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Thread: Character Statistics.

  1. #241
    Character Statistics. Sega Kid's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Wherever time takes me...
    Well, this is interesting,

    Name: Alan
    Class: Red Mage/Thief
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: NA
    Weapons: Sasuke Knife, Wind Sword
    Armor: Mythril Plate under Bronze Chain mail
    Magic: Basic: Fire,2 Ice,2 Bolt,2 Cure,2
    (Spell,2 means I have level one, and 2)

    Past: Parents died from a town attack by bandits
    No Siblings, No Friends, No Family, nothing

    Race: Human/Elf

    Abilities: Two Swords: Hold Two weapons, one in each hand.
    !Jump: Ability To Jump High to attack, was taught by Kain, the legendary Dragoon
    Speed: Very high agility, Run fast
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-19-2004 at 11:16 AM. Reason: No sig, damnit!

  2. #242
    Lord Have Mercy Character Statistics. Bunny's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Just something I'm trying out.

    Name: Alazeera Naiz Kazie
    Age: Twenty-four
    Race: Al-ghaar
    Height: 5’5’’
    Weight: 141 pounds
    Eyes: Light shade of gray
    Hair: None, bald
    Skin Colour: Tanned, due to his people’s nomadic nature.

    Upper Body: Nothing whatsoever. Shirtless.
    Lower Body: Black, semi-baggy pants with a green strip running down both sides.

    Class: Monk

    Weapon: Fists

    Distinguishing Marks: Assorted scars on chest, face and arms. A large tattoo covers his entire back.

    Race Description: A small sub-race of humans, they have been nomads since before anyone can remember, which gives them their tanned skin. They are physically strong and have a vast array of knowledge when it comes to different combat techniques. Due to their extensive and difficult training, they are naturally resistant to weather-like elements. However, they have a difficult time dealing with magics, especially those of fire variety.

    History: Might post later.. when and if one is made.

  3. #243
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Figaro Castle
    Blog Entries
    Name: Vincent Cooper
    Age: 31
    Race: Human
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 203 lbs.
    Eyes: Light blue-grey
    Hair: Short and black

    Upper Body: What used to be a longsleeved black shirt, but the right sleeve has been torn completely at the shoulder
    Lower Body: Loose black pants that have been cut at the knees, and high black boots which stop below his knees

    Armor: A vest of six-in-one chain mail, silver, of course.

    Main Class: Weather Mage
    Vincent can essentially "control" the weather. Though he has his limits, thunderstorms and blizzards are commonplace when he wishes their existance. He can even control the lightning itself, centering it within ten yards of his target. Rain, wind and temperature are also under his control.

    Sub Class: Dragoon
    The ever-famous lance class. He's got great agility, seconded by his equally impressive strength.

    Weaponry: Erm, lance? It doesn't need a name.
    Vincent carries with him a six foot lance, complete with a 4.5 foot titanium shaft (great for smacking people around like a staff) and an eighteen inch steel blade, slightly curved and sharp only on one side (and we all know what that's good for).

    Magic: I think the Weather Mage covered it

    Bio: Aww, do I have to? No? Brilliant.

  4. #244
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Figaro Castle
    Blog Entries

    YAY FOR PARODIES!!! *falls down*

    Yeah, so I totally made this dude up just for TM's fight. Beautimous.

    Name: Count Dick von Constantinoplestein
    Age: 169 ¾
    Race: Superhuman! {cue Star Wars theme for no apparent reason}
    Height: 5'17" (that's 6'5" for you un-super people)
    Weight: 8431374 centigrams (186 lbs, 84 kg)
    Eyes: Yes, he has them. They're dark yellow.
    Hair: Some kid attacked him with a razor, so it's gone

    Clothing: None! *whistle* Kidding... >_<
    Upper Body: Brown leather jacket that he made all by himself that one time when he killed that cow a long time ago when he slaughtered a cow and made it his lunch that one time when he was hungry way back when. Oh yes, no shirt, gotta show those cut superhuman abs for the ladies.
    Lower Body: Red tights! But he keeps those under his slashed bluejeans, because he thinks he's cool like that. And he is. Yes, he's so much cooler than you.

    Armor: I don't think he believes in it. But he's stupid.

    Main Class: Swordsman
    The only difference is the type of sword...

    Sub Class: Dark Knight
    See, he likes it when it's dark outside. What? Knight? Who said anything about that? I thought you said NIGHT!!!

    Weaponry: A light sabre!
    Unfortunately, it can't slice and dice quite like the ones in the movies... or can it? {cue Jeopardy theme} Yes Trebek, yes it can. Think of it as a fancy sword... with LASERS! But it's really just a fancy sword.

    Magic: He's got a freaking light sabre!
    Really, why does he need magic? He's extreme!!!

    Bio: Umm... maybe he came from another planet. Like Krypton! But wait, that's Superman's planet, and Count Dick isn't invincible. He hasn't earned that Pokébadge yet.
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 02-21-2004 at 10:52 AM.

  5. #245
    Name: Sorinas Kaeden
    Age: 19
    Race: Vampire/Human
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 132 lbs
    Eyes: Crystal Blue
    Hair: Long and Purple
    Skin Color: A pale yet not ghostly white due to lack of sun exposure

    Upper Body:a black t-shirt and A black and crimson kevlar bullet-proof vest....(S.W.A.T. like)
    Lower Body: Purple and Crimson army pants with spiked knee guards and black combat boots.
    Class: Ex-Genral in the Army

    Armor: Other than the bullet proof vest and knee guards a long black cape made of flexible metal used for covering self when under heavy fire or for hiding.

    Main Class: Swordsman

    Sub Class: Time/Space mage

    Weaponry: A katana and a polearm blade ( a katana blade attacked to a pole)

    Magic: Space and Time based magics

    Bio: Just another of the millions of people who practice the arts of fighting. He however is the only one to practice swordsmanship and Time/Space magic so far.

  6. #246
    Name: Zakuris Bloodstorm
    Age 15
    Sex: Male
    Race: Half angel-half demon
    eyes: red
    Hair: Black, long
    Class:Arcane Mage.

    Clothing: Black robes.
    Weapon: Staff of the eternal flames.
    Arcane Magic.
    "My only reason for living is the search for power...."
    Last edited by Eternity; 03-06-2004 at 05:51 PM.

  7. #247
    Name: Kite
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Eyes: Green
    Hair: Short & teal (Light blue really)
    Class: Unknown as no class has been made for his kind of warrior & spellcasting power.

    Shirt: A red shirt with a dragon on it, showing part of his power. Normally, he wears a cloak over it.
    Pants: A pair of Dark Blue jeans.
    Hands: A pair of Gauntlets like Link's, the only way he can hold his sword.
    Feet: Boots like Link's.
    Head: Nothing, he ditched stupid looking hat.

    Bio: A boy who has somehow grown a strong sense of hate, mainly because a gang killed Blackrose a year ago. Now, he slays worth looking people to get into Man-Slayer tournaments.
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-19-2004 at 11:13 AM. Reason: No sig, damnit!

  8. #248
    Basic Info
    Name: Jeremy Lonce
    Age: 13
    Eye Color: Brown
    Hair Color: Brown
    Hightlight Color: Dark Red
    Clothing & Accessories

    Upper Body: A black T-Shirt which has a picture of a grey bunny centered in the middle which below reads "Zombie Bunnies...Horrible...Hideous...Fluffy

    Arms: Black, Purple, and White Jelly Bracelets going up his arms. Black fishnet covering his wrists up to his elbows

    Hands: Fingernails on his right hand are painted Black while fingernails on left hand are painted purple.

    Lower Body: Black baggy shorts which having black straps criss-crossing in the back of them.

    Feet: A Pair of Black and Red Converse

    Chain Whip:Jeremy's Main Weapon which he uses mostly. He uses carries his chain whip on the back of his pants. He has a vary of attacks which he uses

    Skank the Blue Bunny: Skank is a Blue Bunny which Jeremy carries in his pocket if Skank gets angry he will take control of Jeremy and make him to evil things

  9. #249
    Name- Klanor (in the demon language, Klanor means the dark one) Biangari
    Age- 177
    Sex- Male
    Race- Demon
    Occupation- Demon Slayer
    Sub-Occupation- Ninja
    Weapons- Anti-Demon weapons (weapons like those used in the Blade, and knives

    Upper Body-
    Bluish-redish eyes, short black hair, and black shades
    A black leather jacket, and black gloves
    Lower Body-
    Black baggy pants, and black boots (getting tired of this black theme huh?)

    I'll put the bio later.............
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-19-2004 at 11:12 AM. Reason: No sig, damnit!

