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Thread: Character Statistics.

  1. #151

    Age: unknown

    Class: mage

    Sex: male

    Weaponry:necromantic bells and necromantic sword

    Appearance: body seilded by cloak

    rings the bells and kicks ass. strongest against the undead.

  2. #152
    Character Statistics. TimonMeera's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    In your Bed ; )
    Name: Timon "the hitman" Meera
    Age: 19
    Class: Konagou Wizard
    Weapon: Staff of Nabugaua (made from an unbreakable redwood that was enchanted by the vengeful demon of the underworld
    Armor: A trenchcoat over a skin tight black shirt and some losse fitting cargo pants. (nothing special just very comforable

    apperance: 6'3 tall, one blue eye and one green eye, silver hair tied back in a ponytail except for a few strands that hang down the side of his face. slightly pointed ears, and a small scar down his right eye.

    Backround: Raised in Korea in a small village and practiced the the wizardry of healing (Healing the weak and wounded) One day a black figured entered the village and pillaged all, also killing his whole family in the process. Being young and hard headed he tried to fight the figure but was beaten badly. After vowing his alliance to the Demon Lord he rose with the power of darkness plus the power he had already known to set out and kill this dark figure destroying anything that gets in his way.

    (The scar never healed and he killed my cat.)
    Last edited by TimonMeera; 10-07-2002 at 05:45 PM.

  3. #153
    Weapon:Ultimate Weapon
    Limit Breakmnislash

  4. #154
    Real Name: Andy
    Name:Zero X
    Sex(Yes!!j/k): Male
    Hair Color:Blonde
    Eye Color: Blue
    Weight:233 lbs
    Class: Black Belt
    Like: Food, Girls, and other stuff
    Dislikes: People who try to be me or try to be other people, people who are just plain old stupid for girls, and dirty smells.


    Tiger Fangs: A great hand weapon maybe the best.

    Power Sash: Great Armor for a fighter

    Jeans: A durable, indigo colored pants.

    Blue Shirt: Like any others.

    Biography: Was adopted by a Black Belt master name Sabin Figaro. Andy got his name Zero X as a new name when he was adopted. Sabin tought Zero X the martial arts way and taught him how to use the skill Blitz. Even though Sabin's skill isn't complete, but his best Blitz move is Bum Rush. I have learn Pummel as my first one, then he taught me fire dance, after that Matra, then air blade. When I was level 30 he taught me his best Bum Rush. He let me go, so I explored the world and learn and created Blitz move of my own. I learn new moves like from a Monk Master in Silence Soul. I Was train hard and decide to stay in Silence Soul for a long period of times.
    Last edited by Zero X; 10-15-2002 at 02:41 PM.

  5. #155
    Name Ragen Darkwood

    Age Unkown

    Race Human

    Class Planeswaker

    Appearence Ragen has a Long Midngiht Blue colored Cloak, with Silver Dragon heads eteched Upon it. He Stands 5"11" and is very alert. He has Grey Hair and Black pants and a shirt that are concieled by his robe. [/B]


    The Dark Luminare The Dark Luminare was created during the battle of the gods, as the Armies collided the sides of good and evil, The First Clang Of The Holy and The Unholy, created the blade, which fell to earth. During a journey Ragen acquired the Blade and has trained with it for many years.

    Ragen was raised in a small villiage of Draconica, His father died defending the city from a Orcish attack and has forever hated the orcs. His mother died shortly after giving birth to him. After Ragen lost his father he gathered up his possessions and began to search for someone to spend his life with. Assuming the choice was the Kingdom of Dracoina, Ragen set out on his journey armed wiht just a longsword and cloth Tunic.

    Ragen encoutnred a dragon upon his journey, and bravely killed it. The God of the Dead, Draco Praised Ragen for killing the animal even though it had innocently done nothing, and gave him the ability to planeswalk. The God of The Living, Horrified at him, cursed him with the wings of a Dragon, to forever haunt him. Content with this Ragen continued on.

    As Ragen was Passing through The Temple of The Gods, Ragen fell through a trap door, and noticed a Blade Luminated by a Dark/Holyish Glow. As Ragen Grasped the Hilt of the sword, The Temple Began to collapse. Ragen Quickly Dashed out Due to his planeswalking skills, and Headed toward the Kingdom of Draconia.

  6. #156
    Banned Character Statistics. Hecate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    With my son, living a life.
    Name: Melania Namida

    Age: 17

    Class: The last Black Onyx Mage

    Sex: female

    Appearance: Shimery silver hair/ Icey light blue eyes/ black sleeveless and strapless gown, silver decor on top and hem, flows easily in the slightest wind.

    Special: Summon ( Erebus and Sharla (made up and most powerful) Shiva, Leviathan, Diablos, doomtrain, Bahamut, and any other demon I can think of. )

    main: Black magic (all levels of: Fire, lightning, thunder, water, ice, earth, darkness, light, star, meteor, flare, bio, and basicaly every black magic attack. She's most powerful in black magic, beside summon. Uses black most often and it junctions with weapon.)

    other: time/white magic (The basics: healing/protection/float/shell or reflect.....generaly the main ones. Healing not used in battle unless in a normal rp. )

    weapon: Black Bladed katana named The Myst

    life: No friends or family, she lives alone deep in woods by a lake. The only people she has seen in her life are men who come to challenge her for a battle, and all have either lost or died. She's cold and heartless. She has never reached her full potential as a Black Onyx mage, and is looking for someone who can bring her to terms with her 'inner self'. Not long ago, she found a mna, part wolf, collapsed by her lake. She took him in and healed him, though he wasn't exactly greatful. They were cold but soon became very close, and now they are like brother and sister, and he's the only person she is like this with.....for now...
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-19-2004 at 11:52 AM. Reason: No sig, damnit!

  7. #157
    Name:Exodus Kimado
    Weapons:Broadsword,Summoner stick,Cobra Head Sword,and Lion Head sword
    Appearance:Brown Hair with silver streaks,Grey baggy pants,white muscle shirt,grey shoes,a Grey dragon shirt,or either a Black Trenchcoat
    Accesssories:Spiked braclet,Ying Yang Necklace,Japenese Neclkace,and Biohazard Necklace
    Summons: Dementia,Iris,Shiva,Ifirit,Rumah,Choco/Mog,Titan,and Hell
    Limit Breaks:Bezerko,Rose Red,Bloody Mary,Knights of The Round,and Final Cut.
    Past:Exodus was taught by his master Takami Misuro,Takami taught Exodus until he was old enough to fight.On Exodus's 17th birthday Takami was killed and Exodus killed the people who killed him.Exodus found a kid out by his mansion one day and he took him as his own and he called him Urza.Urza got killed by a man named Xion Nephegious,and he swore Revenge That day On.
    Family:Mother:Rose,Father:Grubby,and sister:Ellis.....
    Last edited by Anidral Or'dan; 10-20-2002 at 03:38 PM.

  8. #158
    PartTimeAngel Character Statistics. Rain Lil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Yo mom!
    Here I go again... I have like.. a lot of characters that I use.. 3. =P I just need to have the ideas bounce around my head for a while.. ^_^

    Character # ONE..

