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Thread: Amidst darkness and decay

  1. #1

    Amidst darkness and decay

    (OOC: This is my first RPB in quite a while. I'll accept any opponent, as long as they can write more than a single paragraph (Or two liners as from what I've been seeing). My character profile is probably still the latest in the stat's thread + I need the ok from my opponent on summonings or not)

    A dense overcast of cloud hung like withering ghosts in the night’s sky over the city. The pale glow of the moon only aided them in their majestic haunting of the fearful mortals below. But they didn’t show it. They felt safe in their city of cold steel, of glass, of filth and decay that seethed and perpetrated every fibre of existence that dwelled within its metallic walls. All was dark except for the untouched heavens that watched with a hardened stare.

    The stars shall judge you all and I will be their messenger to you soon enough’

    A top the highest of the metal giants that loomed over the people below, Kotosho sat, his mind lost within his thoughts. All around him, even in this place of men and machines, he could feel the winds of magic on his skin. It was faint but untapped, like a slither of string suspended around everything. Yet at his command, he could call it all forth to his body, feel its warmth wash through him, renew his body with a youthfulness he always thought lost to his years of study and training. It was his food, his drink, his air in the pollution.

    Wind blasted around him. The high altitude that would have caused many to shiver with its icy chill felt like a summer’s breeze to the young mage. The magic he clung onto and held in reserve maintained his survival in even the harshest of environments. But still, the beast within his necklace drank from it; slowly, drop by drop, it savoured each taster of power it received. It was better to keep it appeased and under control with as little he could give it without being drained or having his soul devoured by it.

    In his contemplation, he felt the beat of the city, the beating hearts of all those around him. Some faded whilst others sprang up and entered the miserable existence they would come to know as life. The feeling of being watchful on such a large area gave Kotosho an egoistic feeling, a feeling of being like a god. Although his mission was to judge on the behalf of others, he felt as if it was his own purpose, his own reason to be doing this. And when the time was right, he would break those restricting chains of his masters and arise to Godhood. He would be the one commanding mortals to judge. Or better yet, doing it himself for whatever self desire he wished.

    But the swelling thought passed back into the stream of his mind. It has amused him to think like that, as if it was entertaining to do something as that. But secretly it was stored for him to eventually fulfil. As his mind continued wandering the surrounding area, it became less aware of the space he was in. Slowly, his own surroundings became numb, the life force became dimmer and he was looking over a different part of the city all together. However, caution begged him back, something was amiss in the ever thickening darkness of night.
    Last edited by Itachi Uchiha; 04-19-2009 at 09:26 AM.

  2. #2
    Twilight's Enigma Amidst darkness and decay Sato Arashi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    In the middle of light and dark
    Takensai entered a city after walking for hours from the north. His great sword clanked with each heavy step as he walks deeper into the city, looking around. It gave a sinister feeling that ran deep down his spine. Takensai saw that the people were in fear of something, but hid it well, the atmosphere also gave the sinister feeling. Something wasn’t right in the city, Takensai noted as he walks into a bar.

    “Eh? You want to know what’s happening in this city? Sorry, I don’t know kid.” The bartender said, cleaning glass as he did his job. Takensai flustered his hair at the answer, not even anyone is telling him what’s going on. He walks out of the bar with a deep sigh; he would probably have to do the job blindfolded. He starts walking down the street, looking for something that would lead to a clue of the trouble in the city.

    Takensai came around an alley when something struck him. The sinister feeling was stronger here, and was able to identify what it was. A demon? Takensai thought as he runs around, looking for the exact location of the source of the feeling.

  3. #3
    In the emptiness of his mind, Kotosho could see the life-forces of each individual in his surrounds; that trace of magic that clung and gathered on souls, like moths to a flame. But this one that scurried like a rat in a maze blazed brighter than any of the others in the area. He thought it was safe to assume that this greater power had already sensed his own. From the rapid movement and slow progression towards his position, it seemed being in a much higher place confused his ‘friend’.

    Opening his eyes, he saw the contrast between night and city. That unusual clash of midnight light and bleak cold city darkness. Memories rushed like a raging river through his mind as he remembered how it should have been different, how the city was suppose to light up the night. Truly, it must be, he thought to himself, this is a sign of the corruption of this place and that all must fall.

    The persistent nature of his hunter annoyed Kotosho. It was like watching a fly hover around the blue light, that alluring glow that would prove to be its demise if it got too close. As it would be with this person, this being. He would get too close, expecting something less than what he was and would be crushed without mercy, without prejudice, without any feeling other than justice. This was the judgement of the heavens, it could not be defied, it could not be avoided.