  10. #250
    Pretium Vitarum
    Name: Russaro Fatale (Russ-arr-oh)
    Alias: "The Crimson Death"
    Age: Unknown, appears to be around 20 - 25.
    Race: Unknown, appears human.
    Size: 5'9" with a muscular build, but not bulky.
    Eye Color: Crimson
    Hair Color: Crimson

    Appearance/Personality: Russaro is a handsome "young man" with a well-fit look about him. His hair is short and spiked, with two long bangs from his forhead to his chin. He dresses in a pair of baggy, black, cotton pants and a tight, crimson, sleeve-less shirt that reveals his muscular build. Over that, he normally wears a long, crimson red trenchcoat that nearly touches the ground, coming together in the middle by three belts with large crimson buckles, two of them making an 'X' shape, the other going across them both horizontaly. The unique thing about this trenchcoat is that strange black lines, or streaks seem to constantly flow across it, seeming to be within the garment itself. Almost like black rain-clouds flowing along a moonlit sky. His crimson eyes are the same way, giving him an eerie look. On his hands he wears a pair of black leather gloves, with steel, crimson plates across the knuckles, and on his feet, a pair of big, black leather boots with a crimson buckle across each one.
    Normally, he speaks in a smooth, persuasive tone, but when he gets serious his voice becomes sinister. When speaking in his normal tone, it is said that he can persuade practically any normal human to do whatever he wishes. He basically takes control of their mind.
    Around his waist he wears a thick, black belt which holds the sheathes of the original Ares- and Ares~, one on each hip, usually concealed by his trenchcoat.
    Also, upon his right cheek, directly below his eye, is a black tattoo of a strangle symbol that looks sort of like a Japanese character. It is made of two vertical strokes and a diagonal, wavey stroke going from bottom-left to top-right, straight through the other two and up to the right corner of his eye.
    Russaro usually keeps to himself, unless he's had a bad day, or an unfortunate someone decides to mess with him. He spends most of his time in bars, travelling from town to town looking for jobs. He's a top-class mercenary who's known to accept jobs that people say no one in their right mind would.. one of the best. It seems that death follows him wherever he goes, giving him a rather bad reputation, and causing many to fear him, hence the nickname the "Crimson Death".

    History: Many long years ago, when the world was still young, a boy was born by the name of Russaro, in a small village called Yeron. Only a few short days after his birth, his mother became very ill. A while later she was found dead, lying in her bed. This wouldn't have been anything out of the ordinary in the poor village of Yeron, but it was the condition of her body that began to stir up the villagers. When she was found, her entire body was burnt to a blackened crisp, leaving only a small bit of flesh hanging from her bones. The strangest thing about it was that in her lifeless arms she still held her newborn baby; completely unharmed. Rumors saying that Russaro was a demon child spread quickly throughout the village, causing fear and chaos. Because of this, Russaro grew up without friends nor family except for his father, whom he didn't consider a father at all. Russaro was frequently beaten and treated very horribly, growing to completely despise his father and the rest of the village.
    On the day of Russaro's fourteenth birthday, he was sitting alone in his room as usual, which was a mere five-by-five foot space with no windows and a hard, dirt floor, and stone walls, much like a prison cell. He sat there, silently sketching pictures of death and destruction in the dirt with his finger. He heard his father enter the old stone house, knowing all too well that he was probably drunk and in a violent mood. As his father entered the room, Russaro lifted his head, glaring at him with a deep hatred. He stood slowly, expecting yet another brutal beating. His father began ranting on about random things he disliked about his son, and yelled about him being a no-good demon child, blaming him for his mother's mysterious death. Russaro's anger swelled up inside him with every breath he took. His father raised his arm and swung at his cheek. Before his fist reached Russaro's face, he was thrown back by a powerful, unseen force, sending him flying into the wall, landing flat upon his chest, driving the wind from his lungs. When Russaro's father looked up at his son, he was engulfed in a crimson aura. His eyes were blood red, with black patterns flowing through them. His hair went from jet black to a crimson color before his very eyes. Russaro began slowly making his way towards his now defenseless father, who lay sprawled helplessly upon the ground. Russaro stood above the man he had despised for so long, the man who had thoughtlessly beaten him every night since he was a small child, his eyes showing not a drop of sympathy. He slowly raised his arms, spreading his fingers apart. The last thing his father heard was a blood-curdling voice yelling in unknown tongue before Russaro brought his arms down. A rush of crimson energy rained down upon his back, completely arching his body, crushing it into the ground. The sound of snapping bones could be heard throughout the village.
    Russaro had yet to begin to unleash his rage. He lifted his arms and looked towards the sky, closing his eyes. In the same eerie voice as before, he began yelling in the same strange tongue. Suddenly, people began pouring from their rundown homes, oblivious to anything that was going on except for the fact that their houses had, for no reason at all, burst into flames. Screams of agony rang throughout the village as all of it's inhabitants died a slow, horribly painful death.
    Russaro stepped out of his home, walking through searing hot flames as if they weren't there at all. He watched the last remaining villagers fall to the ground, their cries of pain filling him with excitement, feeding his insanity. He observed the blackened bodies that lie upon the ground, grinning with satisfaction. At last, he had had revenge upon the village of Yeron.
    Russaro fled from the ruins of Yeron in the darkness of night, never to be seen in that area again. From then on he has lived on his own, travelling from town to town searching for work. He had no last name, so he decided to give himself one. He was then known as Russaro Fatale.
    As he grew older, Russaro decided to be a mercenary, quickly becoming known as one of the best at the early age of sixteen. Everywhere he went, death and destruction seemed to follow, earning him the nickname "The Crimson Death". He has been feared and respected by many for the rest of his life. (He later obtained the Ares- and the Ares~ by defeating their previous owners, Seraph and Sovan Minosuke, in battle.)

    Bloodlust - This is a sword that Russaro created himself, said to be forged from the essence of hatred and insanity. The blade itself is flat, wide, very long, and shaped almost like an hourglass, only much thinner and comes to an extremely sharp point at the end. The blade is a dark crimson color, with the same strange appearance of mysterious black streaks flowing across it like his eyes and trenchcoat. It's handle is large and wrapped in black leather.
    This mysterious sword holds an incredible power, said to sometiemes cause physical pain, headaches, and dizziness to any who stand near it. It constantly lusts for blood, growing more powerful with every life it takes. It is also said that whenever a person of weak will is wounded with this weapon, they become corrupt and full of hatred for virtually everything, causing them to turn on even their closest family members.
    The blade itself is not an imobile material, and basically not a material at all, as it is forged from the essence of hatred and insanity. It can bend, twist, grow, and many other things at the user's will. It can also take any shape possible, and can even assume a liquid form.

    Soulseeker - The Soulseeker is a long, thick lance found by Russaro in an old cathedral. Inside the cathedral was the scene of a massacre. Dead bodies lie everywhere, mercilessly slaughtered. The priest's body was haunched over the podium at the front, pinned down by the Soulseeker, which protruded from his back. Upon the wall, written in blood, was a single word. "Kaiser".
    The Soulseeker is completely crimson except for the black, leather handle in the center and the two long, thin, black blades on either end. The Soulseeker may look like a normal lance, but within it is hidden a dark power. Whenever someone is slain with this weapon, it sucks the souls from their bodies, growing more powerful with each soul it consumes.

    Kasari - The Kasari is a very long katana given to Russaro by his mentor, Sato.
    Sato had said that the Kasari was an immensely powerful weapon, though Russaro has yet to unlock its secrets. The blade itself is nearly fight feet in length. It is very sleek, almost like glass. This crimson blade is made of an unknown, pracitally weightless and unbreakable, material, and has a black hilt. This weapon is very thin, giving it extremely sharp edges and allowing it to be maneuvered very easily, despite its size. Russaro normally always wears this weapon sheathed across his back.

    Sovan's Might/Seraph's Will - These weapons were forged long, long ago, in dedication to the two brothers, rivals, and two of the once most-trusted warriors of all God's angels, or so it's said.
    Sovan's Might is an average-sized sword, nearly weightless and practically indescructable. It's shaped as any normal sword, although its appearance is quite unique. The blade itself is jet black, with, seemingly, live, dark purple flames dancing within it. If you touch the blade, its intense heat could melt, and completely evaporate your flesh, even the hardest of metals. This blade has the ability to increase the physical strength and defense a complete tenfold, hence the name 'Sovan's Might'.
    It's sister weapon is Seraph's Will, a much shorter, identically shaped sword, not as short as a dagger or knife, yet not as long as a sword. Some prefer to call these "dirks". The blade itself is pure white, with pale blue flames seeming to dance within, much the opposite to Sovan's Might.
    At the actual blade's end, the beginning of the hilt, there are two, silver wings on either side.
    The blade's touch could completely freeze even the toughest of all materials, and would most likely render a limb entirely useless by killing all the nerves, tissue, and even cells. This mysterious sword has the ability to increase the magic and magic defense of the user by tenfold, hence the name 'Seraph's Will'. (Also, if Russaro uses this weapon on himself it has a powerful healing effect)
    The only way Russaro is able to wield either of these weapons is his complete immunity to all heat and cold. It is said that Russaro obtained the two sister-blades by competing in fierce competitions held in the Below and Above. Once these weapons find an worthy owner, they cannot be taken from them, knocked out of their hand, nor copied. They're existance is basically fused with the user. Russaro will rarely ever wield just one of these weapons at a time.

    Hell's Gate - This is a gigantic broadsword of indescribable might. The sword itself is every bit of six feet long, nearly seven, and a full 2 feet in width. Other than its massive size, this blade looks plan and simple, even chipped in a few areas. The once bright-shining silver glamour of the blade is now faded to a plain, pale grey hue. Inscribed in the center of the blade is a single, strange rune that glows brightly with vibrantly blue light at times. It is said that this weapon was once wielded by a powerful dark god named Sato, reigning supreme over all races. Each 10,000 years the position as supreme dark god was supposedly passed down from father to son, as well as the weapon. At the end of Sato's term, it is told that he engraved the blade of the weapon with a rune symbolizing his name, and by casting an ancient spell, fused himself with the blade, giving it all of his immunities, statistics, and incredible power. The weapon is rumored to be powerful enough to crumble the gate's of hell with a single, effortless blow, hence the name 'Hell's Gates'. Strangely, Russaro wields this weapon with incredible ease, as if it were only a butter-knife.

    Heaven's Revenge - This is more of an accessory, rather than a weapon or armor. The Heaven's Revenge is a thick, silver chain-necklace with a large, black gem embedded into a cross-shaped charm. When activated by an ancient chant known only by Russaro, it boosts his speed, agility, and senses three times it's normal level.

