cloak that feeds of its own volition and the chain link material can sometimes twist form to accommodate this process.

    Silver Ankh- (prevents confuse, berserk, manipulate, fear, reflect, and instant Death)

    Magic: Astromancy...mostly non-elemental magic and support magic. Commonly the spells of drain, gravity (1,2,3,4,5), comet (1,2,3), meteor, holy, aura, and doomsday. Gravity, in the form of black bolts of lightning, is his most common spell. However he will tap the more powerful magic depending on whether or not it is needed.

    Revealed: High Level Magic’s -

    Void Magic- Powerful magic that only true masters of Astromancy can use. Most commonly characterized by a gentle grey glow, this anti-matter can be manipulated into any shape and form the wielder desires. Mostly because it doesn't truly exist. Most commonly summoned from the X-Zone but it is now infused with Anomaly's very being.

    Abbadon (chief angel of the pit): Elemental Black, causes status effects
    Michael (chief angel of the divine host): Elemental Holy, kills Zombies
    White Wyrm (giant carrion worm): Ele Poison, causes status effects
    The Sabbat (the order of vampyres):Ele Blood, drains MP/HP
    Kolobos (Greek God of mutilation): Ele Void, mass damage

    Kolobos Refraction- the Eye of Kolobos can refocus anything...light, heat, magic, it doesn't matter. It is the spirit of the eye that controls its actions, so it can act independently of Anomaly. Only magic it can't refocus is Void doesn't truly exist.

    Limit Breaks:
    Level 1~
    "Hellish Blast"-(Uses wings to cause non-elemental damage to all opponents.)
    "Dark Angels Bless"-(Casts Haste, Fury (easier to execute limit breaks), and Barrier on all allies)

    Level 2~
    "Storm of Pain"-(Uses wings to sweep up a dust storm, causing damage, blind, and confuse on enemies. Weaker enemies are swept away by the blast(Remove).
    "Dante's Spiral"-(focuses the power of his sword on one enemy and unleashes a blinding assault)

    Kolobos First Mutilation~ Anomaly is temporally completely covered in liquid metal from the eye of kolobos. While he heals within this unbreakable structure, the Eye of Kolobos takes over. The metal is like liquid under the eyes control, and the eye tries to do it's former masters bidding by ripping anything in site in two.

    Cosmic Dragon~(Amly becomes the Cosmic Dragon)
    A Black and White dragon, each of its 3 horned heads representing a different aspect of his personality. There are 3 sets of wings, in sets of 3: dark feathered, angel feathered, and bat/draconic. 3 Set of powerful-clawed arms, each holding a unique sword...a powerful, towering being.

    Dragon moves are...
    Cosmic Blades~(hits enemy multiple times with 6 giant swords)
    Cosmic Winds~(Sweep of his 9 mighty wings)
    Cosmic Breath~(Fires an iridescent beam at the enemy)
    Cosmic Judgment~(combination of the three main abilities. The Draconic form usually has to be abandoned after this difficult and draining maneuver)

    ~Masters Citadel~ Anomaly radios the floating fortress...and the massive fortress hovers over his enemies. The Ion cannon at the bottom of the fortress builds power...and then fires...eradicating the entire area and reducing everything to a scorching crater

    ~Black Hole Sun-(Destruction is assured. The Anomalist casts his most powerful spell of Astromancey...causing the sun to collapse on itself and destroy all things. Causes massive, multiple hits of damage as the world is ripped apart...may cause several status effects...if you survive...)


    ONLINE: Iron Behemoth~
    Magitek armor specifically created for the battle demands and all terrain requirements of Anomaly himself. It is massive, shaped in the form of a behemoth. It travels mostly on ground but can launch itself into the air for short flights and is completely submersible. This solid black mobile armor is capable of routing power directly from the Anomalist and amplifying it to devastating levels. It is also stocked with laser eyes, missiles, sonic weapons, ion cannons, and a scythe like scorpion tail blade that fires thick corrosive acid. The Eye of Kolobos is used to activate and control ONLINE remotely.

    Black Star and White Shade~ Dual Seven shooter hand-cannons. These weapons fire both regular and enhanced shells, along with magical bullets that only the Masters can craft using the unholy alliance of magic and science.

    Angel Arm~ A gun won in a duel with 'Shane'. A six shooter revolver with a powerful has now been endowed with the power of the Void.

    Arad's Corruption (or just Corruption)
    A mixture of dark sorceries and science, this massive armor feels light as a feather to the wearer. Providing for an ABSOLUTE defense against any and all piercing attacks as well as most blunt physical blows, this armor is naturally resistant to all elemental magics and absorbs none-elemental magic with ease.
    It is covered in spikes and horns, arching high over the back. It is also pocked with hidden compartments that contain shurikens, micro-missiles, buzz saw blades, machine guns, and various other subsystem arrays. The armor multiplies all Anomaly's natural attributes by 100 fold.) It comes complete with a horned Draconic helm with the same magical and scientific interface and properties of the Corruption. It leaves the lower face exposed in the maw of the beast but the upper face peers out from three eye holes. The center eye is the Eye of Kolobos, set in the hoop of a silver ankh. The Helm protects Anomaly from any techniques that may 'muddle' his senses. The entire armor exists in a collapsible form that is integrated with the Silver Ankh.

    Holy Shadow-
    armored black cloak, trimmed in white that absorbs light based magic (holy/shadow/beams) It is a living cloak that feeds of its own volition. It can twist light and darkness to make the wearer invisible and is an integral part of the Corruptions defensive systems. So too, it can act as an offensive entity when endeavoring to feed...capable of bending its material into various shapes such as wings, arms, and even capable of unraveling itself to assume more complex shapes. However, it cannot GENERATE more mass and possess minimal intelligence. It's only notions are to feed unless otherwise direct by the programming of the Corruption or the direction of the Anomalist.

    Silver Ankh- (prevents confuse, berserk, manipulate, reflect, and instant Death)

    Silver hourglass- (set in the hoop of the Silver Ankh on the Corruption armor, the silver hourglass is an artifact of the Pillar of Time, and allows Anomaly to control the flow of time as he sees fit. It cause him to be immune to all time magics)

    The Eye of Kolobos- Same as previous only now set in the helm of the Corruption armor.