    Name: Kiang Sung Li
    Known By: Denied X
    Short Name: Ki

    Age: 18
    Height: 5' 4"
    Human Race: Korean and Mexican
    Weight: 131 lbs.
    Birthplace: Zakiria - People of Korean & Mez
    Lives Now? : Zakiria
    Languages Spoken: Zakirian, English, Korean, Spanish, and Japanese.
    Skill(s): Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Kendo, Boxing, Kick Boxing
    Martial Arts Belt(in all MA): Black Belts
    Armor: None.


    - Crystal Sword
    Named: Yoshiharu
    Description: A very, long and heavy sword which turns out that the blade that slashes and kills is hollow, only the ones who've died by the sword know why. A small, fancy name "Yoshiharu" is carved in alongside the sharp and smooth blade. On the long, rough handle(great for swinging), an imprint of Y.S.M. lies, unidentified.

    Hair: Long raven black(silky), with dark blood red streaks.
    Eyes: Emerald Green, as the left eye has a few flecks of red, which are unnoticed by others who don't pay attention to her eye.
    Clothes: Different everytime.
    Personality: Nice, funny, smart, and serious at times.
    Quote: "Things are things.. people are people, so what's the difference?"
    Powers' Name: Auctorzia

    - The Burning Desire
    *When Ki uses all of her powers, draining her life, to fight against her opponent, rarely, rarely uses this one.
    - Auctorita Shows
    *The long ago Auctorita comes to show in her Auctorzia and angels from every element come, and do their things in a look-alike cross. Does more destruction than any summon.
    - One Eye Green, One Eye Red
    *Once Tatsuya(the one who gotten powers from Angel) had died, powers from her had formed into Kiang and now Kiang has this power, but the only thing is that it's different. As the name, her right eye stays green, while her other eye turns red. With this, she can command her sword without holding it.
    More but can't explain..

    In a ghetto named Zakiria, a power went to only a few people. Angel and Yoshiharu were the firsts, since years, but then when Angel's lost sister tried to get ahold of Angel's power. Angry and frustrated, she remembered her mother telling her a myth, remembering only a little about how two brothers were fighting, the younger one with the power and the older one who was missing had wanted the younger brother's power. The young brother had eventully stabbed himself, and suddenly, the older brother fell dead in his steps. Angel did the same to herself, and her sister died, her powers going into a young girl named Tatsuya. Shortly, when she turned 29, she was killed in a car accident with her boyfriend.

    Those powers of Tatsuya went into her sister, named Kiang, a problem child. She ran away from home when she was 9 and lives on the streets of Zakiria, having a dream of moving to Zakemarry Kwellz, where the sun opens light and warmness to everyone, where flowers grow and never do stop. People call her Denied X, because she did so many things in her life that made her denied from places in Zakiria. The only thing she doesn't know is that there is a person, just like her, who has the same kind of power... Auctorita. Who could have been keeping Auctorita alive for so long?

    Character # TWO..

    Name: Rain Reign
    Known By: Rain Lil
    Short Name: Rain

    Age: 15
    Height: 5' 4"
    Human Race: Zakirian
    Weight: 121 lbs.
    Birthplace: Zakiria
    Lives Now? : Zakiria
    Languages Spoken: English, Zakirian (Spanish; Korean)
    Skill(s): Tae Kwon Do, Kendo, Kick Boxing
    Martial Arts Belt(in all MA): Black Belt
    Armor: None.


    - Named: Life
    Description: The sword is about 1 foot long, the blade is blue, as water floats about inside, believing to be rain water that could help cure anyone.

    - Named: Rain Liller x2
    Description: Two daggers that do major damage and are fill with a water-like substance that could kill you in an instant if stabbed, but if the person is immortal against water, it can do nothing but stab.

    Hair: Brown which goes down to the middle of her back, and her bangs go to her waist.
    Clothes: Different everytime.
    Personality: Curious, Hyper, almost Funny
    Quote: "Go to the sky when ya fly!"
    Powers' Name: Rainzu

    - Rain Fall
    *When Rain uses her Rain Liller x2 to make acid fall from the skies.
    - Stop is Nothing
    *The long ago Auctorita comes to show in her Rainzu and angels from every element come, and do their things in a look-alike cross. Does more destruction than any summon.
    - Yuhjah the Powerful
    *She makes her Rain Liller x2 turn into Fire Lil x2 and can the dagger at her opponent and kill him/her in an instant, but if immortal to fire, it does nothing but stab.
    More but can't explain..

    Last edited by Rain Lil; 02-16-2003 at 09:16 PM.

  9. #159
    Name: Fenix Day

    Age: 19

    Class: Gunblade Master - 5th degree

    Sex: Male

    Eyes: Dark Grey

    Hair: Short; Black with Golden Streaks

    Height: 5'11

    Weight: 160

    Clothing: Black Cloak with flaming lion stitched onto back; a single silver ring with a lion; belt with small pockets with viles filled with potions

    Contents of Viles: 5 Ethers, 5 Hyper Potions, 1 Last Resort

    Magic: Float, Fire, Blizard, Thunder, Earthquake

    Summons: Griever

    Weapons: Gunblade with 6 shot revolver style pistol with multiple ammo options

    Elemental Bullets: Firaga Shot, Blizaga Shot, Thundaga Shot, Waterga Shot, Earth Shot, Light Shot, Darkness Shot

    Regular Bullets: Armor Piercing, Demolition, Pulse, Shotgun, Automatic

    Special Arts: Renzokuken, Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone, Lionheart

    Philosophy:"Why do it later when you do it now?"

    Ultimate Form: A large vile from the back of his belt is thrusted to the ground and completely covers him in smoke with pieces of light breaking out of the cloud in blinding flashes. Once the smoke is cleared, the cloak is now a bright white and the burning lion on the back is now aflame. The gunblade also undergoes a transformation as it has become a lionheart with a large blue blade with a much more powerful revolver.

    Why he fights: He is journeying the planet as a test to complete his training as a gunblade master. His father died taking this test when he was crossing an old bridge over a large valley. The rope snapped on both sides under the weight. But all the men in his home town are required to do it sooner or later in their life.

  10. #160

    Arrow "Stats"

    Name: Drunken Tiger

    Age: 64

    Sex: Male

    Class: Human / Drunk Fighter

    Height: 5'9

    Weight: 170lbs.

    Birthplace: Florshin

    Lives Now: Florshin

    Skill(s): Shinobi, Intoxicated Tiger (Fights best when drunk, and is always drunk.)

    Weapon: Bare fists, occasionally uses his gourd.

    Hair: White/Gray
    Eyes: Hazel
    Clothes: Green Cerimonial Suit w/ matching cap.
    Personality: Extremely wise, calm, cunning, relaxed.
    "Quote": "There are four words in this word that should be remembered. Cheat Steal Lie and Drink. If you cheat, cheat death. If you steal, steal someones heart. If you lie, lie about your age and if you drink, have on with me!"


    Gourd Gonk: A strike upon the opponents head with his gourd.

    Intoxicated Trife: Takes a swig of his drink and opresses many fierce kicks ot his opponent.