    Coming to his feet, he strolled over to the edge of the roof top and looked down upon the blackness below. Small dots of light glittered like dying stars below him, providing little aid for aiming. ‘It’ll have to be done by sense’ he thought. Pulling the hood over his head and fastening the cape tighter and covering him more, Kotosho extended his right arm out of his shrouded form. Eyes closed, he called upon the winds of magic around him, feeling it brush against him slightly before the rush of power coursed through his body.

    He had his target set in his mind, it wasn’t hard to locate. Focusing the magic, he sent it to his right arm with little effort as he bent and shaped it with his will. From his finger tips burst small embers of fire that raged against the gale-force winds. Quickly the flame covered his hand and moved up to his elbow. The sensation was always odd. It never burnt him or his clothes; it was almost like being tickled as a child. As quickly as the flame had rose up his arm, it shot back down to his finger tips. The embers were now head sized balls of blazing fire that begged to be released. With a thought they fired, each breaking off in their own direction. But they knew where to go. As they travelled ever fast downwards to their desired target, the force of his power was witnessed by all as windows shattered and glass fell like thousands of diamond blades to the unfortunate civilians.

    ‘Hopefully the target will be able to handle this gesture.’

  4. #4
    Twilight's Enigma Amidst darkness and decay Sato Arashi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    In the middle of light and dark
    Takensai stops and turns around to hear screams of people in their homes. Before he could budge, a fireball came out from a corner, heading towards him. Yelped in surprise, Takensai turns around and breaks in a run. Something was fishy, Takensai thought. About a mile or so, another fireball came from a corner a couple of feet away. Takensai stopped and was about to turn into another alley, but a fireball was coming at him from there too. “Tch.” Takensai managed to blow through his teeth, he has no other choice, and he has to scale a wall.

    Takensai turns to a wall and runs into it, picking his feet up on the side and tries to run up the wall, trying to maintain his balance so that he can reach the top of the building. With success, Takensai grabbed the edge of the roof and pulls himself up, somersaulting to land. Takensai turns around as he drew his great sword, seeing the fireballs coming up and go on a collision course with him. Takensai took the moment to focus energy, the energy of an exorcist, into his sword, and swung in the air. A greenish-white energy wave was produced from the swing and made a collision course with the fireballs.

    The explosion created a small shockwave, which made Takensai loose his balance for a moment, but the threat was over. Takensai gave a small sigh of relieve before looking around. On one of the rooftops, he could see something, but not clearly, a silhouette indeed. Takensai tossed his sword to his mutated left hand, and starts running to the silhouette, jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

  5. #5
    Eyes unwavering from the position of the target, Kotosho watched with complete accuracy and awareness of what was happening. As his fire spells closed onto the pest, he sense and was witness to the explosion of power within the being, now assumed human from its rough shadowy frame. Within an instant, there was a clash of opposing forces and his spells were reduced to nothing with what seem like a flick of the wrist. Or his opponent had no realisation on how much power they unleashed.

    Still he stared with relentless concentration. The target was moving closer to him, skipping from the rooftops, ever higher, towards Kotosho’s position. It wouldn’t be long until he was in range for close quarters combat, the one thing the mage detested. It drained him all the more to defend from physical hits and worse yet, his opponent seemed to possess a weapon that could channel he could unusual magic energy.

    ‘Better to tire him out or injure him with the time I’ve got’ was the only thought, the only objective in Kotosho’s mind as he called upon the winds of magic around him once more. The rush was more sustained as he created a direct access for the magic to run through him, to feed both himself and the crystal. He prayed it held and supplied him with enough through the messy affair. Closing his eyes, his mind locked on to the target. The power that coursed through his veins pumped with unnecessary vigour, as if the magic had grown a conscious and thirsted for blood; and he would satisfy its need.

    Raising his arms high and to the right, he forced all the magic to both hands this time. As he further concentrated the energy, compressing it, bending it, until it was shaped and utterly dependant to his will, a strange glowing emblem appeared on the flow. Its circular shape was lined with symbols of a dead tongue; its centre was filled with abstract images of what seemed to be a moon, the stars and coursing lines that withered and moved in-between it all. The lines grew, becoming solid and extending outwards into the third dimension. This whipped out at the air, catching unseen flies, crushing them in their iron grip.

    As the power grew, so did the tendrils of magic until, in a diagonal sweep, Kotosho let his arms fall and the chaotic energy ripped into what misshapen existence it had. In an arced wave of distorted reality, the attack soared with a raging brutality and drew all within to it, tearing them to shreds, and at the same time, rejecting everything. Bent steal, shards of broken glass and other objects that were gathered in the growing destruction were reshaped and destroyed, recomposed and then gone again in an instant.

    ‘I wonder how he handles this one’ Kotosho mused to himself as a strange, almost amused smile, gathered on his shadowed face.

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