    Black Wing Armor-Curling horned armor that adorns the Anomalists wings. They are both decorative and deadly as they are sharpened to be used in battle to give Anomaly's wing based attacks an extra boost of power. Imbedded at the joins of the wing are large red materia.

    Special Tech:
    Duel Fate- The White Shade and Black Star combine with the Blood Reaver to form the Kuro Oketsu. This sentient mystical blade in sinister embrace with the hard science of these powerful guns form a formidable power that no one can deny.

    Triple Helix- The White Shade, Black Star, and Angel Arm are all taken into the left arm of the Corruption. They re-sprout as a new three fingered hand capable of firing powerful twisting Tri-Helix like blasts. Four in all, there is the Dark Helix, Light Helix, Void Helix, and Trinity Helix blasts. Each, due to the unique design of the magic fired, can drill through normal, natural, and enhanced defenses...even those that would normally oppose the element of the shot being used. However, this poses a substantial drain on the Anomalists magic and he can only perform basic gravity spells while the Triple Helix is activated.

    Absolute Anomaly -
    Though there is much speculation on Anomaly's true origins, it is his true form that raises the most. The being Anomaly at times floats supported by three sets of three wings arranged in alternating patterns in a great circle swirling behind his back. The wings are best described feathered white, feathered black, and a strange webbed blue-ish grey, almost like a bat or dragons wing. The arraignment of the wings causes some to speculate that in a past life Anomaly was a Ophanim, a high ranking angel charged with carrying out the Creators judgment as a wheel of burning light, full of eyes and wrath. Of course there is no real evidence to substantiate this claim.
    His skin in this form a strangely tattooed to the point its difficult to tell if his natural skin color is solid white, black, or the intermittent patch of blue/grey. Runes flicker to life and glow as power moves through the beings body. Similarly, behind the head there are three halos, one glowing white, one smoldering black, and the largest pulses a steady if hazy blue. There is no face...only three eyes. One eye of light, one eye of un-light, and the top most eye pulsates the same iridescent grey-ish blue.
    A truly alien being, there are several other 'eyes' arranged on its body. An eye set in the left palm of the creature is clear the eye of Kolobos, while a similar eye set in the right palm is suspected to be the Eye of Azirimoth, as it has been used to manipulate dimensions. Another far more massive eye set in the hoop of an ankh-like emblem upon the creatures chest is the white on black eye that is more usually associated with Anomaly. The creatures entire lower body seems to be entrapped in a massive block of crystal. This does not in any way impede Anomaly's movements, but rather seems to serve as a strange source of power. A long, sinuous tail protrudes from this faceted blue gem, ending in an eye stalk upon which a nearly invisible eye is perched.
    In this form Anomaly's Reaver is also, likewise, changed. Instead of the usual kris bladed sword, his Reaver becomes a Triple Helix sword, three razor thin blades coiling around on another ending in a hideously sharp tip. Great power radiates through the sword as the soul that is trapped within it grows in strength. This Cosmic Reaver has been said to cleave through existence itself, though if that is from the soul trapped within or the power of the hand that wields it is anyones guess.
    Anomaly's Absolute form appears only on the rarest of occasions. It would be amazing to witness it even once in your lifetime.

    Extended History: (Revealed for the first time after 'death')Anomel was an Ophanim in the army's of Sachiel, a Cherubim of high standing. Anomel fought bravely in the war upon Lucifer, wielding a holy blade known as the Angel Reaver, a blade specifically designed to steal the ethereal lives of angels. He was a merciless opponent, striking down all who opposed the word. But when it came time for the sentencing of those angels who did not take part in the war, Anomel could not believe gods judgment against those who merely (out of their peaceful natures) could not bring themselves to shed the blood of their brothers and sisters.

    Before Anomel imparted his feelings to his creator, he shared them with the person closest to him. This would prove to be a mistake, as his lover, Kaiel, betrayed and destroyed him with rebuke beyond all others when she heard the words of his heart. The blast mutilated his left arm beyond recovery...but the rebuke was not truly a physical thing, and it was his spirit that was damaged the most. For the first time...Anomel felt hatred. Feeling wrongfully burned deep into his very spirit.

    Taking up the Angel tears, he sliced out his lovers heart...claiming she would no longer need it. Already the corruption from his wound was spreading through his body..his eyes were turning black with angels blood...his body was on fire...and his wings were shattering...slowly transmuting to a more demonic hue as the light bringers had done before him.

    The Creator sensed this change of hatred in Anomels heart...the creator became curious...and found Anomel over his loves carcass, butchering her corpse with tears and blood running down his face. The Creator was furious. He bound his dead lovers heart to his sword, cursing it, and cursing Anomel to always thirst for the blood he had spilled from that supposed 'pure heart'. He marked Anomel with a burning brand, with the sign of eternal life, the show that Anomel must endure this suffering for all of eternity. Cursed with Vampirism...he was hurled from heaven along with the remaining 'traitors'. However, instead of going straight to Hell, Anomel (now no longer an angel so simply Anom) was caught in the pull of the Void.

    There...he was tortured for what seemed like an eternity, not by demons of any sort, but by solitude, and his own cursed blade. He now renamed it the Blood Reaver, as ever it stole what precious fluid remained in his body, slashing him open over and over. The corruption from his many wounds, (especially that of his left arm) seeped into his body...changing his hair and skin white, and his once ruby red lips black. Yet, with all the torture, his demonic incubation didn't have time to complete. All that he was able to attain was a sorry excuse for a mangled grey tail and wings that were shredded.

    It was then that he came across the forgotten god. He wasn't a mere angel or demon...but a force that the creator himself had established. Floating in that void of nothingness...was the wretched beast known as Kolobos...the being that had aided the creator in the creation of all life. The incarnation...of mutilation.

    Such beings had existed, a kind of hybrid between a tool and a force, making the creators job easier. Some remained working in the universe, becoming laws that governed all. However, many more had been discarded to the void when their usefulness had reached its end. This was one such...and a terrible one that had made the Void its own. Though not that intelligent, it had destroyed and devoured until it and it all was in the Void and of the Void. This interloping fallen angel represented only so much food to be consumed as it was consumed by the parasites that tortured it so. The beasts crimson eyes locked on the severely mutilated Anom...and the mighty centurion beast launched his grotesque body hungry for the fallen angel.