  11. #161
    Age: 25
    Race: Mage/Saiyin
    Height: 4'5''
    Weight: 100
    Occupation: Assasian

    He weilds a staff with the ability to power up magic & summons. The staff is made from titaium.

    He wears a mithril suit covered with a magic barrier. He has a helmet with the same abilities.

    Gradual Petrify

    Bahamut Zero
    Neo Bahamut

  12. #162
    Name: Okami Gravefall(M' When he turns into full wolf form)
    Age: 18
    Race: Were-Wolf
    Height: 6"9
    Weight: 197 lbs.
    Occupation: Drifter
    Birthplace: Hyrule, the town Link protects
    Lives now: He drifts to different places all the time, stopping to only rest
    Skills: Tae Kwon Do, Kendo, Freestyle(His own style), Caporia, Judo, Karate
    A Huge sword called Basco with millions of red engravings on the sides. It is twice the size of Okami, giving him a huge reach
    A Regular pair of Jeans and a large vest that's open
    Hair: Very Short, navy hair (like kyosuke's from rival schools)
    Eyes: Silver
    Personality: Playful, likes to tease, short tempered ,hot blooded
    Quote: "I don't want to hurt you but I'll kill you"
    Skin Color: Tan

    Anger Explosion:
    This turns Okami into a being he calls M' which is the totall different version of Okami except upgraded in EVERYWAY except his mind, he actully goes crazy as Blood Iori would

    Ice Heavens: He calls down the goddess of ice and she grants him the power of ice to use in any form.

    Icey Immunity: Okami is a little immune to ice, not fully, but a little. He can withstand it for a moment, than it starts to freeze him.

    Speed Blast: Okami is always extremly fast, that's just the way he was born. He can blur aroundand not be seen, but his feet are very loud and he can't take many hits if he's running. Just one simple hit could knock him out.

    - This'll be down shortly after I come home from school

  13. #163
    Name: Cathal

    Sex: Male

    Age: 21

    Height: Roughly 6'

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Blue

    Weapons: Cathal's weapon of choice is his Japanese Katana, this weapon is 50" long, and is decorated with delicate engravings along both sides. The sheath is made of wood, covered in highly polished black leather. All the fittings are polished Silver. Cathal's other weapon is a set of throwing knives, which he wears on a belt that runs across his chest. Cathal can throw these 6 knives with an excellant accuracy.

    Magic: Cathal has some good magic skills

    Thunder - Simple lighting attack
    Thundera - Moderate lighting attack
    Thundaga - Devistating lighting attack

    Water - Simple water attack
    Watera - Moderate water attack
    Wateraga - Devistating water attack

    Fire - Simple fire attack

    Ice - Simple ice attack

    Ultima - DEVISTATING MAGICAL ATTACK "Only uses as a last resort."

    Summons: None

    Attire: You will usually see Cathal sporting his Leather pants "not tight" Grey shirt, Long black overcoat, and leather gloves.

    In Battle: In Battle Cathal's physical attacks are quite strong, He has several sword teniques which he uses in quick succession. If he is attacked from a long range "usually by a devoted magic character" He uses his 6 throwing knives with superb accuracy.
    Magical attacks are another way that Cathal fights. But with Cathal, he chose to master mostly the water and lightning elements. He does have magical attacks in fire and ice, but their attacks are relitivly weak. His last magic attack is Ultima, but since this magical attack is so physically draining Cathal will only use it as a last resort.

    Limit break: Hand of God

    This is by far Cathal's Strongest attack. In the "Hand of God" Cathal goes berserk with sword attacks, He'll start by slashing at the head, and make his way down to the feet in very quick succession. Then at the end he takes his sword, points it straight up into the sky and calls forth a VERY strong Lightning attack. The Lighting bolt strikes his sword, and then Cathal points the sword at his opponet creating Several devistating Lightning attacks on the opponet.

  14. #164
    Azyla Kai
    Name: Azyla Kai (partially given name)
    Sex: Female
    Age: 19
    Hair: Brown (lightens as it gets longer due to sun bleaching effect, hint of red in there as well). Half way between butt and knees (very long,) in length. Usually braided from bottom of spine down.
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: roughly 5'5"
    Species: Humanoid (Et-Terran, don't ask)
    Occupation: Summoner
    Summon of Choice (Guardian Summon): Bahamut

    Weapon: Kunéwood Staff (Kunéwood is the strongest wood known to man, strong as sword steel, esp. when it is polished) which are only given to master mages.

    Cure1-mild cure magic
    Cure2-medium cure magic
    Dispel-takes away shields and status changes
    Haste-makes person move faster (rare)
    Slow-makes person move slower (rare)

    If you can name it, she can summon it (Practically a master summoner without the official title)
    Different Summons do different attacks based on battle

    "Limit Break": "Power of Spirit"
    Power of Spirit is Azyla's most rare attack and is used only in aboslutely desperate conditions (essentially she goes temperarily berserk). Casting Recovery on herself and any summons currently involved, haste on herself/summons, slow on opponents, casts ultimabarrier on her "party" (only time she can use a barrier without calling a summon) and calls forth an extremely enraged bahamut. Although the power she puts out is extremely great, if she stays in this mode to long, she will collapse from exhaustion and will become practically comatose. Realizing this, it is her last ditch effort to save what she is fighting for.

    Traveling companion: Domi, the "baby" dragon.
    Domi was a young dragon Azyla found injured. after healing the young dragon, she attempted to return her to her dragon clan. It is here that she realized Domi was essentially a runt in her family, all Domi's brothers and sisters being nearly twice Domi's size. Domi's family rejected Domi. Heartbroken by the great unkindness from Domi recieved from her own family, Azyla decided to become family for the dragon, naming her Domi (ANd ancient language word meaning Love, the one thing Domi seemed to be missing in her life). Domi has never grown past the her current size, which is not all that much bigger (when standing) to Azyla's. DOmi seems to understand Azyla's position when fighting and knows to stay uninvolved, however she will become involved if Azyla's life is in extreme danger.

    Other notes:
    Azyla likes to keep her life to herself, giving as little information about herslef as possible. It has the potential to but her and anyone she knows in very great danger. However she aludes to it every now and then.

  15. #165
    Lady Succubus Character Statistics. Victoria's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Inland Empire
    Blog Entries
    Name: Fujiwara Taiki/Otenaki Kage

    Class: Kage Samurai

    Race: Naikenlar

    Weapon: 3 ft long silver Katana, and when in Naikenlar stage, the blade transforms into a 4 ft long Katana named Kuki.

    Ability: When feeling like he's in a corner and there is no other way out of it, he changes into his Yami Stage. Having no emotion, therefore no hesitations or no mercy.

    Attacks Human Stage: Various Kung Fu, Ninjitsu, and Taekwando techniques. Uses Bare fists and Legs, feet. Also uses a 3 ft long Silver Katana.

    Ki Attacks Naikenlar Stage: Yami Illusion, Surging Slash, Raiken Void, Surging Storm, Shenoki Raiken Slash.

    Ki Attacks Yami Stage: Surging Claw, Surging Fang, Shenoki Raiken Slash 5x, Soul Demolisher, Raiken Void 10x, Kiba of Hades.