    (Russaro also owns both of the original Ares, though their full descriptions are currently unavaliable.)

    Ares- and Ares~ were once a single sword, weilded by God himself thousands of years ago. This sword was named Narsil. Long ago, a war broke out between Heaven and Hell, the Angelic Demonic Wars, which lasted over 100 years. Two mighty warriors for the angelic side quickly rose through the ranks. One warrior was an Angel named Seraph, and the other, a simple human named Narotu. They quickly became God's most trusted warriors, and his personal guardians. When the Angelic Demonic Wars finally came to an end, God called forth his two guardians. There took his incredible weapon, Narsil, and with it created two destructive swords, Ares- and Ares~. To Seraph he gave Ares~, and to Narotu the Ares-. Many years later, Seraph was banned from the Above for disobeying an important law, and was permanently banished. Around that time, Narotu was murdered by Sovan Minosuke, brother of Seraph, whom became weilder of the Ares-. Sovan was once a trusted warrior of the Above, but a near-fatal accident transformed him into a hybrid of a Demon and Angel, creating an incredible fighter. Sovan roamed the world in search of his brother Seraph, with only one intention.. to kill.
    Since that time, these two blades have travelled from being to being, town to town, and everywhere in between.

    Ares- + Ares~ = Narsil
    Ares-/Ares~ unlocked = True Ares-/True Ares~
    True Ares- + True Ares~ = True Narsil
    True Narsil unlocked = Grand Narsil

  11. #251
    Pretium Vitarum
    Name: Vega | Kaiser. (Vay-guh K-eye-zerr) ~The Black Widow~
    Age: Unknown - Seemingly 20-25
    Race: Unknown - Seemingly Human
    Height: 6'0"
    Weight: Average sized. Muscled, but not ripped.
    Hair Color: Black, tipped with a dark red tint.
    Eye Color: Very dark red, rimmed with black.
    Power Level: Extreme

    Attitude: Anti-social is probably the opposite of the word that should be used to describe Vega. He's a one-of-a-kind, outspoken guy with a good sense of humor. He'll talk to just about anyone, ranging from his closest friends (which he has none of) to a complete stranger sleeping on the sidewalk. He travels from town to town, visiting every local bar and harem he can find. He's the kind of guy to have around when ya need a good laugh, or a kick in the party.. but also a guy you'd like to have around when a horde of angry humanoids come stampeding through town. He can be a funny, lovable guy.. but when the time comes to get down to business, people normally try to avoid him as much as possible.

    Appearance: Vega is a pretty intimidating looking man, as well as a sight for the ladies. His spiked black hair is trimmed with dark red. He usually wears his dark red sunglasses, hiding his eyes from the world. The eyes you could stare into for hours, endlessly deep and mysterious, it's almost as if you could get lost looking into them. His pants are loose and black, stitched with dark red thread. His long leather trenchcoat almost touchest the ground, black, lined with the same dark red. The trenchcoat is rarely closed and usually worn wide open and loosely. Underneath is a plain black t-shirt. On his hands he wears black leather gloves with steel knuckles, and on his feet are large black boots with three red buckles across the front.

    Other: Not many know why he's called the Black Widow. Atleast not many normal citizens. All of his victims dating back to over 1,000 years ago have been found naked, with the image of a black widow carved deeply into their chest. While the victim is still barely clinging to life, Kaiser kisses them deeply, regurgitating a live black widow egg sack into the victim's throat, which then enters the stomache. A few hours later, the victim still alive, the spiders begin to hatch, chewing a small hole through the body, pouring out by the thousands. The tiny spiders then leave the helpless victim to die very slowly, very painfully.. the lethal poison running through their veins. Sightings have been reported over the many years of giant spiders running wild, over 6 feet tall and a legspan of nearly 10 feet. Also, the corpses of the victims decay shortly after the spiders hatch, first turning to a black dust, then suddenly bursting into dark red flames. The decadence leaves little time to examine the body. This information has been safely kept under wraps of by the government, not wanting a large panic. Any citizen who has this knowledge is quickly "disposed of". Besides high-ranking government officials, the only ones who know who Vega Kaiser truly is are other 'gifted' beings.

    History: Thousands of years ago, Vega was a normal man. Blonde hair, enjoyed different sports, hanging out with his friends.. All of that ended the day he met Kaiser.
    Vega was carelessly walking through a dark alley in the middle of the night, when he suddenly bumped into something. Looking up, he saw a pair of glowing red eyes, not 2 inches from his face. He could not see what he had come face to face with, but he sensed it was something he'd rather have avoided. The form staring back at Vega was an arachnid type demon named Kaiser. A horrible lifeform barely surviving from his wounds, caused by a fierce battle with another demon. Kaiser needed a new body, or he would surely perish.
    The shadowed form slowly raised a clawed hand, painfully shoving it straight through Vega's chest, gripping his heart. He spoke a chant in a strange demon tongue, which began the possession process. The form suddenly disappeared with a blinding light, and Vega collapsed onto the wet ground, screaming in agony. His body shook like an earthquake, and his pupils dialated. He began coughing up blood.. then a thick, black venom. The large wound slowly began to close up. He could feel his bone structure changing rapidly. His long hair grew short and spiked, the tips turning to a dark red color. Leaving a trail of mixed blood and venom, he raced home to his appartment.. screaming in pain with every step. The pain subsided as he stared into his bathroom mirror. Though it was his reflection, Vega knew the eyes staring back at him wasn't his own. The dark red eyes, outlined in black. Vega raised a trembling hand, touching his cheek.
    "No... whats happened to me... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?"
    His vision began to blur, though he could still make out the horrified look of face in the mirror, and could faintly hear someone else's voice.. a dark, sinister voice, crying out.
    "No! It wasn't supposed to turn out like this! Damn that human! No!"

    Vega awoke the next night. He sat up, grunting in pain. He rubbed his aching head. He slowly looked up, scanning his surroundings. He was lying in a field.. covered in blood. He glanced over to his right, at two mangled, naked corpses, one of a young man, and one of a young girl. Horrified, he stood up and ran over to them to see if they were by any chance still alive. All he found was a small hole in their stomachs, and the image of a black widow carved deeply into their chest.
    He looked down at his own body, his gloved hands covered in blood. He was confused, and scared. He remember nothing of his past, except for the event of the previous night. Police sirens suddenly blazed in his ears, and he began to run through the nearby woods, stopping only to grab a pair of dark red sunglasses dropped by the young man before he was mercilessly slaughtered.
    Vega lived his life on the run, blacking out every now and then, and awakening next to corpses. He couldn't understand what was happening, only that he couldn't stay in the same town for long.
    (The demon Kaiser's intentions were to possess Vega's body and take full control. Surprisingly, Vega survived the transformation, resulting in incredibly heightened stats, new abilities, the drastic change in his appearance, and the split personality.. Kaiser. - Though Vega can never remember what happened after awakening from one of his sleeping spells, during which Kaiser takes control of the body and satisfies his desire for destruction, unleashing his offspring, Kaiser can sometimes speak to Vega while Vega is in control of the body).

    Vega-=+=--The Black Widow--=+=-Kaiser

    Able to copy, amplify, & use attacks, spells, techniques, abilities, weapons ect, from his opponents during battle. (Note: After the attack, spell, tech, ability, ect is copied, Vega/Kaiser may use it whenever he wishes).
    Note: This ability has only been added for a fanfiction and RP I'm creating, and will not be used in battle. Also note that all characters and accessories (with the exception of Draco Malefic, whom I got premission from) were created and are owned by myself.

    (Raziel Bloodwrath) Winds of Wrath, Winds of Wrath II.
    (Seraph Minosuke) Shadow Form, acidic blood(at will), wings(at will), Wrath of Heaven, Psuedo-Blade
    (Sovan Minosuke) Oblivion Blade(weapon), Chaos Form, Hidden Death, Hybrid Seed, Demonic Seed, Angelic Seed, Ares(weapon), Dark Regeneration
    (Miraku Kyoto) Sacred Grace(weapon), Ares, True Ares(weapons), Holy Restoration.
    (Nazareth Makenya) Power Absorbtion
    (Vincent Dark) Angel, Minion(weapons)
    (Draco Malefic) Grand Destruction (weapon)
    (Amon Ra) Judgement Blade (weapon), Solid Darkness (armor)

    Current Weapons/Armor:
    Solid Darkness (copied - amplified) - cloak
    Oblivion Blade (copied - amplified) - katana
    Ares- (copied - amplified) - legendary blade
    Ares~ (copied - amplified) - legendary blade
    True Ares (copied - amplified) - legendary blade
    Narsil - legendary blade
    True Narsil - legendary blade
    Grand Destruction (copied - amplified) - legendary blade
    Sacred Grace (copied - amplified) - staff/lance
    Judgement Blade (copied - amplified) - katana
    Angel's Harp - legendary bow
    Angel (copied - amplified) - pistol
    Minion (copied - amplified) - pistol
    Doomsday - legendary pistol

    [Ares- or Ares~ unlocked = True Ares-~
    Ares- + Ares~ = Narsil
    True Ares- + True Ares~ = True Narsil
    True Narsil unlocked = Grand Narsil
    Angel + Minion = Doomsday]

    (Note: Complete descriptions and explainations for these items are currently unavaliable due to the crashing of my computer. Unfortunately, my folders of fictions and profiles were lost. I plan to recreate each of them, which may take anywhere from one to two months.
    - Jacob)

  12. #252
    Pretium Vitarum
    Name: Viktor Casius
    Alias: Romeo
    Age: Unknown, appears to be around 20 - 25
    Race: Currently unknown, vampyric species
    Size: App. 6'4" height with a muscular build
    Hair color: Pitch black/blonde
    Eye color: Light blue with white pupils/emerald green

    General info: Not much is known about this strange man. He has no close friends or relatives, only enemies. Viktor, also known as "Romeo", is a direct descendant of the Casius Bloodline, a high royalty in ancient vampyric history. As a heavy drinker, Viktor is known to frequently visit the town bars and local pubs. He's not a very social being, nor is he very polite. Romeo will normally keep to himself, unless provoked. When angered, his rage is virtually unstoppable.
    Viktor is a creature known to other vampyres as a "Nightstalker". A lone-wolf of the vampyric world. He travels the streets by night, constantly roaming from town to town, bar to bar.
    Though he has the appearance of a vampyre, something unknown flows through his veins. Something that often drives him to the very edge of madness and insanity.
    On these occasions, he has been known to slay anyone and anything in his path. Also, in the worst cases, a set of luscious white wings sprout from his back. The cause of this is still unknown.