    He could've ended it all right there..should've...but he could not.

    No angel, when filled with rage can go unrequited. Wrongfully punished, wrongfully banished, and unjustly tortured. Anom's right hand, now long with black claws, snatched out and grasped the blade that had so long tormented him. His lover’s soul screamed in outrage, but he didn't care. A torrent of curses flew from his black tongue and between his long he launched into battle with the ancient god.

    The battle lasted...who knows how long? The two abominations locked in mortal combat. In the End, the dark god overpowered Anom...and slowly lifted Anoms limp body to its grotesque, lipless jaw.

    Just as the god was going to devour on it's morsel, Anoms mutilated claw of an arm shot out and ripped out Kolobos eye. Then, with a mighty thrust, he jammed his sword into the other eye.

    All three entities screamed at once.

    In those rolling depths...Kolobos lost his power to Anom. The soul of his lover trapped in his blade was destroyed...and replaced with the soul of the god Kolobos himself....yet the blood curse was still upon Anom's body and the hungry for carnage as well as blood. One of the eyes fused to the sword itself...the other eye, fused to Anom's mutilated left arm. This eye was a sort of living entity of it's own...that manipulated a silvery liquid as it's body. This liquid bound itself around Anom's arm, becoming his new left arm...the gauntlet of Kolobos.

    With the power of the enslaved god, Anom was reborn from his suffering as Anomaly, the Angel of Mutilations and the new Incarnation of Void. His torn holy raiment was metamorphosed into the Holy Shadow...a paradoxical armor for an anomalous master. His tattered wings regrew angelic feathers...but feathers tainted with the blackness of the abyss. Deep in his eyes..the holy light of an angel still burned...yet trapped in the body of a type of demonic/vampiric nephelim.

    He set out on a new defend the outcast while ruthlessly tearing down the abhorrently harsh reality the Creator had made...desiring to grant all his benevolent rule or, at the very least, the peace of nothingness.
    Last edited by Anomaly; 03-02-2008 at 04:39 AM.

  18. #378
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Figaro Castle
    Blog Entries
    I like that you have a lot of options that aren't used unless your opponent requests or gives permission to use them. That's good. It means you obviously read the rules, since a lot of them are either passive or blatant godmods. Now I don't have to tell you to change your character. Looks nice, by the way.

    (And don't forget about your signature.)

  19. #379
    Hi I'm sort of new to the Final Fantasy World, since I only have played a bit of VII, and still playing tactcis advacned, if I mess up, I'm sorry. I'll be basing my character off of FFTA.

    Name: Horyo Kouun
    Race: Human
    Age: 15
    Height: 5' 7''
    Weight: 151
    Hair: Dark Black, slightly messy, with cuved ends/tips.
    Eyes: Very light Hazel eyes.
    Place of Residence: St. Ivalice (?)
    Class: Ninja

    Weapons: A Murasame as a current weapon, Horyo has used a Ninja's knife, jack-knife, and Khukuri. He has mastered everything but the Mursame.

    Phsyical Description: Light dark armor, Ninja gear. He has a small build, not short, or muscular. Horyo wears a dark bandanna around his mouth, and a small theive's hat, which is supposedly believed to help the wearer's concentration so he does not become immobolized. Also his ninja gear is so light, that when in an emergency it helps him go faster, and while jumping it can either making him more aerodynamic or reduce the force of impact with ground.

    Personality: Horyo is very joyous, always laughing and having fun, but when it comes down to jobs and missions, he is all serious. He likes to battle by using his mind, instead of his blade, Horyo thinks out the battle, and plans out his attack for more effectiveness. He usually prefers to use distractions, so he can set certain traps. Though he is caring, Horyo can be selfish, since he had to survive on his own, and become a ninja, he has no patience for others.

    History: Long ago, he was abandoned by parents who could not protect him, from the bandits outside of town, so they hid him, and were mercilessly killed, though most babies cried when loud noises arose, he kept still, and quiet, he was adopted by other humans. His Foster-Father, a thief, and his mother, a white mage, together they raised him, but thye were also tragically murdered by bandits, when he was nine. Now he seeks revenge, and becomes a ninja, to find and destroy any evil theives.

    Spells: Water Veil, a weak water propery spell, which sometimes silences the foe.

    -Ninja Skill: Throw random objects, with this skill Horyo tosses anything from his bag, whether it'd be potion at allies, to heal, or swords at enemies.
    Final Technique:
    -Steal: Horyo robs the other person. Stealing gill, robs for cash, stealing Experience robs to get stronger.

  20. #380
    This is my seconed charictor... the first one suked.

    Name: Nathanual Black

    Gender: Male

    Age: 28

    Race: Human

    Height: 5'10

    Weight: 133Lbs


  21. #381
    Character Statistics. Tsiiri's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: *^#@%#@$#%I think there's a bug in the system...





    156 lbs

    -A large blade that is about 4' long. It does not have a hilt, but rather a grip rod in the back of the sword about a foot from the bottom of it. The entire front of the sword is a blade.

    Metal Manipulation
    -Tsi can form any type of metal weapon from a small amount of metal. It is how he carries his sword around.
    Summon Bahamut
    -Tsi summons a large dragon to launch a massive blast on his foes.

    Tsi has silver hair with blue streaks that comes down all around his face down to his chin. His eyes are are green, but they do not have the normal circular pupils. Instead, they have narrow vertical slits, similar to a cat's eyes. He wears a black outfit that appears to be made of leather that zips up the front. It also has two straps of the same material going vertically across his chest. He also wears black gloves over his hands.

    Tsi does not know his origin or most of his past. All he knows is that he is searching for something that knows to call "Mother."

  22. #382



    2 (But Adult Form)

    Spirit Blade: this weapon is 6' long has a hilt grip and carrys the strengh of the users dead family members to help in fights

    Cloud_Strife_X can use a untapped power called ultimate project X which makes Cloud_Strife_X's power explode into one destructive hit


    Built in bio reasearch facility to kill the original cloud and sephiroth but when Cloud_Strife_X was let loose he couldnt remember anything but his fighting skills

  23. #383
    If he were created in a ressearch facility, how does he have family members?

