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Thread: Web Community Help Thread

  1. #91
    Okita Soushi
    Quote Originally Posted by Sephira
    Elaborate more if you could. The "fancy text styles" are based mostly on pretty text and in Messy's case, a layer option - Overlay I think. Havent really used Photoshop in ages so I'm rusty. Shapes can be made through pen tool and/or making shapes and distorting them with Free Transform or Filters. If youre talking about what's in kČ's banner, that's with 3DSM. Or you could try to make it by randomly freetransforming and layer optioning shapes.
    Sorry if I can't elaborate any further. I think it's better if I showed a sample banner that I saw.

    I would like to do that one. Oh, and are there any tutorials available for Photoshop on the net?

  2. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Okita Soushi
    Sorry if I can't elaborate any further. I think it's better if I showed a sample banner that I saw.

    I would like to do that one. Oh, and are there any tutorials available for Photoshop on the net?

    Ah. Ever heard of "fonts"? As in different text styles. These are downloadable, and there are lots (I mean it) of free fonts. There are a few fonts you have to buy but most of them can be found on free websites anyway. In my opinion the best website for free fonts is... - In both French and English... Is well organised with almost all fonts.

    Also, you can edit the font by a little tool called rasterizing, which converts the text layer into a graphic layer, treating it like an image - so you can draw on it, filter it etc. - rather than a text layer - that you can edit the type style, words, color etc. One word of warning before rasterizing is that after you've rasterized a layer you vannot edit what you've written.

    It looks like the font used in the banner is either SG or one of the 04 fonts. 04 fonts are some of the best fonts avaible, so check out .

    And there are litteraly hundreds of thousands of Photoshop Tutorials online, for example the adobe website has a few, although to be honest they are not that great. Just search for them. A good starting point is , though it is not by a long shot complete. Just look around, use google or whatever, until you find what you want. Oh, and it can be quite hard, so good luck .

  3. #93
    Web Community Help Thread Sykes's Avatar
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    I know it's been asked, but it wasn't really replied, does anyone know the code for random images?
    Like the images in the top left corner of-
    Changes each time it loads.

  4. #94
    Can i just anyone aloud to take requests for sigs and/or avatars?

    I was thinking of opening a shop. ^^

    But i'm not sure if you need any special privailages or not.


  5. #95
    TFF Veteran Strong Bad's Avatar
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    Yo, Dawgs. I got some quick questions for ya...

    I'm interested in starting my very own website. A ".com" if you will. I was just wondering how I would come about doing such a thing, I figure you would buy the domain name off of something and pay a monthly fee. Any idea where I sign up..and the price?

    Also, I'm VERY interested in learning how to properly use flash and design my own flash cartoons. I'm planning to make a business in it actually, so.. Any suggestions/help would be much appriciated.

    -Thanks, dudes.
    <img src="">
    <img src="">
    My Flash E-card

  6. #96
    Lady Succubus Web Community Help Thread Victoria's Avatar
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    I'd personally suggest, it's like.. 8$ a year, not month.
    As for site hosts.. I'm not sure what to suggest. o_O;

  7. #97
    Web Community Help Thread Sykes's Avatar
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    Where I am annoyed with custom user title lengths!
    Quote Originally Posted by Strong Bad
    Yo, Dawgs. I got some quick questions for ya...

    I'm interested in starting my very own website. A ".com" if you will. I was just wondering how I would come about doing such a thing, I figure you would buy the domain name off of something and pay a monthly fee. Any idea where I sign up..and the price?

    Also, I'm VERY interested in learning how to properly use flash and design my own flash cartoons. I'm planning to make a business in it actually, so.. Any suggestions/help would be much appriciated.

    -Thanks, dudes.
    Assuming you got some basic HTML skills or some FrontPage type programs. I'd suggest 1and1.

  8. #98
    o.o Is this the right place to ask about photoshop?

    If so....

    What is a mask, and how do you use it? I haven't found anything on this subject...
    Congratulations, Jecht: You are a massive sea slug that spews toxin, and your son is an anal retentive sponge.

  9. #99
    sure, go for it. nobody's posted anything in this thread for months anyway.

  10. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by chocobo07
    What is a mask, and how do you use it? I haven't found anything on this subject...
    Masks let you isolate and protect areas of an image as you apply color changes, filters, or other effects to the rest of the image. When you select part of an image, the area that is not selected is "masked" or protected from editing. You can also use masks for complex image editing such as gradually applying color or filter effects to an image.

    In addition, masks let you save and reuse time-consuming selections as alpha channels. (Alpha channels can be converted to selections and then used for image editing.) Because masks are stored as 8-bit grayscale channels, you can refine and edit them using the full array of painting and editing tools.

    For a tutorial on Masking visit,
    <br><center><img src=""><br><img src="" border="0"><br>

  11. #101
    Hah, you saved my bread pudding (has no clue, either). ^^; Thanks!
    Congratulations, Jecht: You are a massive sea slug that spews toxin, and your son is an anal retentive sponge.

  12. #102
    well, i would like someone i know well around these boards to become a super moderator on my boards, i have DarkViVi as an admin but i need more staff (check it out and join please!)

    but anyone who wants to help or join click here:


    thanks guys!

    Mod edit: advertising is not allowed, so put it in your sig instead
    All will be waiting in fear for my return...

    Dragoon Joe - Back with a vengence!

  13. #103
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Your website looks quite nice, but I don't like dark colours. Also may I sugest your own banner for it and perhaps your own images, I would be willing to help but I already am working on many other things at the moment, but if you are using phpBB I know a tiny bit.

    Anyway, what I came to ask for was if somebody is willing to help me with a page, I know the basics of a page, with tables and stuff, but what I really want is some help with buttons and stuff. I want to make buttons that highlight and stuff when you click on them. Basically I want the layout to have a side panel, preferably that doesn't scroll, just as part of the page. Also a pull down menu, kind of like the forms, but with out the windows looking apperance, I think it is Java script. Anyway if somebody is willing to guide me through making it that would be great, I would ask for it to be pre-made but I want to make it for myself.

  14. #104
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Web Community Help Thread Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    Okay, got a few Photoshop questions for the 1337 photoshoppers out there, since I just got Photoshop 9, and i was kinda wondering a few things

    1.) Text- The wordart-esq stuff, how do you get anything like that, all I have been able to find is entering normal test in different fonts in different colours, basically, just normal arse-d font, I need something to help my text to stick out in my avatars and siggies.
    2.) The glowy green colour, kinda like the matrix type colour, anyone know how to do something like that?

    You're most active in: Cleft of Dimension · 452 Posts

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  15. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkDragoon
    Okay, got a few Photoshop questions for the 1337 photoshoppers out there, since I just got Photoshop 9, and i was kinda wondering a few things

    1.) Text- The wordart-esq stuff, how do you get anything like that, all I have been able to find is entering normal test in different fonts in different colours, basically, just normal arse-d font, I need something to help my text to stick out in my avatars and siggies.
    2.) The glowy green colour, kinda like the matrix type colour, anyone know how to do something like that?
    Not sure what you mean by the 'glowy green color', but if you double-click on a text layer you will get the Default set of tools and filters you can apply that come stock with Photoshop.

    There are several "Glow" features in your toolbox at your disposal. All you have to do is check the box, and select various attributes that make it look the way you want to, and of course your "Green Color"
    <br><center><img src=""><br><img src="" border="0"><br>

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