    Appearance: Though not full-blooded, Viktor has the appearance of a vampyre. Normally his eyes are a gentle light blue and his fangs are unseen. When in his vampyric stage, his fangs are restored, threatening and lethal. His eyes shift from their normal serene blue tint to a sharp, vibrant blue.
    He is always fully dressed in classic vampyric style; loose, black pants clad in small, shining silver chains, a tight, black t-shirt, and a stylish trench coat. The trench coat, black and leather, of course, nearly reaches the ground. On the back is a strange red rune which somewhat resembles a 'C' with a pair of wings. In the front are three small belts about halfway up which are used to keep the trench closed.
    His smooth, black hair always seems neatly combed, falling down to his shoulders. His long eyelashes complement the luscious blue of his eyes and his unusually pale complexion.
    All seems normal about Viktor, vampyre wise, until he steps into the light. Unlike normal vampyres, sunlight and water have no effect on him. No damaging effect, at least. When his body is submerged in sunlight or water his hair instantly becomes a blondish-gold tint, and his eyes are transformed to a vibrant emerald-green. The cause of this is unknown, even to himself.

    History: Long ago, Viktor was but an average young vampyre living with his family and friends in a large, ancient mansion called the Casius Estate. This was an ancient time when vampyres ruled over humans, who lived in captivity as their servants and slaves.
    Viktor's father, Marcus, was the head of the Casius clan, a royalty among vampyres, who ruled a highly-praised clan of hundreds of vampyres, maybe even thousands. No one bothered to count.
    Viktor's clan was known to be one of the most important, most feared of all bloodlines. Much of his family, with the exception of his long-lost mother, were members of the High Council, an organization of vampyric leaders who controlled the operations of the entire west-coast vampyre world.
    Viktor never knew his mother, though his father often described her to him as a renegade vampyre who belonged to no clan, obeyed no one but herself. He said she had disappeared one night in the midst of a battle against a large clan of vampyre rogues, which was all he ever knew about her.
    Viktor grew up with two older brothers and sisters; Nathaniel, Gaebriel, Celine, and Naomi. Gaebriel, being the eldest of the three sons, should have one day become the clan's rightful Lord, but Marcus believed Viktor to be a much wiser choice as a predecessor, and future ruler of the Casius clan. Although Gaebriel was very angered by this decision, Nathaniel seemed more glad for his brother than spiteful. Nathaniel was always there for Viktor, and the two became very close as time went on.
    Viktor spent many long years as Prince of the Casius clan, with his two best friends, Azrael and Michael, at his side. Not only was he the prince, but he was also Head of the Armies, known to be one of the most skillful vampyres in the entire Casius Estate. His swordsmanship was unmatched and hand-to-hand skills second to none. He even defeated his own father in a spar on one occasion.
    Time went on peacefully for a hundred years or so; it was not until word had reached the clan that all of the rebel factions had joined together into one clan did trouble begin to stir.
    The rebels, outcasts of the vampyric world, vengeful rogues, had first begun to appear in very small groups only a couple thousand years before, which quickly grew into slightly larger organizations. As time progressed, these organizations begun to adopt names, call themselves rebel clans, constantly attempting to overthrow the entire vampyric government. After many failing attempts, the rebels sunk back into the shadows, and seemingly disappeared. There they remained for many years, forgotten by all but a few.
    After laying low for so long, the factions regrouped into one, incredibly large organization called Clan Righteous. The Clan Righteous outnumbered each of the large clans, including the Casius Clan, combined, making up over 40% of all vamypres in the west coast.
    Shortly after Clan Righteous was formed, word reached the other clans that the rebels were once again going to make an attempt to overthrow the entire vampyric government, beginning with the larger clans.
    The clans soon had a full-fledged war on their hands, which would later become known as the Noble War. Being allied with many other large clans, the Casius Clan was immediately thrown into battle. Many members of the clan were slain in the war, but not until the war reached their homes did they realize the severity of it all.
    Two years into the war, all but the Casius Clan had fallen to the hands of Clan Righteous, and most of the lands were now controlled by Razeal, the clan's leader.
    Viktor, Nathaniel, and their father Marcus led their armies into their first battle against Clan Righteous. Gaebriel, however, had disappeared back when the war first began.
    Three great battles were fought between Clan Casius and Clan Righteous, yet there was still no obvious Viktor.
    Clan Casius seemed to have the upper-hand, until the tragic night when they were taken by surprise, attacked in their sleep by the entire rebel horde.
    That night, Viktor awoke to the sound of painful screams and the unbearably loud clanging of swords. The Casius Estate was under attack. Viktor jumped from his bed, threw on his clothes, grabbed his sword, and darted into the halls, slaying any rebel who stood in his way.
    After slaying an unfortunate rogue, Viktor quickly spun around, ready to slit the throat of another rebel, and came face to face with his brother, Nathaniel.
    "What's going on?" he yelled above the clamor. He knew in his heart what was happening, but didn't want to admit it. Solemnly, his reply came. "We are under attack, Viktor! It's the Clan Righteous!"
    Viktor's thoughts quickly averted to his family.
    "Where are Naomi and Celine?"
    "They're up in the throne room with our father. He sent me down to get you!"
    "Then what're we waiting for? We should be with them, defending the throne!"
    "You'll have to go alone, Viktor. I'm going ahead to lead the children to safety! Go help our father and sisters, Viktor! Time is running out!"
    With a nod, Viktor spun around and charged straight for a mass of rebels that had broken through the castle walls. His blade swinging furiously, they fell in pairs to his skillful rage. He made his way swiftly to the stairs leading to the throne room, battling rebels alongside his men the entire way. He continued this way for nearly an hour, making his way slowly, floor-by-floor, to his sisters and father. When he finally reached them, the sight before him nearly made him drop to his knees. His sister's, Naomi and Celine, were tied securely to two stone pillars on opposite sides of the golden throne. His father was kneeling between them before none other than Gaebriel, his own brother. Gaebriel had secretly made an alliance with the notorious Razeal, and planned the entire attack against his own family and clan. Viktor was quickly seized by a group of experienced rebels, who quickly brought him to his knees. Gaebriel threw him a sadistic smirk, and raised his hand toward him, palm spread wide. Viktor's sword shot from his hand and into his brothers, leaving a searing burn where the hilt was torn from his grip. The world seemed around him seemed to stand still; the surrounding noises were nothing more than a low droning sound in his ears. His heart raced wildly, and his mind grew dizzy with despair. He began to thrash wildly, desperately trying to free himself, but to no avail; all the while screaming at the top of his lungs. Never taking his eyes off him, Gaebriel snapped his fingers and two large rebels came forth with shining broadswords. Gaebriel made a vague hand gesture, and the two rebel's blades swept across his sisters' throats, whose heads dropped instantly, blood pouring from their open wounds. Tears streaming from his eyes, Viktor thrashed about even more wildly as Gaebriel brought Viktor's own blade to his father's neck. Blood splashed across his face as his brother severed their own father's head, which rolled across the floor to Naomi's lifeless feet. Marcus' body dropped to the floor with a sickening thud as Viktor yelled his protest as loudly as he could. Gaebriel cackled hellishly, licking the dripping blood from Viktor's sword, and Viktor's mind finally snapped. As his screaming grew louder, the entire castle began to shake violently. The walls began to crumble, the roof sagging with effort to hold itself. The noises of battle quickly faded away as everyone fought to stay on their feet. Finally, large chunks of stone began to fall from the ceiling and the walls came crashing down. Morning light shone through the entire room as the sun was just beginning to rise. The violent rumbling sound drowned out even Viktor's screams, as a purely black aura suddenly shot from his body in a violent eruption of energy, covering a horizontal area of nearly one-hundred miles, casting darkness upon the entire room. As light was slowly restored, Viktor fell to the floor in exhaustion. He fell instantly into a deep, dreamless sleep.
    It was two days later when he finally awoke. The scent of decaying flesh filled his nostrils as he struggled to rise. When he finally gained his bearings and rose to his feet, the sight before him caused him to fall again to his knees and vomit. Before him lay many slain rebels and guards of the throne, as well as his two sisters, and the headless body of his father. But the most sickening fact of all, was that Gaebriel was nowhere in sight. The castle around him had been reduced to mere ruins. He rose again and stumbled down the stairs to an equally sickening sight. Dead bodies lie everywhere; men and women of both clans lie lifeless upon the cold stone floor.
    Viktor continued through the entire Casius Estate in search of any survivors. He found none. Not a single soul but himself had survived the fierce battle, no one at all. Even Nathaniel lie slain in the south court of the castle, alongside hundreds of innocent children and humans.
    Knowing well what he must do, Viktor proceeded to bury each and every member the Casius clan. This took him the better part of a week. When his task was done, he piled up the rebel's corpses and set fire to them all. He completed all this without a bite to eat, not a wink of sleep, and not a single word spoken.
    He knelt before the graves of his family and prayed to the gods that they live peacefully in the Otherworld, tears streaming down his sullen face. Afterwards, he made his way to his father's chambers. There he retrieved his father's suit, and the legendary sword of vampyres, the pride of the Casius clan, the Deathreaper.
    There Viktor began his journey to avenge his family, to slay his brother, Gaebriel, and the remains of Clan Righteous, including their leader, Razeal.
    Still today he travels the world in search of any and all being connected to the Noble War, witnessing the world transform before his eyes over thousands of years. And he will continue his search until his lust for vengeance is finally satisfied... if at all possible.