  24. #384
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Figaro Castle
    Blog Entries
    ...could you keep conversational posts to Private Messages please? This is merely a character thread. Though, you do have a point.

  25. #385
    Name: Valmont Cardone
    Age: 26
    Race: Human
    Class: Dragoon
    Height: 6' 2
    Weight: 230 lbs
    Weapons: Broadsword, Large twin-blade axe (I use only one or the other in a fight)
    Armor: Black full body armor made to look like a dragon. Also changes at will into more of a typical knights armor.
    Description: White hair tied into a ponytail with two strands coming down either side of his face and blue-white eyes.
    Powers: Can alter the earth's gravitational pull in small areas at a time. Usually in a circle no bigger the 5 feet wide in diameter. Only one circle can exist at a time.
    Darkfire- Black fire given by the Darkfire dragon which burns quicker then a regular flame. Can be shot in a constant stream. Fired as firballs which can follow an enemy as long as Valmont remains in sight of him, can cover Valmonts hands creating more damaging punches or can cover his entire body.

    Name: Aslan Cardone
    Age: 24
    Race: Human
    Class: Wyvern Knight
    Height: 6' 2"
    Weight: 150lbs
    Weapons: Spears and a short sword.
    Armor: Red plate armor
    Description: Dark red short hair with dark red eyes and pale skin.
    Powers: Can control the wind currents and his body weight allow himself to be carried by the wind. Can also focus the wind to create small tornados. Can also call down lightening and redirect though his weapons to fire at an enemy or just to engulf his weapons and give them eletrifying qualities.

  26. #386
    I better post the character i'll be using in my training!

    Name: Sirus
    Age: 57
    Sex: Male
    Race: Tarriquan Human
    Profession: Mercenary
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 10st 2lb
    Weapons: The bastard sword 'Judgement' in his right hand (he always uses it one-handed) and a shackle on his left wrist that has a three-and-a-half-foot chain hanging from it.
    Weapon Abilities
    Swiftblade- Sirus lauches a set of quick sword slashes, targeting many different parts of his opponent's body.
    Upswing- Holding Judgement in two hands, Sirus makes a powerful upward swing.
    Parry- Sirus positions himself in alignment with his sword to be able to have a better chance of avoiding his opponents weapon-based attacks.
    Unison- Using both chain and sword, Sirus unleashes a flurry of blows on his opponent that are difficult to dodge.

    Armour: Sirus wears a simple suite of leather armour, infused with a Special Elixer to improve his reseistance against magical attacks.

    Inherant Abilities: As a fully trained mercenary, Sirus has access to some low-level positive status spells. Though he can only use one at once.
    Agility Sirus' fighting speed increases slightly.
    Endurance Sirus' resistance to physical punishment increases slightly.
    Spirit Sirus' resistance to magic punishment increases slightly.
    Last edited by fire exit man; 03-07-2006 at 06:16 AM.

  27. #387
    Ok, im making my second character now:

    Name - Denji
    Age - ??
    Height - 6'2
    Weight - Very Light

    Weapons - Crude sword of the Mercenary(Huge sword with devasting power and hidden abilities not yet known to Denji due to low level)

    Armour - Denji walks around in Leather boots, Black leather trousers, and a leather shirt with the symbol of the dragon embedded in it. he also carries leather gloves but only wears them when he is preparing to use his sword, the sword is carried in a shiny metalic sheefe.

    History - Denji is another of the many clones created during Sephiroths age of destruction, as shown in the age section, it is unknown to everyone including him. He has once confronted his 'brother' Cloud, but that was many years ago and he cannot even remember what he looks like.
    Denji fought alongside the great army of Gaia during the 'lost ages' where evil ruled all, but luckily there where a few brave warriors who betrayed the dark order and fought the forces of evil, they then worked long and hard to rebuilding the world to what it is today.

    Magic Abilities - Denji is not much a magic user, but because of his past experience with the armies of Gaia he has gained a few strong Magic spells by withdrawing the power from his enemies these include: 'Flame Torture' (This is a fire based spell that causes damage to the sorrounding area, causes burn), 'Ice Strike' (When Denji hits an enemy with his sword, the enemy looses his movement for a short amount of time, while denji gains a speed boost to use with his special abilities) and finally, 'Power Blade' (this move gives Denji's sword a power boost which can be used to make the damage of Denji's special abilities boosted greatly).

    Special Abilities - Denji has only one special abilitie, 'The past of Gaia' This move, is a multi-strike attack, which hits the target multiple times,causing Denji to gain Rage, this helps Denji to: recover health, gain power boosts and Damage the enemy.

    Well thats my new character, i hope he pwns you all lmao!
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 03-07-2006 at 03:59 PM. Reason: KERBLAM! (signature removal)

  28. #388
    Decay Immense
    And for the second time i submit my Stats... cursed database.

    Name: Decay

    Age: Unknown

    Physical description: A tall man, with short black hair and a mean gaze through crimson burning eyes of flame.
    A scare rakes down the side of his face, a cold reminder of battles past… non fatal, but against worthy foes a challenge was faced.
    Decays attire is simple, dark blue jeans, a black shirt lightly stained with barely visible blood, and a long flowing leather coat ridden with several rips and tears.

    Biography: Decay was a government project that went horribly wrong. He was named so due to the nature of his creation. A prototype soldiers incarnate from the bodies of fallen soldiers of the battlefields.
    Although barely visible, he is cyborg… a few lights are visible on the side of his face, flashing red and green… the circuitry that maintains him lies within.
    After his creation the scientists that made him stood in awe of the magnificent being they had created. Powerful, fast and intelligent. It all seemed too good to be true… and it was.
    Aware of his captivity Decay broke free, killing all of his creators in the process and leaving the government fortress nothing more than a burnt out shell.
    He took with him prototype weaponry and fled into the blackness of the light, hoping only to find some sort of purpose in this world.


    Sword: A sword Decay acquired on his travels, he knows little of its origins as he killed its previous owner. When being used the weapon can harness the magical energies being used by its owner.

    Proto XG5 Cannon: a lightweight portable cannon that can fire 3 small missiles at once. Each missile is controlled by advanced processors that use a variety of different mediums to track the target.

    Proto phaser handgun: This weapon looks like an ordinary hand gun, however it projects a high intensity disruptor beam. A target hit by this will be damaged immensely, if not vaporised.

