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Thread: The Challenge of The Thunder Swordsman

  1. #1
    Maker of Long Posts (Often Offline) The Challenge of The Thunder Swordsman Totakeke777's Avatar
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    The Challenge of The Thunder Swordsman

    OOC: For this RPB, I will be using Rai. (Look for my account name in Character Statistics)

    Rai, the rumored Thunder Swordsman, left another of his ex-combatants in a flaming field. The once-beautiful plains were now a burnt wasteland.

    "This... This is not what I wanted. I wanted a challenge, not an assault. I won, but, I feel that I destroyed too much. The plains are destroyed now. And it's all my fault. Why?..."

    Rai had relatively recovered from his shock. Doing his Overdrive made him feel tired. It had been a very long time since he had to use it.

    Rai was now ready for another challenge. Battling made him feel more powerful. His energy was recharging faster. He looked to the skies.

    "Now, I am ready for another challenger. Anyone is free to challenge me. Just come now. I cannot wait the extensive time I did before..."

    Rai said, remebereing the time he had waited for somebody to step up. This time, however, he would wait. A quality warrior would come sometime soon. Rai could not help but feel anxious. He was going to fight again. This time, he would be prepared.

  2. #2
    Illidan was walking through the destroyed plains and noticed a body, not moving in the fields up ahead. When Illidan got to the body he could not make out most of the features because of the injuries on his face and torso. The person’s sword lay next to him broken in half.

    “Who could have done this to such a person?”

    Illidan looked up at the night sky and then to the right were he saw tracks of another person going away from the battle. Illidan got up and followed the tracks for a few minutes but suddenly he came to a halt when he saw a person a few yard from him sitting in the grass with his sword in his lap, just waiting.

    “Hey……. Hey you with the sword.”

    After a few minutes and no reply Illidan started walking towards the person and as he got closer he could feel a strong presence radiating from his body. Illidan had a thought of turning around and going back the way he came but that thought went away as he thought of the man in the fields that is dead. When Illidan reached him he looked him into the face and saw that his eyes were closed.

    “Did you kill the man back their in the fields? Answer me.”

    When the man did not answer Illidan went for the sword on his right. As his hands went smoothly around the hilt of the sword and silently took it out of the sheath, the mystifying man suddenly opened his eyes and was now staring at the blade that was inches from his throat.

    “This is the last time I will ask this. Did you kill that man back their?”

  3. #3
    Maker of Long Posts (Often Offline) The Challenge of The Thunder Swordsman Totakeke777's Avatar
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    "That man you saw... I do not know what happened... The only man I challenged was a man by the name of Andrew. He was a gun Mage. The man over there had a sword. Andrew... He is gone now, after my Overdrive. That man must have been caught in the maelstrom. Not my fault."
    Rai knew that he was partly responsible for the man's death. He was too overwraught with all the destruction done to the fields to admit to anyone or even himself that he unintentionally killed the man.

    A blue flash streaked across the sky. Anyone within a one mile radius would know that it was Libra.
    "Illidan... That name... I.... Recognize it..."

    Rai quickly banished the thought.
    "Well, what do you want?"
    Rai said in a relatively peaceful but alert voice.
    "What brings you here?"

  4. #4
    “I am looking for the man the kill that person back their in the fields. I am also looking for a man named Rai. On that though you look a lot like Rai. You are Rai aren’t you?”

    Once Illidan figured this out he took his shimmering, ruby red blade an leap back a step. Then he crouched down into a fighting position. He cleared his throat and began to speak but before he opened his mouth Rai jumped to his feet and looked him straight in his royal blue eyes.

    “So you are Rai. Well then draw your weapon and let’s get on with it.

    Illidan knew how dangerous his opponent was with his sword so he gave him no chance. In one graceful movement Illidan jumped up and twirled around as to make a tornado. As he came down he came down head first with his sword in front of him. If this went threw he would kill Rai in one turn.

  5. #5
    Maker of Long Posts (Often Offline) The Challenge of The Thunder Swordsman Totakeke777's Avatar
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    Rai knew that there was no chance of talking now. Illidan's attack was quick, but slightly expected. A man of his stature would of course do some sort of sly trick to defeat him. Rai's Masamune flashed in the sky. The swords clashed in the air. A loud clanging noise was heard. Rai pushed as hard as he could manage. This battle was far from over.

  6. #6
    Illidan jump a few feet back. Illidan knew that if he wanted to kill Rai he would need to come up with a new attack combo and fast. As he thought of an attack that would injure or even possibly kill his opponent, his ears opened up to the world around him. Illidan could hear the whistle of the breeze around him; he could hear the birds chirp as they flew overhead. His other senses also felt more sensible. He could feel the soft breeze on the back of his hand and threw his face. He could smell the stench coming from his opponent he could also smell the beautiful odor of the earth. His vision did not get better but his touch did. Illidan could fell all the small cracks him the handle of the sword and could still fell the faint vibrant of the swords crash with Rai.

    It felt like hours before he actually came up with a plan but he knew that it had only been a few minutes. Illidan started to run at a jogging pace forward. His speed increased as he got closer, his sword still at his side. When he was just beyond arms length of Rai, Illidan slid across the rest of the way. He would try to go for his legs instead of his head. He let out a loud war cry and brought his sword around as to cut right threw his leg.

  7. #7
    Maker of Long Posts (Often Offline) The Challenge of The Thunder Swordsman Totakeke777's Avatar
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    Rai flicked his sword down to protect his leg. He felt a powerful push and threw back the oppnent's sword. Rai received a slight graze on his leg. Rai quickly countered the attack by making a sweeping motion with his sword. Rai's mind was reeling.

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