    Life: He was very strong at a young age and attended boarding school. There he made only a few friends, and there, his life has completely changed because he found out I was not human, when he was watching my friends get beat up by the Dragon's Eye, possessing a boy named Kyo, he couldn't let his friend Rick end up beat up as well.

    He, Will, and Taiki were the only one's that weren't hurt at all. Will left to take care of Rosa, and only Taiki and Rick were left with Kyo, the boy possesed by the Dragon's Eye. He couldn't let his only other friend end up beaten, so something inside him snapped and out came Otenaki Kage, the Dragon's Eye was a bit more powerful than Kage so he did the only thing that he could and seperated Kyo from the Dragon's Eye and transformed Kyo into a Naikenlar known as Kyosuke.

    He does not know what else happened that day, but when he awoke, everything was back to normal, and the first day of boarding school was over. But years later, when he finally mastered his Naikenlar form, he was travelling through a forest and ran into a strong foe, he was able to defeat him, but he too was defeated.

    Taiki then collapsed near a cottage and stumbled onto a girl named Melania, they were cold at first, but then they began to warm up to each other and became very close. Earlier they both practiced for battle and he has been the only one to make her go her full potential, she has a powerful and beautiful form when she is at her maximum. They are like brother and sister now. And they will do anything to protect each other.

    Also, during a tournament, while Taiki was in the training area, he met this big wolf, that had silver fur, and was 15ft tall, he had similar attacks to that of mine, so he thought that they could train a little, and the wolf began to like me and from then on they have been good friends. Taiki then turned the age of 18 and is now permanently in my Naikenlar form. I am no longer Fujiwara Taiki, now I am Otenaki Kage.

    A lot has happened to Otenaki Kage as his life went on. He is now in his early thirties and has a pupil under his wing known as Mitsu Kana. He tought him everything that he knows. During a vicious battle, Kage's wolf friend was killed and his spirit is still with him to this day because of their strong bond. It was as if he never passed away at all, just transformed to an ethereal form.
    Last edited by Victoria; 09-25-2006 at 03:01 PM. Reason: Updating profile.

  16. #166
    (This is my first character profile so I'll try to keep it short)

    Name: Ashram

    Weapon: A sword called Soulcrusher, it is a medium-sized broadsword that he used to kill Bramd the ice dragon. After killing him, he placed Bramd's eye into his swords hilt.

    Armor: A big black suit of armor

    Class: Black Knight

    Age: 26

    Birthplace: Lodoss Island, also known as "The Accursed Island"

    Skills: Has already faced death, so Ashram is afraid of pretty much nothing, also has great skill with his sword. When he gets mad or hurt, he calls upon his dark dragon, Narse to help.

    Profile: Killed the oldest of the dragons while he was hibernating, and then placed his eye into the hilt of his sword when he was about twenty. He was defeated by a young knight named Parn, and also by a king. King Kashue defeated Ashram in Fire Dragon Mountain, for the Staff Of Power. Upon defeat, Ashram fell into the volcano (I said FIRE Dragon Mountain) and was supposed dead. However, his friend Ghim, casted a teleportation spell, so that Ashram would go somewhere else. After this incident, he destroyed a village by locking the villagers inside their houses, and burning everything to the ground. He was then given Narse, the dark dragon, for his deeds toward the island of Lodoss' destruction.
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-19-2004 at 11:55 AM. Reason: No sig, damnit!

  17. #167
    Name: Beholder or The Beholder
    Race: Created Demon
    Age: Timeless
    Weapon: Wrist blades. One is a Katar blade and the other is a claw blade both supremely sharp and the edges never dull.
    Height: 6'4"
    Weight: 230 LBS.
    Armor: Slight mesh armour is woven into the fibres of his clothing.
    Clothes: Long hip boots that are black in colour, tight fitting pants that are blood red and of a strange fibre. A Long sleeved shirt similar to his pants and a black doublet. He also wears a belt and a cape. The cape is Blood red with a golden trim and the belt is all black with a gold crest of an eye stamped in the middle.
    Eye colour: Red
    Hair: Shoulder length bloody red hair, seems to have been bathed in blood for a prolonged period.

    Ability: Apart from Ki generation Beholder can summon up a blade that was forged in the dimension of his birth, rumoured to be one of the most powerful 'psychic blades' of all time.
    The Sword of the Beholder has a waved blade that finishes in a savage three-pronged tip. The hilt contains a large crystal eye, stained from within by the blood of the fallen, the handle itself is long enough to accommodate both of Beholders hands and the pommel is also a crystal eye, stained from within. The colour of the blade is a magnificent red and silver sheen and the hilt is burnished gold.
    When in possession of the Sword of the Beholder he becomes faster and stronger and it also has the ability to amplify the power of his Ki attacks. During the time of summoning Beholder is possessed by the sword and it will automatically control his movements, furthermore the sword can read the thoughts of his opponents and will force Beholder to counter the move. (This will not work if the opponent is warded against psychic attacks or if they are fighting on impulse. It takes one post to create the sword and it can only last for 3-5 posts before it begins to disperse back to its original plain.

    Attacks: (Mostly based on the method of generating Ki energy to build up fighting ability and perform energy based attacks)

    Titan Fist: - Ki energy is generated and concentrated around the fist, it twists to fit the hand and once Beholder is happy with the amount he throws the volatile, fist shaped, mass at his opponent, which will explode on impact with anything.

    Unholy Aura: - Beholder is surrounded in a black and red energy field, which closely resembles lightning and fire. The aura makes him stronger and faster but he cannot do anything while he is using it. There is no limit for amount of times this can be used and the effect is cumulative however it takes one post to perform.

    Towering Inferno: - Beholder summons up fiery power to surround him. While engulfed in the fire he at once begins to attack, launching his own body forward as a projectile, burning up everything in his wake.

    Channel: - Beholder channels his Ki energy through his body, relieving pain and repairing minor wounds. It can often also stop the flow of blood. If this move is performed Beholder is forced to go into a defensive stance for his next post due to the strain on his energy.

    Seven Eyes: - Seven small 'eyes' of Ki energy surround beholder and form themselves into a larger eye sort of shape, red energy then connects them all and what results is a blast that resembles a cannon in force and sound.

    Other than this Beholder relies on his knowledge of most martial arts and fighting skill to get him through.


    Untaramar Streea: - An attack in which Beholder summons all of the Ki energy that he has in his offensive reserves and generates it all into one large red and black blast.

    Faultless Sikul: - Creates a clear barrier around Beholder that is impenetrable for one post. The barrier is red tinted and transparent but seems to take a lot to sustain.

    Eye of the Beholder: - This is his ultimate limit break and can be boosted using the sword of the Beholder. A large ball of Ki energy is summoned above Beholder and he leaps inside. It continues to grow until he has used up all of his Ki energy and either explodes or is thrown at the enemy. The average size of the blast is 15-20ft in diameter.

    Bio: - Beholder lives in a ream with 17 of his brothers. They were all created for the purpose of guarding a strange artefact that is not to fall in to the hands of anyone. The Beholders were given their own dimension to watch over and as an extra precaution were given the inability to touch the artefact. He loves to fight more so than his brothers but despite this fact he is still the smallest and one of the weakest. He will often move from dimension to dimension between times to battle the best fighters throughout history. He does not tend to hang around in one place very long.