    Claws: Equipment built into Decays hands. Claws will retract when not needed. They are cast from reinforced taitanium.


    Fire: The ability to summon and control the element of fire.

    Ice: Ability to control and manipulate ice to his whim.

    Gravity: The ability to harness the awesome power of gravity to crush opponents and propel them with ease like puppets tossed away by an ungrateful child.

    Dimension: An ability that can warp the very nature of existence into something unrecognisable.


    Rift: Using the power of dimension Decay can open a rift in time and spce. This will draw opponents in. All elemental and summon abilities become null in this environment for both parties, leaving physical combat the only options available.

    Elemental hatred: The forces of fire an ice will combine and create the frozen flame. Same effects as each basic element, although amplified significantly.

    Rage: A limit built into Decays circuitry. He will lose most of his cognitive functions, however his physical strength and endurance will increase hugely.


    Prototype mecha: A colossal machine that walks of two legs. It has enormous fire power, with missiles and nuclear infused warheads. This prototype has a strong electro-magnetic shield that will repel any attack, although this will weaken with continual strain.

    Prototype wing commander: A fighter jet that operates using sophisticated AI. Decay can chose to operate the plane manually, however it is more than capable of destruction without assistance. It features the same attack and defence abilities as the proto mecha but with greatly increased agility.

    Bio suite: A mechanical suit equipped with missile launchers and rockets for airborne agility. This machine will cocoon Decay and act as a strong defence and attack machine.

    Salvation in Damnation

    Challenges welcome... if you think you can bring it!
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 03-24-2006 at 12:25 AM. Reason: KERBLAM! (signature removal)

  29. #389
    Character Statistics. Shelus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Kansas... without the accent
    A seocnd time for me as well. >_>

    >>> Name: Side
    >>> Age: Unknown (appears to be mid 20's)
    >>> Race: appears to be human
    >>> Appearance - Height...... 5' 10"
    - Weight..... 127 lbs.
    - Hair.......... Brown
    - Eyes.......... Left: Pulse Blue / Right: Crimson Red
    - Exterior... slim build, but agile and fast, also has a long scar on his back.

    >>> Personality:
    Side is a really mature individual. Although Side's true age is unknown, some would argue he's a lot older then he lets on, as well as the knowledge he contains that most would not be able to comprehend or believe. At times, Side can be a very caring and somewhat outgoing person, but on rare occasions he can become something that strikes fear into the hearts of people that comefront him, friends and foe.

    >>> Class: Weapons Master
    >>> Elemental Class: Wind

    >>> Weapons

    -1st weapon of choice.......Fists: At the encounter of any foe, Side will rely on his own strength, speed and the art of Chi. Side will only resort to the use of a weapon if his foe uses a weapon.

    - 2nd weapon of choice.......Poetic Night: A long Yari with a Damascus blade at the end (night). Side has carried this spear along with his other weapon, a Katana like sword, because it was given to him by an old friend that was slain by his own hands for reasons that no one can understand.

    -3rd weapon of choice........Kaitoryu: A humungous Sword that is twice the size of Side in terms of length and about as wide as him as well. This sword was made from the same principle and idea of the sword weilded by the leader of the band of Seven, the Banryu... also including the same exact design. Not only is this Sword incredibly huge and powerful, for some unknown reason it is unbelievably light when weilded by Side, or even Shane.

    -4th weapon of choice.......Shelus: A Katana like sword that was obtained after the destruction of his sensei's pagoda. His Sensei was slain in the destruction, but before he passed, he gave Side his only known possesion, a blade which when weilded by Side with enough emotion, turns crimson red or Pulse Blue depending on how Side is feeling. Unlike all of Sides other weapons, this sword has not only has the ability to manipulate the wind, it can also manipulate electric properties that are carried through the air (This sword can only be used during the Limit Break.)

    >>> Background:
    ``````````For most of Side 's life, he has been traveling from village to village seeking answers about who and what he is. During his journey he came across this person of about 60 years of age. Incidently, the elderly fellow noticed who he was, although the elderly fellow said he wouldn't tell him who he is, he promised him that he would give him training in Kung-Fu, Jeet Kune Do, and another stance unknown to most people to help him realize his true potential and later... who he is, thus the elderly fellow became Sides Sensei. After years of training, People wearing Black capes and using magic that Side had never seen before destroyed his Senseis Pagoda and killed his Sensei. Before his Sensei died he gave one last piece of advice about what he should do and he told him the location of the Shelus (his strongest sword) within the Pagoda.
    ``````````During Side's travels, he came across a troubled youth looking for answers about his parents. After the two had discussed their paths with each other, they decided to journey together, thus they became friends. On one cold night during their tiresome journey the youth that had become Sides friend discovered a terrible secret about Side. As a promise that the youth wouldn't tell a soul about the secret he gave Side the Poetic Night along with a Necklace that bore the resemblence of woman with different colored eyes. As for now, Side decided not to wear the Necklace.
    ``````````On a road that they were traveling on, Side and the youth came across a female who Side had studied with at the Pagoda and was thought to be dead. Before she could say anything about why she was in a hurry, they came under attack by several strangers wearing black hoods using magic that Side had only seen once before during the destruction of his Sensei's pagoda. While they were be attacked, Side snapped and something happened that night caused him lots of pain and caused him to go unconcious. When he awoke, his friend and the strangers were dead. This is when Side starts wearing the necklace As for the girl, Side found no trace of her. Now he looks for her as well.

    >>> clothing
    - Side does not wear any armor; however, he does wear some clothes that appear to be loose shrouds worn by combatant monks with a leather belt keeping the shrouds tightly fit around the waist. Many small weapons such as shurikens and kozuka can be hidden in these shrouds. These shrouds are also able to absord small amounts of energy
    - Shane wears slight armor that looks partially of the old traditional Samurai armor. Although the suit is not complete, the only pieces that are not included are above the waist. This Armor is resistant to most magic (Fire, Ice, Water, Holy and Darkness) and heals Shane when the Armor comes in contact with Wind and Electricity like spells.