    Deathreaper – This ancient sword is a legend among the vamypres of the old world, said to have been wielded by the first vampyre ever to walk the Earth, who’s name has long been forgotten to all but a few.
    Passed down from generation to generation of royalty within Clan Casius, it was given to Marcus upon the day he began his extensive rule over the Casius Estate.
    (An individual history of the Deathreaper will be available as a separate file)
    The Deathreaper’s power is said to increase with every life it claims, gaining it’s own skills and abilities as time progresses.
    To even wield this weapon one must be a direct descendant of the Casius Bloodline. Otherwise, a single attempt to grasp it’s hilt will prove instantly fatal.
    The Deathreaper’s finely crafted, black leather hilt extends into a long, nearly five foot, silver blade crafted in that of ancient vampyric style.
    The blade itself is thinner than usual swords, though tougher than normal; with jagged, ridged edges at the top. Sparkling, crimson red runes cover it’s glossy, almost chrome surface.
    A small, silver chain dangles from the end of the hilt, with a crimson red pendant at the end. The pendant is an ancient vampyric character that shifts to fit it’s owner. As it is passed down, this red character conforms itself to the first letter of it’s owner’s name. It is currently in the shape of a cryptic ‘V’.
    The Deathreaper has acquired the following skills/abilities over time:
    Poisonous touch - (when someone is struck with the blade, they are likely to become poisoned)
    Soul striking– (strikes the very soul of it’s victim as well as they’re bodies)
    Stage 2 power – (at the user’s will, the Deathreaper’s power increases by three fold, causing it to emanate a vibrant blue aura)
    Stage 3 power – (much like the Stage 2 power skill, this allows the user to steadily increase this weapon’s power up to ten fold, if their soul can handle it; causing it to emanate a deep, vibrant purple aura)
    Insanity – (can cause immediate insanity in weak victims; normal civilians, harmless humans, ect)
    Lengthshift – (enables the user to increase and decrease the very length of the blade)

    Bloodlust - This is a sword that was given to Viktor as a gift, from an old friend named Russaro. The pair were once inseparable, roaming the lands side by side both in search of something that consumed them day and night. Partners in crime, drinking pals, and two of the most feared contract killers known to Seraphan. Russaro gave Viktor his most prized possession, the Bloodlust, upon their parting many long years ago. Russaro created the Bloodlust himself, said to be forged from the essence of hatred and insanity. The blade itself is flat, wide, very long, and shaped almost like an hourglass, only much thinner and comes to an extremely sharp point at the end. The blade is a dark crimson color, with mysterious black streaks flowing across it, seeming to be alive within the blade itself. It's handle is long and wrapped in black leather.
    This mysterious sword holds an incredible power, said to sometimes cause physical pain, headaches, and dizziness to any who stand near it. It constantly lusts for blood, growing more powerful with every life it takes. It is also said that whenever a person of weak will is wounded with this weapon, they become corrupt and full of hatred for virtually everything, causing them to turn on even their closest family members.
    The blade itself is not an immobile material, and basically not a material at all, as it is forged from the essence of hatred and insanity. It can bend, twist, grow, and many other things at the user's will.

    (NOTE: The three characters I have posted are just a few out of many, many characters I plan to have posted on the board. My computer crashed a while back, wiping out every one of my characters, stories, ect, and even the book I had been writing for over a year!
    But, instead of pouting and whining about it, I've decided to recreate these files, beginning with my characters. Three down... 21 to go. =/
    Also, the three I have already posted may be modified later as far as new additions, and any editing I may have to do to fit them to your board, if necessary.)
    - Romeo
    Last edited by Pretium Vitarum; 05-27-2004 at 04:54 PM.

  13. #253




    Weaponry- Gi Geras
    A powerful battle ax far too heavy for Hyzo to wield. He carries it
    on his back. Though he can't weild it his Alter forms can. The
    Gi Geras was said to have been made by the legendaty Selk the
    Silversmith. No one knows the true maker of the Gi Geras. The
    only known information on the Gi Geras is that it is made of
    quicksilver. Therefore it can never be permanately broken and
    that it can sink the earth around the taget of its swings.

    Sote Sumey
    The Sote Sumey is holstered vertically and is to the right of the
    Gi Geras. This is a simple spear with a weight on the un pointed
    end, so strikes can be made from the unpointed side and still do
    serious damage. All forms can weild

    Simple style of blade but made out with the ashes of Hyzo's
    deceased father in it. Somehow the ashes of his father brought
    the blade to life and the blade may stretch and swerve at it's
    own will. Hyzo's father was also named Hayama. Only Hyzo can
    weild, Due to conection to his father. Holstered on side.

    Armor- No real armor. Light chain vest in in side the seam of his shirt. Little
    to no interferance with movement. Little to no protection from

    Clothes- Brown cloth shirt with light chain mail inside. Not very comfortable.
    Brown cloth pants with light chain mail inside. Not very comfortable.
    Glasses. Enhances vision. No enhancement in alter forms
    Shoes. Little protection from sharp objects on ground.

    Magic- All the basics. Fire, Ice, Lightining, Cure, Life, Quake, Bio, and an
    advanced magic. Meteor Rain.

    Special Features- 4 Alter forms.
    Hyzero- Male. Most commonly used. Strong and
    brave, but a little rash. Very sarcastic
    Hysotki- Female. Shy and rarely fights, however the
    strongest of all the Alter forms.
    Hayama- Hyzo's father. Gained this form when his father
    died. Some say Hayama gave his soul to his son Hyzo.
    Others say Hyzo's crazy and a skitzo. You choose.
    Hyzoma- Sarcastic and a joker. Strong but the weakest of
    the alter forms.

    Hyzero-Blood Red/Blonde
    Hyzoma-Bright Yellow/Black

    Height/Weight -
    Hyzo- 5'9'/115lbs
    Hyzero- 5'10"/116lbs
    Hysotki- 5'7"/105lbs
    Hayama- 5'8"/110lbs

    History - Hyzo is a bonefied Genius. He is weak and can harly fight but his Genius gave him a saving grace. Every human being releases a brain wave called the T Wave. The T wave can be picked up by depating souls.The leading nutcase, Uh i mean scientist studying the T wave was a man named Hayama. Hayama discovered that the smarter a person was the stronger there T wave was. The T wave seemed to have no use until when studying the T wave with his brain scan magic, his son walked in the way. His son was said to be a Skitzo. He seemed to two personalities but upon close inspection when his alter ego, Hyzero,set in, he seemed to also change physically. His eye color changed and he grew taller. Upon scanning his brain he found two T waves. His son's extremely strong Wave and a weaker one. His theory was that the T wave attracted wandering souls. He kept a close eye on his son and when a female named Sotki died in the near area to Hyzo, Hyzo picked up another personality, and the physical change was apparent as he became a she. His son was a soul magnet. These souls had much more strength than their physical bodies. When Hayama died he begged his to sit right next to him. The unbelievably power T wave caught his fathers soul and Hyzo's father was reborn in Hyzo. Hyzo has attracted 4 souls to him and all the souls have their own periods when they can take over.
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-20-2004 at 11:52 PM. Reason: No sig, damnit!

  14. #254
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Aug 2002
    Figaro Castle
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    Something new yet again. Face it, Vincent's busy.

    Name: Theon of Skiathos, Greece
    Age: 1,371
    Race: Enchanted Human
    Ethnicity: Mediterranean European (relatively tanned)
    Height: 8ft 5in (256.5cm)
    Weight: 328 pounds (149kg - 23.4 stone)
    Eyes: very light brown
    Hair: dusty blonde with natural highlights, cut in a bowl to his ears

    Please reference the last paragraph of the bio for an explanation of Theon's age, as well as a list of any major differences between himself and regular humans. Of course, it would be nice if you read the whole thing.

    Upper Body: Theon wears nothing but a single white armband around his right bicep which stands out against his finely bronzed skin and muscular frame. His chest, back, and arms are littered with battle scars, some much worse than others. Over his heart lies his most dreaded scar, that which would have taken his life if not for Horae's blessing. Three inches wide and still half an inch deep (despite centuries of healing), the blackened scar is the weakest point on Theon's body. A matching scar two inches wide and a quarter inch deep on his back is the exit wound of the broadsword which pierced his chest.

    Lower Body: Theon's heavy white pants are of an unknown fabric. They shroud many more unsightly scars from spears, arrows, blades, and magic. Though his legs are hidden, they are highly muscular, and can be seen most often during a leaping attack. He also wears lightweight black leather boots which are worn from a few decades of use.

    Armor: While Theon wears no body armor, he uses a heavy mythril shield which has seen nearly as many battle scars as he has. The shield boasts three centuries of use and has yet to fail him. The mythril shield attaches to his left arm by two leather straps around his forearm. Theon also wears the fabled Dragoon Gauntlet on his right arm. The full extent of its powers is unknown, but legend states the wearer's strength and defensive skills will increase upon each use of the glove.