  18. #168
    Michael Strife
    Name-Michael Strife
    Weapon-Leather Gloves and TerraFlare(Sword)
    Weight-90kg( I'm Australian
    Armor-Light Steel Breast Plate and Shoulder pad
    Clothing-Baggy pants that go down to his shoes,normal t-shirt and boots
    Eye Colour-Dark Green
    Hair-Spikey Black hair that goes down to his neck

    Dragon Blade-A normal 3 hit combo with his sword
    Fire Fist- A Fire Elemental punch
    Spiral Sypher-an upward spin slash attack
    MetaFlare-Michael goes into a state of readiness, increasing his speed,attack and movement

    TerraFlare-A numerous Fire elemental sword attack

    Bio:Michael is a kid from the town of Ozma, he competes in numerous tornements to show his skill.Not much is known about him

  19. #169
    ::sigh:: This is probably one of the longest character profiles I've ever made in my life. o.O;;; Woi woi~!!!

    Bio Data Analysis Info #000

    Name ------------------------- Reiko Hyung Cheng
    NickNames ------------------- Rei [ Ji Ji Ganan ], Jeri/Jerika [ Takuya, Chrissy Masi], Jewi{pronouced jeh-wee} [ Soldier #819 ], Amy, Aims, Amos, Amios, Ami-Chan, Ming-Ming and...My? :3 [ Aussie/asian buddies ].
    Age --------------------------- 13 years old.
    Gender ----------------------- Female.
    Hair / Eye Colour ------------ Short black with brown highlights / Brownish Black.
    Blood Type ------------------- A.
    Zodiac Sign -------------------- Capricorn
    Date / Time / Place of Birth -- January 2nd, 1989 / 6:00pm / Kyoto, Japan.
    Height / Weight / Feet -------- 5'0" / 40kg / 22cm.
    Education --------------------- Private School / Academy / Camp Hokkaido Academy AKA C.H.A.
    Best / Worst Subject --------- Kendo & Archery & Mission Training / Science & Socialism
    Worships ---------------------- Expertise suicidalists, sharp objects, money, Yaoi/Shounen Ai.
    Common Phrases ----------- "Yo!", "Uruse naa...", "Kono baka!", "Nuffin...", "Geh...", "Abune abune!", "Oh, ****..." ( what? It's just a word..haha ). "Damnit!", "Ah, shit!", "BAKA!", "Damn..", "Oh shit..", "Holy shit!", "Kuso!", "****!!!"
    Common Action ------------- Showing the middle finger, sticking out tongue, death glaring, fang-like grin, pouncing on people, being silent, awkward look / glare.
    Future Occupation ----------- Death Suicidalist #000, Assassin
    Skills / Abilities --------------- Innocent smile, two-faced attitude, changing voice, listening ability, accurate aim, inactive 6th sense, one minute I'm here; next thing you know it I'm gone, Aburamushi Curse.
    Likes -------------------------- Strawberry snacks, cinnamon buns, chocolate pocky, skates, listening to music, "Devil's Thrill", mixed drinks, violins, playing the piano, playing PlayStation, arcade video games, stuffed toys, extra allowance, small breezes, manga, anime, drawing, receiving sweets, acting before thinking, returning favors ( you whack me, I whack back ), picking fights, sharp objects, yaoi, shounen ai, cross-dressing, suicide, the rain, sake, getting drunk.
    Dislikes ----------------------- Dumbass teachers, asshole brats, people who get in my way, skirts, dresses, too girlish things for my taste, Ji Ji, ego-istics...... ah hell, EVERYTHING.
    Paranoids --------------------- Myself.
    Hates -------------------------- Myself. Life. Everyone. Everything.

    The Character(s) of Reiko Hyung Cheng

    Typical Reiko?
    Known to all aka public

    I can be bouncy and cheerful, but on the other hand, I can be rude and stubborn too. Make sure you have confidence in approaching me, nee? Oh well, that considers mood swings, alright? I'm usually seen pouncing on those I know and hanging around Takuya as well as Ji Ji in school. Umm, I hate exams too. Why can't the Education Ministry get bombed to ashes? Yes, I'm rambling. Hell, I dunno what to say anyway.


    Yeah, I can often see abnormal 'things', which I wished I didn't have the ability to do so. Man, it's hella freaky. I'm just lucky I don't have the real 6th sense. It pays to be normal, you know. But, I won't call myself normal. I'm just weird, maybe. Insane? Truly not there yet. I ramble a lot, that's for sure. Well, so what if I physically look 12? I hold my advantages strongly, heh heh. I admit, I deny things for the fact and can look innocent when I'm actually not. Right now, I think I'll modify this section later, geh.

    "Eh... I have no time for this. Get a life, will you?"

    Weapons --------------------- Kougan Anki; Whimsical Atashi [ cheeky, bratty mood ], Fatalai Havoc; Silent Bekora [ stubborn, silent mood ], Angel Bless; Kinko [ innocent, polite mood ], Shot Gun; Nuclear Bazooka [ bouncy, crazy mood ], Orion Firearm; Banished Gun [ serious, pissed off, I-wanna-kill-someone mood ], Double Edge; Twin Pistol [ paranoid ].
    Currently Using -------------- Orion Firearm; Banished Gun [ serious, pissed off, I-wanna-kill-someone mood ].
    Other Forms ------------------ Youkai [ white bunny-catlike creature ], Fallen Demon [ wings one black, one white each ], Chocolate-Coated Kitten [ when sneezes ].
    Accesories -------------------- Kinko; Youkai Limiter Headband.
    Summons ---------- Nagi; Saber toothed hybrid enigmatic jaguar with the ability to talk as a human's / having many war-like scars around the body.
    Advantages ------------------ Changing voice, portraying two genders out of boredom.
    Weakness -------------------- Pepper.
    People I've Murdered ------- Ji Ji

    Suicidalist Reiko?
    Known in the RP

    A similar reflect to my actually personality, but with define guts and a change in physical appearance. She possesses short chestnut brown hair with the occasional honey streaks as well as bright icy blue eyes. Going with her overall personality, she's more into the tomboyish side since brought up in a tough environment had a deep effect within her. Being the sort of asshole-like she is, insulting people and picking fights is her naturality. From there, she could also be mistaken for a boy despite the fact that she dresses up like one and rarely lets her hair down ( which is most of the time tucked underneath her cap ). Teamwork is often essential, but working alone has been her specialty and she doesn't open up to strangers.

    "I'm not mean, it's just the way I was brought up to be."

    Following that and the RP, Reiko is not at all ignorant from the point of view of those who are close to her. She has her sweet side, thus goes all childish and playful if the situation depends on it; known for her two-faced attitude. Clumsy in the head, she covers it with a laugh and tries her best to create a smile on others. Since her world was starting to change after a certain incident, Reiko still wonders lost in the land of Kyoto with high hopes of returning back to Hiwatari Satoshi's embrace, but little does she know that it was far beyond reach.