    >>> Special Accesories
    - Moon Light Ring - A sacred form of Chi concentrated into an ord that emits a white color and a heavenly feeling, held by four prongs that are attached to a Silver ring that can heal various ailments. (Confusion, Blind, Silence and Instant Death)

    >>> Basic attacks
    - Chi Gust - hurls a gust of Chi at a foe which can knock a foe down instantly.
    - Chi Wave - throws waves of chi at foes. Will knock down any foe in front of Side
    - Chi Blast - when used, any enemy within a 10 foot radius of Side will be knocked down or severly hurt. This can work against allies as well unfortunatly.
    - Air Shield - A shield comprised of high air pressure that can put a dead hault to all Physical attacks that come in contact with it.

    >>> Special attacks
    - Chi Blade - Side applies the art of Chi to his current weapon or fists. This allows Side to cause more damage to his foes for about 30 seconds. Side can throw blades of chi out of his currently used weapon that contains a blade, or he can shoot bullets of Chi out of any Gun.

    >>> Summons:

    * to come soon

    >>> Limit Break: Shelus

    Limit Level 1

    Shelus Transformation - As Side is hurt badly, the necklace of the woman he wears starts to shine. After the necklace engulfs Side in a Crimson Red light he emerges and looks completely different. This person that no one has ever lived to see emerges and says, "I'am Shane." Once Shane is on his feet, he unsheaths the Shelus Blade. (While transformed, Shane is immune to all status ailments)

    Limit Level 2

    Shelus Flight - In simple, if Shanes opponent has the ability to fly or warp, Shane will have the ability to fly or warp as well.

    Limit Level 3

    Shelus Entirety - With the Shelus Blade in hand, Shane enters into a berserk like state. During this time, Shane can use multiple sword techniques and his Chi powers at the same time. Although Side can already do this, the difference is the strength of the techniques is increased and he can keep using these spells continuously without becoming tired.
    Last edited by Shelus; 05-21-2006 at 10:51 AM.

  30. #390
    Name: Yuhnk Melian'th [pronounced: See-Sun Meh-lee-ann-eth]
    Age: 10 in human years but approximately 20 in Drow Years [Reason why Drow Years are used is explained later], and around 17-18 in Algards year.
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 175 lbs.
    Hair: Silver White [Natural]
    Eyes: Crimson Red [Un-natural; see History]
    Race: Algards [explained below]
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: None; Wanderer

    Appearance: [Any out-of-the-ordinary and clothing will be explained in History or Race Details]
    Yuhnk has incredibly smooth, white hair which gleams like water when the rays of the sun hit it. His skin is pale - very, very pale - as if sunlight never touched it. His eyes, with blood red pupils, are usually pulsing with energy. He has a peculiar build: although his muscles are well developed, they do not show significantly - it makes Yuhnk seem lean, when in fact he has a mediocre build.

    His massive raven wings sprout from his shoulder blades; when relaxed/folded, the top most portion of the wing (commonly known as scapulars on the wings of birds) reaches a point just slightly below his head. The bottom tip of the wing, on the other hand, just resides inches above the ground. As a side note, his wings usually are nuisances when entering tight-spaces, but Yuhnk can bend his wings further backwards much the same way a human can behind his shoulder blades together. The spread wingspan is approximately 5'8".

    Personality: ['The Phase' to be explained later]
    Normally, the difference of personality between that of a latter teen and that of a twenty-year old. Yuhnk, on the other hand, has been both shocked and inspired by what he had experienced during 'The Phase'; it isn't against the reasonable to say his attitude seems like that of a forty-year old. He enjoys the finer things in life - especially nature, and of course, wine. He is also rather silent, and chooses when to speak wisely - he only talks when it matters. As such, many people see him as cold – when in fact, he is friendly towards most people.

    The expression on his face is usually tranquil, and nonchalant - that is, when not in battle. When engaged in fights, Yuhnk takes on an entirely different sentiment. His normally calm and laidback expression becomes a serious, concentrated, sinister look.

    Race Details
    When a conscious, living being - that is, one with a 'soul' as some people call it - dies, they travel through a stream of non-existence between this world, and the 'Otherworld'. This stream is meta-physical, and its properties are rather profound – for example, the starting and ending points of this stream converge (focus) away from one fixed spot, rather than towards one spot.

    During the voyage across the stream, the being experiences certain events - naturally, not through the five senses, as his or her or its physical body is no longer with them. Rather, the experiences affect the soul itself. These events are termed 'The Phase'.

    Firstly, a crow-like shape forms from the normally flowing stream and plunges their talons into the soul; this does not drive any sensation of pain or the like, though. Next, the memories, experience, thoughts - everything - are passed through the talons into the crow form; what is left of the soul is the outer shell - the basic structure for a new soul. All that is needed is life to be breathed into it.

    Now, this process is more or less consistent, with minor flaws mentioned above. However...very rarely, at such odds which seem virtually impossible, the thin line of white mentioned may just strike a soul before, or during the second step of, 'The Phase'.

    When this occurs, something peculiar happens. If it hits before 'The Phase', the soul is propelled towards the 'Otherworld', but is rejected, as it is not empty and is thrown back into this world, their injuries 'undone'. This is how people survive near-death experiences or seemingly come back from the dead after a 'fake' death. On the other hand, when the even occurs during the second phase, of which the crow-like form is attached to the soul...this is the start of an Algards.

    The crow-soul mass is thrown towards the 'Otherworld'; but like the other scenario, it is rejected and thrown back into this world. However, when it returns to the body, several extreme changes happen. The original body is engulfed in a non-physical, white flame. This causes the skin of the living being to loose all marks (tattoos, stripes, birthmarks, etc.), all tones, save for a very pale tint of its former colour. The pupil of the being first glows, then fades into a shimmer of crimson red, regardless of its former status. The last, and most significant change is the most gruesome, however.

    As the person/beast regains consciousness, an agonizing pain will eventually sprout from their back, right where the shoulder blades are. Two bones, separate, grow from the spine and extend outwards, slipping through the blades; they pierce the skin, and spread outwards. Upon stopping, this bone grows ligaments, and 'fingers', and in sudden moment, feathers flood outwards from the wound - and the bones are covered in flesh and raven black feathers. The 'wound', along with the injuries that killed his/her/its former self, are no longer there, but the agony of the spurt of the wings lasts anywhere from an hour to a day.