    Main Class: Dragoon Knight
    A true master of the elite, Theon has taught many generations of warriors the art of dragon-hunting. Theon has found a few exceptional students, such as Vincent Cooper (see the Vincent profile), who were ready for many advanced techniques, like the trademark dragoon jump. Theon's jumping is unmatched, and for many decades, rumors spread that the ancient man could fly.

    Sub Class: White Monk
    Theon studied for a decade in his youth with the Tibetan monks in the prime of their existance. Centuries ago, the Tibetan monks were the purest of warriors, and from them Theon learned many of their mystical attacks. He used these skills to his advantage when he took up the art of the dragoon, thus enhancing his abilities in both class categories.

    Weaponry: a heavy broadsword most days, sometimes a lance
    Unlike most dragoons, Theon's primary weapon is a sword. Hand-crafted on his own time, he created his broadsword's blade from a vast collection of dragon scales and it is his most prized possession. The strength of the blade is nearly unmatched. It emits a very dull white glow, only noticeable in darkness. The blade is just over three feet long and nearly eight inches wide near the tip. The last six inches of the blade curve upward, leaving a sharp, hook-like point at the end. The color of the blade is a deep burgundy. The hilt is pure silver, and the handle is petrified oak wrapped in brown leather. The sword is nearly 1000 years old.

    His lance is rather simple in comparison. The five-foot staff has a two-foot blade on each end. The staff is made of pure mythril, and each blade is perfectly straight, created from a dark mythril. The two-tone lance was Theon's second weapon (a simple rapier was his first), and it was crafted by Evzen of Skiathos. The lance is more than 1300 years old.

    Perhaps the most lethal of all weaponry were Theon's legs. Intense dragoon training and mastery of the Leopard style of Shaolin Kung Fu were undoubtedly the cause for this, but Theon didn't mind. Whether armed or not, he was always ready for a tough fight.

    Magic: limited white magic
    Though he knows no curative magic, Theon has crude control over a few Holy attacks. His use of the magic was much greater for the first centuries of his life, but its intensity weakened as his interests shifted. A weak "dispel" will ward away most poisons, but not all. Skills such as "exorcize" have become less necessary, though if he happens across an undead, Theon can still cast the spell and usually expel the spirits. Spells such as "holy bomb" and "holy arrow" are his only means of attacking besides the physical -- and they've been weakened greatly. Theon's use of magic is very rare, and sometimes proves to be completely ineffectual.

    Theon traveled to the mountainous land of Tibet at the age of 35. His mentor had recently returned from an establishment of monks and told him of the things he'd learned. Theon arrived, mentioning his mentor's name, and was immediately taken to the head of the clan. His training was rough, but he mastered the basic and advanced skills within the first year. Many styles of Shaolin Kung Fu were now at his disposal. The Leopard was one he'd especially picked up on. He trained directly under the head of the clan for the next five years. Upon saving the head of his Tibetan monk clan at the age of 43, Theon was hailed as a gift from heaven in the land of Tibet for many decades. However, he did not stay in the eastern land for long -- he returned to the Grecian Empire just two years later. Four years passed, and Theon had taken up the art of the dragon slayers. The ancient texts intrigued him, but studying alone was not much help.

    The answer came to him in a dream, three months before his fiftieth birthday. The dream, fueled by the gods, portrayed a man living in Skiathos, the town of his birth. The very next day, Theon headed off on the thirty kilometer journey to his hometown. The man in question was named Evzen, a nobleman of Skiathos. Finding him was simple, but speaking with him was another matter. Long story short, Theon had himself a new mentor just days before his birthday.

    Theon's next birthday was one he would never forget. At three in the morning, he was awakened by a sudden chilling sensation. Before him stood Horae, the goddess of the seasons. She recognized his purity and his maturity, as well as his passion for life and his willingness to protect. Prime example? Tibet. Horae told Theon that she had been granted permission from Zeus himself to bestow a wish of her choice upon the aging man. Horae chose immortality, and had arrived to offer Theon her gift, a gift to see every season for as long as the earth existed. He graciously accepted.


    Theon can jump for hours on end. Yeah, that's right, the excessive dragoon training and mastery has its perks. You take a fight to the air and he'll be certain to follow.

    Though immortal, Theon can still be greatly injured. The only advantage he has over the mortal humans is his inability to die. (And his outrageous strength.) Mortal wounds will afflict him for years, as his heavenly protection only prohibits death. Theon's scars are evidence of such wounds. His height became greater through the centuries -- a true testament to his godliness. The only sign of Theon's age can be found in his eyes, which shine with experience.

    Oh, and you might recognize the Dragoon Gauntlet from the SNES version of FFIV. Or, for you PS1 gamers, it's the Dragon's Gauntlet. In either case, it's Kain's.

    And the Greek root of the name Theon is "godly." Just so you know.
    Evzen is "noble," hence the reason he's the nobleman Theon went to.
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 07-29-2004 at 12:35 AM.

  15. #255
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Heh, I always forget to post my new characters...

    Name: Kyshala DragonHeart
    Alias: Darka
    Age: 3,045
    Race: Draekonykyn
    Height: 6' 0"
    Weight: 136 lbs (pounds)
    Eyes: Deep Crimson
    Hair: Pure Black


    Clothing/Body Armor:
    Darka wears the same type of Draekonykyn armor as Kylista. It was crafted to resemble the plated scales of the Draekyn. In color it is ebony with silver trim, and the full armor includes full arm gauntlets, shoulder, chest and back plates, and full leg protectors. Unlike Kylista, Darka bears no crest on her armor chestplate; instead she has a clear crystal that crackles with bright blue energy when she uses magic. In addition to her armor, she has black leather boots with metal toes and a black hooded cloak she uses to conceal her identity among other races.

    Weapon: Broadsword
    Darka is the wielder of Silent Ghost, a sword she aquired when she started the Hunt. (For more information, see Bio.) It is a five foot broadsword made entirely of clear crystal but for the hilt, which is encased in pure silver and has three sapphires set in the crosspiece. The sword was given its name in part from the eerie blue light it emits at all times, the "light of the dead" or "ghost flame".

    Magic: Blue Lightning
    Darka's blue lightning is a legend in itself, for it is said that only those who meet the dead have this particular type. It also has special properties, for instead of shocking enemies with electricity, it is said to be of such a high temperature it actually feels freezing cold, and a strong spell can actually incinerate the victim if it connects at a certain spot. Darka uses this magic for purely offensive purposes, but only if she fights a mage or someone who proves to be a match for her sword skills. The usage of this magic is limited because of the high cost; it will slowly drain her life energy, even kill her if she isn't careful, and it often takes months to recover after a long battle.

    Class: Warrior
    Darka has trained for many years, perfecting her sword skills in preparation for the Hunt. She had no master in this training, and spent such a long time observing Kylista that she began to mimic her style, and eventually adapted it to her own purpose. However, where Kylista moves with subtle cunning, Darka uses outright force. Darka trains no apprentices and probably never will.

    Subclass: Hunter
    One with the exclusive purpose of destroying a specific opponent. Darka's tracking skill is second to none, and she is a master of gathering information with both diplomacy and threats, sometimes in the same breath. She can track her prey by either physical clues or the "scent" of their aura, although the latter isn't always completely reliable. She learned these skills from a Shinai, whom she later killed when he discovered her true plan.

    Darka was once called Kyshala DragonHeart, twin to Kylista DragonHeart. They were once inseparable, as close as any siblings can become. However, in the aftermath of the DragonHeart clan's destruction, they were forced apart to lead very different lives. While Kylista was training under the Vayna clan leader, Zakaris Dakyren, longtime ally of the Draekonykyn, Kyshala was left behind and eventually forgotten. She had been severely injured in the attack, and only survived through pure will.

    Kyshala somehow managed to travel alone to the northern reaches of the coastal mountains, where she found the lair of a rogue Draekyn. He called himself Night Scream, having voluntarily been stripped of his original name for defying the Five. (The Five are the oldest Draekyn who each lead a clan and keep order among their kin. The oldest of the Five is Sharae'kyor.) He was manipulative and bitter at his exile, so while he appeared to be taking Kyshala under his wing in kindess, he was in reality planning on using her to help him destroy the Five, Sharae'kyor in particular.

    For the next eighteen years he pushed Kyshala hard, driving her beyond her limits to make her stronger. He knew about Kylista, of course, and told lie upon lie about her until Kyshala was so resolved to kill her she would go to any cost to do so, thus becoming a Hunter. The plan was going well, until Night Scream heard that not only had Kylista met and was guided by Sharae'kyor, but she had also found one of the legendary Spirit Swords and Awakened much earlier than any of her kind. (Awakening is supposed to happen when they reach 500 years old, a process in which they gain their true forms. Kylista was only 24 when she Awakened.)

    Enraged, he literally forced Kyshala into her own Awakening, long before she was ready. Devastated by the betrayal, she stole Night Scream's greatest treasure, Silent Ghost and abandoned him, fleeing into the territory of the Kyor Draekyn, where his wraths could not reach her. It was at this point that she renamed herself and began a new life, one of madness and cold hatred. Darka was born.

  16. #256

    My Character

    Mp: 234
    Att-255 (it go's higher than that)
    Mag Att-122 (it also get's higher than that)
    Race:Human that was turned to Darkness
    Height: 6' 1"
    Weight: 145 lbs (pounds)
    Eyes: Black and Blue
    Hair: same as Cloud in VII but Black

    Armor: same oufit as Cloud in KH with One Wing to Fly around.

    Weapon: Buster Sword Keyblade 6 Ft Long and 2 gun's that are the same as the one's in GunGrave.