    "Able to feel and touch someone's heart, does that mean I no longer exist?"

    Status ------------------------ Suicidalist #000; intermediate level.
    Date of Death ---------------- April 1st, xxxx; Eternally 16 years old.
    Weapons --------------------- Not confirmed.
    Other Forms ------------------ Chocolate-coated kitten [ when sneezes ].
    Accesories -------------------- Cap.
    Skills ------------------------- Inactive 6th sense, accurate aim.
    Summons --------------------- ???
    Advantages ------------------ Imitate as a school student during certain missions.
    Disadvantages --------------- Often mistaken as a boy.
    Weakness -------------------- Seiichirou Tatsumi-sama's allowance cut, pepper.
    Fears -------------------------- Herself, and her change in emotions.
    Partner ----------------------- Suicidalist #114; Takuya Hyu Le.

    Angel Reiko?

    Known in "Devils of Chaos" by Ji Ji

    The personality refered to here is a 13-year-old bratty Reiko who possess short jet black hair with lavender highlights and amber eyes. The real Reiko died from a suicide attempt by slitting her right wrist due to a painful past which she prefers to forget. Despite the fact that she was sent back down to earth is because of the conflict between the Angels and Devils, Reiko roams as the second Angel, currently finding the other five of her destined team members and living with a family who often relates to child abuse.

    "Don't know, don't care."

    She recently befriends Fransuko Chokishi ( Angel No.3; Fire Angel ) and stumbles across her rival with his slight mistook in her gender. Reiko often gets irritated of Kagemi Shiyu's obsession over her best friend and would gladly give the boy a punch in the face. She's more likely to run away from Kei ( Angel No.5; Lightning Angel ) because of his possessiveness over kittens. Kei would often appear to mercilessly snuggle Reiko, especially at the most desperate times. Either than hiding a twisted as well as tormentful past and present behind her laidback attitude, Reiko would be best described as a Fallen Angel; brought to heaven with an intimate purpose.

    "Can a lost soul change God's fate?"

    Status ----------------------- Angel No.2; Dark Angel
    Weapons --------------------- Elemental Blade; First Form, Elemental Chain w/ mace; Second Form, Elemental Daggers; Third Form, Elemental Spiked Boomerang; Forth Form, Elemental Arrow; Fifth Form.
    Other Forms ------------------ Dark Angel [ Black w/ white wings / both differ from each ].
    Accesories -------------------- Cap, Band aid [ located on lower left cheek ], Wrist band [ located on right wrist ].
    Summons --------------------- ???
    Advantages ------------------ One with no heart, apathy, lonered nature, atittude to make people off guard from her aloofness, over excessed hatred over things.
    Disadvantages -------------- Mistaken for a boy and a devil.
    Weakness -------------------- Angel No.5; Kei, Doesn't know when to give up, Panics hard in certain situations, hiccups when gets scared off-guard.
    Rival --------------------------- Devil No.3; Kagemi Shiyu ( Devil Summoner ).
    Last edited by MOMO; 12-27-2002 at 05:43 PM.

  20. #170
    Name: Hobbes Blake
    Sex: Male
    Race: Lycanthrope- Half Human, Half Tiger
    Age: 27
    Height: 6 feet, 5 inches
    Weight: 187
    Hair Color: Reddish-orange
    Eye Color: Black

    Right Hand
    Glove- A simple black leather glove, with the thumb
    covering cut out.

    ~~Upper Body~~
    Shirt- A tight, forest-green, shirt that exposes muscles. The shirt can blend in with most rural surroundings, during the twilight.
    Necklace- A dull gold chain hangs down from the neck. At the end is a dull, gold anarchy symbol.

    ~~Lower Body~~
    Pants- Baggy, forest-green, pants with many pockets. There are two big pockets at the kneecap level, to pockets at the top-back, two pockets at the top-front, and one pocket at the bottom-back of the right leg.

    Left Ear
    Earring- A earring made of nickel in the shape of a skull.

    Soul Bane - A four-foot long, finely crafted sword made entirely out of titanium. It has slight blemishes and chips in it from many battles, but it can still cut practically anything in half, easily. The sword is rumored to have once belonged to a dark necromancer, who enchanted the sword with a dark power. It is said that any who are killed by the sword are trapped in an eternal limbo of torture, many times worse than any perception of hell.

    Lightning Shot - Numerous, glowing, blue lightning bolts appear in the palm of the caster. They quickly dance about in the palm gathering momentum and beginning to glow brighter. The arm is the extended and pointed at the target. The bolts then shoot from the hand and hit the target, shocking them, and, usually, blowing them backwards.

    Bolt Cage - The casters hands are cupped and extended in front of the body. The casters hands rapidly change color between bright blue and yellow. In a quick explosion of light, a glowing, bright, orange ball appears in the cupped hands. The orb then begins to split into shivering blue strands of electricity. The cupped hands are then slowly drawn back, the very quickly extended forward, in the direction of the opponent. The strands then fly from the hands towards the opponent. When they are a certain length away from the opponent, the orb splits, and the strands grow very large, and they surround them and engulf them.

    When Hobbes was only eight years of age his village was attacked by a tiger. This was no ordinary tiger; this was a were-tiger, a being half human half tiger, who could take on either shape. The tiger had killed most of the villagers, then it came to the Blake family house, it killed his mother first. The tiger bit Hobbes, but before it could finish him his father stabbed the tiger with a spear. The tiger was wounded and had only enough strength to kill his father before it, too, died.
    Hobbes was stricken down with a sickness that baffled local doctors. Then, one night, Hobbes felt a strange felling, stranger than usual. He began to change into a tiger. The doctors, seeing this, knew that this was a strange find indeed, and decided to experiment on him. He only changed every once in awhile, until he could do it by will.
    It had been four years since he had been held captive, and he was pretty damn tired of it. One day, he changed into a tiger and broke out of the facility, killing everyone. He now knew that no one could be trusted, man or beast. So decided that he would just have to kill them all, for all the pain that both of their kind had caused him.
    During one fight he took a massive blow to the head that caused him to lose the ability to change into a tiger. Even though that happened he attained the speed and power of a tiger. He has calmed down a bit and no longer kills with out reason. He killed only when he has to, or only those that anger him.
    Last edited by Hobbes; 12-01-2002 at 11:17 AM.

  21. #171
    Lord Have Mercy Character Statistics. Bunny's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Name: Quanlee Fiderus
    Appears- 25
    Actual- 2500
    Race: Unknown.
    Height: 5'7''
    Weight: Unknown

    Long Staff- A staff made of a red material, golden ends with spikes on either side.

    NOTE: Others may be hidden under his robe.

    Tan Leather

    Magics Involving the Elements:

    Forest Rebellion
    Mist of Tognaka
    Forest Awakening

    Blazing Wind
    Winds of Giradelli

    Fires of Vellcendak

    Healing Spring
    Drops of Jurgon

    NOTE: I won't go into spell details but I will detail them in RPB's.