    The final appearance of an Algards is similar to their former self, except with much, much paler skin with no markings or tones whatsoever, crimson red pupils, and pitch-black wings on their backs. Biologically/internally, all Algards seem to have their former biology slightly modified to something similar to that of a bird.

    Over-garment: A black trench coat which hangs to Si-Su's ankles. Eastern/Asian-looking, with the button starting from the upper right and progressing diagonally to the lower left, at the waist. The portion that hands below the waist is always left free. Yuhnk leaves his trench coat mostly unbuttoned.

    Upper-body: Fenal'tiela - A tight, black, short-sleeved garment. This garment, while looking like any ordinary barely-see through t-shirt, is actually a tightly woven chain mail with thin iron. It acts as Yuhnk's only form of armour, although it is rather weak, due to its thinness and material.

    Lower-body: Yuhnk wears rather dark-themed, loose-legged, loose-necked, black pants with a number of zippers. The loose neck if compensated by a rather interesting looking belt. While virtually being a single one, Yuhnk's belt acts as if it was two. One hands inside the loops tightly, while the other droops out loosely; on the portion of the belt that droops out, there are specific loose slots to place a variety of weapons, items, or the like.

    Footwear: Remen'telis – A tough, black, wilderness boots that cover half his shin. They are tight enough to provide support but not too tight as to inhibit certain motion or to cause discomfort.

    Accessories: Isshou - A seemingly worthless amulet in the shape of an ankh, attached to a chain around his neck. The entire thing is made of iron.

    Oak Shortbow: A simple, small bow for ease of use and carry. Quick fire, but weak range.
    Leun'wan (Iron Long sword): A standard, dark-elven long sword. Twirls on the handle guard look like vines.
    Yuulin (Iron Short sword): A standard, dark-elven short sword. The handle guards resemble bat wings.

    Fenal'tiela (Iron Shirt-mail): [See Upper-Body in Clothing]
    Bronze Arrows (x30 initially): Simple oak arrows with bronze heads; weak, but easy to make and/or cheap to buy.
    Leather Quiver: Holds arrows; can hold a maximum of approximately 40 arrows.
    Inventory belt: The drooping portion of Yuhnk's belt seconds as an inventory hold. It can fit up to 3 items, 2 melee weapons, and 1 ranging weapon.


    Sight of the Beyond (Inexperienced): Because Yuhnk had briefly become the meta-physical and still has traces from the mid-realm stream within him, his sight is slightly distorted. Rather than just seeing physically objects, he sees an 'aura'. This aura can represent emotion, intentions, or thoughts. Yuhnk is highly inexperienced at this, and not only are these aura faint and barely visible, but he also does not know how to interpret most, if not all, of the auras. The only ones he can currently identify are:
    -Flicker, like smoke=>Depression
    -Red=>Haste, impatience

    Side note: His wings, as they are of meta-physical origins, are extremely light. His agility is affected only slightly negatively, and is not assisted by any sort of extra-agile skill.


    Childhood 2-5 Human / 4-11 Drow Years

    His parents submitted Yuhnk to an Alerar kindergarten rather early, at the age of two human years. Quite amazingly, he worked out just fine regarding work, peer, and marks – he was among the top of his class. During his first three years of primary education, Yuhnk managed to make several good friends, both male and female alike.

    One of his male friends was a mischievous character, Rhu'ssel Stratmor. He always got into trouble and fights, but his attitude and wackiness appealed to the curious Yuhnk. They became good friends quickly. Lah'rri Clohis, on the other hand, had a rather weak self-confidence, and it showed. His face was, in general, always like crying, and he rarely was able to make decisions. Yuhnk offered friendship as a way of supporting this peculiar individual. Yet another good friend of his worthy to mention would be Maak Hi'phis. He was strong-willed, determined, and rather smart; however, his parents decided everything for him and he had very little freedom. Yuhnk was curious as to why Maak exhibited such an aura of loneliness, and his curiosity and childish questionings led to their friendship.

    Of his female friends, he had few, like all boys his age; the natural, childish mocking and teasing of others discouraged interaction with the opposite gender. Nevertheless, Amanda Chifrill, Sih'ila Wunef, and Kiopan Hat'uzu were rather friendly characters. The three of them were talented in Music, Literature, and Art, respectively – and this talent interested Yuhnk greatly. While he hung out with them, his curiosity inevitably lead to him gradually learning from them.

    In general, the three years passed by relatively simplistically, and monotonously. That is, aside from the fact that by year 3, Maak and Kiopan moved elsewhere with family, and Yuhnk lost contact with them.

    Change 5-7 Human / 11-15 Drow Years

    Ignorance may be bliss indeed. However, ignorance can only last for so long, as does bliss. In Yuhnk's case, it came quickly at the age of five human years. Things that he previously perceived to would have lasted forever didn't seem quite so anymore – no longer was life carefree, no longer were friends always there forever, and no longer were teachers kind, caring people that followed your ever whim or whine. Things were starting to change, and things were starting to get different.

    Unlike the other confused children, Yuhnk quickly dawned on reality rather soon – in fact, within the same year, he managed to get a grip on reality. The concept of homework, language, and mathematics entwined into daily activities – he started to understand them, and began to even enjoy them. Seeing their child to have been 'enlightened' so rapidly, Yuhnk's parents were yet again made proud. The mother, in fact, seeing that her child had an interest in education, actually assisted in tutoring the young drow upon slightly more advanced concepts – he enjoyed it a lot, and learnt at a rather insane pace.

    However, with all the focus on academics, Yuhnk's ethics, morals, and reasoning had not been built well enough for him to make sound decisions before he acts – in other words, he was smart, but didn't bother think before he acted. This threw him into a lot of trouble, namingly fights and injuries – he had hurt quite a lot of his playful opponents with his unhindered, full-brunt strength; he didn't know how, or when, to hold back.

    By the end of the fifth year, Yuhnk, then 7 human years old – approximately 15 drow years old, had wonderful marks – all highly above average – but his performance in school was rated rather poorly, and at one time an High Instructor – equivalent to a Principal in human schools – suggested that Yuhnk's parents should find another school for him.

    As if coincidence would have it, Fi'thim, the father, had injured himself during one of the tournaments he participated in, and was partially disabled. Unable to continue that way of earning a living, the family decided it was time to move on elsewhere less pricey to live, to a portion of Ettermire that lay far west of their original location.