    Magic:some Blue Magic 2 Espers Odin and Ramuh and Fire1,Fire2,Fire3,Ice,Ice2,Cure2,Cure3,Bolt1,Bolt2

    Class: DarkWarrior a fighter who use's magic as well as white

    Bio:A Warrior that's been trying to find the one who has Changed him 50 years ago he Want's Revenge but where is this one that changed him and what will happen when he dose find him,before he was changed he never had a love and he was Always a Fighter at heart living in Midgar 30 years then Died at the hand's of Sephiroth 2 years after that Hades found him in the under world and gave Zack a Deal after words he lost his memory and now has changed some how and he seek's the one (Hades) and kill him before he dose anything else.
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-19-2004 at 11:12 AM. Reason: Turning of your sig. Tsk tsk.

  17. #257
    Eye color:Yellow
    Hair color:Black
    Weight:156 lbs.

    Appearance:Has long black hair that reaches past his shoulders, with bright
    yellow eyes that tint in the dark night, and black eyeliner covering his
    entire eye, and black lipstick. His body is a bit muscular, but not strong
    looking, a bit small too, but wearing a black tight shirt that reaches to his elbows, also black tape wrapped around his stomach and body, a few holes in the shirt as it would seem. Also wearing long leather pants, with high tied up boots.

    Personality:A silent man, only speaks when spoken too, sometimes...and keeps his thoughts to himself, he helps those in need, and those in danger, he has no side, no good or evil.


    Valkyre's Call - A long seven foot metal staff with a few gears upon it. The outside is laced in a bamboo like figure, to give a strong posture. It has a few other surprises. (Not given in profile here for fighting purposes.)

    Backround:Raised in a poor family, yet taught by a rich martial arts master since he was four. He learned the style well, Jing Wu, the Wu Fist Method. By his early teens his family was killed for not getting their work done in the kings field, he was used for a slave to pay it all off, then once he turned 16 he was let go, and strange killings came ot be and a strange man held them, never being caught, then becoming a wanderer, mercenary to the world of war.
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-20-2004 at 04:22 PM. Reason: No sig, damnit!

  18. #258
    Character Statistics. Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Mountain View, CA
    Ok, people. I'm getting sick of this. Read all of the announcments, which include NO SIGS. This is part of the Omega Ruins forum, which means Omega Ruins rules applies, which means no sigs. I edited sigs out of this whole thread yesterday, and I already had to remove one today, which doesn't make me particularly happy, so please, no sigs.

  19. #259

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Shan'do Spike
    Ok, people. I'm getting sick of this. Read all of the announcments, which include NO SIGS. This is part of the Omega Ruins forum, which means Omega Ruins rules applies, which means no sigs. I edited sigs out of this whole thread yesterday, and I already had to remove one today, which doesn't make me particularly happy, so please, no sigs.
    That's kind of useless is it not?
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-20-2004 at 11:10 PM. Reason: No sig, damnit!

  20. #260
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    I must ask you one simple question.

    Are you braindead? That post was ENTIRELY unnecessary, and complete spam if I've ever seen it. Do you want to know why there are no sigs in this forum? I'll tell you why.

    First of all, this thread doesn't need sigs because some of them are large and can take a while to load. While a signature might be a way to express yourself, they can clutter things up. This thread has nothing to do with your thoughts or opinions; it's merely a list of characters so people can check what their opponent is up to. Sigs get in the way, and often become a hindrance when they're all over the place.

    Secondly, you wouldn't want a signature IN a fight because they greatly disrupt the flow of the writing. If you're browsing through the forum looking for something to read, do you really want to see the same thing over and over? It's not a commercial break, you know. I, for one, hate when I'm at some other forum reading through their RPs and RPBs. Some of the members are great writers, but their skills are detracted when you have a visual break between every post. This place is meant to showcase WRITING, not some pretty pictures beneath the writing.

    No, it's not useless. And it's a rule. AND you deliberately broke it.

    Are you asking for a warning? After all, your post certainly earns one. If it were my decision, you'd be at strike one right now, but I'm not in charge here in Omega.

    Kevin, leave these two posts up. Maybe the other members will get the idea.

  21. #261
    Character Statistics. Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by .Axel.
    That's kind of useless is it not?
    Useless or not, it is the rules, and that was spam. You also left your signature on the exact post after I had made a post detailing that you shouldn't leave your signature on. So I'm going to have to slap a warning on here. I'm not sure if leaving your sig on was derisive or accidental, but it doesn't matter either way.
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-21-2004 at 12:32 PM. Reason: Edited out a different part that is being taken to PMs.

  22. #262
    Name: Rogue
    Race: Elemental
    Skin: Varies Upon Element((VUE))
    Eyes: VUE
    Hair: VUE
    Age: Unknown, Ancient
    Gender: Male, though can appear female
    Height: VUE
    Weight: VUE
    Alignment: Neutral
    Class: Rogue Elemental, Guardian of Nature
    Powers: Can take on the powers of any sole element of the world. Usually ‘Core’-typed, though can take on others. Can also combine multiple elements into a single form, or use them to create a ‘normal’ appearance. Rather than creating the elements, he manipulates them. More powerful because he can ‘override’ anyone’s spell if controlling that element, but weaker because he can’t create the element out of nothing.
    Personality: Usually silent and collected, Rogue is very inquisitive but loathes to reveal his ignorance of things. Despite knowing almost everything of Nature and such, he knows little of customs or human interactions. Given the chance to befriend a person, he usually takes it and dotes on them. Despite enjoying such arrangements, the mortality of his friends causes him great pain.
    Bio: Like most elementals, Rogue has no awareness of being born, simply awakening and being. Over the ages, he’s discovered that for his race, he’s a freak among them. The sole elemental being that isn’t confined to a single elemental form, he views himself as an outcast, despised by others. As such, he doesn’t even attempt contact with others of his kind. His changes are controlled, but can sometimes happen through extreme emotions.
    Equipment: n/a

    ************************************************** ********
    Name: Aiden
    Race: obscure Neko branch
    Skin: Usually a light tan or pale
    Eyes: Green or Purple((cat slit eyes))
    Hair/Fur: Usually green/brown
    Age: 18, though separated from Nwalme, not born
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5’10”
    Weight: 142 lb.
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Class: Geomancer/Warrior Adept
    Lightening((Gravity at times))-
    Luck-((good-blue, bad-bright green))
    Personality: Due to luck powers, Aiden’s literally happy-go-lucky. Kind, overgenerous, and often too trusting. Aiden is almost always energetic about everything he does and has a difficult time being quiet. For all his energy and loudness, he’s a surprisingly good sneak.
    Bio: The split, conflicting side to Nwalme. Ambaron’s within caused Aiden to be ‘born’, unaware by Nwalme. Has since roams the planes acting as a mercenary, a hero-for-hire, and often enough, a current “Robin Hood”. The often pet of Dranz, able to be summoned though the amulet necklace he gave her as a gift. Unlike most Nekos, Aiden doesn’t mind water at all, and has even learned how to fight in it, partially due to Ambaron’s close affinity to Water.
    Equipment: Has the Changeling Staff of Ambaron fused into his being. Though unable to have it leave contact with his body, he can form it into nearly anything on him. Thus, he has a metallic strengthened skin unless he wills it otherwise. Also seems to have absorbed the two purple orbs Ambaron constantly used.

  23. #263
    Dark cloud
    race:hanyou (if you'll let me do that)
    class:swordsman(or whatever)
    eyes:blue or red
    age regular form:345 human form:26 demon form:5667
    weapon:great sword

    eyes red
    class is pure evil a class
    age 5667
    weapon:claws,teeth,devilish and painful tail.
    abilitys: what was that or he's very fast slice whip and chop does it not explane itself
    kage only turns into full demon on the night of the full moon

    race: human
    eyes: 1 on the left side its blue
    class:swordless swordsman
    age 26
    weapon hands feet head
    abilitys none

    kage only turns full human on the night of the new moon.
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 08-31-2004 at 09:48 PM. Reason: Removal of Signature

  24. #264
    Name: Montblanc "Little Ultima" Mogo
    True Name: Magustus Tepes
    Race: Moogle/Ultimar
    Weight: 55 pounds
    Height: 3 feet
    Class: Ultima Mage
    Eyes: Brown with Silver flecks

    True Self Discription:

    Weight: 135 Pounds
    Height: 6' 3''
    Eye Color: Red and Silver
    Hair Color: Purple
    Wing Color: Moonstone White
    Claw Color: Garnet Red

    Weapon: Gemstone Scythe

    Armor: Gemstone Cuirass


    Garnet Generation: By using the power of the Garnet Stone, Montblanc generates a double himself that fights with him for a short time.

    Amethyst Attack: By using the power of the Amethyst Stone, Montblanc emits blinding purple light at his enemy.

    Aquamarine Amplifier: By using the power of the Aquamarine Stone, Montblanc lengthens his scythe in order to enhance it's powers and attack.

    Diamond Destruction: By using the power of the Diamond Stone, Montblanc summons several small meteorites to strike his foe.

    Emerald Electrocution: By using the power of the Emerald Stone, Montblanc conjures three green bolts of lightning either to shield himself from an upcoming attack, or to shock his attacker.

    Moonstone Magic: By using the power of the Moonstone, Montblanc fires a large shiny white blast at his opponet.

    Ruby Reclimation: By using the power of the Ruby Stone, Montblanc creates a formation of ruby to try to hold his foe in place for a very short time.

    Peridot Passion: By using the power of the Peridot Stone, Montblanc mildly desolves time to make himself faster.

    Sapphire Song: By using the power of the Sapphire Stone, Montblanc creates a chilling rainstorm.