  22. #172
    I have two RPB profiles her is one

    Name:Exodus Kimado
    Weapon:Summoning Stick,Butteryfly Sword (For Hard),Broadsword(For Easy),Throwing Starz,Poison Vial.
    Note:uses the vials to use magic
    Cloths:Grey Baggy Pants,White Tank Top,Grey Baggy unbuttoned shirt
    Spirits:Icera,Hell,Okage,Siren,Trinnity,Harpy Lady,Harpy pet Dragon,Guardian Of The Throne Room,Invader Of The Throne

    Name:Zak Croft
    Clothes,Long White Shirt,Black short Sleeve shuirt overtop of that,Grey Baggy Pants,and Grey Street Skates.
    Weapons:Knife,Pistol,and Silencer for the Pistol
    Accessories:Black Nails,Spikes Bracklet,Grey Japennese Braclet,Bio-Hazard Necklace,Red Sunglasses,and Spiked Glove

  23. #173
    Character Statistics. "Sir Blank"'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Holland ( and proud of it )
    Name : Cairne
    Gender : Male
    Race : human-elf
    Class : Dark knight
    Age : 22
    Height : 2 meters

    Appearance :
    Hair : black
    Eyes : grey
    Wears : An oversized pair of black trousers , a grey blouse with short sleeves . Black boots . All covered by a long black trench coat .

    Weaponry : -A long sword called “the demon blade” . In the holster he wears on his back .
    -A belt with 14 throwing knives wrapped around his middle .
    -2 daggers hidden underneath the sleeves of his trench coat .
    -8 throwing stars hidden inside a compartment in his boots . 4 stars in each .

    Skills : -advanced sword skills
    -medium black magic
    -medium necromancy
    -advanced dark energy controllement

    Biography : Cairne’s father was a human dark knight , his mother was an elven druid .
    They both died when Cairne was away for a few days . He was 16 years then . His parents were attacked by a creature that attacked the village he lives in . The creature disappeared a few hours after it destroyed some houses and a few villagers . Including Cairne’s parents . Cairne got back to the village 2 days after the creature disappeared . He heard of his parents thanks to one his friends that was just leaving the village for a better life . In a blind rage he rushed towards the graveyard . His heart filled with even more rage when he saw the grave of his parents. He hated everyone in the village , they could have prevent the creature from entering the village in the first place he thought . But mostly he hated himself . He hated himself because he couldn’t protect his parents . That was when he turned into a dark knight . He began searching for the creature that destroyed his parent . He found the creature 5 weeks after he began searching . He destroyed it with no remorse , he was proud that he was finally able to revenge his parents . He took the creatures Demon Blade which granted him necromantic abilities and left the village completely . Since then he’s been travelling .
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-19-2004 at 11:23 AM. Reason: No sig, damnit!

  24. #174
    Lady Succubus Character Statistics. Victoria's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Inland Empire
    Blog Entries
    Name: Hitari Se'ni

    Age: 18 in human age, but in elvaan is 115

    Species: Half Human/Half Elf

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Her hair is a shiny light brown, flows down to her mid back. She stands at about 5'9". Her bust is about 38C, she also is wearing white, faded pants, with a greenish tank top that revealed some clevage.

    Weapons: She is weilding both a Katana at her right side, and on her back is a bow with special magic arrows that had various magicks within them.

    Attacks: She has whatever Magic lies in her arrows, but her magic element would be Fire or Water.

    Abilities: Various stealth techniques, and healing techniques. But as of now none. In the near future she will learn to cast the art of Thunder.

    Background: Her background is a mysterious one seeing as she is a half elf. But her father, had fallen in love with a beautiful elvaan woman who had gotten banished from her village. After years of romance they had an adorable child. Which was named Hitari. Though the other elves don't know about her, she was forced to fend for herself when she was old enough to. Her mother and father schooled her at home, which was how she learned her skills in archery and swordsmanship. After 10 years of education and traning, Hitari Se'ni was born.
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-19-2004 at 11:24 AM. Reason: No sig, damnit!

  25. #175
    (Well, here's my attempt for my new one.)

    Name: Seto Kazama
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Class: Highly Skilled Swordsman/ Retired Assassin

    Height- 6 feet
    Weight- 185 lbs
    Eyes- Stormy gray
    Hair- Brown
    a. Pants. He wears loose fitted, khaki jeans, filled with tears and bloodstains from previous battles.
    b. Shirt. His shirt is a a regular t-shirt, with the mark of a red, fierce scorpion in the center.
    c. Shoes. He wears large, black boots.
    d. Outerwear. We wears a black, hooded sweatshirt over himself at many times. It also has the symbol of the strange scorpion on it.
    e. Accessories. He wears a heavy chain necklace on himself.
    Body appearances- He has a large tatoo of a dragon on his shoulder, that stretches far down his lower back.

    a. Angel's Tears- A long blade that is only made for the best warriors. On its handle are encrested diamonds and precious stones. It is been known to glow in battle when the owner is enraged.
    b. Daggers- Short blades that can be handy in his battles.
    c. KnuckleBlade- A Glove that can expose blades coming from each knuckle. The blades can expand to a distance of 10 feet.


    Firibalis- A very useful spell that causes a large fireball to be shot foward at the opponent from a sword. It can only be used when Seto is enraged or is struck with fear. There are exceptions.

    Clone- Not an actual cloning spell. It is a small spell that can cause many Setos to appears side-by-side. Whatever he does, they do along side. These 'clones' cannot cause any damage to the opponent. It just merely confuses the opponent.

    Seto was born in a small village, its name not known. He remembers little of his past, but much of his future. When he turned to the age of 6, he recieved many strange foreshadows. He could see what would happen in the future. Not knowing who to talk to and trust or what to touch, he sets out on a journey to figure out what the strange foreshadows mean. A former assassin, Seto is a skilled swordsmen, and has been known to brutally kill anyone who tries to stop him from his expedition.

    (Well, I tried, I'll add more later)

  26. #176
    Jebus! It's been a while. But I'm not back and ass kicking in RPB!

    Name: Soyokaze Yochimu
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female duh
    Race: Human
    Occupation: Summoner Princess of Yochimu Kingom

    - waist length mauve coloured hair, pulled back in two buns
    - blue bellytop/shoulder-shy/armwrapped shirt. EXACTLY like Jasmine from Disney's Aladdin
    - blue foot length skirt that pulls down on the right side.
    - wear's her mothers star band --> a string of pearls and a diamond gem on the back of her head

    - summoning staff

    - at her age and skill she has not yet obtained the ultamite summons (ie. KOTR, Eden etc...) she has the basics.
    - her summons range from GFs and such to aeons

    Stupid-things-done-in-mid-battle powers:
    - pulling out her cup of tea from no where
    - pulling out her interdimentional mallet/hammer/paper fan

    - she is not a very powerful healer

    - mother was queen on Yochimu Kingdom
    - Soyokaze is clairvoyent: forsaw her mother's immediate death in a dream, woke up, ran to her mom's room
    - glass shattered, ninjas jumped in through wall wide window, assassinated her mother
    - Soyokaze took the throne at age of 5
    - the star band was her mother's

    - married to the time traveler: Mydako Matari
    - still ruling her kingdom, but lives humbley with her husband
    - 2 sons

    - only Time will tell

  27. #177
    Name: Misato Anami
    Age: 20
    Height: 5'8
    Race: Half Mortal/Half Angel

    Appearance: Check the Fantatic's Tower if you want to see Misato
    Eye Color: Silver, sometimes Crimson
    Hair Color: Black

    The Lucilas Blades, born from the heart of Misato as she visited her mothers grave. Twin blades opposing one another in appearance and power. Athena, the sword of the mortals, is white with black lining and a black leather hilt. Athena holds the power to heal. Lucifer, the sword of the underworld and the heavens, is black with silver lining and a while leather hilt. Lucifer holds the power to destroy.