    Yuhnk didn't like that change at all – it meant losing contact with all his friends, and into a new environment he wasn't used to. Like all children experiencing change, he was grumpy and dissatisfied with the events that were happening around him. Through constant comforting and talk from his parents, though, the young dark elf finally soothed his negative feelings.

    The New Environment 7-10 Human /15-19 Drow Years
    Naturally, he had to enter another school, as his previous education facility was rather far away by then. While he did make some new friends there, few of them ever got close, as Yuhnk still thought about the friends back when he was small – he still missed them so. Days, months, and years passed; eventually the memory, the missing, and the thoughts began to fade – although not entirely. Yuhnk was doing rather well in school, as he passed sixth, seventh, and eighth year courses with ease and flying colours.

    During the holiday between the end of the eighth year and the start of the ninth, something rather peculiar and coincidental happened. While Yuhnk was browsing through the tomes store for an interesting read in portions of mid-Ettermire, he spotted a familiar face...then two, then three, then four! He immediately called out to them, being sure of their identity.

    "Rhu'ssel, Lah'rri, Amanda, Sih'ila!! Phor ghil; over here!"

    Because of the school system he went through, Dark Elven tongue was rarely taught – matter of fact, Yuhnk was more fluent in Common than Drow. Yuhnk liked to use his mother language despite his fluency in the human language. For some odd reason, this time he used both languages to say the same thing.

    His old pals turned, amazed at what they saw. "Gu'e, verve draeval nau kyorl!"* said Rhu'ssel. " ussta, vel'bol natha brorn!"** Amanda said shortly after, with Sih'ila promptly replying, "Yugho talthalra dos uchado!" Lah'rri, the timid boy he was, said nothing and just waved with a smile on his face.

    [Translations: *Hey, long time no see! **What (a) strange coincidence! ***Nice to meet you here!]

    They got together and had a long chat, updating each other of one another's history. During their time apart, Yuhnk's four friends had changed. Rhu'ssel was still wacky and silly, but he knew when to stop; Amanda had gained a much more powerful, confident personality; Sih'ila had grown to be a beauty and was shyer about things than she was before. As of Lah'rri, he's slightly less weak-willed, but still timid and shy. The four were there to check out some books that were required for education material.

    " Lu'oh phu'dos xunin wun magthere?"* asked Amanda.
    " Y'sik vesss, lu'dos jal?"** responded Yuhnk, asking a question of his own.
    "Udos phuul jal xunin ula,"*** said the four, almost in unison.

    [Translations: *How are you doing in school? **Rather smoothly, and you all? ***We are all doing fine.]

    They continued to chatter and mingle, but before long, it was getting close to curfew, and they bid each other farewell. They promised to meet up some other time at the same place, but time wasn't an issue to Yuhnk – he came to the store practically every week.

    Price of Disobedience 10 Human / 20 Drow Years
    Mid-term holiday came before anyone knew it, and people were off to trips. Yuhnk's four friends thought it would be nice to enjoy the lands of Salvar – specifically, at the hot springs of the Knife's Edge – and planned a trip there, inviting Yuhnk. However, his parents did not allow him to travel that far away without any form of guidance, and prohibited him from going. Thus, they left without him, passing east through the Death's Gap, and northwards until they reach the Knife's Edge, also known as Dagger's End.

    Yuhnk longed to go, and, for the first time, decided to disobey his parents' wishes. He donned in his standard wandering wear – his black trench coat, shirt-mail, travel pants, and boots, and immediately went to packing things up, secretlyHe slipped out during a time neither his parents were at home, and went forth in generally the same path his friends did. However, by the time he was somewhere within the southern portion of Salvar, he was quite tired, even given that he had rested along the way. Furthermore, it seemed he was rather...lost.

    Trying to avoid the cold, harsh winds for the night, Yuhnk desperately sought for something tall and wide to lie beneath to sleep. He spotted something in the distance, and proceeded towards it; however, as he got close, a snowstorm started brewing, and a white haze blanketed his views, severely working against Yuhnk – not to mention the fatally chilling coldness. He only made it to several meters distance away from the structure he had spotted, but even then, he couldn't quite make out what it was. Unfortunately, he was too weak to go on; he passed out. Unconscious, he was unable to eat; out in the open, he was prey to the hard cold – needless to say, he passed away slowly, without quite really knowing it.

    Rebirth as an Algards ] 10 Human / 20 Drow Years
    While Yuhnk's soul drifted in the mid-realm and experienced 'The Phase', his body lay, having not yet rotted nor mutilated by any means – in fact, the cold weather sort of preserved him. Unfortunately for him, two Salvar beasts were closing in on their frosted meal. Then, suddenly, at one moment...

    "GHHAAAAAAHH!!" Yuhnk's eyes snapped open, and his mouth stretched as far is it could, taking a huge gasp for breath; simultaneously, his body became ablaze with a white, purifying fire. Every filth, every grime, every injury, every pain, every chill – they were all washed away in the cleansing flame. Gradually, even his red-tint skin began to wash into a very, very pale peach colour.

    Yuhnk staggered to his feet, fully aware of what has happened.

    " this revival? Or Reincarnation?" he asked himself.

    Before he could contemplate on that matter, he noticed the beasts – their ferocity well over what he could handle. Looking around, he noticed what he had first through to be a hill or a cliff was actually a towering white archway covered in blue markings – seemingly a portal. Weighing his choices, he chose to leap through the portal regardless of where it was headed. As he arrived on the other side, he backed away from the portal on the other side, slowly. Just as he had thought, the beasts did not follow.

    In an abrupt moment, a flood of feathers burst from his shoulder blades, engulfing the bone structure; the sudden stream of black quills that streamed out of his back threw him into an even heavier agony, as he arched his back and screamed; his pupils, slowly and gradually, began to chance its hue to crimson red with all the pain Yuhnk was experiencing. Then, as suddenly and awkwardly as it started, the modifications were longer was this creature a Drow, but an Algards.

    ((OOC: I sorry if I overdid it, I get….overly enthusiastic at times))
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 03-24-2006 at 12:25 AM. Reason: KERBLAM! (signature removal)

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