    Opal Onfrimation: By using the power of the Opal Stone, Montblanc teleports around the "arena" to try and confuse his opponet.

    Topaz Telekenisis: By using the power of the Topaz Stone, Montblanc uses Telekenisis to either stop his opponets weapon or make his own weapon fly.

    Turquoise Transformation: By using the power of the Turquioise Stone, Montblanc strenghens his Moggle wings so he can fly for a short time.

    Ultima Attack:

    Zodiac: By combining the power of the 12 gemstones, Montblanc is able to become his true self.

    Story: Long ago, there was a race of people know as the Ultimar. This race was adept in the use of Ultima. One of the most powerful members of this race was named Magustus Tepes. He was godly strong but in a fight against the essance of Darkness, he was slain. But, because of his link to Ultima, he was reincarnated as a Moogle, who was named Montblanc. His memory was gone, and he had horrid nightmares. Montblanc is a tad taller than normal Moggles, and this has made him different since childhood. With being reject by his peers and some members of his familiy, Montblanc left his village and went on his own studying the mysterious power know as Ultima. In time, he settled in a large forest like a hermit. With much research and experimentation, Montblanc discovered that Ultima was linked to the 12 signs of the Zodiac, and their 12 responding gemstones. Using his knowledge of Alchemy, he forged the Gemstone Scythe, so that he could better whield Ultima. He also created the Gemstone Cuirass in the hopes that if he ever met another with the powers of Ultima, he would be able to withstand their powers to an extent. Once he made these items, he realized that the future of his research could only exist if he battled others. After several skirmishes and fights, he earned the nickname "Little Ultima", because he was smaller than most of his opponets and was extremely unpridictable in battle. He continues to search for powerful adversaries in order to learn the true power of Ultima, and part of him slowly recalls his lost memory as he tries to find his true self.
    Last edited by Montblanc; 09-01-2004 at 02:22 PM.

  25. #265
    Name: Luccia Macheaus
    Age: 19
    Sex: Female
    Job: Theif
    Race: Human
    Apperance: A short girl, standing only 5'3", with naturally rusty colored hair that falls to the middle of her back in braided pigtails. Lose hairs fall all around her face, and her bangs have grown out much too far. Through her rusty colored bangs scream emerald green eyes that immensely conrast her pale skin. Her outfit is simple-a white wifebeater and denim hotpants. On her Instead of regular shoes, she sports a pair of tan boots.
    Backround: Luccia's parents got into fights nearly every night for as long as she could remember. Because of this, she had no respect for her parents and always got into trouble for backtalking or not listening to directions. After getting fed up with her home life, she started making attempts to run away from home at age ten. By fourteen, she was on her own, but had nothing to live on, so she began practicing theivery. This gave her enough to live on to get to this point of her life.
    Weapons: A pair of daggers, one with a handle of ivory (named Alpha) and the other with a handle of ebony (named Omega).
    Last edited by Luccia; 09-04-2004 at 08:22 AM.

  26. #266
    Lady Succubus Character Statistics. Victoria's Avatar
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    Name: Taiki Fujiwara
    Race: Human
    Height: 5' 11"
    Weight: 210 lbs.
    Hair: Misty Grey with a blend of black.
    Eyes: Red
    Occupation:Soldier of Gamnus
    Martial Art: Gamnus Eradication Techniques
    Weapon: Boomerang that is half the size of his body length. The ends are sharp with embedded blades. He mainly uses his fists, legs, feet, etc.
    Armor: Custom fitted armor to move freely in, yet can protect him from a few sword penetrations.
    Magic: More the Inner-Energy type, aka Chakra, or whatever you wish to call it.
    Last edited by Victoria; 09-10-2004 at 03:05 PM. Reason: Damn sig ><

  27. #267
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Yes, another character.

    I felt like going back to my RPB roots with this one. Sorta. w00t.

    Name: Astyth
    Age: 41 human years
    Race: Dwarf
    Height: 4.5ft (54in or 137cm)
    Weight: 152lb (68.9kg or 10.8 stone)
    Eyes: Lavender
    Hair: "salt and pepper" gray

    Upper Body: Nothing special. No helmet or anything like that.
    Lower Body: A pair of thin leather boots, meant only to protect his feet from the elements. The boots have fire-hardened leather casings attached on the outer sides which are used to holster the daggers.
    Armor: Thin steel plating which covers his torso, arms, and legs; similar to a knight's armor, but lighter and less protective, allowing better manueverability.

    Main Class: Fighter
    If I have to explain this, you deserve to get your ass kicked by me.

    Sub Class: Thief
    Not exceptionally useful in fights in open spaces. However, where cover is available, Astyth uses it to his advantage. Guard your gold pouches.

    The Warhammer - Astyth's primary weapon. A very large hammer, standing at almost four feet and weighing over a hundred pounds. It looks simple, with its petrified maple handle wrapped in fine leather and its thick iron neck. The head of the hammer is shaped somewhat similar to a cone, and is as simplistic as the neck. The head is also made of iron, but it is cast in bronze for strengthening purposes. Only dwarves and giants can effectively wield the Warhammer and similar weaponry.
    a pair of daggers - Simply put, Astyth's secondary weapons. He will often drop the hammer in favor of his daggers when facing a quick opponent that has rendered his hammer useless. Each dagger is a foot long, with only an eight inch blade. The daggers are made of high-quality steel with a leather wrap on the handle similar to that of the Warhammer.

    Magic: None

    I'll be editing this in as I use the character.
    You'll learn about him as he continues to fight and such.

  28. #268
    Meys Tyjec

    Meys Tyjec

    See my bio in RP under new Er/\ sighn up. It's the same character!

  29. #269
    Atwa Kinslayer
    Name || Tenshi “Angel” Suzuki

    Pronunciation || ‘Ten-she Sah-zue-ki’

    Anthem || “Up Yours” by Goo Goo Dolls

    Age || 18

    Gender || female

    Ethnic Background || Half-Chinese, Half-Japanese, American born and bred

    Appearance || Short, spiky black hair with dark red streaks in it, pulled into pigtails. Her eyes are large and round, complemented by the heavy dark eyeliner and the fact that she wears bright emerald green contacts.... most of the time. Most people don’t usually know what her real eye color is, actually. She’s not very tall (around 5'2"), but she’s athletic and enjoys cocktail heels when the situation may or may not call for them. (Tetsuya insists that she’s compensating.)

    Personality || She’s mouthy and loud, making up for her short stature with bright outfits and big heels. When challenged, she’s the most competitive person known to man, and when she’s not... well, she still is. Though you may not see her in a crowd, you’ll sure as hell hear her, and she’s not above shoving to the front of any line to get what she wants. Though some of her history is shielded from even Tetsuya, she’s usually pretty open about what she’s feeling, and screaming it to the rest of the room, regardless of who may care or not.

    Abilities || She’s an adept swordsman, favoring instead of the katana most popular among her peers, but a Chinese style sword and the corresponding style required to wield it. As for her magick, she’s gifted with a rather powerful kind of Foreseeing that she can control, if only enough to force it to show her merely the most likely future instead of all of them, as it tries to. When she’s caught off guard, however, she can be drawn into the spiral of many futures, and could be trapped there if she’s not drawn back to reality by something or someone. Her masters suspect she’s also a kind of projective empath, because her moods tend to affect the weather despite failing every test to see if she’s also a weather worker. The odd thing is, her moods tend to affect the weather opposite of what you might expect. (Ex. Good mood = light rain; bad mood = bright sunlight.) Some, however, still affect as you’d expect. (Ex Much anger = thunderstorm.)

    Clothing of Choice || Favors. Her skirt is a bright, traditional red that is slit up to the narrow, one-inch gold band that serves as the waistband. It is embroidered up the front in gold thread is a phoenix. Her shirt is definitely not what you’d consider modest, by any standards. Cut in the style of a traditional Chinese sleeveless shirt, it is cut off just below her breasts and in the same red and gold as her skirt. Red cocktail heels accompany the outfit, most of the time.

    Uniform. Instead of the usual traditional kimono, Tenshi favors the looser robes of China. Though at least two layers more than the kimono, she claims them easier to move in and more comfortable. She usually wears them with the traditional slipper and high sock-like additions.

    Sleepware. A pair of short navy blue shorts with the words ‘Quit looking at my ass.’ across the rear in Chinese. A white spaghetti strap top with a navy blue dragon across the front. Usually her hair is pulled into tight pigtail braids along the sides of her head. (This is only here because Tetsuya, one of Dea Lacrima's characters, and Tenshi are prone to sparring at night, and this is what they wear.)

    History || Tenshi was your typical little kid growing up in suburban America. She had it good: the perfect nuclear family with 2.5 kids (counting the dog) and two hard working parents. It wasn’t until her eighth year of life that things changed. She began to see things. Some of them came true, but many didn’t. Her parents feared she was going insane. They marched her all over America, and eventually the rest of the world, looking for a doctor with a miracle cure for her headaches and “visions”. It wasn’t until a fully trained mage caught wind of her plight and approached her parents with a new idea that the doctor’s visits stopped. She was already eleven years old, but when she was tested she showed great talents in Foreseeing. She was enrolled at Shinsomo Academy immediately, though her parents really didn’t like the idea. It went from her parents spending more time with her than was really necessary or healthy to all but ignoring her existence. She’s fine with that, though. She’s spent the last seven years at Shinsomo Academy being the thorn in the side of the Dean and basically making a lovable nuisance of herself. When Tetsuya started there, recently, she grabbed hold of the girl and has since not relinquished that grip in the slightest.

  30. #270
    char name:saint


    description:has yellow hair wear's heavy armor and a t shirt.He has a heavyblade and his attiude:wreid

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