    Misato was orphaned at the age of 6, her mother, Lynn, murdered. After spending the rest of her childhood in the Aylanian Orphanage, Misato was released after she turned 18 to go live her life. Getting into fights ever since she was little, Misato began to train constantly after she was released. Wandering in the forests of towns, Misato protected the towns she passed through from the darkness that resides in all. No one approches her ever. She was known for her silver/crimson eyes and her pet phoenix, Artemis that sits upon her shoulder. Only one approached her, they fell in love, until they discovered of Misato's background.
    Lynn Anami, Misato's mother was an angel of heaven and was a protector of the planet, a guardian. She fell in love with a man and Lynn defied the warnings of heaven, for she was forbidden to love a mortal. But it was too late, Lynn was pregnant and she was shunned by the well as her lover.
    Misato's lover had done the same, revealing he wanted her purely for her beauty... Leaving her did something terrible to Misato. She never held human contact with another again. She wandered the streets with an even gloomier look. She rarely spoke to anyone, only Artemis she talked to. Though she is powerful, her loss of her loved one created a setback in her powers. Though from it came her wings, the evidence of her mother. People started to recognize the reseblence between Misato and the legend guardian of the planet, her mother Lynn.
    Misato's father found out about her. Her father, the King of Aylana wanted to learn about his daughter, finding out about her power. Misato was dragged to the palace where her father wished to make her guardian of Aylana. Misato left Aylana with a struggle, being fought all the way out, and has been running since. Her father has somewhat given up on finding her, but when the opportunity presets itelf, he searches for her.
    Now Misato simply lives at night in the shadows when no ones around, and wakes to witness the sunset/rise. Artemis accompanies her everywhere, being her pet since she can remember and disappears into the sun at certain points. Artemis and Misato are bonded, therefore, she can see through his eyes, and he can warn her.

    Curative: Cure-Misato can always use this, only when she is hurt too badly or cannot concentrate is when she is unable to do so.
    Misato can also use fire, lightning/thunder, and water.

    Phoenix Glare: Usually when Misato becomes frustrated or her emotions tend to run high, her silver eyes turn to crimson and she uses the power of earth and fire, first sending tremors through the ground, followed by a fire attack.

    Heaven's Touch: Misato has the power through touch. Using her ability, Misato can either take/lend energy to opponents/adversaries. Once, her power has proven harmful to her, causing her pain, not the enemy, but never again has it happened.

    Tears of Zeus: Misato unleashes a number of lightning and thunder attacks upon her opponent.

    ---Willbe updated---

  28. #178
    Character Statistics. Malevolence's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Jeez, I think I really AM living in Tolwyn right now...o_0
    Bringin' back the Old Skool...

    My FIRST CHARACTER EVER from when my Username was Khellendros...good lord. I'm gonna use him in the next Insomnia Tournament Round...that should be fun...

    Character 1

    Name:Khellendros Byhartu Kronos
    Race: Dracon
    Age: 234
    Height: 8'3"
    Weight: 672 lbs.
    Hair: Ivory Horns
    Class: Warrior
    -Stormspire, the Katana of Lightning and Frost. Once owned by Tempestus, god of Storms and Weather, Stormspire was is instrument of creating storms, lightning, snow, hail, rain, or any other weather condition known. The sword is covered in glowing blue runes, each representing one element of the Perfect Storm. It was given to Khellendros by Tempestus, in hopes of furthering Bahamut's cause, to which Tempestus was a sympathizer.
    -Scabbard of Health: A magically enhanced, jewel encrusted scabbard, this sheath allows Khellendros to slowly heal his wounds, some faster than others depending on the extremity of the wounds.
    -Elven Demon Ward Mithril Chainmail psionically grafted to skin

    Sonic Boom

    Frigidus: Khellendros thrusts Stormspire into the ground up to the hilt. The ground freezes over with ice that is indestructible except by fire or natural heat, making it physically impossible to stand up.
    Element Slash: Stormspire becomes charged with either the power of Ice or Lightning, and a large slash is made with the weapon. A shockwave of elemental energy extends itelf from the blade, striking the opponent
    Spirit Slash: Stormspire becomes charged with ki energy, and deals extra damage to undead, demons, devils, or makes any other type of opponent overwhelmed with the power of Khellendros' mind and body
    Bolt: Stormspire fires a bolt of either Ice, Lightning, or ki energy.
    Crane: Khellendros assumes the Crane stance, a partially defensive pose, allowing Khellendros to use an opponent's own energy against them (avoid a charge and trip the opponent, for example)
    Breathe Lightning: Self explanatory
    Sonic Emissions: Can be used to shatter objects, tear holes in opponents' flesh, or drive opponents insane
    Control Weather: Also self explanatory

    Limit Break:
    Power Bolt: Stormspire fires any combination of the normal Bolt powers.
    Omnielement: Stormspire charges with the powers of Ice, Lightning, and ki energy, and Khellendros makes 12 extremely fast slashes with the weapon. Each strike cracks like a whit, since the tip of the sword breaks the sound barrier each time.

    Final Limit:
    Draconic Rage: Khellendros reaches down into his pure Draconic side, and unleashes the fury of over 10,000 years of oppression by higher forces and death by ignorant "dragonslayers" who knew nothing of a Dragon's true intent against his opponent. His body explodes with an aura of lightning, decimating all it touches. This is also known as the madatory "I'm gonna die otherwisem, so here comes an apocalyptic assault" move

    Khellendros pic I drew, coloring courtesy of GunbladeMaster
    Last edited by Malevolence; 01-31-2003 at 11:28 AM.

  29. #179
    Okay, here is my new character:

    Name: Alazais Valoix du Paix
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown
    Hair: White
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 6'1"

    Weapons: Rapier, Long Dagger

    Armor: Heavy trench coat, mask

    Spells: Mid level black, low level white

    I'll update this later with his appearance, skills and background

  30. #180
    Name: Luna
    Age: 411 yrs old ( real young looking)
    Sex: Female
    Height: 6' 11''
    Weight: 220 lbs
    Hair: Silver; waist-length
    Eyes: Red
    Race: Demon
    Weapons:F137- a flamethrower
    Lunar Rod- channels magic attacks
    Clothes: Short black metal dress
    MAGIC: Darkness Seal- showers field in darkness
    Mist of Flames- thick fog of flames surruonds opponents
    Rampage- summon demons to attack opponents
    Lunar Assult- meteor shower damages opponents
    Chain Reaction- counter attack with multiple fire balls
    Air Assult- summons pheonixes to attack opponents
    Dark Fog- cloud of poison surruonds opponents

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